Next Day
Justin's Home
Los Angeles, California
"Morning beautiful..."
Lifting my head, I smile when Justin strolls into the kitchen fully dressed and ready for business in his work attire.
He walks over to where I'm seating at the island munching on a bowl of cereal while fixing his cufflinks.
"Morning." I beam at him and he grins widely before leaning down to capture my lips in a soft kiss.
" taste like mint." I say when he pulls away and he chuckles.
"And you taste like my cereal and milk...still sweet though." He jibes and I roll my eyes before looking away to take another spoonful of that sweet goodness.
"So, how long will you guys be out?" I question while chewing slowly.
He gazes at his wrist watch, silently making a calculation before he shrugs.
"Two to three hours tops. Rob's on his way over with Sean as we speak. I called him when I got out of the shower. Sean will be here to keep you company while we're gone. You guys are free to explore. It's kind of early to go in the pool but if you want to you could...the sun will be out soon. Plus, I have a full entertainment system and a large archive of movies you all could dig into. There's food, guys can go crazy. Just don't break anything." Justin laughs and I giggle, finishing off my bowl of cereal.
"Ok, we'll find something to do." I murmur and he nods before leaning down to kiss me again. "Wow, someone's a little touchy this morning." I tease him and he groans.
"I can't help it Tai. There's something super sexy about you wearing only my big t-shirt which practically swallows you up." Justin coos, gripping my waist and forcing me to stand before him.
"Well, that's too bad." I state while fixing his tie for him and he frowns at me.
"How so?"
"Because I'm sure you'd much rather if the t-shirt was off, maybe tossed on the floor and all, but you have a press conference to get to so, maybe next time." I muse.
He growls deeply, his hold on me tightening when I say this.
"Don't tease me." Justin warns and I laugh softly. "You won't like me when I'm sexually frustrated...I promise you that. You have no idea the lengths I had to go with my psyche to hold off until you were ready..." But he drifts as he looks at me, a large smile forming on his face. "All my hard work of self-control died last night. I promise you Tai, teasing me is dangerous." He cautions and I cackle.
"I'll take my chances." I wisecrack and his brows curve in amusement.
But we're interrupted by the loud honking of a horn outside.
"Robert's here." I say excitedly, pulling away from Justin much to his distaste.
I can't help it. I missed my brother. I'm used to seeing him practically every night.
I'm not saying last night with Justin wasn't amazing because it was but still, I missed Sean.
Gripping Justin's hand, I drag him with me towards the front door.
"Come on Justin; you don't want to be late and the sooner you leave the sooner you'll return."
"You're not trying to get rid of me are you?" He asks suspiciously when we make it to the front door and I swing it open, just in time to see Sean and Robert strolling towards us.
"Yes. Now go so you can get back here!" I giggle, pushing him out and he chuckles, turning around to steal one more kiss before he struts away looking fine as ever.
I watch as Justin greets Robert with a manly handshake before Robert waves at me and I wave back.
I bid them farewell and so does Sean before they turn on their heels and head towards Robert's car which is a silver BMW.
Both Sean and I watch them hop into the car and head down the driveway and out of Justin's gates.
When they're out of sight, Sean turns around to face me in his knee-length shorts and t-shirt with his beach towel and bag in hand.
He gives me a once over then grins brightly before pushing me back so he can enter Justin's home and shut the door behind us.
When we're inside, he gazes at his new surroundings giving a slight nod of approval.
Then he looks at me, his smile never leaving his face. "Morning mama."
"Well Good morning to you too Sean." I giggle, giving him a tight hug.
When he pulls away, he chuckles softly, giving me one of his famous knowing smirks.
"Do I want to know the reason why you're so bubbly and happy and even glowing this morning?" He questions and my eyes widen in shock.
Am I that transparent?
"I know you Tai, you're my sister." He points out when I continue to stare at him silently, feeling my cheeks heat up.
"I uh..."
"You got laid didn't you? Justin finally ‘put it on you' huh?" Sean laughs out and I gasp in shock, smacking his chest harshly.
