A Month Later
A-List Magazine
Manhattan, New York
"How many times are you going to tell me this Sean?" I spit, glowering at my brother with heated eyes who has the most comical glare on his face.
"Until I drive you crazy." He replies smartly and I huff.
"Ugh! Would you stop!?" I snap but he ignores me, a large grin spreading across his lips.
"Not until you admit that I told you so and your fate or destiny was written in the books. There was no way you could have avoided it. You were meant to work at A-List. You and Justin were meant to be togeth..." But that's as far as he gets before I clamp my hand down on his mouth, not being able to deal with this annoying, teasing side of him.
"Ok! Fine! You win! It wasn't coincidence. It was fate...destiny or whatever. Happy now?" I groan, narrowing my eyes at him and his smile widens when I remove my hand.
"Of course." He beams and I roll my eyes, a small giggle escaping me.
"Come on, let's get back to the party before Justin comes looking for me. I can't believe you insisted that I brought you down here to the closet."
"Uh hello! You've been working here how many months? You know I needed to see the A-List fashion closet Tai, don't even play. Now was the perfect time." Sean chuckles as we exit the closet to head back up to where A-List's big Anniversary party extravaganza is taking place.
Hmm, if I didn't love my brother so much...
"Just be quiet Sean and pick up the pace." I laugh as I lead us back to the party in silence.
After months of planning and scheming, Justin and Robert were finally able to put together A-List's big Anniversary bash. It wasn't easy since things weren't the same again after what happened to their dad a little over a month ago, but it's not something any of us dwell on or talk about.
The point is, I'm proud of my boys and what they've accomplished in the past month. They managed to get A-List back on its feet and they successfully cleared up most of the media drama that was circulating about them and their dad.
And dare I say the Anniversary party is a success?
It's filled with A-List guests from all around the world, from designers to movie stars and music artists.
In fact, I was actually having a great time on Justin's arm as he pulled me along with him while he worked the room and greeted the guests until Sean stole me away and demanded that we paid the closet a visit.
We're finally back on the floor where the party is being held which is actually the same floor where Justin and Robert's offices are located. They cleared out the front area where Sharron's desk used to be and set it up perfectly to accommodate their guests. It's really beautiful and looks nothing like A-List on a regular workday. Justin even had the walls painted bright vibrant colors and placed up amazing art pieces. I'm glad he did because the pale white walls were beginning to drive me crazy.
Stepping foot out of the elevator with Sean at my side, I turn to look at him, drinking in his handsome features as he wears his tailored designer suit with pride. You know, everyday that goes by, I can't help but be thankful for my big brother. I honestly wouldn't be here today if it weren't for him.
"There you are Sean! I've been looking all over for you!"
Sean and I both turn to match a face with the voice that called out to him. A large grin spreads across Sean's face as he leaves my side and I smirk.
"Hey Claude!" I wave to the strikingly gorgeous man.
After we left LA, Sean made sure to stay in contact with his new friend Claude. In fact, they hit it off so well this past month, Sean actually built up the balls to ask Claude out here to visit him. And, Claude obliged and came. This is their first thing together and I'm actually happy that Sean has someone to keep him occupied since I spend a lot of my free time with Justin. We've really gotten closer in the past month and I'm happy about that.
Justin and I even had our first real fight like a week ago when he insisted on buying Sean and me both a car and I told him he was being ridiculous.
Justin is sometimes a spoilt rich boy but that's understandable. He hates the fact that I still take public transportation. His words and I quote were ‘no A-List girlfriend of mine should have to succumb to such torture.' I couldn't believe him and basically let him have a piece of my mind. Sean was all up for the free gift, but I told Justin it wasn't going to happen. Apparently, denying his gifts and good gestures was a major blow to the ego and manhood. Figured. We worked it out eventually though, with Justin apologizing and I did the same for cursing him out. Then, he showered me with a dozen roses and took me out to dinner. There's no way I could have stayed angry with him after that. He really is a sweetheart.
"Hey Tai, Justin's been asking for you. You better find him before he calls a search party." Claude laughs out, interrupting my thoughts and I groan.
