Next Day
Justin's Home
Los Angeles, California
I'm patiently sitting, waiting for Justin to get off the phone so we can begin planning how we're going to spend the rest of our day.
We decided to scratch the BBQ idea because after Robert's stunt last night, we agreed that a laid-back day hanging around and mellowing out was in order instead.
Justin thought it was best for everyone to crash over at his place so we're all here today.
It's early afternoon and Justin and I are presently lazing around on his couch lying in opposite directions with our feet tangled as he continues his already thirty minute conversation with Lannick.
"Yes, of course my dad doesn't know yet. I mean come on, we just made this merger with you guys. You can't pull out now. I know things are bad with A-List's reputation but you're my friend man. We need you. I'm not exactly looking for the company to fail. If it does I'd lose everything too. Sponsors, investors and simply our clients on a whole are what keeps A-List thriving. Yeah, sure. Your account is on hold right now and you have my word that I'll personally handle you guys' one else. Listen, we'll talk more about this when I get back to New York. Ok you take care too man. Bye."
Hanging up his cell phone Justin lets out a heavy sigh. That was his third call in the past hour.
"This mess Robert and I caused is bigger than I dad's probably flipping out." Justin states with a wave of his hand and I smile softly for him, knowing that he has a lot of pressure on him right now.
The last thing A-List needs is more media chaos with their Anniversary extravaganza just around the corner.
But, with Rob's drunken episode last night, it's only a matter of time before things get worse.
In fact, when Justin went to their last press conference alone this morning since Robert was still knocked out unconscious to the world, rumors were already spreading.
Reporters kept asking Justin about Robert and how they spent their night. They already knew about Robert's little display at the club and were only waiting to see the video clips and photos in the tabloids and on television now. Justin knew this and he also knew that there was nothing they could do. The most they could do was try to come to some sort of agreement with the media using their lawyers but it was a long shot since Robert willingly put himself on display last night.
And, he hasn't even woken up yet for Justin to yell at him. But I know that fire is coming because Justin's been tense since last night trying to clean up Robert's mess. The last thing they need is more bad publicity but that's exactly what they're going to get when Robert's photos and what he said about his father gets published.
I can only imagine what Randall must know by now or suspect. I think he's convinced that his sons are out to take full revenge on him. He'd never look at what Robert did last night as a mistake.
But, in a way, it works.
Robert and Justin successfully switched places.
Justin is actually the one covering for his brother this time, as it probably should be since he's the oldest, which is maybe the same trend of thought Randall always had for his sons.
I can tell that Justin is trying his damn near hardest to grow up and be the man he should be. And he's been doing really well. I'm only hoping that he can handle the pressure because it looks like he's going to be the one taking the forefront soon.
"Do you want to know what the messed up part in all of this is?" Justin questions, snapping me out of my thoughts and I shrug waiting for him to continue. "We did everything we came here to do. We did the media interviews and whatnot promoting the Anniversary party as planned, we finalized some of the preparations, and we solidified our relationships with the clients we have here in LA who were on shaky grounds with A-List. But, after all of that, in the end it might all be for nothing. In the end, we could very well return to A-List with no jobs or titles or any claims thanks to Robert. That simple slip up on his part last night could cost us everything because of his terrible timing. I don't know Tai. I guess I always thought I would be the one responsible for putting the company at risk of sudden death via the media and bad publicity...not Robert. But in an odd way, I'm not too mad at him anymore. Had he woken up hours ago, things would have been different." Justin explains, chortling lowly as his blues hold my gaze.
He's weary and maybe a little perturbed, but he's not as angry as he was last night and early this morning.
"I think, all you all can do is apologize and wait to see what happens." I finally speak up and Justin nods in agreement.
"You're right. We're heading home tomorrow. This is it." He agrees downheartedly and I nod. "Once we're back and resituated in the next couple of days, Robert and I are going to clear things up with our dad once and for all. We already talked about it. It's time to put this to an end. It's been going on for too long. We can't live like this with our dad anymore. It really is destroying all three of us." Justin divulges and I shake my head, agreeing with him. "My dad may be coldhearted and all the negative adjectives in the book but, no one deserves to lose. This company shouldn't have to suffer, if we could just get our dad to listen to reason."
"Good." I beam and he smiles as well. "You do what you have to do and no backing out this time." I say sternly and Justin smiles, dropping his phone on the table next to us before switching his position to crawl over to me.
"Wasn't planning on it." He whispers softly, leaning forward to kiss me gently.
Pulling away he grins at me but we're interrupted by loud yawning and coughing.
"Guys? What time is it?"
