A Week Later
A-List Magazine
Manhattan, New York
"Yes Vera, Justin got the patterns you sent in for your gown collection. He and Robert will be sure to contact you as soon as possible. Of course, you have a nice day as well. Goodbye..." Hanging up my office line I sigh exasperatedly.
I'm almost tempted to root the phone off and throw it down the many stories of this building until it crashes into pieces on the pavement below. That's how frustrated and stressed out I am right now.
The phones have been ringing continuously all week, barely giving me a window for bathroom breaks.
It's been a crazy week, from Justin returning to work on Monday to everyone frantically rescheduling the release date of A-List's monthly magazine issue.
Luckily for us, Justin wrote the letter from the editor so we were able to get the issue out today even if it was a week late. Justin and Robert even released an official apology to the public via the press, explaining their current situations at A-List and why there was a setback in the magazine issue release.
The media seemed to understand enough even if they kept asking Justin and Robert questions about their father as well as Nella. Both Justin and Robert steered clear of those questions though.
But, they're still not talking...not like how they used to. They're only professional now, discussing matters concerning A-List with each other and nothing else.
Those brothers, I swear, I'd smack them both upside the head as charming and as beautiful as they are.
And guess what? Two weeks later and no one has heard a word from Randall. He didn't show up to any of the meetings Justin and Robert held this week for the late release of the magazine issue. He's been into work maybe three times this week, simply voicing to Sharron to take his messages when he's not in. And the strange thing in all of this is that Robert and Justin don't seem to care one bit. They're all going along their days like nothing is up, like nothing happened, like they weren't on the verge of all killing each other.
Something is going on with Randall. There has to be an explanation for his nasty behavior with his sons and while I'd like to see some good in him, I'm finding it exceedingly difficult everyday for the sole reason that he hasn't even talked to his sons or seems interested in anything that's going on right now.
Looking up, I smile when Chris and Gem come into view.
"Hey guys! What's up?" I ask cheerily.
I know Robert said I could tell them what really happened at his party if I wanted to, but it's best if they don't know because I don't want them to look at him differently due to his little mistake. He apologized and the air is clear between us, so I see no reason to bring that night up again.
"Gem came up to hand me some patterns for Rob but he's not in his office. He said he was going to be in Justin's office going over the preparations for next month's issue as well as the anniversary party among other things so...we figured we'd stop by to hand you the patterns to give to him or..."
"Oh, that's fine. Leave them on my desk and I'll give them to him. He's in Justin's office still." I point out and both Gem and Chris turn to stare at the glass window of Justin's office, frowning when they notice that the blinds are closed.
Yes, this is the second time Justin has closed his blinds, so I'm sure that whatever he and Rob are discussing in there is important and confidential.
"Must be a real important meeting." Gem hums, still staring at the glass window before she diverts her attention to me. "So, is everything ok with you Tai?" She asks cautiously while placing down the large wooden portrait of various dress patterns stuck against it on my desk.
"Of course why?" I ask, looking between her and Chris who's eyeing me suspiciously.
"Things haven't been the same around here since Robert's party. I know he said nothing really happened but we've seen the way he and Justin are with each other. They're distant and we understand if you want to keep things to yourself. We only want to make sure that you're ok." Gem explains and I sigh, leaning back in my seat as I glare at Justin's closed door.
"I'll be ok." I smile, reassuring them and Gem nods, satisfied with my answer.
"If you and Justin are together now that's totally cool too. You don't have to worry with what anyone says about you guys around here because I think everyone can see that you're different and good for each other and that's a good thing." Chris pipes in and I give him a small smile, shaking my head in agreement.
"Thanks guys, for always being there and for being such great friends."
Gosh, I'm not up for being emotional right now.
"Anytime you need us." Gem grins before gripping Chris's hand so they can leave. "We'll see you later...take care Tai."
"You too, bye guys!" I wave goodbye to them before they disappear down the halls and I expel the breath I was holding before slicking my hands through my dark curly locks.
Pushing my chair back, I stand before gripping the patterns Gem dropped off to hand them to Robert. I should probably wait until he and Justin are done with their little meeting but I'm curious and saying a silent prayer that they're not killing each other in there.
Walking up to Justin's door, I knock lightly, waiting for him to say ‘enter' before I twist the knob and stroll in, shutting the door behind me.
When they come into sight, I frown in perplexity at the vision of the both of them standing in front of Justin's large windows looking out at Manhattan.