"We were only gone for like fifteen minutes." I point out and Claude shrugs before turning his attention back to Sean.
"Just go sis. I'll catch up with you later." Sean waves me off before giving Claude his full attention and I roll my eyes at them then turn to leave, telling them bye before I disappear into the mass of people to look for Justin.
On my way through the sea of bodies, I stop a few times to tell a few of A-List's clients ‘hi' until I make it to our group of friends seated at our table talking, laughing and drinking champagne.
"Hey guys!" I call out, making my way over to them and taking a seat. My eyes flit over Gem, Chris, Lannick, Carla, Sharron, Maura and Christian Siriano. But, no Justin or Robert. Hmm, I wonder where they are...
"Hey girl! Justin's been up and down looking for you." Maura speaks up and I frown. Really, what's so important that he needs me so badly?
"Where is he?" I question, fixing my long, red Cavalli evening dress.
"He and Robert went up on stage to make their speech." Gem adds in and I turn to stare at her.
Well, that would explain why Justin's looking for me. He doesn't want me to miss his speech that took him at least two weeks to get right.
Holding Gem's gaze, I give her a soft smile when I notice that she and Chris are holding hands, facing each other.
They look so much in love. I'm glad they were able to get past the whole Nella fiasco that happened not too long ago. Chris took another paternity test to be sure that the baby was his and it turned out that Nella's story checked out after all. Both Chris and Nella agreed they would share custody and that Chris would do his part, but, Gem is where his heart is. It was sweet and I was happy that the three of them came to an understanding.
Nella actually traveled to Spain for a while to meet up with some of her relatives but she'll be back before it's time to give birth since Chris and Gem want to be there for that moment. I'm just happy for them.
Even Justin and Robert forgave Nella for the terrible things she did. They finally understood and wished her well. Everyone was finally able to settle their differences and go their separate ways but it wasn't easy, especially for Justin and Robert...
I'm glad Robert has Maura now. They've been spending a lot of time together and I'm happy for them. I'm happy that I can be a part of their lives and I'm happy that I have Justin and he has me...
"Excuse me, can I get everyone's attention please?"
Inhaling deeply, I lift my head and stare at the platform Justin and Robert had temporarily built to act as a stage.
"Tai!? Tai Bennett, where are you girl!?" Justin calls out through the microphone, grabbing everyone's attention.
Ducking my head in slight embarrassment, I feel a light push on my shoulder.
"You better go Tai." Sharron speaks up. "He obviously wants you up there with them."
Lifting my head, my eyes travel over the stage to where Justin and Robert are standing looking amazing in their suits with a microphone in their hand.
They both turn to glare at each other before Justin's blues are back out in the crowd, scanning the many faces. He's looking for me I'm sure.
A small smile plays across his lips before he decides to call out to me again. "Tai!? Are you hiding from me?" Justin questions and I hear a few people laughing softly. "Tai-ana Bennett! You better get your butt up here pretty lady." Justin drawls and I instantly jump up on my feet, my eyes wide with shock.
Ok, I know our relationship is public now and all that but really, he's pushing it. I'm not yet accustomed to the endless attention that comes with being the girlfriend of an heir but I'm dealing. Still, Justin calling me by my full name is unacceptable.
"Ugh, I'm going to kill him." I mutter, clenching my fist. I've warned him about blurting out my full name like that in public. He's so stubborn sometimes. He knows I'll respond to it; that's why he's doing it now. Damn him.
"Yeah Taiana...get up there..." I hear Chris joke but I ignore him when Justin's eyes finally meet mine in the room and a large grin spreads across his face.
"There you are Taiana my love! Come up here so we can get this speech out of the way huh?" Justin suggests, making a signal with his hand for me to come and I hesitate before I start walking slowly towards the stage.
I can see Robert standing next to him, trying to stifle his laughs and if I didn't know any better, I'd say Justin was borderline tipsy.
When I finally make it to the front of the stage, a deep frown makes its way onto my face as I study Justin's features closely. He walks over and leans down, stretching his hand out for me to take. Keeping my composure, I allow him to help me up until I'm standing next to them on the stage in front of all their guests.
