Two Days Later [Monday]
A-List Magazine
Manhattan, New York
"Tai, we have a problem."
Lifting my head from my computer screen, my eyes connect to a very distraught Justin as he comes over to my desk. Fixing myself in my seat, I smooth my palms over my black skirt and red blouse.
"What you need sir?" I inquire, giving him my full attention. He frowns when I call him sir, but quickly brushes it off.
"Someone leaked our cover spread idea for this month's issue. Our rivals Vogue took our idea and their issue came out today so...I have no idea how this happened but we can't release our Friday issue doing the same thing. Our theme was ‘beautiful at any age.' It took us the entire month to get it just right. Do you remember what we had to go through to get our top A-list middle-aged women celebrities to pose for those group photos? You know how they can be divas. You were there for some of the photo shoots. Not to mention our center spread is completely fucked." Justin says harshly. "I'm sorry for my language I just..."
"How did this happen?" I ask completely horrified. We went through so much this past month setting everything up. This was my first time experiencing the entire creation process of these magazine issues and trust me, there is no way they can save this issue in just a few days. "That's horrible, I'm so sorry, what should I do? I'll help any way I can." I offer. Justin looks stressed, confused and frustrated by all of this.
"I don't think there's anything we can do Tai. We have four days to put together what took us almost an entire month. We're so screwed. And this is going to be my fault. I'm the editor in chief. I don't understand how this could have happened. My dad is going to come down hard on me for this one. I'm always the screw up. This is going to be another thing on my long list of disappointments when it comes to my dad. Shit..." Swiping his palms over his face to calm his nerves, he sighs heavily looking defeated. He loosens his tie around his neck and takes in a deep breath.
I feel so bad for him. I know he feels pressured with having to measure up to this bar his dad has set for them.
I feel like I need to comfort him and let him know that everything will be alright, but it won't. Not unless they can come up with a new cover spread theme and shoot the photos they need to make the changes. It seems simple enough, but it's not. They'd have to make sure whoever they choose for the cover is willing and available. Not to mention they'll need to get a photographer to do the shoot among other things.
"We can think of something. It's not over yet." I mention and Justin eyes me tiredly.
"You're optimistic, but optimism won't get us far unless we have a plan that we can set in motion."
"Well, have you talked to Robert about it yet? Your dad doesn't have to know. He's not even here; he went out of town yesterday to Milan for a fashion show, remember?" I question, causing Justin to scowl deeply.
"I forgot about that." Justin admits while eyeing me. "How is it that....that you call Robert by his first name but you're still calling me sir? No one around here calls me sir. My dad's the only sir and Mr. Timberlake around here really."
"Well technically, Robert's not my boss and you're more my boss than any of the other employees here so it's only fitting." I explain.
"You know Tai, I really wouldn't mind if you called me Justin. Calling me sir makes me feel old."
"Would you rather I called you Justin then?" I ask to make sure. I don't want to call him Justin one day for him to tell me I'm being disrespectful or something because he's going through one of his phases.
"You know, it's not that big of a deal. Just, call me whatever you wish. It doesn't matter. We have bigger things to worry about." He quickly rambles out, changing topic. What is up with that man? "Can you call Sharron and let her know we're having an emergency meeting in the boardroom in fifteen minutes about this month's issue? Tell her to let the creative team who had a hand in this month's issue know that they're needed at the meeting. I'm going to head back to my office and see if I can get in touch with one of our regular photographers."
"Ok sure, I'll get right on that."
"One more was your weekend?" Justin asks and I look at him oddly. "I'm trying this whole caring, friendly type boss thing since some of my employees tend to think I'm quite the asshole." He grins brightly and I giggle. He's amazing me again with this new side of him.
"It was good. I spent it with my brother. We hung out and had fun." I voice and he gives me a half nod before shrugging.
"That's good. Ok, I'm off." Justin says before turning around and disappearing into his office, leaving me to perform his requests.
There's no doubt that this current predicament we're in sucks. I hope that we can save this month's issue. I'd really hate to see Randall angry with Justin for this slip up when it wasn't his fault.
On a whole, the meeting went well. But, we're pushed for time.
Robert and Justin actually came up with some good ideas in the meeting we had along with the creative team.
I think we might just be able to pull this off without their dad ever knowing there was a real problem. He might ask why they didn't go with the original theme, but I'm sure they could think of something to tell him.
The only setback? Chris and I got stuck with handling most of the workload with our bosses.