I'm met with their broad backs as they stand tall dressed in their designer suits with perfectly groomed hair.
Well, this is weird.
"Uh...hi?" I say softly and Justin is the first to whip around to glare at me, a large grin spreading across his face when I come into view.
"Taiana!" Justin beams excitedly and I watch as Robert slowly turns around to look at me with a questioning glare on his face.
"Don't ask Rob." I warn him with a smile and he shrugs, grinning from ear to ear.
"I wasn't going to...Taiana." Robert chuckles and I narrow my eyes at him but I'm soon interrupted when Justin literally lunges at me, planting a large kiss on my lips which shocks me.
I kiss him back briefly before pushing him away. "Justin! Your brother is there!" I say, gasping in shock when Robert laughs loudly.
"Oh don't mind me, I'm clearly invisible...please carry on." Robert jokes and I scowl at the both of them.
"Ok, hold on...did I miss something?" I ask and Justin grips my free hand to pull me towards his desk, his smile never leaving his face.
"Rob and I are cool now." Justin simply states.
"No duh Justin." I say childishly and he quirks a brow at me in amusement.
"Who says things like that anymore?" He chuckles, causing Robert to chuckle as well and I pull away from him before placing down the patterns on his desk.
"If you hang around Sean long enough, you begin to pick up his weirdness." I admit and Justin nods in understanding still laughing lightly. "So, you two are really ok now?" I need to make sure. It's too strange that Justin would kiss me in front of his brother like that considering their present issues.
"We're fine Tai. We talked things out, we apologized and we're cool again. We both messed up you know? I have to give you props though, you really talked some sense into my big bro here. I agree when he says he'd be lost without you." Robert speaks up and I try to hide my blush, biting the corner of my bottom lip as I nod, looking between the both of them.
"Oh well, that's, that's good." I state. I'm happy that they're best friends again but it doesn't help the awkwardness I feel having to face both of them at the same time.
"So anyway..." Justin interrupts. "I was going to call you in here but you came in before so that's good."
"Oh? What's going on?" I ask Justin, my eyes flitting to Robert who rounds Justin's desk to take a look at the patterns I dropped off.
"Gem's done with these already?" Robert asks me and I shrug.
"She and Chris came to drop them off for you since you were in Justin's office."
Then I remember something Justin said some time back about how Robert never came into his office unless he really had to. Hmm, now I'm immensely curious to know what's going on with the two of them.
"Nice, these patterns are on point too." Robert states as he continues to examine them and I smile, looking back over at Justin who's fiddling with his wrist watch.
"So, what's going on?" I whisper to Justin and he lifts his head to stare at me, giving me a sheepish grin.
"Ok, firstly, I need you to schedule in a few days off for me next week." Justin begins and I nod, storing his request in memory.
"How long should I..." But he cuts me off.
"You're going to book us a flight to LA for three days. You have A-List's travelling information so let them know we're going to use the private jet and we'll be leaving from JFK to go to LAX." Justin explains and I nod.
"Ok, but who's we? How many people are..."
"Robert, you and I." He rattles out and my eyes widen in confusion.
"Wait what?" I ask in astonishment.
"You're my assistant Tai. I'm going to need you there." Justin points out and I hear Robert snicker behind us, but I ignore him as I glare at Justin suspiciously.
"Why isn't Chris coming for Robert then?" I ask.
"I don't need my assistant there. We never take our assistants on business trips unless necessary." Robert explains and Justin smiles guiltily.
"Thanks Rob." Justin mutters.
"Anytime J." Robert quips and I giggle.
They're definitely back.
"So why am I coming exactly?" I inquire and Justin sighs with a roll of his eyes like the answer to my question should be obvious.
"One, because I thought it would be a good experience for you to be outside of New York and visit LA with us since we'll be over there doing press releases for A-List's upcoming anniversary as well as making final preparations for it along with a few other A-List related tasks. And two, because I want you there with me. It'll be fun, it won't be all work. We can hang out and you'll get to experience the best of LA. Besides, Rob and I have our own place in Hollywood hills so hotels aren't necessary..."
"Why am I not surprised?" I snigger and Justin groans softly, hiding his blush before he leans down and gives me a quick peck on the lips.
"Is that a ‘yes' you'll come Tai?" Robert laughs and I shrug, thinking how Sean would kill to visit Hollywood.
