Seven Months Later...
"You're such a liar Rob, that's not how it happened!" Justin shouts in protest and I can't even control my giggling fits right now.
"Just admit that you are without a doubt a klutz plain and simple." Robert reprimands and Justin scowls, letting out a huff in aggravation.
"Oh come on, it was one stupid trip. That does not justify me being a klutz." Justin counters only causing Robert to chuckle in response.
"If you mean, nearly missing a fall on the runway at the end of one of our fashion shows during our speech, in front of all the cameras and media, where you literally held onto the prop background so you wouldn't crash on your face, which in turn sent the entire background setting crashing down around us then....yeah, one incident doesn't justify such." Robert inhales deeply before a large grin spreads across his face at Justin's embarrassment.
"Just shut the fuck up already." Justin caves, his head lowering in embarrassment and I try to sober up some when I see how his face is turning beet red but I can't help the snort that leaves me.
Both Justin and Rob turn to glare at me in that moment, Robert with a cheeky grin on his face and Justin with a deep frown.
"I'm glad my embarrassment which was showcased for the entire world to see amuses you Taiana." Justin spits and I pout lightly.
"Aw, baby I'm sorry. But you have to admit it was pretty hilarious." I point out, reliving the moment in my mind.
"Yeah whatever." Justin groans, folding his arms across his chest and turning away from me like a spoilt little child.
What Robert said is true. The very last fashion show they had a few weeks ago before we all jetted off for a well needed break ended in Justin bringing down the entire background set for their runway show. Obviously it wasn't funny then since people we more shocked than anything, but now, it's really hilarious.
Aw, my poor baby. Robert had one too many shots of scotch which aided in his loose tongue and urges to make fun of Justin. But like I've said before, Justin makes it too simple for his brother by being an easy target.
"Aw, J, don't be mad baby, laugh with us. It's over. We're here now." I point out, getting up from my sitting position to straddle his waist.
He's totally blowing my mellow with his cute, pouty face and crossed arms.
"Leave me alone Tai." He mutters childishly.
I ignore Robert when I hear him snickering lightly.
"Rob you should apologize." Comes Maura's light tone and Robert heaves a sigh in response.
"Fine...I'm sorry big bro. I shouldn't use your klutzy self as my comic relief. Grow some balls Justin. You're way too emotional." Robert voices earning a light smack on the arm from Maura.
"That apology could have gone without the last part Robby!" Maura quips and both Justin and I turn to stare at them.
"Yeah Robby." Justin snickers, teasing Robert because he knows that Rob hates the nickname but endures it for Maura's sake.
"Really Justin you shouldn't talk right now." I scold him.
"Yeah klutzilla!" Robert retorts with a scowl and I raise my hands in defeat, moving to get off Justin's lap but his hands quickly fly out to hold me in place.
"Fuck you Robby...and where are you going Tai?" Justin inquires, his blues burning into my browns and I glare at him before turning towards Robert and Maura just in time to see them share a sweet kiss. "They're giving us competition Tai." Justin whispers in my ear, his grip on my waist tightening and I giggle, trying to wriggle out of his hold but to no avail.
"Stop it Justin!" I warn but he ignores me, nuzzling my neck.
"Get a room people. I really don't need to see this. Babe, let's head to the bar and get smashed." Robert quips, gripping a giggling Maura by the hand before they stand from their lounge chairs.
"Yeah, Tai and I need some alone time." Justin voices, hugging me against his chest as he rests his head on my shoulder to glare at his brother and Maura.
"Good luck with that. I'll see you lovebirds in a few." Robert says before he gives Justin a quick hand tag and excuses himself to head up to the beach bar with Maura at his side.
In case I forgot to mention, we're actually on the beach right now in Hawaii to be exact. Yes, we finally took that vacation Justin was dying to go on months later. Better late than never right?
We're actually out on the sand soaking up the sun on our lounge chairs. Well, I've had enough of the sun. Justin and I are perfectly sheltered underneath our little beach umbrellas. We've been out here for a bit, enjoying the beautiful scenery. The lush white sand beach is filled with tourists from all around the world and the ocean is absolutely gorgeous in all its fierce beautiful blueness. I love it out here and I don't ever want this vacation to end.
