[Part One]
Days Later
En Route to Los Angeles, California
[Via A-List Private Jet]
"It's official. If you all need me to, I'll worship the ground you Timberlakes walk on for having every single ingredient needed to make a bloody Mary here! Tai, can you believe it!? Look at this bar!" Sean shouts excitedly from the back of the A-List jet and I laugh boisterously, turning to stare at Justin who's also dying of laugher next to me as he types away on his MacBook.
"I know Sean! It's pretty sweet huh?" I question as I shift in my leather seat, fixing my seatbelt.
"No duh sis!" Sean chuckles and Justin's head immediately snaps up as he stares at me, his blues filled with amusement as he rests his laptop down on the finely crafted ebony table in front of us.
"You were right; Sean's a bad influence on you." Justin snickers. "No duh? I still can't get over that." Justin teases me, nudging and poking me playfully and I smack his hand away.
"Stop." I whisper, holding in my giggles and he grins at me mischievously before unbuckling his seatbelt to stand.
"I could go for a drink too. Come on." Justin states, coaxing me to follow him and I do, allowing him to lead us to the back of the Jet where Sean and Robert are situated.
It's no surprise that we're presently airborne in A-List's private Jet heading to LA.
These past days have been hectic and chaotic. Justin and Robert are the talk of the media world when it comes to heirs because of the press conference they held at A-List.
They're full blown celebrities now after airing A-List's dirty laundry for the entire world to see.
We even had a few paparazzi encounters when leaving A-List's building in the past few days which Justin simply ignored, gripping my hand and storming past the paps, ignoring their accusations and questions about our relationship.
I didn't care though.
I don't care anymore if people know that I'm with Justin because either way, I'm still going to be with him because I love him and we're not going to let the outside world dictate our lives. We had a talk about that recently and I don't mind facing the speculation because I'm not the type who really bothers with what people think about me when I don't even know who the heck they are.
Not to mention, a good chunk of A-List's clients put their accounts on hold when they heard about the incident concerning Randall. According to some of A-List's clients and partners, they were only willing to continue their business ventures with A-List once Justin and Robert were in charge, not Randall. Is that messed up or what?
Randall didn't take those turn of events very well. The last time I heard and saw him, he was in a screaming fest with Justin and Robert in Justin's office before he stormed out of the office and out of the building, letting his sons know that he'd deal with them once they returned from LA because he couldn't be bothered at the moment.
I have no idea what Randall meant by that but Justin and Robert didn't seem fazed by any of it.
They have high hopes that there's still some good buried in their dad somewhere.
I don't.
I'm scared for them, but if they're going to brush it off then, I'll brush it off too for the next three days we're away from New York.
Because damn it, I'm excited! I mean, we're flying in luxury! Is all of this even necessary? I've only ever seen private jets like this one on television and in magazines. It's actually a twenty-three seater Boeing Business Jet. It's beautiful and the interior color scheme is a mixture of black, cream and white which is exceptionally classy.
I had no idea I'd actually get to fly in one of these things in my lifetime. It goes to show you how your life can change so drastically when you least expect it.
This A-List jet has a large entertainment system, a fully stocked bar, and it even has a bedroom! Yes, it has a damn bed in here. I'm wondering how they were even able to fit it in here. Weird thought, but, still! A bed!? And it's at least queen sized too. Gosh! Those two brothers, I admire them so much. Not because they have this life of luxury, but, because even with all of this, they're so down to earth and humble that you can't help but admire them.
"Here you go Tai." Justin snaps me out of my thoughts and I smile softly at him from where I'm seating on one of the barstools.
Taking the drink from his grasp, I thank him and smile brightly when a whiff of the scotch in the glass fills my nostrils.
"You know my poison." I giggle and Justin chortles before taking a swig of his beer.
"You and Rob have something in common." Justin laughs and I nod, sipping on my drink lightly.
"That we do." Robert speaks up, lifting his drink in the air and I giggle softly, my laughs increasing when I see Sean reading one of the menus.
