Two Weeks Later
A-List Magazine
Manhattan, New York
Day of Fashion Show
[In The Fashion Closet]
It's been two weeks of utter chaos with the media, models, photographers, planners, makeup artists, hair and wardrobe stylists, venue preparations, the guests on the guest list and I could go on and on.
Who knew planning a fashion show took so much work? But it does. The end result is spectacular, but the planning isn't.
At least Justin tried his best to bring out the fun side of it for me, which worked well because it helped me to forget how pressed for time we were.
I've spent a lot of time these past two weeks with both Justin and Robert. I've gotten to know them a little better and understand their distinct differences as well as similarities which make them mesh well together.
They're both great men in their own sense and I'm glad for the opportunity to work with them, but oh my god! This day needs to end and soon.
"Tai, did you get the persons responsible for the venue on the line? What did they say?" Justin storms into the fashion closet where I'm currently sitting going through the fashion show checklist with Gem.
We both lift our heads to look at his anxious self and I sigh while tugging on my long-sleeved white blouse.
"I did. The show is scheduled for 7pm tonight as requested. Everything's a go with the models, guests, media, photographers, makeup, wardrobe and hair people. Relax, I have everything under control." I tell him but he seems to be visibly panicking.
"Relax? It's like...minutes to four pm now! We only have three hours left before show time and you're telling me to relax!?" Justin asks incredulously and both Gem and I bust out into laughter which only causes him to stare at us confused. "What's so funny? This is serious."
"You're way too wound up Justin." Gem quips and he groans while passing his hands through his hair.
"Are you sure we're ready Tai? Are you ready?" He asks and I flinch, breaking eye contact with him.
"Yes. I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Robert was great with getting me the training and pointers I needed to do this." I guess it's obvious now that I indeed decided to do the whole modeling thing for them.
Sean told me it would have been career suicide if I didn't. Good ole Sean. I even got him an invitation to the show because he just has to see his baby sister ‘strut her stuff' on the runway as he puts it. Justin handled the news well too which surprised me. He simply said that it was a good idea and he believed that I could do it. He never once mentioned Nella which had me wondering if the all speculation by A-List employees about him and her were even true, but I guess I'll find out eventually.
"Yeah, you've spent a lot of time with my brother these past few weeks." Justin points out and I notice Gem raise a brow at his statement.
"I've spent more time with you though, planning this fashion show." I retort and he smirks before rotating his shoulders in pain.
"I guess." He yawns slightly and I feel bad now. He looks so tired and overworked from all of this.
"You know what? I think you need to relax a bit." I suggest and Justin chuckles.
"Again with the relaxing? I'll relax when this show turns out to be a success and it's over." He smiles but I shake my head in protest.
"No, sit down." I instruct before moving over to him and pulling a chair into his line of sight.
"Excuse me?"
"Sit down Justin. Don't make this hard." I demand and he laughs but sits down anyway.
"Should I be worried?" Justin asks out of concern and I roll my eyes.
"Don't look at me." Gem raises her hands in defeat before moving back to her workstation to finish the final stitches on some of the dresses.
"Just stay put." I instruct before I round his sitting form to stand behind him.
"Uh Tai, I don't think..." But his voice instantly dies in his throat when my hands connect to his tense shoulders and I begin kneading them gently. "Ok, maybe I do need to relax." Justin chuckles softly before hissing in pain when I apply a little more pressure, trying to take out the knots in his muscles.
"Man! Justin, when was the last time you had a massage or even relaxed your muscles?"
"I'm under a lot of stress. It's not my fault." He defends, suppressing a moan and I smile.
"No kidding, your shoulders are like stone. I'm even afraid they'll cramp or break my fingers or something." I joke as I continue to carefully manipulate the muscles in his shoulders.
"Ha, ha, not funny Tai." He says dryly. "But, you're really good at that." He breaths deeply and I beam even if he can't see me because his back is facing me.
"Well thank you."
"Uh huh." Justin hums as his body sinks into the chair before he lets out a heavy, relaxed sigh.
