Next Day [Saturday]
“I still can’t believe you talked smack to the Justin Timberlake. Girl you must be crazy. He’s notorious for destroying people who cross him and he’s not afraid to let them know that he had a hand in killing their reputation among other things. You really need to keep up to date with entertainment news and all the A-list celebrities out there. You would have known that he was Justin Timberlake the ‘party king’ of New York and heir to his father’s fashion empire.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me Sean. And I think I’m safe. The only thing he can do is fire me. I’m no A-List celebrity that he can get dirt on that the public would care about. I’m nobody.” It amazes me how my brother is always in the loop with these celebrities and their lives. It’s a little disturbing too.
“Girl, you’re tripping. Tai, you cussed out your boss. Oh this is too good. Can I come to work with you on Monday please? I’d pay to see the look on his face when he realizes you’re his new assistant.”
Glaring at my brother, I huff. We’re at our favorite weekend bar hang out spot, sitting at our favorite booth sipping on our poisons and just catching up with how our week went. Of course my event was the highlight of our week.
It sure wasn’t the best first impression to have on my boss but I can’t take it back now. I’m so screwed and Sean isn’t making it any easier. He’s eating it up.
“He probably won’t even remember me.” I shrug, sipping on my glass of scotch and Sean simply laughs.
“Sure he won’t.” He says sarcastically before drinking his bloody Mary. “You only did what most women dream of doing but don’t have the guts to.”
“And what’s that?” I decide to entertain him.
“Put him in his place.” He states obviously while smacking his lips together in attitude.
Shrugging, Sean continues sipping on his drink quietly giving me one of his famous knowing smirks ever so often because he knows the wheels in my brain are turning.
Rolling my eyes, I divert my attention elsewhere taking in the atmosphere around us. This is your typical New York bar filled with smokers, alcoholics and everything in between. The air is thick and warm and I actually love it. This is New York. This is my life.
There are people playing pool, some are watching the game on television above the bar and then there are those like my brother and me who just came here for a drink, to hang out and get away.
Sean is…well, he’s Sean. He’s eccentric, but in a good way. He’s tall, he has a smooth brown complexion, he’s handsome and a total diva. He’s very ‘fashion-forward’ and is very comfortable with who he is. He never lets stereotypes keep him down. I admire that about him. Plus, he’s all I have. Our parents died a few years ago and the only person we have left that’s family is our uncle and his wife who visits ever so often.
We both graduated at the top of our class in school and Sean actually works at the New York Times as a journalist which has always been my dream. He’s an amazing writer and this is his thing anyway. He loves to write about what’s going on in the world. But, his biggest dream is to be the editor in chief of a top fashion magazine. In fact, when you think about it, we sort of exchanged dreams. I’m the assistant to an editor in chief and he’s a journalist, but, we’re happy. He’s the best roommate I’ve ever had in my short twenty-four years on this earth and he’s my best friend. Sure we fight, but at the end of the day, we’re still Tai and Sean Bennett of Bronx, New York born and raised. And that’s who we’ll always be.
“So, any plans on how you’re going to kiss your boss’s ass in hopes that he doesn’t fire you?” Sean speaks up, tearing me away from my thoughts.
Finishing off my glass of scotch I shrug. “No. I’ll just hope for the best.”
“Really sis, I’m going to have to give you a crash course in celebrity before you go to your job on Monday else you’ll be lost.” Sean points out.
Quirking my brows at him, I smile while gazing into his browns. “Great.” I mutter and he grins brightly before standing to excuse his self.
“Duty which thy full name is ‘bathroom duty’ calls. I’ll be back.”
I can’t help but laugh. Really, who says things like that? He’s such a weirdo sometimes.
He stretches out his limbs and I get a glimpse of the star tattooed around his navel beneath his blue Rocawear T-shirt before he departs, leaving me alone giggling.
I sigh tiredly while tugging at my beige sweater over the black thin-strap top I’m wearing. Hmm, I could go for another drink. Slowly standing, I brush my palms over my jeans and I shift to where the bartender is located at the end of the bar.
Carefully, I tell him my order since I’m starting to feel a buzz and usually tend to slur my words. I guess this next drink should be my cut off. I really hate when I’m too drunk.
When he returns with my drink, I smile, stretching my hand out to take it but then something unexpected happens. I feel myself being shoved to the side.
I know I’m not that tipsy to lose my balance like this so someone must have pushed me out of the way or something.
“What the…” drifting, my eyes widen in shock when I see a pale hand snake in front of me, snatching my drink away from the bartender.
“Thanks! Just what I needed!” The person says.
The bartender gives me an apologetic stare, voicing that he’ll make another drink for me before he disappears to do just that.