"Here we have her folks, the most beautiful woman in the room next to my mom of course." Justin quips, causing an uproar of laughter. "And, the love of my life who's been there for me like no one else ever has." He adds in softly, causing the people in the room to coo and aw.
Oh god, thank goodness I have a brown complexion because I'd be turning all shades of red right now.
Turning to face the crowd in slight embarrassment, I wave shyly before trying to move away to stand next to Robert, but Justin grips my hand in his, keeping me at his side.
"Are you drunk Justin?" I whisper casually in his ear.
"Not nearly enough to make this speech." He replies nervously and I sigh, giving his hand a light squeeze for comfort and reassurance. "Here goes nothing." He whispers to me again before his smile is back and he begins talking into the microphone with me standing silently at his side.
"So, firstly, I'd like to start off with thanking every one of you for coming out tonight to celebrate A-List's 40th Anniversary shindig." Justin begins and a light applause breaks out in the room. When everyone quiets down again, he continues. "I know that this is maybe not what you all expected, seeing as the main host who should be there giving this speech is not with us right now." Swallowing harshly, Justin releases his hold on my hand to loosen his tie around his neck before he continues. "I'm sure that you all are aware of the chaos that took place with Robert and me a little over a month ago in relation to our father Randall. It was a very low time for our family and for the company, especially with what happened to our dad. We did issue public apologizes and explained the situation that took place to the public and to our clients, but I'd just like to say again that I'm deeply sorry for the endless drama that ensued. It seeped into the media and they had a field day with it but the most important thing is that A-List came out standing and if anything the incident made us all stronger. Robert and I understood that we had to pay that price for being heirs. We are glad that we were able to get past it and that we can have you all here with us tonight to celebrate such an achievement and milestone in A-List history."
"We wish that our dad could be here tonight to see this...but...unfortunately..." Pausing, Justin's voice cracks and he swallows hard before removing the microphone from his mouth and licking his dry lips.
Robert notices and quickly covers for him, taking over where he left off.
"Unfortunately..." Robert continues, diverting everyone's attention, "Randall couldn't be here tonight. But, he does send well wishes to everyone. You see, the thing with our dad was, he was such a workaholic and consumed with power, he never really took the time out to stop and enjoy life or really pay attention to the effect he had on his family and the people around him. Justin and I are happy that he didn't die of the heart attack he suffered a little while back from all the stress he was under but he was never the same again. Needless to say, forgive my brother that he's not able to continue with his speech. The subject of our dad is still a sensitive one for Justin. After all, between the two of us, I'm the only one who's seen our dad after his heart attack in recovery. I was also the one who received Randall's apologies and saw him actually feel remorse and pour his heart out. Justin wasn't there to hear or witness any of it and until he's ready to, talking about our father will always be hard for him."
It's true.
Robert was the one who experienced the human side of Randall. He was the one who sat down and heard his father apologize till the ends of the earth and beg for their forgiveness. Robert forgave him easily, because well, he's that type of guy. After everything, all Robert needed to hear was that their dad was truly sorry and admitted to his mistakes and he was ok.
But Justin? Well, let's just say when they told Justin and Robert their dad was going to make it, Justin literally told the doctor that maybe they shouldn't have tried to save him...
Everyone was shocked when he said that. I was stunned. But Justin didn't care. He didn't even flinch. He simply told the doctor thank you, got up and left and never came back.
I guess, as time passed and Justin was finally able to really absorb everything their dad put him through, he couldn't find the good in their situation anymore. He couldn't find a reason to even keep loving his father anymore. It's almost like he was broken all this time and only realized it at the last moment. Justin hardly ever speaks of his dad now.
Even after Randall tried to make things right by passing the company over to them, Justin refused to speak to his father or even see him.
After all of that, Randall gave Robert and Justin full control of A-List as joint C.E.Os of the company without even breaking a sweat.
I know that near death experiences change people but come on!? Even I was upset that all it took was for Randall to nearly die to see the light and error in his ways. If that were the case, he should have faced death a lot sooner and save his sons the heartache and pain.
