Next Day [Tuesday]
A-List Magazine
Great, it’s only my second day here and already I’m like five minutes late. Rushing through the lobby of A-List Magazine, I make it to the elevators just in the nick of time before the doors close. Taking a spot to the side, I stand quietly after pushing my floor since I’m surrounded by other A-List workers from various departments.
The ride to my floor is quick and silent and the moment I bust through the doors of the elevators, I’m greeted by Sharron. Oh great.
“Hey Morning Sharron.” I smile at her but she doesn’t return my gesture.
“Justin’s pissed. It’s your second day and you’re late.”
“I’m only like five minutes off. It wasn’t my fault; I missed my train because my alarm didn’t go off this morning and…” trailing off I sigh. “You don’t care do you?” I ask when she casts her vision elsewhere.
“No. But Justin does…have a nice day.” She dismisses me then takes an incoming call and I groan, rushing down the hallway to my desk.
The moment I get there and dump my belongings, Justin storms out of his office in a grey pant suit and fury masking his features.
“Just because my father says I can’t fire you doesn’t mean you get to slack off. It’s your second day Tai. I’m even surprised you came back after that run I had you do yesterday but don’t be late again.” He snaps and I bow my head in shame.
“Yes, sir, I uh, I’m sorry.” I mutter and he narrows his eyes at me in contempt. “I missed my train. I don’t have a car and I uh…” But he cuts me off.
“I don’t mean to sound brusque here but…I don’t care. That’s your personal affairs. Just don’t be late again. That’s one strike Tai. Three and I’ll find a way to have you fired understood?” He demands and I look up at him, trying to hide the hurt in my eyes as I study his piercing, unnerving blues.
What the hell did I ever do to him? He can’t possibly be holding such a strong grudge from that day we bumped into each other. It’s not fair.
“Yes sir.” I whisper and his form visibly relaxes when he sees that I have no intent to call him out on his disrespect.
“Well, now that that is out of the way, we have a few things going on today that I’ll need you for.” Justin instructs and I shake my head, waiting for him to continue. “You’re going to join Robert and me for our meeting with Christian Siriano who has to confirm our new summer fashion line. When that meeting is over, I’ll need you to make a few calls to finalize the caterer, bartender and press for the grand opening of one of my friends’ nightclub tonight which, you’ll have to attend since it’s an A-List Magazine sponsored event. I’ll give you more information after the meeting. We’ll also be stopping downstairs where they’re having the photo shoot with our celebrity of the month for our magazine cover. I need to confirm the cover spread photo. I’m sure there’ll be some other miscellaneous things for you to do around here also. When Robert’s assistant comes by later today, I want you to take ‘the A-List book’ from him and bring it to me. I need to write the letter from the editor, and the final changes to the book are due by the end of the day before we send the final copy out for printing, publishing and shipping of next month’s issue.” When Justin pauses to look at me my frame goes rigid.
“Why aren’t you writing anything down Tai?” He hisses and I immediately apologize, fumbling for a notepad and pen but he stops me.
“Just forget it. I hope you have a good memory. We need to head to the boardroom now. But, be a doll and grab me a cup of coffee before you join us? Thanks in advance. Oh and it wouldn’t kill you to add some color to your wardrobe either. This is a fashion magazine. That black and white skirt suit ensemble you’re wearing just screams funeral and everything morbid.” With that said, Justin gives me a tight smile before excusing his self to head in the direction of the boardroom.
When he’s gone I plop down in my chair letting out a pent up breath. “Gosh, this job is going to be harder than I thought. I wish you guys were here to give me some motivation.” I pout while gazing at the other framed picture on my desk of my mom and dad sitting next to the one with Sean and me.
They died some years ago from a gang shooting. It was…well, Sean and I don’t talk about it. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time, doing some last minute grocery shopping when two gangs rolled up in the seven-eleven clearly having a dispute before they opened fire. I remember crying for six months straight and having to go to therapy after that. Sean took it better than I did but he was older even if we were both teenagers at the time. The memories fade but the hurt never goes away.
“It’s not your fault you know.”
Snapping my head up at the sound of a deep masculine voice, I wipe at my eyes in case any tears escaped me. “I’m sorry?” I smile despite myself. He’s the first person who’s actually talked to me here. Sharron, Robert and Justin definitely don’t count.
