Ten Days Later
A-List Magazine
Manhattan, New York
As I make my way out of the elevators to head down the hallway to my desk so I can start the workday bright and early, I'm stopped by Sharron who calls out to me from where she's situated behind her desk.
Heading over to where she's seated, I smile and greet her.
"Good morning Sharron."
"Yeah morning, whatever." She waves her hand in dismissal and I frown. "I need your advice on something."
"Oh?" This is new, but, I'll be sure to help her any way that I can. "What's up?"
Frowning, she hesitates as she glances around. Standing from her seat, she exits her quarters, ignoring the ringing telephone to come over to me. Taking a deep breath, she pulls me to the side and lowers her voice.
Ok, now I'm worried.
"Tai, you're like a decent person right?" Sharron asks and I fight the urge not to laugh in her face. This is clearly a serious matter and she looks nervous.
"Uh, sure I guess? I mean, I try to be. What's going on Sharron?" I demand and she sighs before spilling her guts.
"Ok, so like, it totally wasn't my fault. And, I'm genuinely sorry about what happened but everything turned out for the better right? So I shouldn't worry. Wait, why am I even worrying?"
She makes no damn sense, but I'm curious now as to what she's blabbing about.
"You better spit it out girl. I have to be at my desk soon and I need to grab Justin's coffee before he gets too cranky."
"Right, well, do you remember a few weeks ago when there was that crisis with last month's issue?"
"Yes?" oh no, please don't tell me she...
"And someone leaked the cover spread? Well..." She pauses, trying to gather her bearings but I already know what she's going to say. "It's was sort of my fault." She shrugs and I let out a heavy sigh.
"Sharron, you didn't." I say in disappointment, but she quickly defends herself.
"Come on, I didn't do it on purpose Tai. I was at this shindig, and I was mingling you know, enjoying myself. I had one too many drinks and I met this guy and we were chatting and flirting you know? It was all casual until he ended up telling me that he worked at Vogue. So, we ended up in this fun little playful argument about who was better...Vogue or A-List Magazine...and then one thing led to another and I might have let the idea for the cover spread slip out. I mean, the guy he was so cool and he played it off, saying they had a better idea for their Vogue issue and I didn't think anything of it. Tai, you have to believe me, I was drunk and, and I know it's my fault. When the news got out about what happened, I wanted to tell Justin but then, I didn't want to get fired for it! I'm so sorry. It wasn't intentional, honest. What should I do?" She's staring at me with pleading eyes and what do I say?
It's been weeks and the entire staff, Justin and Robert are already gearing up for next month's issue with the summer line they launched at the fashion show last week. Everyone seems to have forgotten about the crisis of last month's issue. No one's really talked about it since then, but it doesn't mean that they don't deserve to know what happened.
"You need to tell Justin Sharron." I voice firmly and she scowls, looking away from me.
"Ugh, I knew you were going to say that. But it's the only right thing to do huh?" She asks and I shake my head in agreement.
"The truth isn't always easy, but it does set you free, even if it took you all this time to build up the courage."
"Please Tai, I just want to get rid of the guilt." She admits and I smile. "But, thanks. Hopefully, Justin will forgive me and I won't lose my job over this."
She's lucky that up to this day Randall doesn't really know about what happened else she'd maybe get fired for sure. If that were the case, neither Justin nor Robert would be able to save her.
"No worries." I smile at her and she returns the favor before returning to her seat.
Waving goodbye to her, I continue on my way until I make it to my desk.
When I place down my belongings, I head over to Justin's office door, knocking lightly until I hear him say ‘come in.'
Carefully, I make my way into his office before shutting the door behind me.
"Tai hey! Morning." Justin looks up at me with a large smile on his face.
"Morning and how are you today..." But I drift when I see him lift his mug off of his desk to take a sip from it. "Oh, you already had your coffee?" I ask perplexed and he nods before placing the mug back down.
"I'm having it right now. I figured I could get it myself for a change." He shrugs and I smile at him knowingly. "Oh, and I'm doing fine, to answer your question on how I am today." He adds in which only makes me giggle.