I think that's part of why Justin shunned him all together.
Justin felt used, betrayed and lied to among other things. He felt like all the pain and suffering he had to endure under his father's hand was all for nothing. And I don't blame him, but I just hope that eventually he'll be able to face his father and talk to him and finally forgive him else he'll never be able to truly move on and away from all the hell he had to endure growing up...
"So in conclusion, I'd like to thank you all for coming and for making this anniversary party a success. My dad sends his ‘thank you' especially to our clients. We're sorry again that he couldn't be here since he's in Fiji right now on retirement with his two house nurses who are taking good care of him. But, on behalf of Justin and myself, we hope that you enjoy the rest of your night and thank you again for coming." Robert states before the room breaks out in applause.
I finally turn to stare at Justin who's silently scanning the crowd until I tug on his hand and he turns to glare at me.
"Can we get off the stage now?" I ask, feeling exposed up here.
He nods before handing Robert his microphone. "Thanks Rob." Justin voices and Robert shakes his head in understanding before patting Justin's back and giving me a quick hug.
"You kids have fun." Robert chuckles then excuses himself to leave.
When he's gone, Justin quietly leads me off the stage and into the crowd.
"Where were you?" Justin questions in a light whisper as we maneuver through the many bodies in the room.
"Sean dragged me down to the closet so he could drool over the designer stuff in there." I giggle.
"Uh huh and where's Sean?"
"Off with Claude somewhere." I mumble causing Justin to laugh.
"Hey at least he met his match." Justin wisecracks.
"Yeah whatever..."
"So do you want to get a drink?" Justin asks but I decline.
"No, and you're not drinking anymore mister. You're tipsy. I can tell." I point out and he gives me a sheepish grin.
"Ok mom..." Justin jokes before we're interrupted.
"Last time I checked, you only had one mother young man."
Both Justin and I turn at the sound of Lynn's voice, Justin's eyes lighting up at the sight of her.
"Momma hey!" He beams, leaving my side to engulf his mom in a large hug.
"Hey baby." She smiles when he lets her go.
"Thanks again for coming Lynn." I voice and she nods, touching my shoulder lightly.
"Thank you for inviting me." She says honestly and Justin actually blushes. Oh gosh, where's a camera when you need it? He's too cute.
"Come on mom, it's not like I could have stayed mad at you forever. I just needed some time to get over my shock is all." Justin admits, touching Lynn's belly lightly. "You better not let that little one out of your sight." He points out with a smile on his face but we can hear the firmness in his tone.
I know Justin would never want his little brother or sister to grow up without their mom like he did. Every child needs his or her mother.
Lynn locks eyes with her son and gives him a soft smile. "I don't intend to." She admits honestly and Justin nods in return.
"So, Tai and I were just going to grab some alone time. Is everything ok? Are you having a good time?" Justin questions.
"Of course baby, but there is one thing I wanted to let you know in reference to your dad. I would have told you when I came in yesterday but you were so busy preparing for tonight. And my flight leaves tomorrow so..."
"What is it mom?" Justin asks.
"Well I hope that you don't hold this against us, but I think part of the reason why your dad acted the way he did with you was because of me." She explains and Justin frowns.
"Because of you?"
"Yes Justin. Look, I'm just going to lay it out for you so you can get on with your night. You see, your father wasn't the only horrible one in our relationship. I had my fair share of hurting him as well. Around the time I became pregnant with you, he found out I was cheating on him and there was a possibility that you might have not been his. I know what I did was wrong, but, we were having our problems and you know that no marriage is perfect. I don't condone what I did. I was young and stupid and didn't know any better. I am sorry though. I think, when I left it hit him really hard and because I left, he took out all of his hurt and frustration on you and your brother. It was my fault. Randall never quite got over my infidelity and he was never the same again. I don't want to go into too much detail but you're grown now and I'm sure you can fill in the blanks and maybe understand and finally forgive him. It wasn't his fault. He was lashing out at the wrong person and I'm sorry I left you to take those blows. I just wanted you to know baby. It really only came to me when I tried to understand why he was this way with you boys and that's the best I could come up with." Lynn shrugs but I can see the fear and worry in her eyes.