"Sean! Oh my god shut up! I swear I'll smother you if you tease me about it." I groan and his eyes light up with excitement.
"So it's true! Little Taiana finally got some of that Timberlake lovin'. Aw, I'm so proud of you. My how you've grown." Sean teases me.
"Ugh!" I huff, stomping away from him and he follows me into the kitchen. "Don't make me hurt you Sean." I snap, but I can't help the giggle that escapes me when I think of Justin.
"Damn sis, it was that good huh?" Sean beams brightly at me, taking a seat on the island and I follow, sitting down next to him.
Gosh, I love my brother even though he can be a pain in my derrière sometimes.
"Just be quiet Sean. Justin told us we could do whatever while they're gone. So, I was thinking maybe you and I could raid Justin's DVD stash and watch a movie until they return. What do you think?" I ask.
"Well..." Sean begins, still surveying his surroundings before diverting his attention back to me. "I think you should start with the details of how you and Justin spent your night, leaving off the graphic stuff of course. And then, we can work on that movie and whatever." He flicks his hand dismissively and I narrow my eyes at him.
"I'm starting to wish you stayed at Robert's." I joke.
"You missed me." He counters and I nod.
"I did. Fine!" I relent. "But you have to promise, no teasing me, especially in front of Justin." I warn him and he shakes his head in agreement, placing his hand on his chest.
"Scout's honor." Sean grins and I giggle, proceeding to tell him about my night.
I still can't believe that we're here like this now.
Who would have thought that Tai and Sean Bennett from Bronx, New York would be in LA up in Hollywood Hills at my boyfriend's home who's an heir to a fashion empire?
So this is what it feels like to be A-Listed.
But that's cool because I know that we'll never let these experiences change us.
We'll always be ourselves and that's what's so great about it; that no matter what, we'll always be simply Tai and Sean.
Hours Later
Santa Monica, California
[At The Beach]
"We're so beating you!" I yell as Sean revs up the Jet Ski, making a sharp turn in the opposite direction.
I cling to his waist from behind, the wind and salt water stinging my face.
"Hey that's cheating!" Robert yells back, catching up to us. "No sharp unexpected turns!"
Justin is close behind us on the third Jet Ski, passing the both of us effortlessly.
"You all suck!" Justin laughs loudly and my mouth gapes open before I erupt in laughter.
"Your pretty boyfriend is so not going to win!" Sean calls out to me. "Hold on sis!" He orders and I do just that when he hits the gas sending us propelling forward as we speed over the water, catching up to Justin and passing him just in the nick of time before reaching the winning flag hanging over the pier.
"Yes!" I shout excitedly as Sean slows down until we come to a halt in the middle of the ocean. "We won!" I shout loudly, doing a little victory dance from where I'm sitting at the back of Sean.
"That's messed up man. You all really do suck." Justin pouts, coming over to us before his kills the engine on his Jet Ski.
Robert shows up seconds later, laughing at Justin's displeased expression.
"They beat you fair and square Justin." Robert voices, still snickering.
"Shut up Rob!" Justin hisses before stretching over to Robert to give him a hard shove in the shoulder which causes Robert to lose his balance and go crashing into the water next to his Jet Ski.
A satisfied grin spreads across Justin's face when Robert resurfaces, glaring at him in shock while wiping water out of his face.
"Not cool J!" Robert snaps but Justin simply rolls his eyes and I giggle.
"You're a sore loser Justin." I point out. "Would you feel better if I gave you a kiss?" I coo and he nods like a little kid.
"Yes." He says half-jokingly.
"Too bad Justin, we're out. Last one back to shore buys us all drinks!" Sean speaks up before bringing the Jet Ski to life again and hitting the gas, taking off and splashing water all over Justin and Robert who's back on his Jet Ski ready to go.
"You're on Bennett!" Justin shouts in the near distance behind us and I can't even control my laughing fits as we make it back to shore because this is by far the most fun I've had in my short life.
And I owe it all to those two amazing brothers who I'm happy to call an extended addition to my family.
[At The Beach]
After we got back on shore, Robert and Justin went to resituate the Jet Skis on the back of their trucks which they used specifically for us to come down here to the beach.