It was actually Justin's idea that we double-teamed out here together with Robert and Maura since Robert was long overdue for a break himself. So far we've been having a ball. We've been here a few days now but we have three full weeks left and I intend on making the best of it. I'm just so excited that we can all be here like this now.
Plus, Justin's slowly coming around in reference to his father. It's not much, but he's making baby steps. They're talking now, which is good. I'm not sure if they'll ever build on a genuine relationship, but at least, all the hate Justin had built up towards his dad is slowly diminishing and I'm proud of him. Randall is still on retirement but he's back in New York now. He's well taken care of by his nurses so Justin and Robert don't have to worry about him. He comes in every now and then into A-List but for the most part he's left his sons to run the company.
It's been a bumpy ride but we made it out ok. Besides, life doesn't get any better than this, sitting in Justin's lap in only my black bikini with him only in his red swimming trunks nibbling on my neck.
"Justin stop it. Only you would want to get freaky in public for the entire world to see." I snicker, lightly pushing at his chest.
"We could give the onlookers a show...something to talk about. Don't think Rob and I haven't realized that some people out here noticed us."
"No duh Mr. obvious. You all are only heirs running a multi-million dollar company. Your faces are plastered on every fashion magazine among others." I point out and Justin lets out a soft growl before a low chuckle escapes him.
Pulling back, he looks up at me with a large grin on his face. "I need you to eliminate Sean's classic ‘no duh' from your vocabulary."
"Why?" I grin and he shakes his head in amusement.
"Because it's so Sean. I mean really, he's not even here right now." Justin mutters and I laugh loudly.
"There's no getting rid of Sean. I love my big bro." I point out and Justin nods.
"I just hope he's not burning A-List to the ground right now." Justin frowns in thought. "I mean, I can picture him accidentally setting the place on fire and running out screaming ‘save the fashion closet' to the fire fighters after he heads in there and grabs something for his self." Justin quips and I gasp in shock, slapping my palms over my mouth.
"Oh my god Justin, that's a horrible thing to say!" I choke back my laughter because really he just ‘dissed' my brother but I have to admit, that does sound like Sean.
"You know I'm playing Tai. You know I love Sean like a brother. But still, he scares me sometimes." Justin chortles and I can't help but smile.
"You couldn't have left a better stand-in for editor in chief. You know it's his dream. He practically screamed the house down when you asked him to fill in for you for the next month." I point out and Justin grins triumphantly with a nod.
"He did. My ears were ringing for a good thirty minutes after he was done." Justin muses.
"Yeah, but he finally got to live out his dream, thanks to you. You're amazing J." I coo, leaning down to peck his lips softly.
Justin really is amazing you know. I still can't believe he did that for my brother. But, that's the type of guy he is and I feel so fortunate and grateful to call him my guy. He even promoted me not too long ago. I'm still his assistant, but now I'm also writing up articles for A-List as one of their journalists. I still can't believe it. Justin has grown on me so much in the past year that I just can't picture my life without him in it anymore. And that's scary, but still, I love him and wouldn't change a thing.
"Speaking of dreams..." Justin speaks up, pulling me out of my thoughts. "There is one dream I have that's yet to be fulfilled but, I'm hoping it will be soon." He voices, turning serious and my interest peaks, my mind riling with endless thoughts now.
"Oh no. What's wrong?" I question, caressing his cheek lightly.
"Nothing." Justin shrugs nonchalantly before stretching over to his duffle bag.
Pushing back slightly to give him room, I watch as he digs through it before pulling out a small square item from it.
"I was just wondering how you'd feel about maybe making my dreams come true by honeymooning with me in Venice?" Justin questions, his blues meeting my browns.
"What?" I question helplessly, my mind turning to mush. "Justin what are you..." And that's as far as I get before he flashes the small item in my line of sight, my eyes focusing on it and growing wide when I realize it's a small box. When he opens his mouth to speak, I easily beat him to the punch, too stupefied to hold my tongue. "Holy shit." I breathe out in a state of shock and Justin chuckles, but quickly sobers up.