“It’s not your fault that your boss is a total asshole. That’s all on him.” The guy smiles and I giggle, taking in his tall, built frame. He has ivory skin and long shoulder-length dark hair that’s gelled back. His eyes are dark green and he’s wearing a simple red dress-shirt, tie and black pants. “I’m Chris by the way. Chris Scotland.” He voices when I continue to just glare at him. “Robert’s assistant.” He adds and I mouth an ‘oh.’
Giggling, I shake his extended hand, allowing him to help me up from my seat. “Nice to meet you Chris.” I beam.
“Likewise. We assistants have to stick together.” He grins brightly and I blush. “Look don’t worry too much. You’ll be fine. I was the new guy once; this is how it works around here. It takes time for the people here to open up to you and even then, watch your back because there are no real friends here, only ‘frienimies’.” He voices while making air quotations. Huh, frienimies...interesting.
“So, I should watch my back with you then huh?” I joke and he chuckles softly.
“I guess so. Well, I’ll see you in the meeting. You better get on that coffee. It actually calms Justin down and any type of way to tame him is a plus in my book.” He muses and I shake my head in agreement, telling him that it was nice to meet him before I take off down the hall to the cafeteria to grab Justin’s ‘cup of Joe.’
I actually survived my first boardroom meeting with Justin and Robert today. Chris was right. After Justin had his coffee he calmed down to a mostly tolerable person. The meeting itself was like nothing I ever experienced. It was strictly business and while I found it hard to really see the seriousness in fashion, I realized today that it takes a lot to get an issue of any magazine out on a stand for the public to read. And, there’s not much room for mistakes either because mistakes cost a good chunk of change.
I have to give Christian Siriano credit though. He was the youngest winner of one of the seasons of Project Runway which my brother watched religiously. That’s the only reason why I know who he is. But, that guy has talent and I know he’s going to go far. He’s been climbing his way to the top ever since and dare I say, he’s ‘fierce’ in all sense of the word.
I had a blast watching him give Justin and Robert a hard time. But, especially Justin. He’s a total diva and Justin had to be nice no matter what since they were the ones who requested him and not the other way around. It was a rather boring meeting, but it was my first experience so I paid attention to all the details, taking notes along the way.
At the end, they managed to finalize the summer fashion line with Christian and everything went over smoothly. Justin and Robert actually work well together. They almost have a ‘good cop, bad cop’ vibe about them. I guess opposites do attract. Well, sometimes.
The rest of my day after that meeting was spent on my computer learning their record keeping software and scheduler since I’m responsible for writing up Justin’s schedule for anything A-List related. That includes meetings, trips and any and everything that’s linked to his career and this company. Let me say, it wasn’t easy picking up where his previous assistants slacked off but I’m coping.
I did finalize what he asked me to do earlier for his friend’s nightclub opening tonight when he gave me the necessary information. We’re also supposed to be at the photo shoot for the issue’s cover spread, but right now, I’m at my desk, occasionally stealing glances at Justin who’s probably been on his phone for the past hour straight. I’m just waiting for when he says it’s time to go to that photo shoot.
He told me I’d be getting my phone installed tomorrow so I could start screening his calls. Oh joy. At least, I’ll get to talk to some famous people.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Snapping my head away from my computer screen, I meet eyes with Chris, Robert’s assistant.
“Oh hey.” I smile. “I wasn’t really thinking about anything per say.” I shrug.
“Sure, that’s why you were only staring at Justin in la la land.” He laughs.
“La, la land? Funny.”
“Well, don’t let me keep you from your daydreaming. I just stopped by to drop this off. Robert made the changes Justin requested and as the Creative Director, he oversaw the photo shoot session and took the liberty of approving the final cover spread photo.” Chris drops a large black binder on my desk with A-List written on it in bold white print. This must be ‘the book’ Justin was referring to earlier.
“Thanks, but wait, wasn’t Justin supposed to be down there as well? I mean, he’s the editor in chief. We were supposed to be there right?” I ask, wondering if I was supposed to give Justin some type of notice that I missed.
“Actually, you all were due down there thirty minutes ago but it looks like Justin has his hands full at the moment. Robert handled it so no worries.” Chris stares at Justin through the glass window and I follow his line of sight watching when Justin stands from his desk abruptly before gripping his cell phone and sending it flying into the wall causing it to shatter in the process.
My eyes widen in shock and I quickly look away. He really needs to close those blinds. I don’t want him to accuse me of invading his privacy or something.
“I…” but I’m at a loss for words.