While everyone else is doing their part, Justin and Robert specifically said they'd need us for overtime this week. Now, I love my job, but missing my nights with Sean is unacceptable. I mean, it's the only time we get to see each other besides on the weekend and while I know Sean would be ok with it, he'd probably accuse Justin of working me too hard and then maybe suggest something crazy like I should ask for a raise after being here for only a month.
"Did you hear the great news?"
As I gather my belongings and begin shutting down my workstation, Chris's deep voice filters out my thoughts and I turn to stare at him with tired eyes.
"You mean the one where we're stuck when everyone else gets to go home at a reasonable time?" I ask and he chuckles while moving to rest against my desk.
"Yup, that one."
"Don't remind me. And I promised Sean I was going to cook tonight. Ugh." I mutter while pressing the power supply on my monitor.
"Well, look at it this way. We get paid overtime. I really can't complain. I've been here for two years now and while Robert and Justin are hard, they're still fair. I'm sure if you voice your concerns they'll be lenient."
"I guess. So, where are we doing this? The boardroom? It's really big and spacious in there and we could maybe order take-out or something." I suggest.
"Actually, I was thinking we could maybe swing by my place."
That was Justin.
Both Chris and I turn to look at him as he walks up to us with Robert at his side.
"Your place?" I ask skeptically. Is that even ethical?
"Sure, we trapped you guys into this all-nighter so it's only fair that you get to do it in some type of comfort. That is if you don't mind. I have a refrigerator full of food that you could always raid. And at least you'd get to relax and take some load off." Justin explains.
"Sounds good to me." Chris shrugs.
They all turn to look at me, waiting for my input and my eyes flit over their faces, trying to read their expressions.
When I lock eyes with Robert, he smiles for me and I instantly cave.
"Fine, I guess that's ok. When do we leave and how do we get to your place?" I ask Justin.
"Well, both Robert and I have our cars so..."
"Ok, that's fine; I guess I'll go with you and Chris with Robert?" I voice and Justin nods in agreement.
"Then it's settled. Let's get going. It may be the end of the workday but we still have a ton of work to do to cover this slip up." Robert voices while looking at Justin who bites the corner of his mouth, not saying anything.
"Which wasn't any of you all's fault right? It was whoever that leaked the cover spread. Don't worry, you guys will find out who it was." I assure them.
"Let's hope so, because if we don't and dad finds out, it's on us." Robert mentions before calling out to Chris to follow him so they can leave.
When they disappear around the corner, I grab the last of my belongings so Justin and I can leave.
"I'm just going to get my jacket and close up the office, I'll be right out." Justin says.
"Ok that's fine." I respond.
In no time flat, Justin comes back out and leads us down the hallways to the elevators so we can head out and get this show on the road. Which reminds me, I'll need to call Sean to let him know what's up.
As we make it down to the lobby towards the exit, I notice that Justin is stealing glances at me, but not saying anything. Unfortunately, I can't take when people do that like they want to voice their thoughts, but are fighting against it.
"Something wrong?" I ask while turning to face him.
"What? Oh, why..."
"You were gawking at me." I point out which causes him to smirk.
"I highly doubt I was gawking."
"Whatever. Is something on your mind?"
"Actually..." But he pauses, picking up his pace instead.
"What? You can tell me. I don't see what the big deal is."
"I just wanted to say thanks for what you did back there. It's nothing really." He mutters and I catch up to him, trying to match his long strides as I glare.
"Uh you're welcome I guess, but what are you thanking me for exactly?"
"When Robert said we had a lot of work to cover because of this slip up. He looked at me. And, I know his looks. He felt that somehow, this was my fault, that I was responsible and, and then you said it wasn't anyone's fault but the person who made this week's issue leak. In a weird way, I think you stood up for me back there and I just wanted to say thanks for that. I know it's probably not the case, but there's only so much blame Robert can take for me when he covers for my slip ups because he usually does. Only this time, it wasn't my fault." Shrugging, Justin gives me a soft smile before we bust through the exit doors of A-List Magazine and begin heading down the sidewalk to where his car is parked.
"Oh well, it was nothing really. It's not your fault and I'm sure Robert knows that. He's simply feeling the pressure like you are. I mean, your dad isn't exactly making running this company easy for you guys."
"Tell me about it Tai. Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother trying to impress my dad. We all know Robert is his golden boy and I'm like the prodigal son or something..." But Justin drifts when he turns to stare at me. "I'm sorry. This isn't like me at all; it's not my intention to dump my troubles on you. I love my brother don't get me wrong I just..."