"Ok Tai. I'm going to pretend you didn't just interrupt my proposal with the phrase ‘holy shit.' So let's try this again..." he mumbles nervously and I slap my palm over my mouth as I stare at him silently in shock with wide glassy eyes. "I've thought about all the ways I could do this. I thought about taking you out to a romantic dinner, sweeping you off your feet, the works. I'm cheesy like that. But in the end, I realized that it wasn't so much what I did that led up to popping the question, but more the meaning behind me asking you in the first place. So, I figured I'd catch you when you least expected it, solely to see the exact stunned expression you have on your face right now." Justin pauses when I giggle lightly before he continues, my eyes quickly welling up with tears. Gosh, I'm such a softy it's ridiculous. "Tai, you know that I love you with all of my heart and soul. And you have no idea how happy I am to call you the love of my life. Because that's exactly what you are. You've easily become my reason for waking up every morning. Just knowing that I have you there with me helps me get through the day and even when we fight, I know that we'll be ok."
"Now, I know you're the type who likes to deem things as coincidence but Tai, if there's one time in my life I'll say this, it's now, that I believe in fate. That I believe you're my destiny, my present and future and I really can't picture my life without you in it so I never try to. I love you. You're the reason my heart beats, the reason I smile, the reason I laugh and everything positive that encompasses me. Before you, I was so lost. But, you helped me in so many ways. You helped me grow, love and learn to appreciate the simple things in life, and I think I manage to love you a little more with each passing day. I'm not trying to give a cheesy speech here even if it's coming off as such." Justin pauses, chuckling nervously and I blink a few times as a few tears escape me.
"I guess no amount of words will ever prove to you how much I love you. But, I know this will." Justin states, slowly opening the small box for me to see the beautiful diamond engagement band in it. "I want you to be my wife Tai. I want you to be my life partner, the woman I come home to every day and I wake up next to every morning. I want you to be mine and only mine. I want you to let me continue loving you and giving you the world because you deserve exactly that. I want you to not complete me since we're two wholes, but to compliment me in every way...and...I want you to be the mother of my children because together, we'd make some gorgeous babies." Justin jokes and I smile warmly at him, my heart thundering in my chest. "So, make me a happy man, say you'll be my wife?" Justin concludes, hope filling his beautiful blues and it takes me all of ten seconds before I can come out of my daze and respond.
"Yes." I whisper and he scowls, not quite hearing me.
"What?" He asks hesitantly and I grin widely.
"Oh my god, yes Justin! Yes, I'll marry you! Oh my god, I can't believe this. Yes!" I squeal, rushing forward in his arms, the strength of my lunge sending us crashing onto the sand and off the lounge chair.
We both break out into laughing fits as we roll around in the sand until I'm straddling Justin's waist and he's brushing my hair out of my face.
"I love you." He coos, looking up at me with adoring eyes.
"Aw, I love you too. Gosh, don't make me cry." I beg, leaning down to capture his lips in a deep kiss before we pull away for air.
"You should probably put this on." He states, pulling out the ring from the box and placing it unto my engagement finger.
I lift my hand to get a good look at the band, the reflection of the sun bouncing off the smooth shinny surface creating a glow.
"It's beautiful. Thank you." I say softly and Justin nods.
"No, thank you Tai." Justin points out and I stare him, still lying on top of him.
"What for?" I question.
"For being you." He beams up at me and I peck his lips again before we break away at the sound of Robert's voice.
"Damn, I see proposals bring out the freak in Tai. You better hold that bro." Robert jokes, causing Justin to erupt in laughter.
Rolling my eyes playfully, I carefully move off Justin to stand before helping him up. We both brush off the excess sand from our bodies as we face Robert and Maura both holding drinks in their hands and cheesy grins on their faces.
"You all knew." I state and they nod in unison.
"But of course." Robert voices. "Congrats you guys. Welcome to the family sis." Robert quickly pulls me in for a tight hug and I hug him back before giving him a light kiss on the cheek. When we separate, I hug Maura before she and Robert congratulate Justin as well.
"So, this calls for a celebration." Robert speaks up causing Justin to groan.