It's Robert.
He sounds tired and his voice is grainy.
I bet he has a hangover.
Justin and I both turn to glare at him.
Narrowing his eyes at his brother, Justin glances down at his wristwatch before his blues connect to Robert's droopy blue-grays.
"You're just in time to join us in the kitchen Rob. We're kind of hungry so we're going to grab a bite to eat." Justin deadpans. "Sean's out by the pool but Tai and I need to have a chat with you and then, we can decide how we're going to spend our last day here before we head back home tomorrow." Justin explains.
Robert's eyes widen slightly, but his sleepy expression never leaves his face.
I can't help but giggle since his dark hair is flying everywhere and he's only in a pair of low riding sweatpants. Aw, he's a cutie too.
"That doesn't sound inviting." Robert speaks up reluctantly before Justin slowly moves away from me to stand.
"You have no idea baby brother. Come on get moving." Justin orders, making a signal for me to follow him and I do just that, remaining silent as the three of us stroll into Justin's large marble and tiled kitchen.
Hours Later
Out by Justin's Pool
"So if I had one redo in life, I think I would have stopped mom and dad from going grocery shopping that day." Sean speaks up as all four of us lounge by Justin's pool taking in the sun.
"Me too." I say sadly from where I'm sitting next to Justin in my green two-piece swimsuit.
Nodding in agreement, Sean sips lightly on his beer as we turn to stare at Justin and Robert.
Robert is fiddling with the strings on his swimming trunks and Justin is mindlessly playing with his cell phone.
We all decided that a day doing practically nothing was as mellow as we were going to get since we're all aware of the chaos that possibly awaits us back in New York.
After Justin and Robert cooked lunch and we all ate, we decided to chill by the pool and just relax with each other which has been going great so far.
Justin and Robert talked earlier...or more like Justin yelled and Robert listened but, still, they're ok now...I think.
"Robert it's your turn." Sean speaks up, grabbing Robert's attention.
We're playing this little game called ‘if you could redo anything in your life what would it be and why?'
So far, I've learned that there isn't much I would really redo in my life that isn't linked to having my parents still here with us. And I know Sean feels the same but like they say, everything happens for a reason. So que sera sera.
"Oh uh...well..." Robert clears his throat, shifting in his seat and Justin's head whips in his direction. "I'd probably redo last night and not drink as much. Justin you were right." Robert says softly.
"No shit Einstein." Justin mutters and I smack his arm causing him to groan.
"Be nice Justin. Robert apologized."
"I know..." Justin waves me off and I sigh. I get that he's agitated and maybe nervous but it's not fair to pass it out on us, especially Robert since he apologized and acknowledged his mistake.
"I really am sorry guys. I...I have this really bad habit. Whenever things are troubling me to the point where I think I can't deal with them, I drink...because it helps me to forget. We all have our ways. Justin's way was rebelling and partying nonstop. Mine is drinking. I know it's not healthy and I should really consider quitting such a bad habit but all of this controversy happening with A-List was getting to me and..." Trailing off, Robert sighs before standing.
Well, that explains a lot.
"It's affecting all of us Rob. You should have at least talked to me about it and told me how you felt instead of bashing our dad again for the entire world to see. But, you know, I get it. I understand. I'm not angry anymore. But I am a little worried." Justin admits and Robert nods while rubbing his bare chest.
"We'll deal with whatever when we get back. It is what it is. Listen J, I'm going to head home and start packing up. We have an early flight tomorrow." Robert explains and Justin nods.
"Yeah man, sure. Tai and I should start packing up too." Justin adds in, turning to give me a soft smile and I smile back.
"Well I guess I'm coming back with you Rob to gather my stuff as well." Sean voices and Robert agrees before he excuses himself to head inside.
Sean moves over to give me a big hug and kiss on the cheek before telling us bye.
Justin and I bid him farewell before he turns on his heels and disappears inside in the direction Robert went.
It's not long before we hear Robert's car pulling out of Justin's driveway since Justin brought Robert's car home this morning from the club last night.
Sighing, I rest back in my lounge chair.
Justin turns to face me, gripping my hand in his while studying me intently.
"What's on your mind?" I ask him.
"Can't I simply like looking at you?" He muses and I giggle.
"Sure, but that's not all it is."
"True." He hums. "But, it's nothing really."
"Ok." I utter about to get more comfortable but he stops me. Standing, he pulls me to stand as well.
"I'm happy you're here with me Tai."
"Me too." I beam, squeezing his hand tightly and he heaves a sigh before his cell phone goes off.