"On one condition." I voice and Justin and Robert exchange glares before looking at me.
"What?" Justin asks skeptically.
"Sean gets to come along."
"This isn't a vacation trip you know Tai, it's a business one..." Justin begins but Robert cuts him off.
"Done!" Robert confirms and Justin growls before turning to glare at Robert. "What? Tai's coming for pleasure. It's not like you'll need her to work. I don't see anything wrong with Sean tagging along." Robert feigns innocence and I snicker. I know Justin simply wanted it to be him and me. I don't think he's keen on having my brother as a third wheel and Robert senses this too because he quickly speaks up. "I get that you want Tai all to yourself for those few days so don't worry. Sean can hang with me at my place and I'll show him around. It's all good bro. We'll meet up when we have to." Robert concludes and Justin caves.
"Fine whatever." Justin waves him off and I smile at the two of them, loving that they can be back to their old selves with each other.
"Now, on to more pressing matters. Tai, the reason we were going to call you in here is because, we'd like you to inform Sharron that we'll be holding a press conference right here in the boardroom of A-List in about an hour actually. Let the employees know so we're not interrupted for the next two hours or so and tell her to get our father into the boardroom, but, don't tell him why he's needed there. We want it to be a surprise since he decided to come into work today." Robert grins evilly and I look over at Justin who has the same devious smile on his face.
"What are you two up to?" I ask, feeling nervous.
"You'll see. You and Chris will be the only other A-List employees in that boardroom with us since you're our assistants when the media arrives so, put on your game faces." Justin gives me a reassuring smile and I can't help but feel queasy.
I have no idea what they're up to, but I don't think Randall is going to like it one bit. I mean, they're bringing the media into A-List? This has disaster written all over it.
Then again, whatever they have planned for their father, I'm sure he'll deserve it.
As I continue to stare at them, I'm slowly realizing that they're still their father's sons, which means they have the ability to be just as evil as him. Justin was right.
He and Robert together are clearly a force to be reckoned with when crossed. Justin may be a changed person, but, that doesn't mean he won't channel the Timberlake within him when he needs to.
"Great...well, I'll get right on it. I'll call your travel agents to book the flight for LA, I'll inform Sharron on your press conference and I'll see you guys in the boardroom. We'll talk later." I voice, quickly whipping around to leave, not giving them a chance to reply, because seeing this side of them is a little disturbing to me even if I'm silently rooting for them to stick it to their dad where it hurts the most.
I guess I'm a little twisted now after spending time here at A-List, but if there's one thing I've learned from working here it's that nothing is ever as it seems...
[In the Boardroom]
"A statement please!"
"Please calm down everyone, one at a time, we'll be sure to answer your questions." Justin voices...
Oh my god this is insane!
I'm hugging myself protectively as I sit in the corner of the boardroom at the front with Chris next to me. We're sitting a few feet away from Justin and Robert who have the forefront, directing the press conference with A-List lawyers and representatives.
In here is filled with representatives from at least three different news stations. Not to mention the mass of journalists from various magazines and newspapers, itching to get their hands on this supposed A-List story. What story is that exactly? I'm not quite sure. But once there's an empire and heirs involved, the media eats up any juicy gossip they can get their hands on.
I think I'm partially blind from the amount of flashes going off around us and the large cameras and microphones being shoved in Justin's and Robert's direction only making my already upset stomach worse. I'm terrible with nerves and I can only imagine Randall's reaction when Sharron gets him in here. Oh god. I have a very bad feeling about this.
"Yes, you with the bowtie." Justin suppresses a chuckle and I smile when I look at the man he calls out to who's waving his hand frantically.
Standing, the young guy clutches his notebook in his hand tightly and the endless chattering dies out as everyone waits for his question.
"I wanted to know, exactly what is going on with A-List? By that I mean you all and your dad. It's been rumored that you're losing clients over this Nella fiasco but sources believe that there's more to the story than that." The guy points out and Justin eyes Robert who has a scowl on his face.
"Well, uh, you have commendable sources." Justin says airily and I wince, waiting for him to call the guy out and deny these accusations but instead he opts for the truth...damn...