“Just give him the book. He won’t mind that Robert covered for him. It’s a thing with them. Between the two of them, they keep their dad happy for the most part and that’s all that matters.” Chris states before turning around to leave. “I’ll see you later tonight at the club launching.” He utters over his shoulder then he disappears down the hall.
Frowning, I gaze down at the book, contemplating on if I should or shouldn’t interrupt Justin right now. He’s clearly pissed over something someone told him on the phone. That’s obvious. But I really don’t know that much about him to know when it’s a good time to interrupt him or not even if it’s business related.
All I know is what Sean updated me on via his media sources. The most I know about Justin and Robert besides their father and this company is they both have different mothers who both remarried; Justin is the eldest of the two, and he and Robert live in separate penthouse apartments right here in Manhattan that are separate from their father’s family mansion. Of course, there’s the history and drama with Justin and his many public flings and girlfriends but that’s no surprise for any celebrity. Robert is more under the radar in that aspect but they both had their fair share of public relationships which the media ate up. Nothing surprising there.
I wish I knew why Justin was being so mean to me though. I guess maybe it wouldn’t hurt to say I was sorry for embarrassing him in front of his peers but he did embarrass me too so it went both ways.
Seating up straight when his office door slowly opens, I hold my breath when he walks out to stand before me at my desk.
“I’m sorry if you saw that.” He suddenly voices and I scowl at him, wondering what’s really going on with him. “And no, I don’t usually close the blinds. You’re my assistant; I mean, your loyalty is to me first so it doesn’t matter. Everyone around here is like an open book anyway.” He explains and I feel like he’s answering the questions floating through my mind. “I just came out here because I saw Chris was here a moment ago to drop off the book.”
“Yes, he was…and he did.” I finally speak up, handing Justin the book.
“Thanks. Rob’s a lifesaver for covering the photo shoot for me.” He takes it out of my hold, pausing before he turns around to leave. “Oh and…once you’re done with what you’re doing you can leave. I’ll be leaving early myself to prepare for the club opening later tonight once I’m done with the book. Be sure to leave your address with Sharron at the front desk when you’re leaving so we can have a company car pick you up and carry you to the venue. No assistant of mine is taking the train.” He says firmly, but I don’t miss the hint of a smile in his serious expression.
“Thank you.” I say softly, breaking away from his intense gaze.
“Rob was right. You are a tough cookie to crack. You’ve taken everything I’ve thrown at you so far. But, that doesn’t mean I’ll give up. I’ll see you later tonight Tai.” Giving me a half-smile, Justin turns around to head back into his office and when he’s out of sight, I smile to myself at the fact that he was actually civil with me for once.
I know that doesn’t mean he likes me now, but I’ll take it. Plus, he seemed defeated after that long phone call he was on. Not that I can blame him. We all have our issues.
But wow, I’m going to my very first v.i.p celebrity shindig tonight!
“What the hell am I going to wear?” I mumble to myself while returning to my computer task. “I definitely need Sean’s help.”
I know that I never really paid much attention to this type of glamorous lifestyle before, but now that I’m being sucked into it, I can’t help but feel just a little bit excited….or maybe a lot.
Club Launching Party
Manhattan, New York
I can’t believe I’m actually here. I mean this is crazy. I wish I could have brought Sean. I’ll have to ask Justin or Robert the next time around. Hopefully they’ll say yes. Sean was grudging because he couldn’t come but he did give me his digital camera to get photos of any celebrities I could. Yeah, like I’m going to do that and risk being yelled at by Justin for harassing his friends and associates.
No, I’m playing it cool tonight even if I’m literally screaming on the inside. Not to mention every turn I make there’s an A-List celebrity right in my line of sight.
When I got here about three hours ago on one of the company cars, Justin and Robert were already inside. But the most amazing thing is that my name was on the list at the front door with the bouncers. That was an experience since the line to get in was abnormally long. Plus, the entrance was swarming with paparazzi but since none of them knew who I was, I didn’t have to worry about having my picture taken though a few did ask which celebrity I was with since my name was on ‘the list’. They thought I was part of an entourage. It was unbelievable. I grinned like an idiot all the way into the nightclub until I got to the bar and ordered my first drink.
In here is nice. It has a retro chic vibes to it. The color scheme is an assortment of dark and light colors that mesh well together with simple lighting but the simplicity brings out the beauty in the place. I can just see this place making it to the top of Manhattan’s ‘where to go’ list when in the city looking for a good time. High Rollers Club I believe it’s called. It’s a fitting name.