"Ok Rob, but I swear, this time around if you get drunk again, I'm posting that shit up on Youtube." Justin jokes as we all begin gathering our belongings to leave the beach and head back to our hotel suites.
"Pssh, I'm good. Maura would never allow that." Robert states, encircling his arms around Maura's waist and pulling her at his side.
"Huh, we'll see." Justin sniggers, gripping my hand in his.
"So, are you guys up for clubbing or what?" Robert asks and I turn to look at Justin for a response.
"I guess we could." Justin shrugs and I nod in return.
"Tequila shots on me!" I pipe in, laughing at Justin's shocked expression and Robert's pleased one.
"Oh oh, I knew Tai was a little freak. And the freaks they sure come out at night!" Robert hums in a sing-song voice causing me to giggle.
"Oh my gosh, Sean...I need to tell him." I suddenly blurt out, releasing my hold on Justin.
"Don't worry. He knows." Justin divulges.
That little sneaky devil...
"Justin you're sneaky. What if I said no?" I wisecrack and he glares at me for a good moment before responding.
"Would you have said no?" He asks curiously and I instantly cave when I realize everyone is silent waiting for my answer.
"No." I relent and he shakes his head in response.
"Well, there you have it. Come on let's go." Justin motions for us to leave after folding up the lounge chairs and really, I feel like I'm on cloud nine right now. This is by far the best vacation I've ever had.
"I just have one thing to say." Robert quickly adds in.
"What Rob?" Justin asks in annoyance and Robert grins.
"I don't know how you're going to pick, but, I'm willing to fight Sean to the death for the role of best man so you better accept that your wedding is going to have two instead of one Justin."
"Oh boy." I groan, fighting back my laughter at the death glare Justin shoots in Robert's direction.
An evil smile spreads across Justin's face as we begin walking up the beach towards the hotel. "You just keep talking Rob, and I'll keep a tight grip on my video phone for the rest of the night."
Ah yes, this is the good life.
It never gets old.
What can I say? I love my boys and their crazy, cute and goofy selves...
End of Flashback...
The Present
Four Years Later
"Hello A-List magazine this is Tai speaking how may I help you?"
"Tai? What are you doing answering the phones?"
Cringing at the sound of Justin's voice, my eyes immediately scan my surroundings nervously.
"Uh..." I murmur before Justin releases a loud laugh into the line.
"It's ok baby, look up." He orders and I do just that, my chestnut brown orbs landing on his beautiful blues as he strolls into the office. Rooting his cell from his ear, he shuts it off, and I give him a guilty look, placing down the receiver of the office line.
"Mommy, mommy!"
My eyes instantly light up and my heart warms when I hear our little three year old girl calling out to me. She appears from behind Justin's long legs and rushes towards me.
"Hey Bella baby!" I coo, dropping to my knees to engulf her in my arms. "Oh my gosh, what are you doing here little lady?" I question, standing with her in my arms and she giggles before giving me a big kiss on my mouth.
"Daddy said you disappear and he know exactly where you are!" She beams and I give Justin a look which causes him to shrug and stuff his cell in his jeans pocket.
Gosh, he looks so gorgeous in his jeans, sneakers and button down blue shirt. How he manages to still look professional in just jeans, I will never know.
"I left a note for you J." I point out, shifting Bella's weight in my arms.
"Yeah, but you're forgetting I know you Tai. Sean needed your help here and you rushed to his aid. It's what you do." Justin points out honestly and I smile bashfully. "It's cool. But you could have asked us to come along." Justin shrugs again and I nod, placing Bella down.
She walks back over to her father who lifts her up in his strong arms.
"I thought you were swamped at the restaurant with your mom." I voice and Justin shakes his head in protest.
"Na, we're good. Georgiou took Rose with him so Mom's free." Justin voices, referring to his little sister.
"Oh well in that case I'm sorry I just disappeared like I did. Sean needed someone to man the phones since he and Robert are running around here with their heads cut off." I voice, walking up to Justin to give him a deep kiss.
We pull away when we hear Bella giggling, the both of us turning to look at her.