I know she's silently praying that Justin doesn't shun her again but Justin seems so over anything to do with his father he almost doesn't seem to care anymore.
There's a long pause as Justin digests everything before he finally speaks calmly.
"It's ok mom. It's not your fault. I guess it makes sense and all but dad willingly behaved the way he did. No one forced him to or held a gun to his head or threatened his life. Don't make excuses for him. I get that he was hurting or whatever and obviously he was too proud to talk about it but that doesn't change anything. Robert and I didn't deserve the way he treated us. And, even if he supposedly had a wake up call and decided to change his ways, it doesn't lessen the scars. I know you want me to forgive him but I just...can't. Not yet anyway." Justin voices and Lynn sighs heavily. "I will eventually...I just need some time."
"I hope you will baby...soon...before it's too late. Randall may have survived his heart attack but he's not getting any younger Justin."
"I know ma. Look, why don't you continue mingling and enjoying yourself? Thanks for coming and I'll see you again before you leave tomorrow." Justin states, pulling his mom into another tight hug. See? I'm not sure when this is going to end, but talking about his dad is definitely not something he enjoys doing. "I love you mom. I'm not angry I promise. We'll be ok. We're doing good now. Things will keep getting better so don't worry." Justin assures Lynn and I smile softly as her hold on him tightens.
When he pulls away, he kisses her cheek before wiping away the lone tear that escapes her. "Take care mom." Justin beams, stretching out to grip my hand gently in his.
"You too sweetie. It was nice seeing you again Tai."
"You too Lynn, bye!" I wave goodbye to her before she excuses herself and leaves.
When she's gone, Justin turns to stare at me with a blank expression on his face.
"What?" I ask him, feeling self-conscious.
"Come on." Justin demands before pulling me down the hall with him, dismissing our encounter with his mom.
"Wha...where are we going Justin?" I ask as he picks up his pace.
Nearly tripping over my heels, I fight to keep up with his long strides since he has a firm grip on my hand as he hauls me along.
"Slow down!" I shout but he ignores me, a low chuckle escaping him.
"What's the best way to relieve built up stress and tension?" He questions as we walk further down the hall and away from the party.
"Ugh, Justin I'm so tired of telling you to relax. I swear. You're going to pop a vein or something. You're way too young to develop hypertension so you just better not." I warn.
"Yeah yeah, yeah I need to relax, got it Tai. But there's no professional masseuse here right now and while I love your massages, I'm thinking I could go for something more intense." Justin explains.
Looking around, I realize that we're heading in the direction of Justin's office where A-List is practically deserted since the guests aren't allowed down here. There are even security guards around, compliments Robert who wanted to make sure that the peace remained throughout the entire evening.
"You don't have a stash of alcohol hidden away from your guests that you plan on indulging in do you Justin?" I ask a bit reluctantly. I wouldn't put it past him.
"No..." Justin says softly as we stop in front of his office door.
My eyes quickly scan over my old desk facing the large glass window of his office.
It's my old desk because I'm not situated there anymore. I actually have my own office now. Justin and Robert had it ready for me about a week ago which was around the same time Justin and I got into our little argument over public transportation when he stopped by to ask me if I needed a ride home and I told him I was taking the train instead because I had to meet up with Sean since we were going on a prowl.
"What are you up to Justin?" I giggle when he swings his door open and drags me inside.
Turning around to face me, he grins brightly before stretching across and locking the door. Walking away from me, he closes all of the blinds and turns on this one lone lamp on the corner of his desk which is our only source of light really.
"It should be obvious what I'm up to by now Taiana." He smirks, his stare intense and I swallow hard because I'm very much aware of what's happening here.
"Are you fuckin' crazy?" I whisper, not quite knowing why I am.
"You mean am I crazy about you? Yes I am." Justin quips. "Plus I've wanted us to have some alone time all night."
"No idiot. We can't do this here right now. You have a big fuckin' party going on right now with guests you have to entertain since you're one of the hosts! We can't do this now Justin. People will start looking for you. You know this." I point out but he shrugs uncaringly.
