Days Later
A-List Magazine
Manhattan, New York
[In The Fashion Closet]
"I can't tell you what to do Tai, but I can advise you on what I think you should do in my own opinion."
Slumping in my seat, I meet eyes with Gem giving her a small smile.
"Is it wrong that I'm falling for Justin? I mean, everyone makes such a big deal out of his relationships. I don't want to be another media frenzy if we end up in some type of official relationship Gem."
"They only make a big deal because he has a reputation with women that isn't pretty Tai. And, because he's an heir. Look at Paris Hilton. It's the same thing. Blue-bloods are always in the public's eyes. Their lives are like a soap opera from birth. The only catch in all of this is that, I don't really think Justin likes the attention, contrary to what people may believe. And he's turned over a new leaf."
"Gosh, leave it to me to end up finally tripping over my heels for someone whose life is so crazy and out of this world. Am I clumsy, or what?" I giggle and Gem gives me a reassuring smile, patting my leg softly.
"Sweetie, you have nothing to worry about. Justin cares about you and I honestly believe he'll fight his dad to make things work with you. And don't worry about Robert either. He likes you, but I don't think it's to the point of him wanting to fight Justin for you. He's not the drama type. If anything, I see you all as great friends."
"Yeah, you're maybe right. But am I really worth fighting for?" I pout. "I'm no one." I'm just Tai Bennett of Bronx, New York. That means nothing next to Justin Timberlake, editor in chief and heir to the A-List Magazine Fashion Empire.
"I think you are. You're worth more than any title or amount of money in the world Tai. Believe me. Love has no boundaries, love doesn't see color or status or wealth. Love surpasses all of that, and if you can get to that level with Justin, then his surname and what he's entitled to because of it won't carry any weight next to his feelings for you."
I can't help but laugh even if it's weak and comes out like a gurgle. I'm in over my head.
"When did you turn into such a philosopher and expert on love Gem?" I smile and Gem blushes, shifting in her chair to face me fully.
"I'm not. But I have been in love before and I know how intense it can get. I also know it makes people do stupid things."
"So you and Chris...are you guys..."
"Oh no." She quickly cuts me off with a wave of her hand even if her cheeks are turning a bright shade of pink. "I mean, we like each other, but we're taking it slow you know? We're testing the waters, but he's a great guy."
Aw, she's a sweetheart.
"He is. I'm happy for you guys." I voice and she nods in return.
"Justin is a great guy too. Give it time, it will work out. I believe it will. You all just need to be strong enough to face whatever is thrown at you."
"Thank you Gem." I lean over to give her a heartfelt hug before pulling away.
"You're welcome. See, I knew you all were perfect for each other." She beams proudly, and I stand from my seat.
I actually came down here to the fashion closet to bring her some new sketches Justin and Robert are working on for a fashion photo shoot they have coming up and I ended up staying longer than excepted. We ended up having this long conversation about guys and relationships and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Gem may not realize it, but she's definitely helped me to clear some things up in my mind.
"We'll just have to wait and see what happens but, I'm keeping my fingers crossed because I really, really like Justin." I admit.
"I know you do sweetie. I know you do."
"Yeah, well, I should probably let you get back to your work. I'll see you and Chris for lunch later on." I state and Gem shakes her head with a huge grin on her face.
"See you later Tai."
"Bye Gem and thanks again for that chat. I needed it."
"Like I said, you know where to find me when you need me."
Waving goodbye to her, I swiftly make my exit, getting ready to head back up to my desk so I can continue with my day's work.
For the past few days, Justin and I have been hanging out and grabbing a few drinks after work. Things have been light and casual between us as we both try to sort out these onslaught of deep feelings we've developed for each other.
Justin hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend or anything yet. I mean, it was just one kiss, but, well, I'm hoping that soon, he'll actually want to build on this...on us and actually give this a try. I mean, I'm willing and ready. I know it's a risk, and I could maybe lose my job in the process, but if that's what I have to face to actually be with him, then bring it on. I'd be too miserable if I pushed him away and kept denying him.
My dream is to be a journalist anyway. If A-List doesn't work out, I could always try my luck at the New York Times. I know Sean would vouch for me without a second thought. Plus, he's sort of a big shot over there so...yeah, that could work if ‘push came to shove,' but I hope not.
I like being close to Justin. I like the little glances we steal at each other when we think no one's looking. It's exciting and he's just so damn sexy in a work suit, that sometimes, I dream about him taking me right there on the desk in his office.
I know it's wishful thinking, but, hey, a girl can dream right?
As I make it back up to my desk, I'm surprised when I see Sean seating in my chair, holding the portrait of our parents in his hands, studying it intently.
"Sean?" I call out to him happily. He's clothed in one of his stylish suits and he looks fresh with his pen behind his ear and his notebook in hand. Gosh, my brother is a sight for soar eyes.