Gem steals a few glances at him before looking up at me to signal that his eyes just fluttered shut. I hold back my giggles and wink for her which only elicits a devious smile from her before she returns to her work.
"Feeling better?" I ask when I hear his breathing even out as he gets more comfortable.
"Good. Then you understand the importance of slowing down every once in a while. Your body can't take the stress Justin, no matter how young or healthy you may be."
"Yes mom." He chuckles and I smack his shoulder playfully before returning to my task at hand.
After a few minutes when I think that I finally have all of the kinks in his muscles out, I tap his shoulder to indicate that I'm done and he groans deeply before stretching out his limbs, the sound of his gravelly voice involuntarily sending shivers through me.
Wow, what the hell? Where did that come from?
Slightly shocked, I take a step back and away from him as he moves to stand, turning around to face me.
His blues are wild and questioning as he looks at me with a half grin on his face.
"Thanks Tai, I needed that." Justin voices and I quickly nod, feeling suddenly uncomfortable.
Damn this fashion closet is hot or something even with the air conditioner on.
"You're welcome. It was nothing."
"You know, you probably won't believe this, but, you're the best assistant I've ever had. I'd probably be lost without you today and my dad would have maybe cut me off a while back." He chortles while drifting in thought and I shake my head with a smile. "Well, I better get going. I'll leave you ladies to finish up here and, I'll see you all at the show later." Justin adds in, telling Gem and me goodbye before he makes his exit.
When he's gone, Gem lets out a low whistle and I cut my eyes at her.
"Don't even say it. I know that look." I warn her, pointing my finger at her and she feigns innocence.
"Girl, I only need to relax." She giggles but I'm not buying it.
"Whatever; help me to tick off the rest of the checklist so I can get ready to leave and prepare for later."
"Ok, fine." She caves while coming over to me in silence but her silence doesn't last long since she thinks that it's ok to tease me when it's not. "Tai and Justin sitting in a tree..." Gem begins in a sing-song voice and my eyes widen.
"Stop!" I giggle but she continues anyway, making my thoughts travel down an unknown path that I never explored before...
Hours Later
A-List Fashion Show
"No, no, no! This is all wrong; wash her face and do it again. I can't have my models looking like something out of a horror movie. Subtle people! We're going for subtle but fierce! Get it right!"
Standing frozen in place, I stare at Christian Siriano as he yells at one of the makeup artists to do her job right.
He really is a diva but I love his spunk and personality.
When he's done with her, he comes over to where I'm standing waiting for him.
"Tai how are you?" He coos before we greet each other with a kiss on each cheek.
"Nervous." I admit and he gives me a knowing smile.
"Who isn't for their first time hun? Don't worry you'll do fine. Just let them see that you're bold, confident and beautiful." He suggests with a wave of his hand and I nod, giggling softly.
"Yeah." I respond.
We're actually backstage at the venue preparing to head out on the runway. The show started a little while ago and Justin was finally able to calm down when he saw that everything was ready like I stated. He and Robert are out there with their dad giving their opening speech to the audience while everyone else who's part of the crew is going crazy, running around backstage trying to get ready to head out when it's our turn.
The venue we booked is beautiful. Its tall, white cascading walls brighten the already brightly illuminated room and the skylight is absolutely gorgeous at night since all you have to do is look up to see the night's sky. The theme of the venue is a mixture of silver, white and black. All of the guests' chairs are lined up perfectly on either side of the long runway and the media and photographers are positioned in a good angle to get perfect views of the models.
The models.
I'm one of the models who are going to be strutting down the runway for the entire world to see. I don't know if I can go through with it.
"Ok Tai, I'm going to need you to strip down to your undies so we can get you fitted for your first round hun." Christian walks up to me with his measuring tape in hand and one of his summer dresses from his fashion line with A-List in the other.
It's a two piece casual yet trendy skirt and blouse ensemble. Doing as I'm told, I take in a deep breath and begin undressing, saying a silent prayer that I don't trip in the heels I'm going to be wearing when walking down that runway...
This is it, the moment of truth.