"You're right, there is more going on than meets the eye at A-List. That's why we invited you all here today of course, to set the record straight and clear up all of the rumors. I will start off by clearing the air that Nella is not pregnant with my child. We were together as you all know, and we had a bad falling out, but, we agreed together to take a paternity test and the results were negative on my end, that I'm not the father." Justin begins and the chattering starts again, the flashes going off like clockwork and he pauses since the noise drowns out his voice. He waits for everyone to calm down again before he continues and I'm practically chewing on my bottom lip right now. Oh god I'm nervous for him. "Ask for what else is going here at A-List; I can't say much because this is my father's company, but I think for once, it would be nice to hear what my dad has to say on the matter." Justin confesses and people start to whisper amongst themselves again.
Oh my gosh, Justin what the hell are you doing? Your dad is going to kill you!
"My big bro is being modest." Robert cuts in...oh no. "I'll lay it flat out on the table for you all on why this company is suffering as we speak and why there's been all of this controversy. Our father, plain and simple, is a monster." Robert shrugs uncaringly and my eyes widen in shock as a hush falls over the crowd. Justin snaps his head in Robert's direction glaring at him in astonishment. I don't think they agreed to this. "I will apologize that this is not what Justin and I agreed to say, but I think you all need some real insight into the owner behind this empire who is everything except a loving and caring father. This family image that the company has is a complete lie. We haven't been a family in who knows how long. And, just recently our father, Randall, tried to destroy us...literally. Yes, he tried to turn my brother and I against each other for his own selfish gain because things weren't going his way and heaven forbid he doesn't have full control twenty-four seven."
"Oh my god..." I whisper in horror, noting the satisfied smirk on Robert's face at the tape recorders being shoved in his direction as well as the few persons who are frantically writing in their notepads.
And just like that the craziness ensues.
"Justin do you agree to this? Is Robert telling the truth about your father!?" One reporter shouts and I turn to glare at Justin, not missing Chris's amusement over the entire ordeal.
I have to admit it is kind of funny in a painful way.
Justin clears his throat loudly, shaking his head at Robert before he diverts his attention to the many anxious faces in the room. He scratches at his light stubble and heaves a sigh when he realizes that there's no getting out of this.
"It''s all true." Justin caves, lowering his head in disappointment. "Our dad isn't the nicest guy on the planet. He, he definitely has everyone fooled with his charm and smile and while I know admitting this could ruin A-List, we feel it's our duty to let our clients know what type of person they're really dealing with. We're sorry." Justin hums softly.
Aw, this is so sad. But I have to give my baby his props. He's handling himself well.
"Look at our dad as ‘the devil wears Armani'." Robert quips causing the crowd to erupt in laugher before the endless questions resume but I think Justin's had enough.
"We're sorry but, that's it for this little conference. We hope we answered most of your questions in the past hour. If everyone could please..." But Justin's interrupted when a loud growl sounds from the entrance of the boardroom.
Things just got a whole lot worse.
Standing in the doorway of the boardroom with a shocked expression is none other than Randall himself. Sharron is a few feet behind him with a guilty expression on her face but that's nothing compared to the sheer terror on Randall's face when the noise in the room increases tenfold and everyone rushes in his direction for a statement based on what Justin and Robert said.
I've never seen Randall display any type of expression or emotion that's linked to weakness before. This is a first. This is priceless.
"What's going on here?" Randall growls while glaring at Robert and Justin who are both giving him expectant glares.
Oh god, I don't want to be here for this.
"Smile for the camera dad." Robert spits bitterly.
"What's the meaning of this?! Why are these people in my building? Get out all of you!" Randall shouts as he storms into the room past the reporters to make his way over to his sons. "You two have really done it this time." Randall hisses lowly at Justin and Robert who both have bored expressions on their faces. "You're not getting a dime from me do you hear me? How dare you do this! How dare you pull this stunt!" Randall snaps angrily at them.
I'm silently jumping with joy on the inside that Robert and Justin can face Randall without any type of fear in their eyes. This is new.
"Get over yourself dad." Justin chides and Randall's eyes open wide in disbelief. "We're simply giving you a taste of your own medicine. Who's the coward now?" Justin snaps cattily.
That's when Randall's eyes flit over to me. His stare is of pure hatred as he takes in the sight of me and I swallow harshly. " did this. You've tainted my son." He says lowly. "You're fir..." But he's interrupted when Justin moves to stand in front of me protectively, blocking his line of sight.
"Leave Tai out of this dad. She hasn't done anything I assure you. You did all of this on your own. And if she's fired, Robert and I will walk along with half of your employees. Watch yourself old man. In case you forgot, you gave me a lot of power here."