"What's so funny mi amor?" Justin coos, brushing her curly hair out of her face.
"You and mommy kiss." Bella grins brightly, her smile mirroring Justin's own.
Justin grins back at her and they almost look like twins as lame as that sounds. "And?" He questions and her little cheeks puff up.
"You love each other." She gushes, her little hands circling around Justin's neck.
"I see. Well aren't you a smart little one. Our kid's an expert on love Tai. I'm not sure how I feel about that." Justin jokes, gazing at me with a soft smile and I giggle, shaking my head at them.
"And we love you baby." I tell Bella, passing my hand through her curls.
"I know." She sighs and Justin's eyes widen slightly by her little attitude.
"If she grows up to be a heartbreaker Tai, I'm blaming you." Justin points out and I gasp.
"Me!?" I chuckle. "Look at who her father is!" I defend and Justin gives me a warning glare.
"I'm happily married thank you. My heartbreaking days are long over and behind me." Justin beams.
"They better be mister." I tease him, my fingertips grazing over his light stubble before we're interrupted.
"Oh good you all are here!"
Justin and I turn at the sound of Robert's voice, a large grin gracing Justin's features when his brother comes into view looking fresh in his suit.
"Well look at you all serious and shit Rob." Justin quips and Rob frowns but the moment he sees Bella his expression switches to a smile.
"Ah mi Bella, mi amor, como estas?" Robert coos, pulling Bella out of Justin's hold.
Bella giggles, bouncing in Robert's arms. "I'm bien tío!" She coos and both Justin and I gush at her little Spanish.
I don't know why, but, Justin likes the idea of Bella growing up to be multilingual so he usually speaks English and Spanish around her. And, she's picking it up really well too. I don't mind, because I'm learning myself.
Looking on, I can't help but feel elated at the sight of Justin, Robert and Bella animatedly talking to each other with Bella acting like she's all grown. It's cute. They're adorable.
By right, we're not supposed to be in A-List right now. We're actually supposed to be at Justin's restaurant helping his mom out since she came to visit and they decided that today they would give the cooks the day off and actually cook the meals themselves as a special treat for their customers. I was helping them in the kitchen until Sean text messaged me because he and Robert where short-staffed and needed an extra person to help them out. I didn't want to pull Justin away from his mom so I sort of snuck out after leaving a note for him but I should have known he'd find me.
In case you were wondering, Justin and I are married now with a beautiful three year old girl as you've noticed. Justin is still the co C.E.O of A-List but he doesn't work there anymore. About three years ago, just before Bella was born, he realized that this really wasn't what he wanted. So, he left the editor in chief job for Sean actually, knowing my brother was a good candidate for it. He basically made Sean's dreams come true and there's not a day that goes by that I'm not thankful for having Justin as a permanent part of our lives. Now he only really comes into A-List when important business decisions need to be made or if there are board meetings to attend.
Sean and Robert are basically the ones running things now and they like it that way. They're happy, doing what they love. I still work at A-List as well as one of their main journalists. But, I had today off per Justin's request so I'm really not supposed to be here right now.
Justin actually chased his dreams which surprisingly ended up being him following in his mom's footsteps. He's actually in the beginning stages of opening his own line of restaurants around the world and I have full faith that he'll accomplish that goal. His first two restaurants are situated in the heart of Manhattan and in LA, California.
The restaurant here in Manhattan is actually called "Southern Hospitality" since he named it after his mom's side of the family being from the south. It's an amazing place and the food is wonderful. I'm so proud of my baby. We've come a long way but we still have a long way to go.
"So, you're short a model for the fashion show tonight?" Justin asks Robert, snapping me out of my thoughts and Robert nods sadly with Bella still in his arms.
"Sean's like a crazy man running around the place. You guys should see him. It's kind of funny in a sad way." Robert jokes.
Aw, my poor Sean.
"Where is he?" I speak up, diverting their attention.
"Down in the fashion closet with Gem and Chris." Robert voices and I nod, gripping Justin by his hand.
"Come on J. Let's get this over with so we can head back to the restaurant and check on Lynn." I point out and Justin nods silently allowing me to lead him out of Sean's office.