When they returned, Robert decided to join me on the sand while Sean and Justin grabbed their surfboards and dashed back into the ocean like two fishes out of water.
Sean's not a surfer, but he insisted that just sitting on the board and floating over some of the waves was enough for him. Good ole Sean.
We're actually in Santa Monica at the beach right next to the Santa Monica Pier. It's beautiful out here and the beach is filled with people enjoying themselves.
I'm currently sitting on a small beach chair under this huge beach umbrella which Robert brought, reading a vampire novel called "Twilight" which is a love story about a male vampire falling in love with a human girl. It's very modern day 'Romeo and Juliette.'
Robert is sitting next to me on his towel, gazing out at Justin and Sean in the ocean and laughing his head off whenever Justin wipes out.
"You know, Justin could get hurt out there...that's not funny." I state, my eyes drifting to the ocean as I fix my black swimsuit and floral wrap.
I squint under the bright sunlight taking in the beauty of the white sandy beach and blue ocean. You don't see anything like this in New York. Here is like my own tiny slice of paradise.
"Justin's fine. Surfing is like breathing for him. He'll be fine. The waves aren't really high today so it's all good." Robert voices and I shrug, casting my vision in his direction.
He's in red floral swimming trunks and his wet hair is brushed back out of his face. He has a nice toned physic too but Justin is a little buffer than him.
He's grinning at me mischievously and I furrow my brows in question.
"What Robert?" I ask in irritation and he shrugs innocently.
"I'm trying to picture what mini Tais and Jusitns would look like running around..."
He coughs loudly when I stretch across and smack him hard in the chest with my book.
"Are you kidding me!?" I giggle. "You're worse than Sean. Oh my gosh!"
"Ok I surrender I'm sorry." Robert laughs, rubbing his chest. "I'm simply saying you brother really loves you Tai. And, I don't see him letting you go any time soon, so it's not impossible if things go that far with you guys. I mean, hey, I wouldn't mind being an uncle." He beams and I groan.
"Well, Robert...I think it's too early to tell. Besides, Justin would have to marry me first." I quip but he doesn't laugh this time as we fall into brief silence before he speaks up again.
"That could happen." Robert says softly. "I've never seen him with any girl the way he is with you. The way he treats you it's almost you're it for him." He explains seriously and I gulp down hard, feeling my nerves kick in.
Wow, I never really thought about that. It's too damn soon to think about such crucial important life changing matters.
I mean...married to Justin with kids?
I guess I never pictured any of that before, but now that Robert's put the thought in my head, I can't stop thinking about it, about what it would be like.
Damn him.
"Whatever Rob." I finally speak up, trying to lighten the mood. "You and Sean need to give it a rest; I don't think Justin likes you teasing him either." I giggle.
"He doesn't." Rob agrees. "That's what makes it so much more fun." He says with an evil laugh.
Oh boy.
"Plus, he lost our race back to shore earlier so he gets to buy us all drinks at the club later tonight, which means we should probably head back if we want to make our dinner reservations first." Robert speaks up and I nod in agreement.
As if on cue, we notice Justin and Sean running up the beach towards us.
Justin is the first to get to us and he plops down on Robert's towel in front of me, sprinkling me when he shakes some water out of his curls.
"Missed me?" Justin grins brightly and I nod, leaning forward to kiss his lips softly.
"Yup." I confirm, taking in his blue floral swimming trunks and hard glistening abs. This is absolute torture. Rooting my eyes off of his chest, my browns meet his blues and I smile for him. "Are we almost ready to go?" I inquire and Justin nods before standing.
"Yeah, we could head out." He voices and Robert stands as well, giving me a knowing smile before he starts gathering our things to leave.
"Thank goodness. I don't know what it is about salt water that makes you so hungry afterwards, but I'm starving!" Sean quips and we all burst into laughter at his over exaggeration before quickly packing up so we can leave the beach and head out to partake in our next fun activity for the day.
At Randall's Hollywood Restaurant
Los Angeles, California
"I'll have another drink please. Make it another scotch and put it on Justin's tab." Robert smiles kindly for the waitress who's staring at him in awe before she excuses herself from our table to get his drink.