"So, why isn't there an airhostess on this flight?" I speak up and Justin shrugs.
"We didn't need one. We had here fully stocked so if you guys want anything to eat, you can grab one of the meals and heat it up." Justin explains and I nod, taking another gulp of my scotch on the rocks.
"I'm good." Sean speaks up, finishing off his bloody Mary.
"Me too." I confirm and Justin nods.
This is nice.
This is one of those small moments in my life I'm always going to remember: the four of us relaxing at the bar casually drinking and chatting effortlessly. It's these little moments that make you appreciate the people in your life.
Plus, I'm happy to be away from New York and the walls of A-List for a bit.
I'm tired since we had to wake up early for our flight today, but the good thing in all of this is LA is three hours behind New York so I'm pretty sure I'll have plenty of time to catch up on some sleep.
"I've been meaning to ask..." Sean begins, excitement filling his voice. "Besides you guys obvious work schedule, what fun plans did you add for us to partake in? I know Tai is going to be with you Justin and I'll be at Robert's and I'm perfectly fine with that because I don't need to be witnessing any of you all' know..." He waves his hand in effect and Justin glares at him oddly, trying to hold back his laughter. "But, I hope we get the Hollywood tour because I'm dying to see some of those sights."
"Actually..." Robert voices before finishing off his drink and placing it on the countertop. "Justin and I tried to fit in as much fun as we could specifically for you guys. We have that Hollywood tour down that you want Sean; we also have shopping, the beach with surfing and maybe jet skiing, clubbing and dinner at one of our dad's restaurants in LA. All Justin and I have to do business wise is two press conferences promoting A-List's anniversary shindig and we'll also be contacting a few clients in reference to the event. I think we can fit all of that into three days." Robert states and Justin nods in agreement.
"We can. Our first conference is tomorrow, so today, we thought the Hollywood tour and maybe some shopping was in order then we'll head home to get situated. I'll have the driver drop off our things at our place while we hit the town. Tomorrow we'll do the beach since our conference is early in the morning. Then, we'll do the club after dinner. And on the third day, after our second press conference, we'll visit those A-List clients but we'll have the rest of the day off to do whatever. Maybe we could all hang at Rob's or my place and invite a few of our friends over for a mini BBQ and pool party. It's up to you guys." Justin informs Sean and me and we both shake our heads in agreement, a large grin spreading across Sean's face at their plans.
"This I can live with." Sean chortles and Justin smiles in return. "Totally copasetic."
"Sweet." Justin hums, grabbing another beer out of the mini fridge and I simply remain quiet as I stare at his red t-shirt clad back.
He's so cute, with his matching fitted hat and jacket. Now that I know what he looks like without clothes on, it's hard not to picture him that way almost always.
Shifting in my seat, I place down my now empty glass on the counter, wiping my palms over my jeans before fixing my green top.
Robert excuses himself to return to his seat and Sean follows suit, asking Robert's advice on helping him to surf the net for cars at affordable prices.
We could definitely use a car. I'm tired of always taking the train and bus, especially at night.
Justin easily pops open his can of beer as he moves to stand before me, taking a long swig of the chilled liquid before placing the can down on the counter next to me.
"So, how's my Taiana doing?" Justin says softly and I roll my eyes lightheartedly at him as he situates himself between my legs, his large hands gripping my waist tightly.
"You're going to make everyone at A-List know my name." I grumble and he laughs loudly.
"I think it's cute. And only Rob and Gem know." He counters.
"No thanks to you, which means Chris maybe knows too."
"Why do you hate your full name so much?" Justin queries and I avoid his gaze as I shift in my seat, my hands circling around his neck to hold him in place.
"I don't. It makes me miss my parents. I have all these memories of them whenever someone says my name."
"Oh yeah, I'm sorry about that. Sean told me about it. If you prefer I won't call you..."
"No, it's fine. I'm getting used to it. Don't worry about it. What else did Sean tell you at Carla's album release party?" I enquire, remembering I never did scold my brother on the matter.