"Then we should be quick huh?" He chuckles, walking up and encircling his arms around my waist.
"Oh god, you're fuckin' psycho Justin." I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck.
I'm about to cave, I just know it. How can I possibly resist him or say no to him? I can't say no to him. I can't ever say no to him. Oh god, why can't I say no to him? This is bad.
"Well hey there miss potty mouth. What's come over you?" Justin snickers, lifting one of his hands to brush my curly hair away from my face and neck.
"I hang around you too much." I counter.
"I don't swear that much."
"Yes you do. Especially when you're riled up."
"Ok well, don't pick it up. It's not attractive when a woman does it."
"Oh please Justin."
"Fine, it's not attractive when my woman does it." He divulges and I smile at him.
"I'm sorry."
"You're forgiven." He coos. "Now, give your boss a kiss my little hot chocolate." He muses and I groan with a smile.
"You know, that's what got us here in the first place...mixing business with pleasure."
"I know. But aren't you glad we did though? I mean, I wouldn't have found the love of my life if I had simply ignored my feelings for her." He confesses and oh my god he needs to stop being so sickeningly sweet to me.
"Ugh, ok Justin I'm convinced. I totally agree, come here." I snicker, pulling him down for a kiss which he gladly obliges to.
And just like that we get carried away, forgetting about our surroundings and only focusing on and each other's arms.
Justin hums lightly in response the moment our lips connect before I feel him pulling us further into his office.
In the blink of an eye, I'm hoisted up in his strong arms to sit at the edge of his desk and I gasp in shock, breaking our lip action.
"You're serious huh?" I question him, my browns latching onto his dilated blues. "And tipsy." I snigger, causing him to elicit a deep growl.
"And horny." He adds in with a crooked grin, his large hands diving to my thighs.
He grips fistfuls of my dress, pushing it up all the way to my waist, exposing my legs and red matching panties.
"Hmm, I like this ‘lady in red' theme you have going. Is your bra the same color?" He questions, about the move the strap of my dress aside to see but I stop him.
"Who said I was wearing one?" I say innocently and his eyes widen with excitement.
"Shit, you really shouldn't have told me that Tai. Now we can never leave my office and get back to the party." Justin grunts, his fingertips grazing over my center until he grips my underwear getting ready to root it off of me.
"Why not?" I can't help but giggle at his anxiousness.
"I'll be too focused on the fact that you're not wearing anything underneath that red dress." He mutters.
"But I'm wearing..."
And just like that I hear a ripping sound which shocks me into silence.
Oh my freaking god! He just ripped my panties. I loved them too! They were one of my favorites!
"Justin!" I finally gasp but he silences me, tossing my underwear to the side.
"Don't act like you don't love it." He growls huskily, leaning down to kiss me deeply.
I moan softly, images of him taking me right here on his desk flooding my mind.
Wow, I can't believe this is actually happening right now...
I quickly allow my instinct to kick in as my hands go to work, rooting off his tie and pushing off his jacket. I frantically work on unpinning his shirt as he continues kissing me and groping me, his large hands roaming over my frame.
When I finally get his shirt undone, I skim my hands down his hard chest, my nails softly grazing over his hot flesh causing him to shudder.
Pulling away from me, Justin inhales sharply as his blues roam over my face.
"Fuck..." he breathes deeply, and I bite my bottom lip as my hands dip to his waist.
I quickly undo his belt and unpin his pants. Chuckling softly, he helps me until I'm able to shove my hand down his boxers and grip him firmly, wrapping my fingers around his length.
He hisses softly as I squeeze him gently, loving the feel of him.
"Lie back." Justin orders in a strained tone and I frown slightly.
"Wha but..."
"Lie back Tai." He says more sternly, his tone urgent as he removes my hand.
I turn around, realizing that his desk is filled with documents but that doesn't stop him.
Letting out a rather frustrated grunt, Justin leans over me and with one swift brush of his hand he sends the entire contents on his desk crashing to the floor around us including the lamp which makes a loud thud.
I gasp in shock, the small light in the room flickering, casting a shadow on the ceiling from its angle on the floor.