I found out that Justin’s friend’s name is Lannick and that this is his club. He’s of African American descendent with Irish in his blood. He’s a well established club promoter who garnered enough revenue to start up his own club. He’s definitely a celebrity now, especially with Justin and A-List magazine on his team.
I really like it here. This place is definitely on my outing list when they don’t have big events like these but just a regular clubbing night.
I’ve been situated at the bar for most of the time I’ve been here, sipping casually on my scotch. It’s my addiction.
I’m not sure why Justin said he needed me here tonight but I’m not complaining. It’s definitely a step out of my norm. I did see him around but I haven’t spoken to him yet. He looked good though in his jeans, sneakers and two-layer dress-shirt ensemble with his matching fedora hat. He has a very unique style that I don’t think I’ve seen before. He’s been working the floor, entertaining guests with Lannick at his side while flirting up a storm with the beautiful females in the room who seem to hang on his every word.
Eyeing him as he stands a few feet away talking to Vera Wang, I sigh trying to figure him out. I can’t help but think about how he was seemingly a little nicer to me at the end of work today yet he’s still as cold as ever. That man is a mystery and I have no doubt that he has major issues. I mean, what celebrity doesn’t? There’s just so much pressure from the media and having to live up to so many expectations. Robert seems to be handling it much better than Justin.
“Please tell me you’re drinking juice.”
Diverting my vision, my browns land on Robert with Chris at his side who gives me a light smile and I return the favor with a small wave.
“Ok, I’m drinking juice.” I grin at Robert and he chortles before taking a seat next to me at the bar.
“Why is this situation so vaguely familiar?” He asks smoothly with a crooked, handsome smile.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I lie, taking a sip of my drink.
Keeping my focus on him, I absorb the simple jeans and button-down blue shirt he’s wearing. Well, I know who the ‘simple laid back’ one is between him and Justin. He looks good too though.
“I’m uh, just going to find a dance partner.” Chris interrupts before giving us a nod and slipping away.
“He’s a good assistant.” Robert assures, watching the direction in which Chris went. “But then again, he has an exceptional boss.”
“Huh, I bet.” I snicker and he chuckles before ordering a scotch as well with the bartender.
“I see we have something in common.” He adds in.
“What’s that?”
“Scotch is one of our many fixes.”
“Ah, that’s one thing I’ll never forget.”
“You know Tai, I’m really sorry about that night. I was so drunk…” Drifting off, he laughs lightly at the memory. “It was still uncalled for and out of character. Sometimes, when it’s convenient, I throw around my status but I assure you that’s all Justin’s doing. His bad habits are rubbing off on me.” He actually apologizes and I’m stunned. Justin could learn a few things from his brother about manners.
“It’s fine Robert…I…I mean Mr. Pattinson? I’m sorry, I’m conflicted since I work at A-List but we’re not in work and…”
“Robert’s fine.” He verifies while smiling at my rambling. How embarrassing.
“Ok, Robert it is.”
“I have to ask, what where the odds of us meeting almost right after you met my brother?” He voices out loud and I frown while looking away from him. Please don’t say it was destiny or fate.
“I don’t know.”
“I guess Coincidences do happen huh?”
I’m not sure if he’s serious or being sarcastic.
Gazing into his bluish-grays I smile. Coincidence. You know, I just might like him after all.
“I guess they do.”
Take that Sean! Though, I really wish he was here to share this moment with me.
“Well, off the record, and I do mean off the record because I won’t admit to it if you call me out on it at any time, but, you look lovely tonight. Mini black dresses suit you.”
And I have Sean to thank for that who literally had to blackmail me to wear it…with heels.
“Wow, was that an almost compliment?” I giggle. What the hell am I doing? Are we flirting? I don’t think it’s a good thing to mix business with pleasure but this is casual right?
“Almost…” Robert jokes.
“Well then, thank you…almost.” I laugh at my own ridiculousness and he does the same but our little banter is interrupted by none other than Justin.
“What’s going on here? You’re not trying to steal my assistant are you Rob?” Justin jokes, doing a double-take when he finally takes a good look at me, giving me a staggered glare.
“Would never think of it.” Robert grins before giving Justin a manly handshake. “Was just entertaining the young lady here.”
“You two are actually getting along?” Justin asks incredulously.
“I don’t see why that’s so hard to believe.”
“You’ve never gotten along with my assistants.” Justin points out.
