A Few Days Later [Friday]
A-List Magazine
(In The Fashion Closet)
I've never been to the closet before. In fact, up until a few days ago, I didn't even know that A-List had its own fashion closet, but it only makes sense since this is a fashion magazine. But oh my gosh, in here is huge! There are shelves and shelves of shoes and racks and racks of clothes from all types of top designers, not to mention the endless accessories. This is any woman's dream and some guys too.
Where do I even begin? I actually got Justin's permission to come down here since it's nearing the end of the work day and he found out that Robert told me I could pick something out of the closet. He didn't seem too fond of the whole idea of me as Robert's date but he didn't say much about it.
I really couldn't be bothered. This is a chance of a lifetime and I'm going to seize the moment. I know for a fact, on a regular, I would never have access to these beautiful clothes because one dress in here alone would probably cost me at least a month's paycheck.
Sean couldn't stop talking about tonight either. He's so excited. He even took the day off from work to go out and shop for something to wear. This is his thing. He should be the one here, not me. But, I'm grateful. He literally sang my praises when I told him that we were both invited to the album release party. He's ecstatic to meet Justin and Robert in person too. I don't think I've told either of them he's gay though, so it would be hilarious if he ended up flirting with them or complimenting them a little more than he should. But I love that boy. He's my other half, my better half.
"So, what did you have in mind? Robert told me I should help you pick something out." Gem comes to stand next to me in flats, jeans and a camisole top with her measuring tape around her neck. It's cool that since she's the stylist she gets to dress more casually compared to the rest of us.
"Uh, I have no clue." I giggle giddily.
"Well, I think you'd look nice in something by Roberto Cavalli or maybe Donna Karan. Hang on a minute..." Studying me intently, Gem smiles before heading over to one of the racks.
I watch in anticipation as she searches and searches until she pulls off one of the dresses from the rack.
Glaring at it, I grin widely then shake my head in approval.
"It's from Cavalli's summer line that's coming out this year. I'm sure he'll be pleasantly surprised to see that you're wearing it with Robert on your arm. The media will eat it up." She muses and I breathe in a shaky nervous breath. Can I really do this?
"Thanks Gem." I mutter, still gazing at the dress in awe.
"It's a white shutter pleat dress with a square neckline and wide shoulder straps. It's made from viscose, acetate, and nylon. It's dry clean only. And, it was made in Italy. It's about fifteen hundred dollars. Do you like it?" Gem asks and I'm still in awe.
"I, I love it." I reply.
"Good. It should fit you perfectly with your curves. Now, follow me and we can get started on the shoes and accessories..."
It's official. I definitely love this new life that comes with this job. Who would have thought?
As I make my way towards my desk with my bag in hand containing my outfit for tonight, I'm stopped by Sharron in the hallway who purposely blocks my path.
"Hi Sharron." I smile softly and she actually gives me a genuine smile that's not forced.
"So, you and Robert huh?" She questions and I frown.
"I'm sorry? I don't know what you're talking about." I honestly admit.
"Oh sure you don't." She giggles. "You're only going as his date to Carla's album release party. He only gave you personal permission to raid the fashion closet and, he's only arguing with Justin as we speak right now, defending his decision of picking you as his date." She says in attitude and my eyes widen in shock.
"Have fun." She waves before moving to the side so she can leave.
What the hell is going on?
Picking up my pace, I head straight for my desk so I can drop off my bag before I head to Justin's office to ask him what the hell Sharron is talking about.
Unfortunately, the moment I round the corner, I stop dead in my tracks when I see Justin and Robert standing by the door of Justin's office in a heated argument.
"You can't take her as your date Rob. What were you thinking? She's my assistant." Justin snaps.
"That never stopped you from taking your assistants out before Justin." Robert snaps back and oh my god, what's really going on?
"That's beside the point. Those weren't my smart moments. I learned the hard way. It's not good to mix business with pleasure."
"You're one to talk Justin." Robert retorts.
"Have you lost your fucking mind Rob? What's dad going to say when he finds out...?"
"Actually, he's cool with it."
That shuts Justin up for a mere moment as shock registers on his face.
"Dad is so fucking unfair sometimes." Justin growls angrily under his breath.
"Look man, Chris is coming too. This is a regular thing. Our assistants usually go to these things with us. I don't see what the big deal is. I think you're just mad because I'm the one taking Tai and not you. It's definitely a switch from your regular routine." Robert hisses and Justin's eyes narrow at him before he looks away.
"Don't chastise me Rob..." But his voice dies in his throat when his blues land on my browns.
Wincing, I turn to leave but Justin calls out to me which causes Robert to turn around in the process.
"Tai, don't leave." Justin pleads and I nod before moving around to my desk to take a seat quietly.