I'm fully dressed, my makeup is light, my hair is down over my back and shoulders and I'm patiently waiting for my turn to head out on stage. I can't believe Robert talked me into this.
As I stand to the side of the stage, watching the two models ahead of me work the runway under the dazzling lights and spectators, my eyes flit over the crowd and I spot just about everyone I know in one section. I can see Sean sitting next to Chris, Maura and Gem. A row in front of them, Robert is sitting on the right of his dad and Justin is sitting on the left. My eyes stay on Justin a little longer than the rest as I remember how Gem was teasing me about him earlier when we were in the fashion closet of A-List magazine.
I tried my best to ignore her because the sheer thought of Justin and me is simply ridiculous considering we're from two very different worlds, but the more I tried to get her teasing out of my mind, the more I ended up thinking about my boss. Ugh, it's all Gem's fault.
But, he does look good tonight though. He's wearing black faded jeans, a black undershirt and a sort of fallow brown vest with a matching blazer. He definitely looks good and his short brunette hair is perfectly gelled and styled. Gosh, is it wrong if I feel like he doesn't look so much like my boss right now, but a guy that I'd totally talk to and hit on?
"You're up Tai, knock them dead hun?" Christian whispers behind me, pulling me out of my thoughts before he gives me a light shove forward to walk.
Gasping in shock, I quickly search my memory for the runway tips and training I learned with Robert and his associates.
Putting on a serious expression, I straighten my posture and when one of the models completes her final steps off the runway, I easily slip in and head out, strutting down the long pathway as the bright lights threaten to dazzle me while endless flashes go off around me.
This is the point where I zone out, so I'm not thinking about how exposed I am right now else I'd literally run off and ruin the entire show.
Swinging my hips subtly from side to side, I walk a straight line down to the end of the runway where I pause to strike a few poses right in front of the cameras.
I briefly notice Sean with a huge grin on his face before my browns flit over to Maura, Gem and Chris who's giving me a ‘thumbs up.' I try not to smile and swiftly turn around to make my way back up as the upbeat tempo of the music playing in the room fills my ears.
On my way back up, I lock eyes with Robert briefly who gives me a soft smile before I divert my attention to Justin, bypassing his dad who's whispering to one of the other guests.
There's a sort of awe inspired grin on Justin's face as he eyes me. Since I'm walking back up the runway to head backstage, I only manage to hold his gaze for a few seconds, but that's more than enough time to see the admiration and respect that's shinning in those blues of his. He seems genuinely impressed which only makes my heart flutter and my stomach feel light...
And just like that it's over.
I'm backstage now as the next set of models head out onto the runway after wardrobe change to model the next batch of clothes.
I only have to go out there one more time for the night but now that I actually had the exposure, I think my next round will be easier to get through...
Tonight has been one of the most amazing nights of my life. Firstly, I helped plan this show and secondly, I was actually a part of it. I can't even believe I did it and without much hiccups too, though I'm sure the professionals could tell that I was a rookie.
Still, I'm proud of that small accomplishment.
Plus, I had an experience I'll remember for the rest of my life.
"Well look at you, miss model and all that."
Turning around, I come face to face with Sean who engulfs me in a huge hug before pulling away to place a light kiss on my cheek.
"I'm so proud of you Tai." He gushes and I smile brightly.
"Really? You really think I did good?"
"Babe, you were radiant. I almost didn't recognize you as my baby sister." He states.
"Aw, thanks Sean."
"Anytime, but, right now, I'm in need of a drink so if you'll excuse me." He says and I giggle as he diverts his attention to the bar at the back of the room. "When you're ready to leave let me know." He adds in and I nod in agreement before he excuses himself to head to the bar.
Whirling around at the sound of my name, I wave at Maura, Gem and Chris as they make their way over.
"Congrats girl, you were great!" Gem is the first to speak up as she gives me a hug and I smile bashfully.
"Thanks Gem."
"Great work out there Tai, you're a natural." Chris adds in and I nod.
"You are. Plus, Justin, Robert and his dad seemed impressed." Maura voices.