When she's gone, Justin cuts his eyes at Robert from where he's sitting across the table.
"I thought we agreed to a round of drinks at the club?" Justin hisses lowly at his brother and I duck, trying to hold back my laughter.
Those two have been going at it all day lightly bantering with each other. Robert's been messing with Justin purposely because he gets some sick thrill from watching Justin squirm.
It's kind of cute and painful in a way. You can't help but feel pity for Justin but at the same time, you can't help but laugh at his expense.
"This is why you should get all agreements in writing big bro. Contracts are solid proof. You should know this considering who our father is and all." Robert jokes and Justin groans loudly.
"Really Rob, you're an ass sometimes. We had a verbal agreement. So yeah, I lost our little race back to shore on the Jet Skis today and Sean said the loser had to buy everyone drinks. But this is ridiculous. This is your fourth glass of scotch and we haven't even made it to the club yet. You'll be drunk by the time we get there. I'm not driving your drunken ass home." Justin snaps but Robert simply smiles smugly.
"Well we had a breech in contract so chill out Justin. Loosen up. Sean can drive us if I'm too wasted."
"Uh, correction, Sean cannot. I do not have a license and this is my first time visiting this state so think again." Sean cuts in and I bite my lips, still trying to hold back my laughter.
Huffing, Justin rolls his eyes playfully before resting back in his seat. "You know what? You go ahead and drink Rob. I'd love to see you drunk. You're a terrible drunk. It'll make for some nice blackmail photos." Justin grins while waving his cell phone in the air. "Photos and videos in top quality. Keep testing me." Justin adds in and the smile on Robert's face instantly falls.
"You wouldn't." Robert challenges and Justin smirks.
"Just keep pushing your luck." Justin snaps back before they're interrupted by the waitress who hands Robert his drink.
Robert thanks her before she scurries off again and he eyes Justin, the both of them glaring at each other intently.
"Luckily big brother, I have a high alcohol tolerance. Cheers." Robert says smoothly while raising his glass in the air before he downs his drink in one large gulp.
My eyes widen in shock and I gasp, ignoring Sean's excited clapping and Justin's low chuckles.
Gosh they're crazy. Who knew?
Robert slams down the glass on the table triumphantly with a huge grin on his face and I shake my head in amazement.
But I remain quiet taking in this moment.
This is sweet.
We're at their dad's top class restaurant getting special treatment like celebrities because Justin and Robert really are celebrities when you think about it.
There's a red and gold sort of color theme going on and the interior is absolutely beautiful. It's an Italian restaurant and there's actually a live band playing soft music in the background.
When we got home earlier we all changed and got ready to come out for a night on the town.
For some strange reason, Justin felt that he wanted to match with me so he made sure to put on a hot long-sleeved black fitted shirt and jeans to go with the short black mini dress that I chose.
Even in the simplest attire the man is drop-dead gorgeous and looks like a million bucks.
When we met up with Sean and Robert, Sean was impressed to see that I dressed without needing his help. He even complimented Justin on not helping me out not realizing that Justin was the one who made the final decision on what I should wear from the three options I laid out on the bed. Sean didn't need to know that though.
At least I'm getting better with fashion thanks to A-List.
Robert was in a simple blue dress-shirt with a matching leather jacket and dark faded jeans.
Sean was wearing a graffiti print shirt and jacket since those are his favorite along with light jeans to match.
We all looked like we were ready for a night out on the town and we really were.
Justin and I came in his Aston Martin and Sean and Robert came in Robert's silver BMW.
And now, hours later we're still looking hot and ready for the club.
I know I'm ready to get out of here.
Dinner was amazing but now it's time for the main course of the evening: partying till the wee hours of the morning.
Because I have every intension of actually dancing with Justin tonight simply because I want to see what he's working with on the dance floor. I know that I don't dance and I'm not a very big fan of it, but if Justin can put half of the moves down that he puts in the bedroom then yeah, I can't pass up that opportunity.
"Are we almost ready to go?" I interject and three pairs of eyes turn to stare at me. I think they forgot I was even here.