"You're nothing without me Justin." Randall snaps and I'm holding my breath since the cameras are still rolling, taking in all of this.
This is going to make for one hell of an entertainment news hightlight.
Robert is standing to the side with Chris as Justin and Randall go at it in front of the cameras for the entire world to see. Oh god.
"No dad, I'm everything without you and nothing with you but your puppet. It ends now dad. I'm not having this conversation with you right now. But I promise you we will have it soon, once I get back from LA next week. In the mean time, turn around and smile for the camera. My job here is done." Justin grins brightly at his dad, enraging his dad more before he looks at me, gripping my hand gently for me to stand so I can follow him out of the room with Robert and Chris in tow.
And silently, I allow Justin to lead us out of the boardroom as the media closes in on Randall who's frozen in shock, while they ask him a mountain of questions, some of which refer to him as a monster like his sons stated.
When we make it out into the hallway and the door shuts behind us, drowning out the noise, I shake my head still in shock.
"Oh man that was sweet son!" Chris chirps happily and I glare at him, giggling softly. "You all were great." He congratulates Robert and Justin.
"It's not over yet." Justin voices.
Robert nods in agreement, telling us he'll speak to us soon before he excuses himself to leave with Chris.
When they're gone, Justin turns to look at me with an unsure look on his face.
Sharron silently excuses herself after Justin thanks her for getting their father to the boardroom and I continue to stare at Justin in wonderment, feeling proud that he could build up the courage to do this finally.
"You did good." I murmur and he grins, his grip on my hand tightening before he gently pulls me to walk with him back to his office.
"Thanks. Just having you there in person was all the support I needed." Justin admits and I gush with a giddy grin on my face.
"You're amazing Justin. I'm proud of you."
"You're pretty amazing yourself Miss Bennett." He cracks and I laugh.
"Ok, I can live with that." I muse while he releases his hold on me as we near our workstations. "But are you ok with losing all of this? I mean you've worked so hard your entire life to impress your dad and..." But he cuts me off, his arm slinging around my shoulders as we walk side by side.
"Tai, I would give all of this up in a heartbeat if I knew it would keep you with me forever." Justin states honestly and I turn to look into his eyes, his bright blues warming my heart with their loving stare.
"I know you would." I assure him and he nods, a large grin adorning his face. "But I don't want you to." I state. "I know you love this life Justin. So, there's still time to make things right with your dad." I point out and he shrugs, nodding lightly without giving me a verbal reply before he diverts his attention elsewhere, his body freezing solid as his arm drops from my shoulders abruptly.
Gasping, Justin moves away from me before picking up his pace and I frown at his sudden switch, my eyes landing on a woman standing to the side of his office door gazing out of the large windows in awe.
"Mom!?" Justin calls out, rushing over to her and I gasp in shock myself, my pace slowing significantly as I get closer.
I watch as she whips in the direction of his voice and I feel my heart warm at her bright blues that mirror his own.
"Justin, there you are!" She beams happily and it takes everything in me not to bust out in laugher when Justin runs into to his mother's arms like a big kid, hugging the life out of her as he lifts her off the floor, spinning her around. "Oh my, what a welcome." She giggles before he places her down. He pulls away from her with a sheepish grin on his face then leans down to place a big kiss on her cheek and I coo at them, silently slipping into my chair at my desk.
"Oh my god, mom what on earth are you doing here?" Justin asks in shock and awe.
As I sit admiring them, I take in her slender frame and big blonde curls on her head. She's dressed impeccably in a blue skirt suit which makes her eyes pop out and she has the most gorgeous smile on her face as she sizes up her son. Well, I see where Justin gets his irresistible smile from.
"I came to see you of course. Don't think I'm not updated regularly on all of the craziness going on here. I figured you were due for a visit. Last time I was here, you weren't the editor in chief yet. I see you've worked your way up." She says proudly and Justin smirks.
"More like I got shoved, kicked and pushed to the top by dad." Justin counters and she quirks a brow at him.
"Well, hun, don't give up on your dad yet. You'll get through to him eventually." She pats his shoulder affectionately, the smile never leaving his face.
This is too sweet. Oh my gosh.
"Whatever mom." Justin chuckles. "I'd ask you how my ‘other father' was doing but I don't care to know unless you're telling me that you're getting a divorce." Justin quips and his mom smacks his hand, giggling softly.