"Hang on a minute. Come on let's get in to start packing." He voices, ushering me inside while he presses the talk button on his phone.
"Yes, hello?" Justin answers the call. "Sharron? Oh hey...uh...why are you calling?" Justin asks stunned and I turn to look at him as we make our way upstairs to his bedroom.
Stopping abruptly, Justin's entire body freezes up from whatever Sharron is telling him on the phone.
" she ok?" He questions, dread filling his voice.
Oh no, what happened?
"Well, what did she say?" He inquires before there's a long pause on his end as Sharron continues speaking to him.
"But she's ok right? Uh huh...well, I uh...I'll talk to her when we get back. Just, tell her to get some rest and don't do anything stupid. Wait for me to get back first so I can at least talk to her. Ok, thanks for calling Sharron. Oh how's dad?"
Turning to look at me, Justin pouts slightly as we enter his room.
Leaving his side, I move around to grab some things for the bathroom as he continues talking to Sharron on the phone.
"He hasn't been to work in the past three days? But he calls in? I see. Ok well, that's fine. Our flight gets in tomorrow so we'll be back in work soon. We'll talk then. Bye Sharron." Justin voices before he hangs up his phone and tosses it onto the bed.
"Is everything ok?" I ask, coming over to him with bubble baths and bath salts in hand.
"Sure, as fine as it could possibly get. My dad hasn't been into work since we left for LA so it has me wondering what he's been up to. Oh and Nella was in a car accident." Justin says nonchalantly and I gasp, nearly dropping the items in my grasp.
"Oh my god, is she ok?"
"She's fine." Justin waves his hand in the air dismissively. "It was a little accident, nothing major. She uh, drove her car into a tree in her neighborhood." He says this with unwavering fascination.
"Wait, what?"
How odd.
"Yeah, Sharron said she and the baby are fine. They're going to spend the night in the hospital so Nella's doctor can check up on her but she's fine. Uh, according to Sharron, Nella said she was distracted and didn't realize she swerved off the road and towards the tree." Justin mutters with a deep frown on his face.
"That makes no sense." I point out.
"I know, but, I believe her. I honestly don't think Nella would willingly try to hurt herself no matter how she feels now about this baby. But I do believe that she was distracted maybe because she was upset. What I'd like to know is what upset her to the point of causing her to lose her concentration while driving. I think it has something to do with that call I got from her last night. Something's going on with her that she's not telling anyone and that's not right."
Hmm, he may be on to something. I'd like to know too. She may hate me for whatever reason concerning Justin, but, I don't hate her.
Most importantly, I don't want anything to happen to her baby.
I agree with Justin that the child needs a fair chance in life also.
"Well the important thing is that she's ok. And when we get back to New York you can work on finding out what's going on with her." I say cheerily, trying to brighten his mood.
He's really been having some bad mood swings today.
"Yeah, whatever I guess." Justin brushes off the situation and I groan.
"You know what you need? You need to relax Justin." I state.
That elicits a large grin from him as he eyes me, looking fine as always in his swimming trunks.
"Don't start." He warns playfully but I ignore him, gripping him with my free hand and leading him into the bathroom.
"I'm serious. I'm going to draw you a warm bath, you're going to strip down to your birthday suit and get in and I'm going to give you a shoulder massage to ease some of the stress you're under. Sound good?" I ask, placing the bath items down by the sink before turning to face his questioning eyes.
"On one condition." Justin hums, pulling me into his embrace and leaning down to place a kiss on my lips.
"Shoot." I say when he pulls away.
"You join me when you're done with your little massage. Because we both need to release some stress." He grins bashfully and I blush.
"Ugh, fine!" I cave because how can I possibly say no to him?
"You're too good to me you know that?" He coos, breathing deeply as he holds my gaze.
"You're good to me too so we balance each other out. Now back up so I can get to work. We still have to pack and all that." I voice causing him to chuckle.
"Oh, I know, but we're on LA time remember, which means we have plenty of time to do all of that and more..." He adds in and I glare at him in curiosity.
"And more." I reiterate.
Smiling furtively, Justin nods and I giggle.
"Oh yeah...I was thinking we could shoot for round three this time." He quips and my eyes widen in astonishment as my mouth gapes open slightly.
Justin busts out in laughter but he has no idea, this is exactly how I wanted to spend our last night together.
But that's ok, I'll let him have his moment now because by the time our little bath is over and I slip into that little red number I bought specifically for him, he'll be the one speechless in shock, and I'll be the one laughing deviously...
What can I say? He's rubbing off on me, but surprisingly I'm enjoying it.
- FIN - |
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