"Really? You think so?" I haven't seen Justin or Robert since the show ended but I hope that I get to at least talk to them before the night is over.
"Hell yeah girl. Just wait. I'm sure they'll tell you how great you were too." She explains.
"Gosh I hope so." I say feeling slightly nervous.
"Well, we're going to raid the buffet so we'll catch up ok girl?" Chris speaks up and I shake my head, bidding them farewell.
"Ok, I'll see you all in work, thanks guys." I wave goodbye as they leave until I'm alone again.
Sighing happily, I look around at the various people mingling and having a good time.
Deciding that I need a little air, I pull my black jacket tightly around my frame and begin heading for the exit, pausing along the way to give my thanks to the many compliments I receive for a job well done tonight since I was new to the whole scene.
When I finally make it outside, my eyes scan the partially quiet street before I decide to maybe take a small walk down the sidewalk, but my advances are cut short when I hear some people arguing around the street corner.
Letting my curiosity get the best of me, I slowly walk down to the curb to stand next to the street lamp, my eyes widening slightly when I make out at least one of the individuals who's part of the heated argument...
"I'm so sick and tired of your bullshit Nella!"
"My bullshit Justin? This is your baby just as much as it is mines. There was no immaculate conception."
"I highly doubt the kid is mine Nell. You're just trying to fuck with me."
Oh no, I should leave. I don't think they would want someone eavesdropping which is why they must be out here in the first place, even if it's in public. At least they're away from all of the guests.
"Justin, then fine! Take a paternity test, I don't care. All I know is, if you don't accept responsibility for this child, I will be announcing this to the press, letting them know where your priorities stand. I'm three months pregnant Justin. You're running out of time. I'm starting to show. People are already asking questions."
"Damn it Nella!" Justin screams out and I wince at the harshness of his tone as it fades into the still air. "Either way, people are going to ask questions once your stomach starts showing. What does that have to do with you going to the press? You're just trying to turn this into some type of media circus. But I won't let you; I won't let you fuck up my name Nella. I'm already on thin ice with my dad. Do you know what he'd think, say and maybe do if he found out I knocked up some girl?"
"Oh so now I'm just some girl." She snaps at him and I frown as I study her frame. "Forget that I was your girlfriend once. That's not important at all Justin." She hisses sarcastically.
"No, you know what I mean Nell." Justin heaves a sigh and I scowl at the frustrated look on his face.
Gosh, she's so slim, and tall, maybe about 5'9 or 5'10 which definitely beats my 5'7 frame. She's glaring at Justin now with heated eyes and I'm wondering how she can be three months pregnant when her stomach seems almost flat still. Well there is a small bump, but it's hardly noticeable in the black dress she's wearing. Her skin is sort of olive in complexion and she has dark flowing hair. She looks mixed with possibly Indian or something. She's beautiful. I can't see why Justin would leave her to do this on her own.
"Nella, have you forgotten that we broke up because you were cheating? You didn't know how to be faithful Nell. I'm not claiming this kid without a paternity test, but I can tell you that if it's mine, I'll take care of it. I'd never abandon my kid, but only if it's really my kid Nell. End of discussion."
"Ugh! Like you weren't cheating also! What's with the double standard Justin!?" She screams and I bite the corner of my bottom lip, willing myself to move so I can leave and give them their privacy.
But I can't move. I'm frozen solid in place as I see a side of Justin I've never witnessed before. And he's handling himself so well, it's amazing.
"Nella..." He says in defeat. "I didn't cheat on you."
"No Justin! Just shut it. You'd do anything to get out of your responsibilities. It's the same thing with your dad and his company. Robert carries all the weight..."
"That's not fair Nell." Justin says as hurt registers on his face. "All I'm asking for is a paternity test..."
"Fine! You'll get your stupid test Justin! And then, I hope you will be able to man up to your responsibilities for once. I'm done with this. It's clear you have no space for me anymore. You even replaced me in the show with that assistant of yours..."
"Don't Nell. You dropped out and gave us late notice."
"Because I'm pregnant you asshole! Do you know what this will do to my modeling career?"