"You'll never know." Justin smiles deviously and I groan.
"Whatever." I snigger and he beams at me, leaning forward to place a delicate kiss on my lips.
I breathe in deeply when his hold around me tightens and he expels a soft growl.
Is it just me or is it getting claustrophobic in here? Ugh, but it's a good kind of claustrophobia even if that must seem strange.
It's not long before our little make-out session is interrupted by the pilot's voice over the intercom system, telling us that we'll be landing in LAX shortly once they have clearance on the runway.
Grudgingly, Justin pulls away from me then grips my hand in his as I stand so we can return to our seats and fasten our seatbelts.
"Welcome to Los Angeles, California." Justin murmurs while kissing my temple softly as we make our way back to our seats to join Robert and Sean, and I smile when I look out of the jet windows at the state below, the sun shining brightly through the clouds in the transparent sky...
Hours Later
Los Angeles, California
Today, hands down, was one of the most fun days of my life. I can't remember the last time I had this much fun.
From the moment we landed in LAX and got our luggage, the fun started.
Justin and Robert were like two big clowns, cracking all these ridiculous jokes of their past visits to LA which Sean and I ate up.
The first thing we did was hop into their awaiting company ride which took us into the heart of Hollywood before Justin instructed the driver to drop our things off at Robert's and his place.
When we got to our destination, they actually had a car waiting for us. It was a slick, belle, black Aston Martin too.
I was in awe.
Justin was the one driving so I sat at the front with him and Robert and Sean took the back seats. We had the music blaring from the speakers as Justin drove us around Hollywood showing us all of the sights.
Then, when it was later down in the day, we all grabbed something to eat at one of Justin and Robert's favorite restaurants.
Justin and Robert even stopped a few times during the day on our walks to sign autographs and take out photos with random strangers who recognized them.
It was crazy, but so, so enjoyable.
By the time it was late afternoon, we were all strolling around in one of the malls, buying knickknacks here and there while goofing off with each other.
And you know what? I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.
It feels amazing when you can forget about everything and simply have a carefree fun day.
Plus, I absolutely love LA. The weather, the atmosphere and the whole vibe is so different from New York.
And the people! A lot of them are so beautiful, even if I know this is part of the trend and Hollywood lifestyle, it was a lot to take in.
By the end of our day, Justin and I bade Robert and Sean farewell after dropping them off at Robert's which is a huge two-story house. My mouth gaped open in shock when I saw Robert's place and he still had the heart to say Justin's place was a ‘tad' bigger.
This would probably explain why the chattering and laughing I was doing with Justin ceased when we drove up to the gates of his home and he punched in some long security code to open the gates.
As we pull up to the front of his home I furrow my brows taking in the lavish, white, glass wall, futuristic-type two-story home.
"Wow..." I voice as Justin kills the engine of the Aston Martin.
"Do you like it?" He questions, turning to look at me hopefully after he pulls the key out of the ignition and stuffs it in his jeans pocket.
"This definitely beats your penthouse apartment." I laugh and he chuckles.
"It was a gift from my mom some years back. It was her way of buying me over since she was never around. My housekeeper usually takes care of the place when I'm not around." He shrugs before opening the car door to get out, and I follow suit, rounding the car to help him with the few shopping bags that we have.
"Your mom loves you Justin." I point out. "You should talk to her."
"I know Tai, I know. Just, let me get over that pregnancy bomb she dropped on me and I'll give her a call...I promise." He sighs heavily and I nod, satisfied with his response.
I'm not going to push it.
He knows what he has to do; he simply needs a little time.
"Come on, let's get inside, I want to show you around." Justin grins brightly and I follow him as we juggle the shopping bags in our hands while making our way into his home.
Justin's Home
Los Angeles, California
"I'll admit that I can see myself moving out here to live. I never thought I'd say it because I love New York, but it's blatantly obvious that I'm in love with LA also." I divulge.