"Justin what..."
"Shh..." He silences me, using one of his hands to grip my waist and pull me towards him at the edge of the desk.
Not saying anything else, I wrap my legs around his waist as he uses his other free hand to push down his pants and boxers, freeing his erection that's thick and throbbing.
I can already feel myself getting wet just from the sight of him.
"Do you love me Tai?" Justin questions and my eyes snap up to his face.
"What kind of question is that?"
Grinning, he shrugs as he pulls me flush against him, positioning his self at my entrance. "How much do you love me?" He whispers sexily and I scowl.
"A lot." I decide to play along.
"How much is a lot?" he asks, tilting his head slightly to the side.
"Times infinity." I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"So, do you love me enough to scream my name and not care who hears?"
"What? Look Justin..." but my voice dies in my throat, my eyes widening when I feel him pushing his way in.
"Enough to scream my name?" He asks again, his voice low and taunting as he studies my expressions.
Gripping my waist to hold me in place, he slowly pushes in, thrusting into me, stretching my walls apart.
My mouth gapes open as I glare at him, not able to find my voice quite yet.
"Come on Tai, answer me." Justin coaxes, sliding out of me before he thrusts back in harshly causing me to whimper.
"Oh my god..." I moan, tilting my head back in the process.
"Come on babe, you can do better than that. I wanna hear you scream it! Scream my name Taiana." Justin demands, setting a steady pace as he pushes me further up on his desk until he's leaning over me as he stares at me intently.
"Justin..." I croak, but he shakes his head in protest, his rough side taking over.
"No...louder!" He growls.
"But I..."
"Louder Tai!" Justin snaps, thrusting into me harshly.
Falling back on my elbows, I try to catch my breath as his pace speeds up.
"Ugh Justin!" I shout, not able to hold back any longer. "Yes Justin! Harder!"
"Thata girl. Tell me what you want me to do." Justin orders.
He likes this...this demanding controlling shit. It's kind of a turn on too. He has no idea that I'm enjoying this just as much as he is.
"Fuck me." I say softly, glaring up at him, loving the sight of him as pleasure washes over his features while his face creases up into a light frown and the muscles in his chest make a rippling effect with each breath he takes.
"A little louder baby." Justin coos, his hips slamming into mine as he's literally fucking me now, his thrusts rough and deep as he works on bringing us over the edge.
My stomach coils and a loud moan escapes me when he starts hitting my g-spot continuously. "Shit! Fuck me Justin...please! Ugh, yes!" I scream out, lying flat on my back as he hovers, never slowing his pace.
"That's it...almost there babe." Justin grunts, one of his hands gripping my thigh tightly as he continues working us over the edge.
Panting, my hands search for the edge of his desk, gripping it tightly to steady myself as our bodies rock violently on top of the piece of furniture.
Looking up at Justin, I notice that he's mesmerized with how he slides in and out of me as I swallow him up.
"Damn..." he mutters, finally gazing into my browns.
Leaning down, he kisses a trail up my bare chest until he gets to my neck. Shifting his lips up to my ear, he pecks me there gently before he whispers softly. "I love you Tai..."
"I love you too J." I coo, his lips connecting to mine in a deep kiss.
Gasping when I feel my orgasm building since he's still thrusting into me deeply, I try to push him away but he remains in place, stealing my air.
My hands instantly find their way to his chest until I grip fistfuls of his open shirt, my back arching off the desk slightly as one of his hands slowly skims over my thigh, kneading it softly.
My legs tighten around Justin's waist when I feel my walls clamp down around him as I reach my climax quickly, his deep, powerful thrusts driving me over the edge.
I shudder against him, my moans muffled by our kiss as my entire body trembles, my grip on him tightening.
Justin slows down his pace, finally breaking our kiss so we can take in air.
I heave, my eyes shut tight as I try to come down from my high with him still moving inside of me until he finally lets go, climaxing and filling my insides...
"Oh fuck." Justin groans deeply, his fingers digging into my thigh as his hips jerk, his thrusts slowing down until all movement stops.