"Tai, I'm sorry you had to hear that." Robert apologizes and I nod again while placing the bag in my hand down next to my handbag.
"It's fine. I...maybe I shouldn't go..."
"No!" Both Justin and Robert say in unison and I stare at them. Seriously, would they make up their minds?
"No, you can go. We just had a little disagreement about the whole ethics of the situation but it's fine. If my dad's ok with it, then there's no problem." Justin speaks up and I give them both a half-smile, now unsure about if I really want to go through with this.
I like Robert, I do. But is all of this really necessary? I don't want to put any tension between them even if I can't see why I should. It's not like there's any relationship or deep hidden feelings involved. It's just an album release party.
"Ok." I reply simply and Justin sighs in slight annoyance at this entire situation I'm sure.
"Tai, we'll pick you up tonight at 7:30 since everything kicks off at 8 ok? Don't worry about it. Just be ready for that time. I have to go; I have to head down to the promotions department to see how they're doing for next week's issue. I'll see you all later." Robert voices before excusing his self so he can leave.
When he's gone, I stare at Justin who's just standing there awkwardly, not really knowing what to do with his self.
I give him a light smile and he returns the gesture with a slight nod.
"I should, maybe start packing up to leave since it's the end of the day. You should too." He utters.
"Sure, ok."
"Right...I'll uh...just...leave now." He rambles out before turning around to head into his office, shutting his door behind him.
When he's gone, I giggle to myself while watching him through the glass window of his office before I divert my attention to my computer screen to finish entering up some new appointments for him into his schedule.
When I'm done, I'll leave for the day and head home so I can get ready for tonight.
Hours Later
Bronx, New York
"So what do you think?" I ask Sean while coming out of my room fully dressed in my white dress, red heels and accessories for him to see. He helped me to do my makeup and hair earlier before I got dressed so I think I'm finally ready to go.
"Wow girl, you look ‘ferosh.'" He chuckles, quoting Christian Siriano and I giggle. "Those Timberlake men better watch out." He snaps his fingers in attitude.
"Thanks babe, glad you like." I move over to give him a kiss on both cheeks before inspecting his attire. "You look amazing yourself big bro." I admit.
He's actually wearing a pant suit with an added fedora hat to complete his attire.
"Why thank you, I try. I can still be glamorous on a budget now. I'm not like you who has access to A-List's fashion closet and two hunks fighting over you. I envy you." He jokes and I roll my eyes playfully at him. Why do I even bother telling him about my day when he only teases me about it?
"Justin and Robert weren't fighting over me." I assure him.
"Whatever you say. Give it time." Sean brushes me off and I groan. "What? It's only a matter of time before they realize what a catch you are."
"Spare me Sean." I scoff.
"You're too down on yourself Tai. You clearly don't see what I see. But that's fine, because Robert and Justin will and when they do, expect me to say I told you so." He points out.
"You're too much." I laugh and he chuckles in return, but we're interrupted when my cell phone begins ringing.
Pulling it out of my small red Dior handbag, yes and it's not a knockoff either, I quickly hit the talk button before it cuts off.
"Hello?" I answer eagerly.
"Tai? I'm trying to figure out if I'm in the right place. What's the apartment number again?"
It's Robert.
"Oh it's 1098." I voice to him over the line.
"Ok, I thought so. Justin thought it was 1089. Ok, well in that case I'm here." He responds and the moment he says that we hear the doorbell ring.
"Oh is that you?" I ask
"Yes." He chuckles and I quickly say ‘bye' before hanging up the phone and rushing to the door to unbolt the locks and swing it open.
"Hey!" I beam at Robert when he comes into view.
"Hey yourself beautiful. Wow. You look gorgeous." Robert says while eyeing me before bending down to engulf me in a tight hug which causes me to gush. "I think I'm going to personally thank Cavalli for making that dress." He adds in, pulling away from me to give me a light kiss on the cheek and I feel my face redden. He's such a flatterer.
"Thank you, you look handsome yourself. Oh and this is my brother Sean. Sean this is Robert." I introduce them and Sean walks up to shake Robert's hand.
"It's a pleasure man." Robert grins and Sean breathes in deeply to calm his excitement.
"Oh believe me the pleasure is all mine." Sean replies and I giggle at Robert's expression.
"O...k...well, are we ready to go? The limo's waiting and Justin's already at the venue with Chris. I guess we really switched assistants for the night huh?" Robert teases.
"Oh, ok." I say in slight disappointment which Robert doesn't pick up on, but Sean does because he gives me a look. It's no big deal really, I just thought we were all going together.
"Yes, let's go." Sean speaks up eagerly and both Robert and I laugh lightly at his enthusiasm.
I think tonight is going to be fun. At least, I hope it will be.