"LA's not all glitz and glamour Tai. You should know that. You're getting the best part of it." Justin points out while coming to stand behind me as I lean over the glass railing in his bedroom, looking out at the beautiful lights of LA below at night.
"I know." I sigh. "But when you have the best of a world, it's magnified like no other." I coo in a dreamy state.
"Who knows, maybe you'll get the best of both worlds one day." Justin whispers in my ear as he wraps his arms around my waist tightly, pressing his front to my back. "You deserve it..." He adds in, dipping his head down to kiss my neck lightly.
Sighing, I smile softly, getting lost in the beauty in front of us.
Justin's home out here is spectacular. It's actually cozy with the way he set everything up and it's definitely a good getaway.
After we came in earlier, we called up Robert and Sean to let them know that we were safe and that we'd see them tomorrow.
Then, Justin gave me the grand tour before he made us dinner which was delicious.
Yes, he actually cooked.
And I was there to witness it too.
That was an unforgettable moment.
He made his mom's special Lasagna and stir fry vegetables as he called it which only concluded that he indeed missed his mom and he wasn't truly angry at her.
He was simply hurt.
But, now, he's doing really well.
He's happier now; he smiles and laughs a lot more and it's genuine, not forced.
I know he says that I have a part to play in it, and maybe I do, but, I'm glad that he's able to deal with his demons because we all have them. He helped me deal with mine by helping me to open up and actually embrace my feelings instead of always trying to suppress them.
So, I'd say we're both good for each other.
"What are you thinking of?" Justin hums in my ear, brushing his nose against the side of my face as we both take in the scenery in front of us.
"That I shouldn't have drunk that extra glass of champagne at dinner. I'm feeling a little lightheaded." I giggle.
It's true, I should have stopped while I was ahead, but it was so tasty.
Justin chuckles softly, releasing his hold on me to spin me around to face him.
"I feel fine." He mentions.
"Obviously...I'm the weak drinker here." I muse.
Looking up at him, I smile, my eyes traveling over the black wife beater and grey cotton slacks he's wearing. He just came from the shower after me so he smells damn good right now and his short brunette curls are a shade darker since they're slightly damp and glistening.
"I can't see how that's possible when you drink scotch on a regular." Justin jibes and I rotate my eyes playfully before walking away from him to get into bed...his bed...because he refused to let me stay in the guest bedroom. Hmm...
"I don't drink full bottles of scotch Justin. I only drink like one glass, maybe two at most. We went through more than one bottle of champagne tonight." I point out and he snickers, following me.
"True. Ok, point taken."
"But I had fun tonight; it was nice spending time together...just the two of us." I admit and he shakes his head in agreement, standing before me at the side of the bed as I crawl over the sheets to lie down.
Lying on my back, I look up, grinning demurely...
"I could think of a few ways to make our night more fun." Justin utters, his voice low and taunting as his blues examine my lying form closely.
My head snaps in his direction and I bite the corner of my lips when I see the lascivious stare he's giving me, my body instantly heating up.
But I ignore him for now, my vision diverting north again before I glare at my reflection in partial amusement and awe.
"I'd really like you to explain to me this fascination you have with ceiling mirrors Justin. Please." I titter and he grins widely from ear to ear, jumping onto the bed to lie next to me on top of the dark gold and black sheets.
Gazing up at the mirror with me, he smiles, tilting his head slightly to the side as he studies our reflection from where we're lying next to each other.
"It's kinky, hot, and different...and I like that." He simply states as we look at each other through the mirror above us.
That's the only response I'm met with but that's not enough.
"So, when you and your girlfriends..."
"Ok, I'm going to stop you right there Tai and say ‘no.' I never did." He laughs out.
"So then why..."
"Honestly, this wasn't here before. I only had that one mirror in my bedroom but since you took such an interest in it when you were over at my apartment back in New York, I figured you'd maybe get a kick out of this one and I was right." He chuckles and I turn on my side to look at him, propping myself up on my elbow so I can get a better view of him.
"You installed this one because of me?" I ask incredulously.