"Uh yeah sure just let me get the bill." Justin perks up before signaling the waitress back over.
"I'll take one more drink before you cash in. What about you guys?" Robert asks while looking between Sean and me.
"I'm fine." I state.
"Me too." Sean adds in.
"You just keep drinking Rob. And I'll keep a tight grasp on my camera phone." Justin points out and I finally bust out in giggling fits this time as Justin and Robert glare at each other for the umpteenth time tonight.
Oh boy, this is going to be interesting...
At The Club
In Hollywood
We've been dancing up a storm in this club like no other. The moment we set foot inside it was a completely different atmosphere and Justin was immediately in the zone, dragging me out on the dance floor with him.
Robert and Sean were close behind.
They went to grab a booth, Robert stating that he needed to clear his tipsiness with some club soda and Sean deciding to get his first drink for the night before he hit the dance floor with us.
So far, I've been having a blast and the music is definitely blazing here. The DJ touched on all club worthy genres of music from hip-hop, rap, R&B, techno to dancehall and reggae.
I love this place and I'm not even a club person. But this is fun because I'm out with my ‘fam.'
"I see someone is letting loose tonight." Justin whispers huskily in my ear from where he's holding me behind.
My butt is pressed up against his front as we dance with each other on the dance floor swarming with gyrating sweaty bodies but I don't care because I'm enjoying myself.
"I'm having fun." I reply, pushing back into his crotch and he groans softly, his grip on my waist tightening.
"Tai." He says in a warning tone and I giggle, ignoring him as I continue to let my body do the talking as I wine on him roughly, constantly pushing into him so our bodies are glued together. He lets out another growl in my ear as he dips his head down to my neck.
"Don't." Justin warns in a strained voice and I roll my eyes, lifting my arms and bending them back slightly to wrap around his neck.
I continue to grind against him, shutting my eyes in the process as I feel my body heat up with how hot this all is.
Justin's keeping perfect rhythm with me and I know he's getting turned on too because I can feel the slight bulge in his jeans slowly growing with each passing minute, until he can't take it anymore and detaches our bodies to spin me around to face him.
His blues bore into my browns filled with slight shock and amusement.
"You're doing this on purpose Tai." Justin hums and I wrap my arms around his neck again as we continue dancing lightly face to face.
"No." I say innocently and he grunts.
"Tease." He mutters and I giggle, leaning up to place a soft kiss on his lips before we're interrupted.
"The floor's for dancing, not making out!" I hear someone say loudly next to us, and I pull away from Justin to see who it is.
"Robert?" I ask in awe when he strolls up to us, grinning widely.
Justin turns to stare at his brother and a deep scowl forms on his face.
"Rob, you're so drunk." Justin laughs and I gasp when Robert stumbles forward before gripping Justin's shoulder to keep his balance.
"Hey all..." Robert drawls in a slur and I giggle, noting how his eyes are red and dilated.
"Oh Robert." I sigh and he gives me a crooked smile.
Justin and I exchange knowing glares before he grips Robert, slinging his arm over his shoulder and I move to the other side of Robert to help Justin carry him off the dance floor.
When we get to the booth, we place Robert to sit down who's mumbling incoherently.
Sean is standing a few feet away from us talking to some guy.
"Ok Rob, this is how it's going to go down. We're going to all leave in my car and we'll come back for your ride tomorrow ok?" Justin explains but Robert's not listening, suddenly fascinated with the drink menu sitting on the table in front of him.
Grabbing the menu, Justin tosses it aside angrily and Robert snaps his head in Justin's direction.
"You really are a terrible drunk. This is like the calm before the storm." Justin growls in agitation. Turning at stare at me he gives me an apologetic smile but I'm finding this too amusing right now. "If we keep him here longer and he gets drunker, all hell will break loose Tai. We'll be the center of attention and I don't want that especially with what's going on at A-List right now." Justin explains and I nod.
"Ok, let's get him home then." I agree and Justin nods about to pull Robert out of his seat, but he pauses when his cell begins ringing and vibrating loudly.