"Georgiou is a good man and we're perfectly fine thank you for asking." She jokes. "He's keeping your mom happy and that's all that matters."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." Justin grumbles and I can't help but giggle softly which diverts their attention in my direction. Oh no.
"Oh mom!" Justin speaks up quickly when he sees her eyeing me skeptically. "This is Tai, my assistant and..." But he drifts, rubbing the back of his neck as he walks over to stand before me. "She's my..." He eyes me nervously before casting his vision to his mom who's amused. "My girlfriend." He says slowly and I smile.
"You were never good with titles were you Justin?" She jokes. "It's a pleasure to meet you Tai. I'm Lynn." She beams and I grin, standing to shake her outstretched hand when she walks over to us.
"It's a pleasure mam." I smile.
"Please honey, it's Lynn. If you can make Justin nervous when it comes to him wanting my approval then you're a keeper." She jokes and I blush.
"Um, thank you." I say shyly.
"You're a pretty thing aren't you?" Lynn coos. "She's not like the rest Justin, I can tell. I like her." She looks at him and he nods in agreement, an embarrassed smile floating across his face. Aw, he's too cute.
But wow, this is...different.
I'm standing awkwardly while they have this bonding moment and I feel so out of place.
"We were just getting ready to leave for the day. We're traveling to LA next week for some A-List business but..."
Wait, we're leaving for the day? I didn't know that!
"Well you all should join me for lunch at my restaurant then." His mom speaks up and Justin's eyes light up with excitement.
Gosh, I don't think I've ever seen this childlike side of him before. I can tell that he really loves his mom. This moment is perfect for him.
"We'd love to." Justin pipes in and I nod, not about to protest under any circumstances. This is his mom of course. At least one of his parents approves of me.
"Good, let's get going then." His mom speaks up already making a move to leave. "I'll meet you all at the front." She voices and just like that she's gone, breezily strutting down the hall and out of sight.
"Well she certainly doesn't waste any time." I giggle and Justin hums in agreement, watching in the direction she went.
"That's my mom." He beams with pride. "We should really go. I don't want my dad to make it out of that boardroom with us still here. He's going to need some time to cool off." Justin snickers and I shake my head in agreement gathering my things to leave for the day before he excuses himself to do the same.
It's a good thing I called in the flight reservations for our little business trip earlier today. I haven't told Sean about the great news yet but I'm sure he's going to flip out because we're not paying for anything. All of the expenses are going towards A-List which is pretty sweet.
But, I'm a little worried about Randall.
I know he deserved what Justin and Robert did, but this company is all he has left. If it crashes and burns due to this little scandal, I can't help but realize that he'll be left with nothing. And then what?
I don't think I want to be around here long enough to find out the answer to that question...
[At Southern Restaurant]
Manhattan, New York
Imagine my surprise when I realized that Justin's mother's restaurant was the same southern restaurant he brought me to some time back when he asked me to be his girlfriend.
He failed to mention that the last time we were here and I could see the guilty smile on his face when realization struck me.
But it's cool. I'm not angry or anything. I'm actually touched that he brought me here and slightly amused at his secretive, sneaky behind for not telling me.
I didn't mind though once the three of us fell into comfortable conversation over lunch with Justin and his mom updating each other on everything that was going on in their lives.
Lynn was appalled to learn of the stunt their father pulled to tear us all apart but she wasn't surprised.
I mean, she was married to Randall once. I can only imagine what she went through with him before she decided enough was enough.
It's still nice having this small moment with Justin and his mom.
We ate lunch, talked, laughed and got to know each other a little better.
I've noticed that Justin's mom brings out a much lighter, more carefree side of him that I love.
Overall, it's been a great afternoon and I'm glad that I got a chance to meet Lynn. She's a darling warmhearted woman. Justin must get that side of his personality from her.
After briefing his mom on the whole media frenzy at A-List that was going on when she came to visit him as well as his Nella situation, the rest of our conversations were light and simple.
I'm casually sipping on my glass of wine presently as I enjoy hearing Justin and his mom go at it, playfully bantering on why Italy or France is better.
"I'm telling you're biased with France because of Georgiou, even if it's amazing there, I personally prefer Italy." Justin admits and gosh, I wish I had their lives to even visit those places.
"Ok Justin, for sake of saving poor Tai from boredom, you win." Lynn muses and I giggle.