"You don't mind babysitting for a few do you Rob?" Justin asks his brother.
"Of course not. You know I love Bella." Robert coos, tickling Bella in his arms, causing her to giggle.
"Ok, be good guys." I warn both of them because for some strange reason, Robert and Bella have a habit of always getting in some sort of trouble. They're like partners in crime or something and they cover for each other too. It's cute and frustrating and I hope that they behave this time.
"See you later mommy, bye daddy!" Bella waves goodbye.
"Don't I get a see you later too!?" Justin pouts playfully and I groan dragging him along.
"Come on you softy!" I giggle, blowing Bella a kiss before Justin and I disappear down the halls towards the elevators.
"I am not soft woman." Justin scolds me as we wave to Sharron at her desk before entering the elevators.
"Yes you are, especially when it comes to Bella." I voice and he looks at me but doesn't protest.
"Well, what do you expect? She's our little girl." Justin huffs, folding his arms across his chest and I smile at him, leaning up to peck his lips softly. He gets offended for the weirdest things. But I guess I can see how calling him a softy is damaging to the manhood. Ugh, men.
"I think it's sweet." I coo and he smiles softly but doesn't say anything else.
When we finally make it to the fashion closet, Justin and I exchange curious glares at the commotion we hear going on inside there.
Taking in a deep breath, I'm the first to waltz in with Justin close behind.
Sean immediately comes into view and the look on his face alone is of utter terror. "No! Gem! These designs will not work! Oh my god, are you trying to give Vera Wang and me a heart attack? You never alter a Vera Wang original Gem...never! That's like an unwritten rule!" Sean gasps, panic-stricken.
"Well it's not my fault your model put on a few pounds Sean. You need to ask that girl what she's been eating." Gem groans.
"No time. You need to undo the adjustments you made and we'll just need to get a model replacement." Sean concludes.
"Daddy, daddy! Can we go for ice cream?"
My eyes instantly drift to a little boy tugging on Chris's jeans clad leg who's silently sitting on a chair facing Gem with a tired expression on his face.
Oh god, this is a disaster. Turning to stare at Justin, I note the horrific look on his face but he remains quiet.
"Not now Brady...later...I promise." Chris voices, picking up the five year old and placing him to sit on his lap.
"Uh guys?" I finally say softly, grasping everyone's attention.
"Tai! Babe! Oh thank goodness. This is a nightmare!" Sean quickly rushes up to us, giving both Justin and me a hug. "I don't know how you did it Justin really." Sean adds in and Justin chuckles.
"Years of hard work and practice. Plus, I had a great assistant who always made sure I took time out to relax." He says, turning to look at me with a big smile and I blush.
"Well I need you guys help!" Sean pleads. Giving me a once over, his lips slowly curve into a smile and I bet I know what he's thinking right now.
Passing my hands over my blue dress nervously, I sigh, caving immediately. "Would you like me to model tonight in you guys show Sean?" I question.
"You know me too well sis. Would you please?" He begs, gripping my hand in his.
"Yes sure. Justin and I will come over with the rest of the family after closing hours. We should be there at least half an hour before the show starts." I state, waving ‘hi' to Gem and Chris who return the favor silently.
I'm kind of glad Nella hasn't been around since she's back in her modeling career and touring. Gem and Chris can spend time with Brady who's adorable void any interruptions.
"Great. You're a lifesaver sis. Now, with that out of the way, I just have one more thing to ask." Sean speaks up and both Justin and I exchange glances before glaring at Sean.
"What?" Justin questions, eliciting a bright smile from Sean.
"Where's my beautiful niece hiding?" Sean smiles and both Justin and I erupt in laughter knowing that Sean and Robert have been battling playfully non-stop to have Bella say which one of them is her favorite uncle.
Ugh, those men can be so competitive and ridiculous sometimes, but I love them all just the way they are because they're my family and that's all that matters.
Hours Later
Manhattan, New York
Southern Hospitality
[Justin's Restaurant]
Visual: Bella Timberlake
After a wonderful family dinner with Justin, Bella, his little sister Rose, Lynn and her husband Georgiou, I can't help but feel full and satisfied. We're actually still at Justin's restaurant after closing hours just relaxing at the bar. Bella is on her father's lap idly playing with his stubble as he sips casually on his beer while I pay close attention to them.