"Don't seem so surprised. It's not that big of a deal." Justin states nonchalantly and I eye him, not believing him.
"What's on your mind right this second Justin? And don't lie or change your answer because I asked you."
"Ok, well in that case, my mind is presently filled with thoughts of the both of us, naked, rolling around on my bed." He confesses with a straight face and my eyes widen in shock, my mouth gaping open slightly.
He doesn't flinch or budge from his spot, but I notice the faint hint of a smile tugging at his lips before he casts his vision north again.
That sneaky little manipulative...ugh god, I'm most definitely thinking the same thing too but it's a bit more graphic than that.
"You're a tease Justin." I point out and he shrugs in response, finally breaking out into a lopsided grin.
"Not intentionally Tai."
"Yes, intentionally."
"Well then you're a tease too." Justin states in a low groan and I smile.
"Not tonight." I deduce and his head immediately whips in my direction, interest filling his blues before I cure his curiosity by gripping a fistful of his wife beater to pull him over to me.
He allows me to take control as I pull him until he's hovering over me, propping himself up on his hands while he nestles between my legs.
"What were you saying about making our night more fun?" I coo softly and he blinks slowly, his azures absorbing my browns in an intense stare.
"Are you sure you want to Tai? Because I really was only teasing...I can wait for as long as you want me to..." But I quickly shake my head in protest, cutting him off.
He's sweet. But really, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to jump him the very first day we met even if he was a colossal jerk at the time.
He must know how fine and irresistible he is. He can't be that oblivious to it.
"Just shut up and kiss me Justin." I giggle and that's all it takes before he completely caves, exhaling heavily before he relaxes against me.
And in a heartbeat, his soft lips are against mine, kissing me passionately while my hands find their way to his back so I can grip him there...all self-control vanished.
His kiss is slightly volatile, his hand slowly exploring my curves as a smooth growl bubbles up in his throat. I hold him in my embrace as his tongue lightly dances with mine in a deep, sultry kiss.
My breathing is labored and I'm fully aware of where this is going to lead, but I don't care because I want this...I want him.
Slowly breaking our lip-lock, Justin heaves a content sigh with a small smile on his face before he dips his head to my collarbone, his lips brushing against my skin since I'm wearing a thin-strapped top and shorts.
He slowly makes his way to my neck, kissing and nibbling on the flesh, driving me crazy.
"Ugh god...don't stop." I moan, my back arching slightly off the bed when his suction increases.
His hand disappears beneath my top, inching its way north until he cups one of my breasts, massaging it softly.
Then he pulls away from me, detaching himself from me as he inhales deeply, his blues shades darker as he glares at me.
I look at him, wondering what he's doing but my confusion doesn't last long when in one swift motion he roots off his wife beater giving me a perfect view of his tone, sculpted torso.
Giggling, I place my hands on his bulging pectorals, a shiver passing through me when a soft moan escapes him.
"Ok Tai." Justin swallows harshly. "Do me a favor and strip." He voices in a deep grunt before gripping my waist and flipping us over so I'm on top straddling his waist.
"What?" I mutter.
"Don't act so innocent." Justin growls, fixing his weight beneath me. "If you want...I can help." He winks.
I glare at him in shock, his gaze remaining on me for a mere second before he casts his vision north to gaze at our reflection, biting down on his lip harshly as his hands move around my body, gripping and massaging me.
That little freak!
Surprisingly, I'm loving that about him.
So I do as he requests, shedding my top and tossing it on the floor next to us.
His blues are back on me now, widening at the sight of my bare upper half since I wasn't wearing a bra.
"Damn you're beautiful." Justin groans softly. "And a perfect blended tone of caramel chocolate...Mm hmm." He hums, slowly licking his lips and I gasp in shock. Oh my god! "Don't think I didn't that time when you switched my coffee...which means I'm the milk right?" He snickers and I smack his bare chest, blushing massively.
"Oh my god shut up Justin!" I whisper, giggling uncontrollably and he chuckles, pulling me down for an intense kiss which makes my head spin.