"Actually I love hearing about those places. I hope I can visit them one day." I divulge and Lynn gives me a knowing smile.
"You will." Justin blurts out and Lynn and I turn to look at him. Quickly catching himself, he avoids our gaze, finishing off his glass of wine. "I mean, you know..." He drifts when I bust out in laugher, a huge grin adorning his cute face. "Whatever." He blushes and oh gosh, that man I tell you, he'll be the death of me.
I can't handle his sweet side. It's overwhelming sometimes.
"Right. Well, all jokes aside, there is something I've been meaning to tell you Justin which got me on a plane out here instead of doing it over the phone." Lynn speaks up and I note how Justin's jovial mood quickly disappears before it's replaced by worry and concern.
"Mom? Is everything ok?" Justin queries with slight panic filling his voice as he stretches his hand across the table to grip her aging hand.
I'm holding my breath as well, knowing that a simple casual visit wasn't the only reason for her presence. I haven't forgotten what Robert told me about Justin and his mom. It's clear that they love each other unconditionally, but it's also clear that they live two very separate lives.
"You're not dying are you?" Justin speaks again in horror when she doesn't answer.
"Oh heavens no Justin. I'm fine." Lynn giggles and he breathes a sigh, but that doesn't lessen his worry. "I'm more than fine actually." She adds in and I think I have a clue where this is going.
Staring at Justin, I take in his confusion as he continues to eye his mother while stealing glances at me in between.
"So what's going on?" He questions and she takes in a deep breath, squeezing his hand in hers.
"Sweetie, you know that I love you with all of my heart. And you know that nothing and no one could ever replace you right? I know you don't like Georgiou but I hope that you can see how good he is to me and that we really love each other. But he'll never replace you and he's not trying to take the place of your father." Lynn explains.
Oh god. I don't think I should be here for this.
A deep scowl forms on Justin's face and he pulls out of his mother's grasp before resting back in his seat and crossing his arms over his chest.
"Ok, cut to the chase mom." He demands and she nods, fiddling with her fingers.
"Well, I thought I owed it to you to tell you in person that I...I'm pregnant Justin." Lynn confesses and I bow my head when I see Justin's eyes widen in disbelief. When he doesn't say anything Lynn sighs, continuing with her little confession. "Now I know what you may be thinking. But Justin, this baby is in no way going to change my love for you. But, you're going to have a brother or sister sweetie. Isn't that great?" Lynn tires to lighten the mood but I think she killed it the moment she said she was pregnant.
I'm a little surprised myself considering her age, but she doesn't seem that old to me. I'm guessing she had Justin at a very young age, which would maybe explain why she wasn't around since she was still young and carefree at the time she had him.
"Say something Justin." Lynn pleads and I switch my vision to Justin who's biting the corners of his bottom lip as he eyes his mother with a blank expression on his face.
"Is it Georgiou's?" Justin asks in a soft whisper and his mom exhales deeply.
"Of course Justin." She replies and he nods, chewing on his bottom lip like I was doing earlier when he and Robert were in that press conference.
"Ok, well, congrats and I hope you guys are happy and all that. If that's all..." Justin trails as he abruptly pushes back in his chair, standing in record time before he grabs his jacket and wallet to leave. He digs through his wallet with shaky hands before pulling out a few bills, tossing them on the table. "Thanks for lunch mom." He mutters weakly and oh my god, what do I do?
I'm frozen in place as I see a mixture of emotions flash over his face as he looks away from his mother whose expressions aren't pleasant either.
"Justin this is my restaurant, you don't have to pay." Lynn says offended.
"Give it to the waiter as a tip then." Justin retorts and she frowns at him.
"And where are you going? Baby, please seat so we can discuss this..." But Justin cuts her off, a bitter chuckle escaping him as he snaps.
"Mom, there's nothing to discuss. You're pregnant and I'm going to have a brother or sister. Woop-ti-fuckin'-do!" Justin hisses bitterly, ignoring his mother's shocked expression. "I just have a few questions mom. While you were letting your precious Georgiou impregnate you, did you ever stop to think about the son you already have who you were never there for? The same one who got stuck with his dad who made most of his life a waking nightmare? Did you think of that? Did you ever stop for a second and say hey, I should be a mom first to my already existing kid? Did you ever once say that, I should be there for my son first before I decide to build my perfect little family and my perfect little life in France with my new baby, completely ignoring my first born? Did you ever stop to think of that mother!?" Justin growls angrily, his voice rising to the point where he attracts the attention of the other persons in the restaurant.