"Ok then."
"You look nice today. Cute pant suit." He points out.
"Thanks." I voice awkwardly.
I know it was a simple compliment but I don't miss how his eyes quickly scan my frame before he reestablishes eye contact with me. There's a half grin on his face as he continues to sip idly on his coffee, eyeing me from behind the rim of his mug. Uh...ok.
"Well, besides coming in here to tell you morning, I wanted to sort of ask you a favor as well." I continue.
This peaks his interest causing him to straighten his posture.
"What's going on?" He asks casually.
"Well, I'm thinking that at some point during the day, Sharron's going to come to talk to you about a few things. My only request is that maybe you could possibly go easy on her?" I ask hopefully and he scowls deeply.
"What's this about?"
"I'd rather she told you herself. But please for me, could you do what I asked? I hope I'm not asking for too much."
He quickly shakes his head ‘no.'
"No that's fine. It's good that you all are getting along. I'll wait to see what she has to say and we'll see how it goes from there." Justin points out before taking another sip of his coffee.
"Ok, thanks. Well, I better get situated at my desk. If you need anything..."
"I'll call." Justin grins, finishing my statement and I nod before turning around to leave but he stops me.
"Oh Tai?"
"Yeah?" I reply, facing him again.
"What are your plans like this weekend?" He inquires and I frown.
"Well uh..." My mind drifts to Sean and our ritual Saturday nights hanging in our favorite bar, but for some strange reason, that doesn't stop me from saying... "I don't have any plans, why?"
"Chris stopped by my office when he came in earlier. He kind of invited me to go out with him and Gem on Saturday which was weird because that never happened before. He said something about having an extra ticket to some Broadway show they were going to see and asked me if I wanted to tag along since Maura couldn't make it. I told him I didn't want to be a third wheel, but he insisted that you were coming as well because you promised from the last time you all spoke that you'd go on their next outing. He said they didn't have any outings in a while until now. So, I'm just wondering, if you knew or..."
"Oh!" I quickly interrupt him, feeling all excited and bubbly. "I did promise him that. Oh wow, and he asked you to come?" I say in shock.
"I was as surprised as you. I was sure he would have asked Robert first at least, but he insisted that it was Gem's idea. That it would be ‘totally cool' if I actually hung out with my co-workers and got to know them a little better." Justin shrugs in thought and just like that my excitement dies.
It was Gem's idea? Oh that says a lot. If I didn't know any better I'd say this was a sneaky way for her to set us up. Ugh, I'm going to have a word with her later.
"Well, you know, it's ok if you don't want to go..." But he cuts me of mid-sentence.
"Actually, I already said I would come. I just wanted to make sure that you were going so I really wouldn't have to be a third wheel." He's giving me a coy smile and aw, he's so cute when he's all embarrassed even if he has no reason to be.
Eh, I guess it would be ok right?
"Sure, I'm going. I'll have to check Chris on those tickets, but, I'll go." I beam and Justin heaves a sigh, shaking his head in response before he finishes off his coffee.
"Good. That's, good. I should probably let you go now." He points out and I nod in agreement.
"Sure. I'm right outside if you need me. Have a good day today." I say before turning to exit his office while my heart pounds fiercely behind my ribcage.
"Have a good day too Tai. Thanks."
Hours Later
It's been a long day and I really can't wait to get home, but, before I can leave today, there are a few things I need to clear up just so I'm perfectly aware of what's really going on.
This would explain why I'm standing outside of Robert's office right now. I haven't spoken to him much lately, except for when he gave me those training tips for A-List's fashion show when I had to model. He must be busy or preoccupied these days but, I'm going to see him now so...
I knock on his door lightly then carefully open it and step in when he says to enter.
"Tai! What a surprise. What brings you here? Do you need me to defend you from Justin?" Robert jokes and I shake my head in protest.
"No, Justin's fine. We're fine. I actually came in here looking for Chris?" I state, my browns connecting to Chris's greens as he stands from where he's sitting at Robert's desk.