I hold onto him for dear life, still breathing deeply, my eyes wide open now as I scan our surroundings.
The room is dully illuminated with a large shadow by the small lamp lying on the floor.
And, Justin and I are practically lying on top of his desk holding onto each other after fucking, totally spent. Our bodies are slightly damp and our clothes are disheveled. There is no way we can go back out to that party looking like this.
"Justin the party." I speak up when it dawns on me that we're indeed housing guests here at A-List.
I don't think it would be wise if any of them came looking for Justin now.
"Fuck the party Tai." He says hoarsely, still deep inside of me semi-hard. "You're so beautiful like this."
"What? I'm a mess. My hair is ruined." I giggle, hugging him and leaning up to peck his lips softly.
"Hmm, then you're a beautiful mess." He hums and I scoff.
"Nice one."
"Yeah..." He sighs contently and I roll my eyes playfully at him.
"Can we get up now? Your desk isn't exactly soft." I point out and he chuckles, finally sliding out of me and moving off before he helps me up.
I carefully stand on wobbly legs, my dress falling past my knees as I try to keep my balance in my heels.
Leaning against the desk, I watch Justin as he carefully pulls up his boxers and pants over his waist before he pulls up his zipper and pins his pant button.
"So, did you relieve the stress?" I ask jokingly and he smiles at me.
"Uh huh, I'm totally relaxed now." He beams and I shake my head in amusement.
"You're too much Justin."
"You love me like that."
"I do." I agree, walking over to him.
Looking up at him, I rest my hands flat on his exposed chest. Leaning forward, I place delicate kisses over his pectorals until he tenses under my touch.
"Tai, are you looking for me to jump you again?"
"Maybe." I shrug and Justin laughs out loudly.
"Ok, well as much as I'd love to, we have a party to get back to. But I'll take you up on that when we get home later." He suggests, pushing some of my damp hair behind my ears.
"Can we hang out in here still?" I ask hopefully, looking around at the mess on the floor. There are papers everywhere.
"Ok, but, I've been meaning to tell you that we're going to have to push back our trip to Hawaii a few months." Justin voices, pulling me with him to sit on his couch in the far corner of the office.
When he sits down, I straddle his waist facing him as I play with the small curls on his head. "Why?" I question as his hands skim my back.
"We have fashion month coming up and Robert and I have to work on our new season line among other things. But I promise after all that, we're taking that vacation." Justin states, his blues searching my browns.
"That's fine. As long as we're together I'm ok with it." I admit, smiling for him and he nods.
"Sweet. So you won't have any problem when I tell you that you'll be traveling with us to Italy for fashion month in the next two weeks." Justin adds in and I gasp in shock.
"Oh my god really?" I say excitedly, bouncing on top of him and he chuckles.
"Wow, cool!" I gush and his chuckles increase.
"I told you you'd get to visit Italy one day."
"Only because of you J."
"I know; I'm a cool boyfriend like that." He says cockily.
"Whatever!" I smack his chest to shut him up.
"Ok, ok, but Sean was right you know."
"Oh no." I groan. There's no getting away from Sean is there. And he was right? About what? "What crazy thoughts did my brother put in your head Justin? Gosh, I need to remember to never leave you two alone." I joke.
"Yeah, yeah but he's a smart guy. He said fate or destiny was what brought us together and you know the more I think about it, the more I'm starting to think that maybe he's right. I mean, the way everything happened...I don't know Tai, but it was all too convenient to be pegged as simply coincidence ignoring the possibly of greater forces at work." Justin shrugs and I stare at him incredulously.
A good moment passes between us before I finally gather my bearings to respond.
"Ok that's it, it's official. Justin you hang around Sean way too much. His craziness is finally rubbing off on you too." I giggle and Justin stares at me blankly before he caves and begins laughing as well.
"Yeah, it does sound kind of crazy huh?" He admits.
"You have no idea." I agree, but little does he know that I share his thoughts exactly.
I'll never admit it though and give him the satisfaction.
But, A-Listed or not, I believe that we were meant to be here like this now and I hope that we'll always be like this and that it will never end...
- FIN - |
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