When Lynn doesn't answer, Justin scoffs while turning his back to her as he scopes out his surroundings. "I didn't think so." He concludes and I wince from the harshness and hurt in his tone.
I sink down in my seat, desperately wishing that I was anywhere else but here.
"Justin please..." Lynn caves, her voice trembling as she tries to contain her composure. "I'm sorry but you have to know I always loved you. I can't take any of those times back. I was young, and stupid. I still wanted to live, to explore. I didn't want to be tied down and your father wasn't making things easier for me either when he kept trying to control me. But I'm here now and we can..."
"Save it mom. I don't want to hear it." Justin snaps, finally looking at me and I break eye-contact with him, not wanting to be in the middle of this. "I survived without you for most of my life. I'm pretty sure I can handle the rest of my life with you popping in and out easily. Thanks for lunch, but, we're leaving now." Justin utters, stretching his hand out for me to take. "Tai, let's go." He says, giving me a pleading stare and I hesitate, turning to look at Lynn who's gazing down at the tablecloth, quietly smoothing out the wrinkles with her palms.
" was nice to meet you Lynn." I smile and she looks up at me, giving me a soft, sad smile.
"You too sweetie. Take care of my boy for me?" She asks only enraging Justin more.
"Are you kidding me!? I don't need to hear this mess right now." Justin grunts, huffing before he walks away, storming out of the restaurant, leaving us alone.
"I'll try my best Lynn. And don't worry Justin's only hurting. He'll come around. I'll talk to him." I assure her and she nods in understanding.
"I don't blame him for being angry with me. He has every right to be. I haven't been the best mother. I'm trying not to make the same mistakes twice. But, thank you." Lynn murmurs and I nod, bidding her farewell before I turn on my heel and dash out of the restaurant to catch up to Justin.
I catch him just about to enter the back of one of A-List's company cars.
"Justin!" I call out, following him into the car and slamming the door shut behind us.
He rattles out to the driver to take us to his place before he seats back, not looking at me or saying a word.
"I get that you're upset and that you're hurting." I begin after catching my breath, momentarily gazing out of the windows at Manhattan as we pull into traffic. "But..."
"Don't defend her Tai. I swear to god." Justin mumbles, finally turning to gaze at me with big glassy eyes.
"Gosh Justin. I'm not defending her. I think she needed to hear how you felt." I admit and he nods, quirking his brows at me.
"But?" He questions and I smile.
"But, the way you did it wasn't right and you know that. I know you wanted to hurt her, you wanted her to feel the hurt you felt most of your life but, Justin two wrongs don't make a right. Your mom loves you and you love her. She's not your dad. Don't blame her for that. At least you have one parent who cares enough to cross waters to tell you in person what's going on with them. I wish my parents were here with Sean and me every day. Don't take what you have for granted Justin. Cherish those moments. Appreciate the fact that you have both of your parents still here with you as twisted and as messed up as they are." I explain and he glares at me for a good moment before he relents.
He stretches out his hands and grips my sides, pulling me towards him to straddle his waist and I giggle, leaning down to place soft kisses on his lips.
Thank goodness for the tinted separating windows in the company cars. I know I couldn't see the point in them before but now, I'm thankful. I don't need the driver witnessing any of this.
Pulling away from me, Justin lifts one of his hands to brush some hair out of my face before a gentle smile slides over his face.
"I love you..." He whispers and I nod, mouthing back the words to him. "And thank you." He appends.
"You're welcome." I beam, knowing that he's thanking me for a lot more than simply giving him that tiny speech.
Inhaling deeply, Justin gives me an affectionate squeeze as he shifts underneath me to get more comfortable, the pressure of my weight against his center causing a deep, soft groan to pull from his lips which sends shivers through my body as I hold onto him, savoring his warmth.
"While I know that I do need to make things right with my folks, Tai, I think the most important thing now is knowing that I have you here with me no matter what. Because believe it or not, I'm ok with not having my parents around anymore since you're more than enough for me..." Justin coos and I think I'm going to tear up, this is so touching. He has a big smile on his face now that reaches all the way up to his eyes and once again, his gorgeous blues manage to entrance me with their depths. "And I mean that Tai. I hope that you can see that and that you'll stick around because I'm not afraid to admit that I need you..."
- FIN - |
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