"Ah, I see. Well, carry on." Robert nods in approval and I make a signal to Chris for us to talk outside. There's guilt written all over his face which means I already know what the answers to my questions are going to be, but I want to hear him say it.
On our way out, Robert stops me by calling out to me and I turn to face him with a questionable glare.
"I know we haven't really chatted much recently Tai, but I should have some free time clearing up for me soon, so when that happens maybe we could catch up?" Robert asks and I think about his statement for a moment before shaking my head in agreement.
"Sure that would be fine. It was nice seeing you today Robert." I mention and he grins, nodding in response before returning to the mountain of papers on his desk.
Wow, I don't think I've ever seen this much paperwork on Justin's desk before. I'm starting to believe that Robert really handles most of the workload. I don't want to believe it but the evidence is clear. I mean he's the creative director, this really should be Justin's job, but who am I to judge? Whatever they have going seems to work well between the two of them.
Excusing myself, I exit Robert's office with Chris hot on my trail.
Once we're standing next to Chris's desk, I frown while looking up as his tall frame.
"Ok, I know that you know why I'm here Chris. So, start talking." I voice before folding my arms across my chest.
"It was Gem's idea." He blurts out. "She has this crazy idea in her head that you're perfect for Justin and that you all would really hit it off if you weren't always surrounded by work. She thinks that if you all spend some time together outside of work, you might actually end up liking each other, really liking each other...not just tolerating each other. And I have to say, I agree with her. You're not like his other assistants. You're good for him and I think he sees that too." Chris explains and my mind is riling with ways to kill Gem right now. I can't believe she's doing this to me.
"And Justin? Does he know that's why you all invited him out this weekend? To try and pull this stunt? To try and set us up?" I snap angrily causing Chris to grimace.
"No. Why would I tell him that? Besides, he didn't seem to mind once I told him you were going to be there. In fact, I think you being there is what made him agree to come in the first place."
"Chris I don't like this. And I don't think Justin will either if he knew."
"Oh come on Tai. Can you really stand here and tell me that you don't find your boss the least bit attractive? I mean, despite the fact that he's an asshole, because he's really trying to change, he's fucking Justin Timberlake."
He's right. But this is my main issue. This is the conflict I'm internally dealing with. The fact that Justin is my boss and yet, I can't get him out of my head. I'm always wondering about him and it's really beginning to irk me.
"Fine Chris. Fine, he is a good looking man. But so is Robert."
"Robert's not your type Tai." Chris says in a matter-of-fact manner.
Oh really? And how would he know my type?!
"How would you know? And that doesn't mean that..."
"Gem's seen the way you and Justin look at each other and interact. There's a connection there. A strong one at that. I've noticed it too but didn't say anything because I didn't think anything of it, just that you two were getting along, but when Gem pointed it out, I understood. There's something there Tai, between the two of you. I'm not sure if you've noticed it or felt it, but it's there."
He's right. I have noticed and felt it, but I've also ignored it. Why the hell is he telling me all of this?
"Now, I'm not vouching for Justin or anything because I know his history with women. And I do consider you my friend so I want the best for you. Nothing stays a secret at A-List, but, Tai I also see how different he is with you. I'm not sure what it is, or what you did, but he's a different person because of you, a better person and that's actually a good thing. The old Justin was in hot water with his dad. We don't exactly what to see him lose with his old man. Who knows, maybe you could help him to keep his old man proud and happy. You have been already, just by being a great assistant." Chris explains and I'm just standing there practically speechless as I glare at him.
Damn it, I really don't want any of this to be true. I don't. What about Justin's history with his assistants? His dad hired me specifically for history not to repeat itself. What would Mr. Timberlake think if I ended up being just like those other assistants who distracts his son from doing his work? Justin could stand to lose everything if his dad cuts him off because his dad thinks he's too irresponsible to run this company. I don't want that. What would the public think? Justin is still a celebrity in his own right. And then he has his baby mama drama with Nella to worry about also. I'm not sure if I want to be a part of that.