Judging by the look on Justin's face, I'd say he's practically done with this conversation.
"That's beside the point. Tai is a sweet girl. Don't even go there, I won't tolerate it."
"Whatever Justin. Fuck you!" And with that, she storms off down the sidewalk in a huff, leaving Justin by his self.
Justin lets out a harsh sigh while passing his hands through his hair and I turn to leave, deciding to at least give him this moment to his self since I so rudely intruded on his privacy but I stop dead in my tracks when I hear his voice firm and crisp calling out to me.
"Tai, I know you're there, I saw you..."
Gasping, my heart skips a beat and I remain frozen in place, getting ready to run and deny ever being out here but he calls out to me again.
"It's ok Tai. I'm not angry or anything."
Rounding the corner fully, I expel a weak smile when Justin lifts his head to lock eyes with me, his blues haunting and sorrowful.
"I'm sorry you had to witness that, but, you all were bound to find out sooner or later right?"
"I...I'm so sorry Justin I was just going for a walk and I heard you all arguing..." But he cuts me off with a wave of his hand.
"It's totally fine. I'm kind of relieved that it was you who overheard us and not one of the other employees. I'm well aware that they've been gossiping about my Nella situation."
"Oh." I mutter, looking down in shame and guilt even if I wasn't really gossiping per say. I did listen to what was being said.
"She and I used to date, as you've maybe realized by now. We broke up not too long ago when I found out she was cheating on me, not like I didn't deserve it. I just thought that when we broke up, it was a done deal you know? I mean, it's not like she was this big love of my life or anything. She was just another ex-girlfriend because...I've honestly had a few."
"A few..." I smirk and he arches a brow at me in question. "I'm sorry, please continue." I apologize, causing him to chuckle.
"Anyway, I thought that was it with her, but then like a few weeks later, I get this call from her telling me she's pregnant. Of course, I didn't handle that news well at the time and I was so pissed I think I took it out on just about everybody including you."
Hmm, that makes sense.
"Yeah, you apologized for that already." I assure him and he shrugs.
"I guess I was really scared. I mean, if this kid turns out to be mine, I don't think I could be a father. I'm barely handling being a son. I disappoint just about everyone who matters the most to me. I don't want to be responsible for screwing up the kid's life too you know?" He says, deep in thought and I smile before closing the gap between us.
"I have no doubt that you'd be a great dad Justin. Just have a little faith. You're not the guy you used to be. Stop dwelling on it." I point out, gently placing my hand on his shoulder to comfort him.
"I hope you're right." He voices while gazing deeply into my eyes and I nod in response.
"I am." I beam and he grins brightly at me, allowing me to see his whites.
"You know, on a different note, you were great out there tonight on the runway. Who knew you had it in you?" He snickers and I giggle along with him, thankful for the change of topic. It was getting too weird for me.
"I sure didn't."
"You did well Tai. I'm proud of you. You represented A-List magazine and did your thing out there."
"Thanks." I blush, holding his intense gaze.
"Uh huh." Justin whispers softly and suddenly I feel an overwhelming urge to pull away from him.
My smile slowly fades away until my expression remains serious as I shallow hard, holding my breath when I see the thoughtful expression he has as his blues travel over my face, studying my features closely.
Casually, Justin darts out his tongue to wet his lips and I fight my impulses to literally jump this man who I haven't forgotten is still undoubtedly my boss.
But then something happens causing a switch in the atmosphere and just like that he clears his throat loudly before taking a step away from me.
"Right, well uh, it's kind of probably getting late and people are maybe wondering where we are so..." He drifts and I agree with him.
"We should head back." I finish his statement for him and he nods with a soft laugh.
"Yeah we should." Justin agrees while rubbing the back of his neck.
Stuffing my hands into my jacket pockets, I smile and motion for us to start walking back.
Following my lead, Justin moves to walk next to me and we easily fall into comfortable conversation, forgetting about the awkward moment we just shared as we head back into the venue to meet up with our family and friends for the rest of the night.
- FIN - |
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