Then he flips us over again, his smooth naked chest meshing with mine as he continues kissing me, my moans lodging in my throat when one of his hands travels down to my shorts, tugging at the waistband.
My heart is thudding in my chest in anticipation when Justin pulls away from me with an annoyed look on his face.
Casting his vision south between us, he grips my shorts and swiftly yanks them and my underwear off in one pull. He tosses them carelessly to the side before pausing to take a good look at me since I'm now fully naked beneath him.
His large hands slowly and shyly skim over my thighs, inching their way up to where I need his touch the most.
"Justin..." I whisper and he snaps his head up to look at me, as if reading my mind before he sinks down between my legs and begins placing delicate kisses along the inside of my thighs, moving higher and higher until he places a firm, long kiss right on my clit.
And I gasp, my eyes widening as I grasp fistfuls of the bed sheet beneath us. I pant softly, my body going rigid under his touch when his tongue slicks out to taste me causing a ripple of pleasure to shoot through me.
Shit...seriously? He's really doing this right now? Oh my god.
"Jus..." But my voice dies out, my eyes growing wider when I look up and take in our reflection through his ceiling mirror.
Oh god, he was right...this is hot.
I'm practically mesmerized by the blend of our skin tones with his head buried between my legs, his lips and tongue working overtime, causing my toes to curl and uncurl as I fight to hold back any type of orgasm since I'm not ready yet.
"Jus...stop." I choke out, still looking up, noticing how the angel tattoo on his back makes a rippling effect when he contracts and relaxes his muscles.
"Ugh Justin!" I scream out, gasping for air when he forms a small suction on my clit, his hums sending goose bumps all over my body.
I can't take it anymore. I immediately grip his head, forcefully pulling him away from me until he relents and seats up, a satisfied smirk on his face as he licks his lips.
"Take those off." I point to his cotton slacks before he can say anything and he simply shakes his head, obeying me with a mischievous grin on his face.
I can't even look away. My browns are trained on him as he pulls off his slacks and tosses them aside.
He's fully naked in front of me now, his thick, long, impeccably beautiful male erection free of its confinements.
Damn...damn him.
I think he's aware of why I'm speechless right now, simply staring in awe because he doesn't say anything.
He simply bends forward, crawling over me before leaning down to kiss me harder than he ever has before. And I sigh against him, kissing him back, loving the feel of our naked bodies fused together.
His hands skim over my body, a soft growl escaping him when I shift beneath him, allowing the head of his erection to rest against my swollen entrance.
One moment he's kissing me feverishly, the next moment he's breathing deeply, trying to suck air into his lungs as he grips beneath one of my thighs, wrapping my leg around his slender waist.
My juices begin flowing freely now when he curves his hips, angling himself to the point where the head of his erection is resting perfectly at my entrance as he applies a little pressure, but not enough to sink inside of me yet.
"Uh shit, Justin...please." I whine, gripping him around his back tightly before lifting my hips slightly, desperately needing to feel more of him.
He can't do this to me now. He just can't.
"Tell me." He groans softly, placing butterfly kisses on my lips and I'm fighting to control my breathing as my other leg wraps around his waist, the heel of my feet grazing over his tight butt.
"Shit, fuck me please." I plead, but he shakes his head in protest, still kissing me, groping me and it takes everything in me not to scream.
"Louder." He demands gruffly and my browns latch onto his deep blues, holding his gaze.
I love this domineering side of him. It's so sexy.
"Damn it Justin! Fuck me!" I shout but then I gasp in shock, my muscles tensing when he suddenly thrusts himself deeply into me, in one swift movement, burying himself inside of me.
My walls swallow him up, tight, warm and slick.
"Fuck..." Justin pants, using one of his hands to grip my waist so he can hold me in place. "Mm, damn girl." He whispers, sucking in his bottom lip as he slides out of me before pushing back in.
Ugh, god, he feels so good. He has no idea how long I've wanted this.