"Let me just ask you one thing Chris. When the four of us go out on Saturday, are we going out as four co-workers slash friends or are we double dating as two couples?"
"Uh, the latter?" He winces, waiting for some type of explosion from me but I simply nod my head.
"Right. Do me a favor? Tell Gem that this is the first and last of her matchmaking. If anything has to happen with Justin and me, I'd rather it happened on its own between us ok?" I ask and he quickly nods with a huge grin on his face.
"Of course."
"Uh huh, I'm only going because I already promised you I would and I told Justin I would as well and I don't like breaking my promises or my word." I point out causing Chris to chuckle.
"Fine by me." He shrugs and I smile despite myself. "I'll check you tomorrow with your ticket."
"Oh which reminds me, what play are we going to see?" I inquire.
"It was between Mama Mia and Hairspray. But Gem and I picked Hairspray."
"So, you and Gem huh? Cute." I giggle and he looks away with a blushing smile on his face.
"Whatever." Aw, he's a cutie.
"Ha, I'll see you later Chris bye."
"Bye Tai." He chuckles.
I wave goodbye to him and quickly disappear down the hallway so I can grab my belongings at my desk to head home.
When I make it back to my desk, I'm greeted by Justin who exits his office, locking it in the process so he can leave for the day as well.
He walks up to me with his jacket and the A-List book in hand.
His blues look tired from a long day's work and his tie is loosely hanging from the collar of his striped shirt.
"Hey Tai, heading out?" Justin asks.
"Yes, I came out from seeing Chris first. I'm quickly grabbing my things so I can leave now."
"Ok well come on, I'll walk out with you." Justin voices and I pause to glare at him before grabbing my grey jacket and handbag to join him.
Giving him a soft smile, I casually walk with him down the hallways towards the elevators.
When we get to the elevators and step in, Justin lets out a heavy sigh, resting his back against the cool metal after I hit the ground floor button. I watch the doors ding close then I turn to look at his half shut eyes.
"Long day huh?" I inquire and he shakes his head lazily.
"You have no idea. I can't wait to get home and just knock out." He states and I bite my lips at the deep undertone of his voice. It's husky and low, clearly because he's so drained, but damn if he doesn't sound sexy right now.
Ugh, stop it Tai! This is wrong!
"Don't you ever get lonely in that big penthouse?" I blurt out, my eyes widening when I realize I'm prying into his personal business. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."
"It's ok Tai." He chuckles as his eyes flutter open to stare at me. "Honestly, it does get kind of quiet, especially since it's not occupied by any of my ‘girlfriends' anymore. And I use that term loosely." He laughs and I smile in return. "I also haven't thrown any parties for a while but my maid keeps the place practically spotless so..."
"A maid?" I ask in disbelief. Does he have a cook too? I'm tempted to ask but I refrain. "You really are spoilt Justin." I giggle.
"I am." He agrees, moving to stand next to me as we near the ground floor. "But I'm open to being ‘unspoiled' if anybody is willing to teach me." He adds in while looking down at me, a mischievous grin on his face. Oh my god, is he flirting with me?
Breathe Tai. Just breathe.
My head snaps in his direction and I study him closely, trying to read his expressions to understand the meaning behind his statement.
"Right..." I say slowly while quirking a brow at him. "Well you could always come to live with Sean and me for a while. You'd be unspoiled so quickly your head would spin." I giggle and he chuckles along with me.
"Oh I believe you." He chortles just as the doors to the elevators ding open and we step out into the lobby. "Well I guess this is it then. I'll see you in work tomorrow." Justin continues and I nod. "Oh and I spoke to Sharron. Honestly, if it wasn't for you I would have maybe fired her, but, I thought about it and only gave her a warning to be more careful next time. Plus, I believed it wasn't really her fault."
"That's good. Thanks a lot Justin. And I'll see you tomorrow too. Have a good night." I wave goodbye to him and he smiles in return before we turn in opposite directions to separately continue on our journeys home.
- FIN - |
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