"What the hell!?" Justin snaps, gazing down at his cell phone in his grasp. Frowning, he ignores the call but the phone starts ringing again seconds later and he scoffs. "Why the fuck is she calling me?" He hisses.
"Who?" I ask out of curiosity and he turns to face me in uncertainty.
"Nella." He admits and I mouth an ‘oh.'
"Maybe it's important, maybe you should see what she wants." I suggest.
"Maybe she just likes making my life a living hell." Justin retorts, but he caves, hitting the talk button and placing the cell to his ear. "Hello!? Nella!? Listen; hold on a minute so I can get out of the noise ok? Hang on!" Justin shouts to her over the line.
Pulling the phone from his ear he grips my hand in his. "Come with me?" He asks and I nod, not expecting him to say that.
"Let me tell Sean to keep an eye on Rob." I say.
"Ok, meet me out at the front." Justin voices before excusing himself to leave.
I wait until he disappears through the mass of bodies before I head over to Sean.
"Sean..." I voice but he interrupts me.
"Tai, this is Claude. Claude this is my sister Tai." Sean introduces me to his new friend and I give Claude a once over, his light caramel skin, jet black curly hair and bright hazel eyes standing out like no other. Damn, he's a cutie. My brother sure knows how to pick them.
"Hi Claude." I smile before turning to Sean. "Sean I need you to keep an eye on Rob for a bit. I'm going out at the front with Justin. Robert's sort of drunk." I explain.
We all turn to stare at Robert who has a deep frown on his face as he studies the zipper on his jacket intently. Oh gosh, I'd laugh if I didn't think this was so sad.
"Ok, will do. Hurry back though." Sean agrees and I nod, excusing myself before I head to the exit of the club.
As I make it outside away from the noise, I hug my body when a gush of wind hits me as I walk a little way down to where Justin is standing on the sidewalk talking to Nella.
"Nella, Nella calm down, you're not making any damn sense." Justin says in a frustrated tone as I move to stand next to him.
He lifts his head, smiling lightly for me before he roots the phone from his ear and hits speakerphone. "Nella, relax and start over. You're rambling all this crazy shit and I don't understand what you're saying." Justin enunciates and she groans before her voice filters out.
I feel sort of guilty, like I'm spying, but Justin doesn't seem to care.
"Justin, I can't have this baby." She states and my eyes widen.
Wow, what's going on?
"Why not Nella?" He asks. "So it's not my kid. That's fine. I forgave you a long time ago for the shit you pulled with me. But don't make the kid suffer for it. It may not be mine but I still care you know. I don't condone abortions." Justin states firmly.
"I know, I know but I just, I can't Justin! I can't do this. I can't be a mother; I can't handle this. Do you know what this will do to me? To my career, reputation and life? I can't go through with it." She caves, sniffling over the line.
I'm speechless. She actually has a soft bone in her body. Hmm, somehow, I don't think she's telling Justin everything and he senses this too, judging by the look of disbelief on his face.
"Nella, you were all for having this kid and trapping me with it too. What changed? What aren't you telling me Nella?" Justin demands in suspicion and I sigh, gazing out at the passing cars on the street.
"You know what? I made a mistake in calling you Justin I'm sorry. I thought you would have hated me enough to agree to this and give me a reason to not have this baby but you've only made it worse by caring when you shouldn't. I know you're in LA and that you've been avoiding me, not that I blame you. I went over to A-List and they told me you all were on a business trip so I won't disturb you. I'll deal with this on my own. I'm sorry..." She rambles out and I feel my heartbeat speed up when I see panic flash over Justin's face.
"Nella, Nella listen to me...don't hang up Nella. Don't do anything stupid ok? Don't do this Nella; the kid deserves a fair chance too." Justin snaps angrily but she doesn't listen to him.
"Justin I'm hanging up now."
"No Nella!" He shouts and I jump back from the harshness in his voice. "Did you even consult the baby's biological father? You did find out who the real father is didn't you? You couldn't have slept with that many guys to not know." He states bitterly.
There's a long pause and all we're met with is her deep breathing over the line.