Sometime Later
Club Elite [At Album Release Party]
Manhattan, New York
Yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S
We're flying first class
Up in the sky
Poppin' champagne
Livin' the life
In the fast lane
And I won't change
By the Glamorous, oh the flossy, flossy
"This is insane!" Sean shouts to me over the blaring music as we're situated on the dance floor, dancing our asses off to Fergie's ‘Glamorous.'
"It is, but I'm having fun!" I yell back at him and he nods while moving perfectly to the beat.
"Me too!"
It's amazing how I'm not a dancer, I hate dancing, I don't usually dance especially in public because I'm self-conscious, but yet, all that is forgotten when I have Sean with me. He helps unleash the wilder more carefree side in me and I love that about him. Not to mention I've maybe had one too many drinks for the night. But this place is amazing. It's packed, the music is blasting and people are having a good time.
My night has been crazy and I could go on and on forever about how fast and dazzling it was. But I won't. I will, however, highlight the main events of my night so far that's left me speechless, in awe and wishing I could do it all over again.
The red two words...unbelievably magical.
Gem was right. The paparazzi and media ate up the fact that I came as Robert's date wearing Cavalli. They asked the most atrocious questions too but I think Rob and I handled it well. They asked about how close Robert and Justin really were and if they shared their women since I was with Robert and not Justin like they expected me to be. I saw the horror on Robert's face when that question was asked. They were only messing with him as a joke but he barely managed to smile without frowning at the notion. I kind of felt bad for him, but I made sure to only speak when spoken to.
Our pictures were taken, we did mini interviews and everyone was pleasantly surprised that I wasn't another one of Justin's flings but actually just his employee.
I didn't care though. I was too engrossed in the festivities. I smiled, showing my teeth for the camera the entire time while trying not to freak out at all of the celebrities who were around.
Sean was on another wavelength all together. People were fascinated by his charisma and charm and actually loved him.
And then there's Carla who is an absolute sweetheart. She has sparkling blonde hair, bright blue warm eyes and most of all she was humbled by this event. I can only hope that the business doesn't change her as she continues to grow as an artist.
When we finally got inside, that's when the craziness started. Sean made it his point of duty to mingle with the A-list celebs and even scored a few contact numbers. Can you believe it? And he dragged me along with him until Robert stole me away. I finally gave Robert that dance I owed him which he gladly accepted. Plus, I was already buzzed on tequila shots so I felt more at ease dancing.
After that, Sean came back and asked me to hit the floor with him and we've been ‘cutting a rug' ever since.
But, none of that quenches the dread I feel right now. We've been here for hours and I've only seen Justin in the distance entertaining his comrades. Since we've been here, he never once came over to even acknowledge us. Robert was the one who went over to speak to him. I kind of felt neglected you know? Or maybe rejected?
Even if we don't fully get along, I thought he cared enough to see if his assistant was at least doing ok. Who am I kidding; I shouldn't expect a thing from him. I just wish he was different you know? At least a bit more kind or friendly towards me. But it is what it is...
"Tai babe, you've totally lost your groove."
Glaring at Sean, I frown and he laughs. "I'm going to get a drink; it's getting too hot in here. I'll be back!" He informs me and I shake my head before he makes his exit.
Robert left us earlier to entertain a few guests stating that he'd be back soon. Sean was there so it was cool if he left but now I'm alone and maybe I should take a seat, or maybe grab another drink at the bar.
When I make a move to head off the dance floor, my advances are cut short when I feel someone gently grip my wrist. Gasping in shock, I quickly whirl around, maybe too quickly because it made me light-headed. But I'm ignoring it because I'm staring into a pair of beautiful cerulean blues right now that seem to be slightly amused by my intoxication.
"Tai, are you ok?" Justin asks out of concern and I gaze at him in wonderment. When did he get here? It's almost like he was waiting for his opportunity to swoop in or something.
"I, I'm fine." I wave him off. "No more alcohol for me." I add in.
"Got that right. Luckily for you it's the weekend." He shrugs.
I'm only now realizing how close we are. Our fronts are practically touching and I can feel his body heat on me and I swallow harshly because he's my boss.
"So what do you want?" I cut to the chase because I think I need to seat or something before the room starts spinning.
"Are you having a good time!?" He shouts over the music and I beam.
"Sure!" I reply and he nods while his eyes scan the dance floor.
This is so odd. We're in the middle of the dance floor but we're not dancing. We're standing there, facing each other...talking.
"Ok that's good, I didn't have a chance to come over and see how everything was going with you all tonight. It seemed like we were both busy and entertained!"
"Well we're not right now!"
"The truth is you looked kind of lonely and lost when Sean left!"
"He didn't leave that long and I was going to seat down until you stopped me!"
This only concludes once thing...Justin was watching us. That's the only way he'd know exactly when Sean left so he could come over. I'm not sure what to think or make of that so I'll ignore it instead.