"It's ok." I state as we make it to his silver Mercedes. I should have expected this. I mean, he's Justin. What was he going to drive, a pickup truck?
"No, I don't need you feeling sorry for me too. Trust me, I'm not trying to play the pity card or anything Tai, I..."
"Justin!" I shout for him to shut up his ranting. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself. I told you, it's fine. I may be your assistant, but that doesn't mean we can't try to be friends or something. You're not so bad either you know? I don't know. I know you said we shouldn't converse unless it's work related but, we're getting along better now, or at least, I think we are..." But I trail off when I notice that he's just standing there glaring at me with a large grin on his face. "What? What's wrong now?" I inquire, not able to hold back my own smile since his is so contagious. He should smile more often, he has a gorgeous smile.
"You called me Justin." He points out.
"Did I? Oh, well you told me I could." I shrug. "Just don't pull one of your episodes on me one day when you're in your mood, because I'll call you out on it."
Chuckling he shakes his head while hitting the alarm and unlock button on his ride so we can get in. "Oh trust me Tai, you're the last person I want to call me out on anything. In fact, you make my dad seem like a walk in the park, and that's not easy to do, so that says something." Justin solely admits.
I can't help but giggle at that as we get into his ride and buckle up before he brings the car to life and pulls out of his parking spot. I'm not sure if I should feel flattered or offended by his remark, but I will give him credit. He sure is trying to be a better person and for that, I'm willing to help him in any way that I can to get this month's issue of A-List Magazine on the stands so his dad can continue keeping his faith in his son.
Hours Later
Justin's Penthouse Apartment
Manhattan, New York
"I have to admit, I think we have everything we need to pull this off." I voice as I stare at all of the papers sprawled out on Justin's center glass table in his living room.
"You think so?" He asks, turning to stare at me skeptically and I shake my head in reassurance.
"Sure. The ‘family theme' can work. I know you guys are a fashion magazine, but your readers would love to see that you all are family oriented as well and that you appeal to the real side of people, since your readers are from all backgrounds, all walks of life and are of all shapes and sizes. I think they would be pleasantly surprised when they see that you don't have the regular airbrushed beauty who's like a size 1 0r 2 on your cover." I explain and Justin smiles before resting back against his black leather couch.
"You're right. This could work in our favor."
Beaming proudly, my eyes flit over my surroundings as I sit casually, still in awe.
I have to hand it to Justin. He sure is living the glamorous life. His Penthouse is out of this world and has the most gorgeous view of Manhattan at night with all of the lights.
All the furniture is of top quality and I'm afraid to say it, but just one of the portraits on his wall probably costs Sean and me a month's rent. Still, it's nice and it has a warm, homey feeling to it, even if he's the only one who lives here. I'm sure he made it this way. I wonder if he doesn't get lonely living in a huge place like this on his own. Well, it's not my place to ask, so I'll just keep wondering.
"What time is it?" I inquire as I turn to look at Justin who's busy reading through the A-List book, making memos on parts that need to be changed.
"Uh, let's see." Flicking his wrist watch, his eyes widen slightly in astonishment. "Wow, it's after one am. I think we should call it a night. You guys need some rest before work." Justin says. "I'll call a town car to bring you home." He explains and I frown.
"Town cars run this late when there's no event taking place?" I inquire in awe and he shrugs.
"Well, no, but..."
"Justin, those people have lives too." I state, referring to the drivers.
"You're right. I'll just take you guys."
"What? No, you're tired..." Casting my vision over to one of his other couches, I smile when I notice how angelic Robert looks, passed out in sleep on the couch. He knocked out a little while ago and I don't blame him. We're all tired. We all had a long day, rushing around, trying to set up these last minute changes.
"Then how will you get home Tai? I'm not going to let you take the train." Justin snaps and I scowl at him. "Oh don't look at me like that. You and I both know how dangerous that idea is so you might as well forget about it."
"You know, I have no problem with accompanying you guys and then coming back here with Justin and crashing, just to make sure he doesn't fall asleep at the wheel." Chris speaks up from the kitchen before taking a big bite of a sandwich he just made.
Both Justin and I laugh but quickly quiet down when we remember that Robert is sound asleep just a few feet away from us.
Justin wasn't kidding when he said we could raid his fridge as a perk of working late. I stuffed my stomach with pasta earlier and even opened a bottle of his red wine which he didn't complain about. He even asked me to pour him a glass. I hate to say it, but the four of us had some fun while working here tonight.
We talked, laughed and it didn't feel like we were work associates or that Chris and I were the assistants and Robert and Justin were our bosses. The atmosphere was comfortable and it almost felt like all of us were just friends who got stuck working on this huge project together. I actually enjoyed it.