My eyes widen in dismay since I’m not able to comprehend what just happened. It all happened so quickly.
When I whip around to see who just stole my drink, my orbs land on a tall, lanky frame with dark hair, pink lips and piercing bluish-grey eyes.
“Excuse me, what the hell was that?” I snap, tapping the person on their shoulder.
I’m ignoring the fact that he has a girl hanging all over him right now. They both appear to have drank enough already.
“What?” He slurs in an annoyed tone. “I don’t give autographs.” He snickers before busting out into a haphazard bellow. Gosh he’s drunk. I should just leave it alone.
“Uh, what? No you asshole, you just brushed me out of the way and took or I should say stole my drink.” I snap at him.
“What did you say?” His eyes narrow into tiny slits as his anger builds but he doesn’t scare me. “This is what I get for passing through a low class bar to grab a quick drink before I head off to my brother’s party. Snotty bitches who think they can talk to me however they please.”
“Look, I don’t know what your problem is, but what you did was very rude.” I snap while folding my arms across my chest.
My eyes drift to the woman in the skimpy red dress who’s tugging on his jacket, asking him to leave but he silences her and she obeys like some kind of…puppet. Ugh, that’s disgusting.
“Whatever. You can get another one, I’m in a hurry.” He waves me off and really, this isn’t going to get me anywhere so I ignore him and turn around just when the bartender returns with a new scotch on the rocks for me. “You see! You got one!” The stranger calls out. He’s still here? I’ve long dismissed this situation.
“Yes, you’re so perceptive.” I say sarcastically, accepting my drink and thanking the bartender before I turn around while taking a sip of my drink.
“Humph.” He downs the rest of his drink in one large gulp before slamming the glass on the counter. “You’re a smartass huh?” He grins and you know what? There’s something vaguely familiar about him.
Glaring at him intently, I take in the dressy pant suit he’s wearing. He’s definitely wearing a designer because he looks sharp. So he’s right. Someone like him would not be in a bar like this on a regular.
“Look we both got what we wanted. So…”
“Did we?” He cuts me off.
“Excuse me?” I’m shocked. What is this guy’s damage?
“I’m just saying…did the both of us really get what we wanted?” He’s laughing now due to the shocked expression on my face. “Relax…I’m only kidding. Look, I’m sorry ok? I was a jerk to do what I did to you just now. I guess my brother’s habits are rubbing off on me.” He shrugs seemingly in thought and I frown, taken aback by his sudden switch in demeanor. “Let me pay for your drink.” He adds in when I remain mute, my eyes landing on Sean who’s now walking in our direction.
“Uh no…” But I’m not fast enough.
He already dropped the money on the table and turned around to make his exit.
I remain awkwardly in place gazing at the stranger’s retreating form, slightly confused by his sudden departure with his girlfriend or date clung to his side.
“You’re welcome by the way!” He calls out before dissapearing out of sight and I scowl, a light smile forming across my lips since I never did tell him ‘thank you.’ Shit, that was weird and I didn’t even get his name, even if he was an ass.
“Wow, wow, wow, who was that?” Sean walks up to me and I glare at him with a shrug. “I only saw his back but he looked fine rocking that Armani suit.”
“Hell if I know. He paid for my drink though.” I point out and Sean’s eyes widen.
“And you didn’t snatch that up? Girl, have I taught you nothing?” He hisses and I giggle.
“I’m not you Mr. hot stuff.” I counter as he leads us back to our seats.
“You should be; even I don’t have to be gay to see that you’re long overdue for some action.” Sean jokes.
“Oh my gosh, shut up!” I smack his arm playfully and he chuckles as we reclaim our seats.
Playing with the rim of my glass, I think about his statement and he’s right. Getting laid wouldn’t be so bad. But, I’m not going to give him the satisfaction by admitting it.
“Whatever, all I’m saying is if a guy who’s wearing an Armani suit and fine Italian leather shoes bought me a drink, even with another bitch on his arm, I’d snatch him up so fast that bitch wouldn’t know what hit her or ‘shoved her out of the way’…I’m just saying.” Sean voices saucily and I gasp in amusement. Yeah, that’s my brother for you…got to love him.
“Can we please change the topic?” I cave, my eyes unwillingly staring at the exit of the bar where ‘Mr. Armani’ departed only moments earlier. It’s just like Sean to have my mind riling with these ludicrous thoughts and notions.
“Fine, then let’s talk about what you’re going to do and not going to do in order to keep your job at A-List magazine. And by talk, I mean you shut up and listen while I instruct you on all the dos and don’ts of the fashion world as we know it…”
Oh joy, we’re back to that. It’s just the topic change I was looking for. Well, not really.
Ugh, will it ever end?
- FIN - |
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