"No Justin, you're wrong. I don't know who it is." She finally concludes and I furrow my brows in curiosity at her confession. "I'm sorry I hurt you. But this baby shouldn't suffer for it. I shouldn't have bothered you. I'll let you go now. Bye..."
"No Nella don't..." But Justin's cut off when she ends the call on her side, a click sounding before he's met with a dial tone. "Goddamn it!" He groans. "What's come over her? This isn't like her at all." He mutters in thought.
"She's having second thoughts. That's natural. But, don't worry; I think you got through to her." I try to reassure him and he shrugs with a sigh, stuffing his phone into his jeans pocket.
"I hope so. She's not my concern anymore but she clearly made it my business when she decided to call me. I guess I'll have to wait for us to get back to NY to talk to her or something. Thanks for understanding." Justin smiles before pulling me into his embrace so he can sling his arm over my shoulder for us to walk back into the club together.
"Anytime. I'm here when you need me." I coo and he nods.
"Thank god for that." He deduces and I laugh softly. "We should really get Rob home now."
"Sean's keeping an eye on him." I reply as we make our way back into the club and over to the booth where Robert and Sean are supposed to be situated.
Only, when we get there, Robert is nowhere in sight and Sean is casually leaning against the table still talking to Claude.
"Sean where's Robert?!" I ask in freight and he turns to look at me clueless.
"What? Oh he said he was going to the bathroom. You didn't except me to follow him in there did you?" Sean inquires while bunching up his nose in disgust and I give him a disbelieving glare.
"Yes Sean! He's drunk!" I state obviously.
"He seemed ok enough to make the trip on his own." Sean defends and I groan angrily before turning to look at Justin who has a pained expression on his face as something grabs his attention.
"If the bathroom is up by the DJ then, Rob found it alright." Justin points out and we all follow his line of sight, a gasp escaping me when I see Robert stumbling on the stage next to the DJ, trying to take the microphone from him.
Oh my god.
"Shit." Justin bows his head, passing his hands through his hair. "He does this every time. He likes being the center of attention. It's a sick thrill for him."
"Hey everybody! What's shaking!?" Robert speaks through the microphone and a hush falls over the crowd.
"Justin, do something, he's your brother!" I say, trying to hold back my laughter as I push Justin forward to walk.
A devious grin spreads across Justin's face before he turns to look at me.
"He's going to regret this. This is LA. His face is going to be plastered on every tabloid magazine once people realize who he is." Justin states.
"I'll help since this is partly my fault." Sean speaks up, excusing himself from Claude before he makes his way through the crowd ahead of Justin.
"Poor Rob." I giggle, slapping my palms over my mouth.
"Serves him right. I warned his ass." Justin shakes his head in disappointment.
"If you all don't know me by now, I'm Robert Pattinson heir to Randall Timberlake's A-List Magazine Fashion Empire. You all might remember me from that little press conference my brother Justin and I held some time back about our dad being a monster. Well guess what? That did nothing! He's still the devil in disguise but I don't care anymore because he can so kiss my a..." But Robert's interrupted when Sean makes his way on stage and grabs the microphone from him.
"Go Justin." I whisper when I notice that he's frozen solid in shock with wide eyes as he glares at Robert.
"I'm going to kill him." Justin confirms, clenching his fists together.
"You are not." I laugh out.
"No, no I'm going to kill him." Justin states, giving me a comical grin before he excuses himself. "He's a dead drunk man walking. Sorry about all of this Tai. I'll make it up to you tomorrow. I promise."
"It's fine." I wave him off still laughing. "Now go save your brother from himself." I order and Justin shakes his head before heading into the crowd to make his way up on stage so he can help Sean with Robert.
Oh boy, what a night. Plus, everyone has their cell phones up in the air taking out pictures of Robert's little display.
I feel kind of bad for him.
The media is going to have a field day with this but at least it gives me something to tease him about now for all the pressure he was giving Justin and me.
I only hope that Randall doesn't get wind of this before they get back to New York, because if he does, it's maybe going to be another strike against Robert and Justin on the long list of strikes that Randall's maybe keeping on his sons.
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