Plus, Sean was a sweetheart for understanding when I called him earlier and he even offered to leave dinner for me if I happened to come in when he was asleep. Gosh, it's the little things that make me love my brother even more and realize how truly blessed I am to have him in my life.
"I guess we have a plan. Chris and I will bring you home and then Chris can crash here for the night since he live further than you." Justin voices and I nod, beginning to gather my things so we can get ready to leave.
"What about Robert?" I inquire and Justin turns to stare at his sleeping brother briefly.
"You know, it's been a while since we've really spent any time outside of the office so, I don't mind, he could crash over too. I'm not going to let him drive home. He's too tired for that." Justin says with a yawn and I can't help but gush at how cute he's being.
He's still in part of his work clothes, but even with his droopy eyes, disheveled hair, rolled up sleeves and loose tie he's a cutie. I'm starting to understand a little more why women go so crazy over them. If Justin shows that caring side to anyone, how can they resist liking him even just a little bit?
"He said you were his best friend." I voice, catching Justin's attention as he stares at Robert with a slight frown on his face.
"He did?"
"Uh huh, he told me you were his best friend. I think he misses you." I point out and Justin turns to stare at me deeply, his blues piercing my browns as he swipes his hand over his short head of hair.
"He's my best friend too." He assures in a soft tone and I smile brightly. "You like him a lot don't you?" He asks and my eyes widen slightly by his question.
"I, uh, I do. Yeah, he's, he's nice." I say feeling slightly nervous and Justin nods in understanding. "I mean, I like you now too." I think. What hell am I really saying?
Gosh, I never gave it any thought. I mean, I barely know them right? But then, sitting here now, getting lost in Justin's blues, I feel like I know him so well, like he's an open book to me now. It's weird.
"Right. So, are we ready to go?" Justin suddenly switches, breaking eye contact with me before standing and stretching out his limbs.
"Oh yeah, but, hang on a minute; I've got to use the bathroom first." Chris speaks up, downing his glass of juice before he takes off down the hall and I giggle despite myself as Justin smiles with a shake of his head.
"With any luck, we'll get through this setback and A-List will have a magazine on the stands by Friday." Justin vocalizes his thoughts and I stand to face him with my bag at my side as we wait for Chris to get out from the bathroom so we can leave.
"I have faith that everything will work out."
"I know you do Tai, and that's a good thing, because you motivated me to not give up also." Justin beams while looking down at me and I look away, a weird feeling I can't quite place taking over me.
I let out a soft hum in response, not quite being able to find my voice as my heartbeat speeds up.
Where the hell is Chris?
As much as I'm enjoying this moment and all, I need to get home so I can get some rest, because it's clear that my lack of sleep is making me think and feel things I wouldn't think and feel otherwise on a regular if I wasn't so tired.
Bronx, New York
Tai and Sean's Apartment
When I finally got home, the entire apartment was in darkness so I knew Sean was asleep. But, he did leave dinner for me like he promised. However, since I already ate at Justin's I placed it in the fridge for lunch tomorrow and decided to prepare for bed after taking a warm shower.
Showers before bed always help me to sleep better.
When I was finally dressed and in my PJ's I crawled into bed underneath the comforter waiting for the drowsiness to knock me out but it wasn't happening.
I've been lying here only for a few minutes, but I was sure I would have knocked out the moment I hit the sheets.
My mind won't turn off long enough for me to fall asleep but I'm not complaining because I'm thinking about how much my life is changing just because I work at A-List Magazine. I'm making new friends and my boss isn't the colossal asshole he was at the start even if he still has his moments.
I can safely say that my life doesn't totally suck anymore and having this job was just the stepping stone I needed to pursue a journalism career so I'm grateful.
Snapping out of my thoughts when I hear my cell buzz on the nightstand, I quickly stretch across to grab it and read the text message I just received. Who texts someone at like after two in the morning?
Hey Tai, just letting you know that Chris and I got back safely and I didn't fall asleep at the wheel or anything. Lol. Anyway, you're maybe sleeping by now, but if you're not, sleep well. Oh and Robert says goodnight. He woke up when we came back. Anyway, we'll see in work...
Smiling at his message, I place my phone back on the nightstand and turn over on my side to get more comfortable so I can knock out for the rest of the night. I'm going to need all the rest I can get so I can be fresh and alert at work, because until Friday comes and goes, we still have a lot of work to do on this month's issue.
- FIN - |
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