Gosh this is awkward. But, he does look fine in his black attire with his long jacket and scarf wrapped around his neck. Wow, get it together girl.
"Oh...ok." Is all Justin says in reply and I smile softly.
"Are you trying to ask me to dance or something?" I inquire in a teasing nature and I note the hesitancy in his eyes as he studies my expressions. He looks like he wants to say ‘yes' but he slowly shakes his head ‘no.'
"No, that wouldn't be right. I'm your boss." Wow, bummer. "Actually, I came to invite you over to our booth to chill I guess. Chris already went over to the bar to tell Sean so...if you'd like to..."
"Yes, yes that's fine! Thank you." I sigh in relief. I really do need to seat down now.
Without saying another word, Justin grips my hand in his and leads us off the dance floor to one of the secure booths in the V.I.P section where it's quieter and I can actually breathe without the mass of gyrating bodies surrounding me.
Carefully, I slide into the booth and Justin slides in on the opposite side facing me.
"So you look really nice tonight." He voices and I nod in reply. "The dress looks good on you; it fits you well."
"Thank you." I giggle and he actually smiles a big ole smile. I think that one was practically effortless too.
"You're welcome." He states while rubbing his hands over his light stubble. His stare is warm and gentle for the most part which is a stretch from his usually tense exterior. "So are you enjoying your night? Was my brother a good date? I think he's kissing ass now with clients." Justin chuckles and I laugh as well.
"Yeah, Robert is a great guy."
"He is." Justin agrees wholeheartedly.
"You're not so bad yourself." I add in, gauging his reaction.
"Please Tai, all I've ever done is treat you like shit. I'm surprised you're even talking to me."
"It's my job, I'm the assistant. It's ok if my boss is an asshole or jerk. A lot of bosses are. We're supposed to learn how to deal." I shrug and Justin's lips curve into a sly smile.
"I'm sorry." He suddenly blurts out and I'm slightly astonished.
"For how I've behaved with you, I'm sorry. It was out of character. My dad was right about everything he said when he said you'd be good for me. He was right. You've kept me in check believe it or not. I needed a slap in the face I guess to put things into perspective so, thank you for that." He adds and I'm so lost right now. I'm not sure what I did for him but hey, if he's apologizing then it means something.
"It's all good." I say smoothly and Justin erupts in laughter, dipping his head back in the process.
"Maybe you're not so bad after all Bennett. I was sure you were sent to destroy me for all the wrong I did to women in my past." Justin jokes and even if I'm giggling, I'm amazed that he's actually letting down his walls and defenses with me.
What the hell brought this on and how could I have missed it? I'm so confused right now. Do I hate him or like him? Is he going to switch back when we're back in the office under work pressure or is this a permanent change and move forward?
"Can I ask you one thing?" I inquire, turning serious.
"Sure what?"
"Why did you hate me so much at the start?"
"I never really hated you Tai. I guess I just felt threatened, that there was a woman who wasn't hanging on my every word, or willing to submit to me. That there was someone who was willing to call me out on my shit. Even if you never called me out in work about my behavior, your silence spoke volumes. I've honestly never had that happen to me before in this life so I didn't know how to deal. Bossing you around and making your life a living hell gave me the power back. But, I really am sorry about that." He has a somber tone to his voice now as he continues to stare at me and I feel lifted but at the same time perturbed.
"Thanks for being honest." Is all I manage to get out because this just got deep and I'm not good with ‘deep' meaningful conversations about feelings and emotions.
My therapist worked wonders on healing me after my parents' death but this is something that I could never truly get over. I couldn't express my feelings anymore after grieving for so long and becoming exhausted over it. I locked everything away since then and I don't plan on letting the feelings roll out any time soon. At least not the deeply rooted ones.
Before Justin can say anything else, we're interrupted by Sean and Chris who slide into the booth to join us, instantly sparking up a conversation.
And just like that, my little bonding time with Justin is over, but I don't mind. I'm glad for the distraction.
My fun is interrupted eventually though when Robert comes over, asking me to join him for the rest of night at the party and I gladly oblige since my mind is too full to think and process the random thoughts speeding through it about Justin and A-List magazine and basically everything on a whole.
As I move to stand, my eyes land on Justin who gives me a weak smile and nod in acknowledgement before giving his brother a half wave.
Sean and Chris are deep in conversation about the celebrities here so they didn't see the expression that floated over Justin's face when Robert placed his hand on the small of my back to lead us to another part of the club.
But I saw it. I saw the look Justin gave me and I know that look. I know that look all too well. It's the same look I get when looking at my parents pictures. It's a look of longing. What I don't understand is why he directed it towards me and what exactly did it mean?
- FIN - |
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