Lynn, Rose and Georgiou are a few chairs away from us in their own little world.
After years, Justin was finally able to warm up to Georgiou when he realized how happy Georgiou made his mother. That was all that really counted anyway and since then, Justin and Georgiou have been getting along for the most part, even if there's tension sometimes between them when they're competing for Lynn's attention.
I'm still happy to say that we're one big loving family and between Justin, Bella, Robert, Maura, Chris, Gem and Sean, I couldn't have asked for a better bunch.
"So do you know what you'll be modeling at the fashion show later?" Justin speaks up, breaking the comfortable silence between us as he eyes me.
"No idea." I shrug and he chuckles.
"I'm pretty sure Sean's going to make you put on that Vera Wang evening dress he's been fussing over. It's really extravagant and beautiful. It'll look amazing on you." Justin nods, deep in thought. "I hope he and Robert have everything ready for the show. I'm sure if they needed our help they'd let us know." Justin adds in and I nod in agreement.
"Do you miss it?" I question and Justin frowns slightly in perplexity.
"Miss what?"
"Everything A-List. The glitz and glamour. The parties. Being the editor in chief and having the first hand in everything A-List related like putting together these huge, spectacular fashion shows." I explain.
It doesn't take long for Justin to reply. In fact, I don't even think he thought of his answer.
"No." He simply states and I glare at him in disbelief.
Sighing, he fixes Bella in his hold who looks like she's going to succumb to sleep at any moment. "Listen Tai. That world wasn't me. It was my dad's and Robert's. They love that lifestyle. I never did. Ironically enough, I don't like the attention that comes with my status, being who I am. But I've learnt to deal with it and accept it over the years. I still have access to all of those things, and the 'glamorous life' as you put it. I just chose not to indulge in any of it anymore. I'm happy living a simple, decent life with you all as well as helping out with A-List when I'm needed but I don't miss it. I think the only thing I miss is being able to work with Rob because he's amazing at what he does. It's him. A-List is who he is. But me, well, I'm a happily married man with a wife and daughter. I have an amazing family, great relatives and friends and I was able to accomplish so many dreams, what more could I possibly ask for? Just having you guys with me is all that matters. So, to reiterate, I don't miss A-List. And I'm pretty sure I never will, but I'm ok with that." Justin shrugs, and I can't help but smile at his honesty.
"I understand." I whisper, leaning forward to place a soft, loving kiss on his lips.
"You always do always do." Justin coos, pulling away from me just as the front doors to the restaurant open and close.
"We're closed!" Justin states. "I guess we forgot to lock the doors." He mutters more to his self.
"It's ok, I'm not here to order anything." Comes an all too familiar voice which causes Justin to whip around in his seat.
"Dad?" Justin voices in slight shock. "What are you doing here?"
Standing with Bella still in his arms, Justin keeps a tight protective grip on her as he walks over to his father.
I sit silently just watching them.
Tired blue eyes scan their surroundings until they land on Lynn, a small smile pulling at the elderly man's lips.
"Hey." Randall mutters softly and Lynn smiles back.
"Good to see you're out and about Randall." Lynn laughs slightly and he chuckles along with her.
"Yes well, retirement in one word is boring to say the least. I figured I'd stop by here before I headed down to catch the boys fashion show later." Randall quips, waving and telling Georgiou ‘hello' before he diverts his attention to Justin.
"Well hey there little one." Randall says, touching Bella's cheek.
Smiling, her droopy eyes focus on Randall before she releases a yawn. "Hi grandpa." Bella says tiredly and I quickly jump from my seat and make my way over to Justin and his dad.
"I'll take her J." I say, carefully engulfing Bella in my arms. She immediately rests her head on my shoulder, getting more comfortable.
"It's nice to see you Tai." Randall nods and I give him a half-smile in return.
"You too." I state honestly.
"So dad, this is a surprise." Justin voices, giving his father a light hug.