“That’s because they were preventing you from doing your job and I got stuck with all the shit. Tai, however, is the opposite and I like her.” Robert defends me, giving me a wink and I blush. These Timberlake men seem to have a knack for making me blush. It needs to stop.
“Oh well, whatever…” Justin dismisses Robert but he doesn’t look pleased in the least. I don’t see why. It’s not like he cares about what I do in any way. “So are you enjoying your night Tai? I’m sorry I haven’t been able to really introduce you to everyone. Lannick has me busy but I did invite you so you could get a taste of what it’s like to be an A-List employee.”
“In other words, you’ve officially been A-Listed.” Robert quips before I can answer and I gawk at him. Me? A-Listed?
“I uh, well, the club is nice, the music is great and I’m just chill. I like it. This is nice.” I respond and both Justin and Robert nod in unison.
“Well, expect it to get a whole lot crazier because soon people will know that you’re my current assistant and when they can’t get to me, you’ll be their next best bet so get ready for that.” Justin instructs and I nod in understanding.
“Justin don’t you have women who are waiting for some of your time? I can entertain Tai for you since you two don’t see eye to eye. She doesn’t want to hear about work now.” Robert cuts in causing Justin to glower at him.
“This is work Rob. We put a shitload of investments into this club opening.”
“And it was a success so you can stop kissing ass now big bro. Have fun.”
I’m just sitting there, fully entertained as I sip casually on my drink, watching them go at it. They’re true brothers…there’s no doubt about that.
“This is amazing. You and my assistant. Classic.” Justin smirks bitterly before turning around to leave but he stops when Robert quickly replies.
“Don’t hate the player J, hate the game.” Robert counters and I shift in my seat uncomfortably.
I know he’s joking around just to get on Justin’s nerves but in no way do I ever want to be some type of competition between the two of them because they feel like they have to prove some point.
“Nice Rob, real nice.” Whipping back around to face us, Justin’s blues land on my browns and he holds my gaze, his stare softening as he studies me a little bit more than he ever has before. “Are you sure you want to deal with that?” He asks me while pointing to Robert who’s now sipping on his own drink with a smirk on his face.
“I uh, I can manage.” I shrug.
“Right. Well, you guys have fun. I’m going to mingle some more.”
“Ok Justin…I mean Mr. Timberlake.” I cringe at my slip up but he simply quirks his brows at me, not saying anything. “Enjoy the rest of your night and thanks for inviting me.”
“Sure, whatever.” Justin waves me off. “Oh and Tai…”
“Yeah?” I respond, patiently waiting for him to conclude his statement.
I don’t know what it is, but there really is something about him that leaves you hanging on his every word. Damn. Plus, this is the nicest he’s ever been even if he’s still a bit supercilious.
“You look nice…it…suits you.” And just like that he’s gone, disappearing into the crowd, leaving Robert and me alone.
“I told you.” Robert finally speaks up, agreeing with Justin and my lips curl into a coy smile.
“You did.” I agree. I guess I owe Sean some thanks. He basically dressed me.
“So, would it be too unethical and out of character for me to ask you for a dance?” Robert inquires and I inhale sharply, not wanting to turn him down, but realizing that I maybe need to leave if I ever want to catch the train to get home. It’s not the safest form of transportation at this time of night but what can you do?
“Actually, I’m not much of a dancer and, I should really get going. I need to get to the subway before…” But Robert cuts me off immediately.
“That’s ridiculous. A company car will take you home. I’ll call one for you. But are you sure you want to leave now?”
“I guess I could stay a little bit longer?” I indicate and he nods. “But the dancing...”
“I get it. You need lessons, it’s totally fine.”
“I do not!” I laugh.
“Well then you’re scared?”
“No I just…this isn’t really my scene and I don’t want to make a fool of myself my first time going to one of these events.”
“I understand.” Robert says honestly and I heave a sigh.
“Thank you.”
“We’ll take a rain check, but the next event, you owe me.” He grins craftily.
“Fine.” I cave while placing down my now empty glass on the counter of the bar.
Gazing at me with interest, Robert orders another round of drinks for us and we decide to remain seated at the bar talking up a storm.
I’m not complaining.
I’m actually enjoying his company. I’m surprised he isn’t entertaining the women who are maybe dying to meet him but are too scared to approach him. I noticed a few of them staring. But this is still nice and beats my regular indoor habits. Plus, I think I might just like working at A-List magazine after all and I have Robert to thank for that.
- FIN - |
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