"Yes, yes..." I growl, keeping my grip on him, completely indulging in how amazing this all is.
His thrusts are moderate and deep, the swivel of his hips causing him to hit my g-spot every time.
Pleasure overpowers me, clouding my thoughts as I relish in the feel of our bodies rubbing together sleekly with Justin's warmth engulfing me.
He dips his head down, softly biting my shoulder as he picks up his pace, his thrusts rhythmic and satisfying as he pulses inside of me causing me to bite down on my lip harshly to prevent myself from screaming at his powerful strokes.
Just when I think I can't possibly get more turned on, I allow my vision to travel north again, my mouth gaping open slightly when I take in our reflection, really studying the way we blend perfectly together.
I breathe deeply as my eyes travel down the length of his strong broad back to his slender hips, skillfully moving against me, making me squirm beneath him.
"Mm..." Justin groans in a low hum next to my ear. "I love you." He whispers, his voice raspy and deep and I gulp hard, licking at my lips as I continue to watch us with intrigue.
"I love you too J..." I murmur, panting when he grips my hips firmly and flips us over, never losing his rhythm.
My hands fall on the pillows on either side of his head and he looks up at me, brushing my hair out of my face as he continues to move inside of me, drawing me close to my climax.
"Look up Tai." Justin states and I frown at him when he diverts his vision. "Go ahead...look up." He probes again and I hesitate, fighting to hold off my orgasm.
If I do as he says it's all over for me...
But I look up anyway, arching my back and angling my body with my hands resting next to my legs so I can see us. My hair falls to my back and I gasp when I see Justin smiling at me through the mirror with his hands on my hips, directing my movements on top of him as he continues thrusting into me.
"Wow..." I mutter, getting lost in the sheer artistic feel of this moment.
I've never experienced anything so intense before. I've never looked at myself having sex before either, but there's something so incredibly kinky and hot about it. Not to mention Justin's biting down harshly on his lips right now, his eyes squinting when I feel him jerk beneath me.
He's close, I can tell...
I'm almost there too, too weak to hold back much longer.
So, I decide to help him out by lifting my weight almost all the way off of him before I slam back down harshly, the air leaving his lungs as his fingers dig into my sides.
"Fuck..." Justin grunts as I move on top of him, bouncing lightly, my hands making their way to my hair as I feel a small tingling sensation in my stomach, my walls constricting around him, tighter and tighter, until he can't take it anymore and he elicits a deep growl when he lets go, climaxing and coating my walls.
And I follow soon after, my orgasm slowly building until I let out a soft scream when I feel an explosion, waves of pleasure surging through my body, causing me to shake.
"Oh my god." I gasp, falling against him, trying to catch my breath.
He wraps his arms around my back, breathing deeply too, trying to regain his composure before he switches position so I'm lying on my back once more with him hovering, still buried inside of me.
He shifts some damp hair out of my face as he stares at me, slowly sliding out of me and I pout at the loss in connection.
"You're amazing Tai." He divulges and I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him down for a kiss.
"You're amazing too." I confirm when pulling away and he hums, shaking his head as he takes in the sight of me.
"Mm hmm...Je t'adore mon amour." Justin whispers in a sexy tone and oh my god! He needs to not speak to me in French before he makes me jump him again.
"Aw, I adore you too." I coo and he grins brightly.
"We should get some rest though. We have a long day ahead of us. It's like after four am in New York right now." Justin chuckles and I giggle.
"But we're on LA time, so it's only after one here, which means we have time still." I smile slyly and his interest peaks.
"Time for what exactly?" He plays along, feigning innocence and I laugh, feeling my heart swell with love for this man.
"Round two." I say eagerly and Justin erupts in laughter before dipping his head down to capture my lips with his.
I moan into the kiss, feeling myself getting turned on again and Justin groans in response, already semi-hard, breaking our kiss to look at me with a playful grin on his face before he opts to speak.
"Ok, you win Tai. We definitely have time for round two..."
Indeed we do...
- FIN - |
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