"Yes, well I was told by Robert that Tai would be in tonight's show so I thought, maybe we could go together." Randall voices nervously and I have to say, this new side of him, I'm still not used to it but I'm welcoming it.
He is most certainly a changed man and even if he and Justin aren't very close, at least they've managed to converse with each other and deal with each other in a civil manner. I know that Justin loves his dad but it's clear that he's grown up over the years to where he doesn't feel obligated to please his dad or make him proud.
And that's ok. As long as they're getting along, that's fine. They've come a long way and I'm happy for the both of them.
"Oh uh..." Rubbing the back of his neck, Justin eyes his father before slowly nodding in response. "Yeah sure that would be cool. Just let Tai and I grab our things and drop Bella home so the nanny can put her to bed because she's beat. If you want to tag along then we'll head to the show after and meet up with mom and George." Justin speaks up, anxiously waiting for his father's reply.
"Sure." Randall utters and a large grin spreads across Justin's face.
"Ok, we'll be right back dad."
Turning to face me, Justin grips my elbow gently, leading me to the back of the restaurant where we deposited our jackets and other belongings earlier.
As Justin gathers our things silently, I don't miss the look Lynn gives us from across the room. I give her a ‘thumbs up' making sure Justin doesn't notice before I continue studying his actions.
"I'm proud of you J." I whisper and he lifts his head to look at me, his eyes wide and dazed.
"What for?"
"For coming such a long way with your parents and just life on a whole. I know it wasn't easy for you, but look at how well you're doing now." I coo.
"Well, Tai..." Justin drifts, straightening his posture. Walking up to me, his tall frame hovers as he looks down at me intently. Leaning down, he places a soft kiss on Bella's forehead who's knocked out in my arms now before he leans down and kisses me deeply. When he finally pulls away, he licks at his lips as his blues search my browns. "Honestly, I wouldn't have been able to survive the things I have or be here today without you baby. I didn't do any of this on my own Tai. You were right here with me every step of the way." Justin explains, his large hand touching under my chin softly. "And we still have a long way to go, but I have faith in what we have that we're strong enough to deal with whatever life throws at us." He speaks softly.
"Me too." I breathe deeply, smiling up at him.
"Good. Now, let's get going. We have a show to get to. You know I'm going to enjoy seeing you strutting down that runway with your long, sexy legs while you work your hips." Justin muses with a mischievous grin on his face and I can't help but giggle.
"Of course, and you know I'll have fun with it too." I joke, causing him to roll his eyes playfully.
"Hmm, you know it. We'll both have fun with it mon peu chocolat chaud." He muses.
Justin's developed this habit of calling me his ‘little hot chocolate' whenever he has sexual thoughts running through his mind because according to him I'm just as sweet and addicting. I can't really complain because I call him my tall glass of milk so it works.
I know we're crazy, but just looking at us now, I can't help but overflow with happiness since I feel more than blessed to have such a wonderful family.
In a way, I'm glad I walked through those doors of A-List magazine all those years ago seeking a job. If I hadn't I wouldn't be here now and even if it pains me to do so, I'm willing to give Sean full credit of his analysis that maybe fate was at work.
"You know...maybe Sean's onto something with this fate thing." I state mindlessly as Justin grabs the last of our stuff and leads us back in the direction where his father is patiently waiting.
"Oh, how so? What brought this on? Sean should be here for this." He chuckles.
"I was just trying to picture how different life would be if I had never come into A-List looking for a job."
"Well, I don't usually think about stuff like that because the way I see it, things played out exactly as they were supposed to." Justin divulges and I shake my head in response. "But, for what it's worth Tai, not a day goes by that I'm not glad you walked through those A-List doors and came back even after the way we first met. Because as much as I could have certainly found a way to fire you, you could have also easily decided to quit. I guess we both didn't realize it at the time, but, you wanted to be there as much as I wanted you to be." Justin concludes and honestly, I can't help but agree with him.
He's right. He's so right.
After all this time, it makes perfect sense that we were meant to be like this now.
And I have to say that if this is what it means and feels to be A-Listed, then I'm happy to be just that and nothing more or less.
*The End*
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