Lifting his head, he grins brightly before placing down the portrait on my desk in its previous position. Standing, he walks over to me, giving me a tight hug before pulling away to give me a kiss on each cheek.
"Hey sis. What's going on girl? I'm liking this set up you have here...sweet." He coos while pointing to my desk and the amazing view of Manhattan below from the glass walls.
"Yea, it's pretty cool. I did good huh?" I giggle.
"You did real good sis." He agrees with attitude and I smile brightly. "And, you look good in that cute little skirt and blouse ensemble, compliments your big brother of course..." He adds in.
God I love my brother.
"So, to what do I owe this unexpected yet, pleasant surprise visit?" I inquire and he shakes his head, pulling me to sit with him on the waiting chairs in front of Justin's office.
"Sharron told me I could wait for you at your desk when I came in and mentioned that I was your brother. I'm actually here to get a story." He states and I frown in curiosity.
"Really? At A-List? Wow, what's up?" I'm excited.
"Well, NY Times wants the scoop on the upcoming A-List 40th Anniversary shindig. You do know it's in about two months and it's the talk of the fashion world right now. Anyone who's anybody in fashion will be there and even if this isn't my line of journalism, I pulled a few strings with my boss to let me do this article." He grins brightly and I'm so happy for him. And oh my god, this is so cool that he's here right now.
"Wow Sean, that's amazing!" I giggle, bouncing up and down in my seat and he does the same, clapping his hands excitedly.
"I know right? So, that's why I'm here to see you. I need to possibly schedule an appointment with your hot sexy boss." He winks for me and I blush massively, looking away.
"Ok, I can schedule you in. Justin's actually in Robert's office right now, I think. They're working on some photo shoot stuff they have coming up with their models. But, how soon do you need to see him?"
"When he has free time before the Anniversary party is fine. At least a few weeks before for the latest, so I can have time write up the article and get it published for our issue."
"Consider it done. Justin should have some clear dates coming up soon so I'll pencil you in." I assure and Sean nods while surveying his surroundings.
Excusing myself, I quickly rush over to my notebook to make a note so I can enter it into the computer later.
Coming back over to Sean, I grin brightly before reclaiming my seat next to him.
"So, how's everything going?" He asks and I shrug.
"It's going..." I reply and he gives me his famous smirk.
"Uh huh, well, I can't stay, but miss Tai, there is something I want to tell you before I leave."
When I open my mouth to protest, he raises a finger to my mouth. "No Tai, shut up and listen." He orders before removing his hand and I remain quiet, allowing him to speak.
There's really no arguing with Sean.
"Now, you may think I'm blind, but, I know something is up with my baby sis which she's not telling me about." He says pointedly and I give him a guilty smile. "Uh huh, I thought so. But, I'm not going to pry or force you to tell me because you're a big girl who can take care of herself. I'm guessing it has to do with a guy since you've been coming home late these past few nights? Maybe a guy who works here?" He implies mischievously and my eyes widen causing him to chuckle. "You don't have to tell me Tai. You're entitled to some privacy for heaven's sake. But, I just want you to know, that when you need me, I'll be here to listen ok? And I love you, I'm proud of you, and I trust you to make the right choices and decisions. And, if your guy thinks that just because I'm gay, I can't beat his ass for hurting my baby sis, then he has another thing coming, so tell him to watch his self." Sean warns in a deep, manly tone and I giggle. "Just know, I'm here for you, no matter what...whenever you need me." He finishes and I nod before giving him a big hug.
"Thank you Sean." I coo, pulling away and he nods casually.
"You're welcome." He grins. "Well, I better get going. Should I save you dinner, or do you have other plans later?" He asks while standing to leave and I stand with him.
"I'm not sure yet, but, still save me whatever?" I ask hopefully.
"Sure." He utters, drifting off in thought. "Oh Tai, if mom and dad could only see you now. They'd be so proud of you." Sean sighs sadly and I pout at his downhearted expression.
"They'd be proud of us." I correct him and he nods, quickly regaining his composure.
"Yes they would be. They raised two badass children." He chortles and I laugh along with him.
"You're too much Sean. I'll see you later. I'll let you know the date and time of your appointment with Justin ok?" I state and he shakes his head in approval.
"Great. Well, see you later sis, enjoy the rest of your day. Kiss, kiss."
"You too Sean, take care, bye!" I wave goodbye to him as he swiftly makes his exit, strutting down the hallway and out of sight.
When he's gone, I sigh contently before moving over to my computer to enter in an appointment in the scheduler for him to see Justin. This is so cool, my big bro writing up an article on the one thing he loves more than his journalism. I'm happy for him. I hope that one day I could be like him, maybe writing up articles for A-List magazine itself. It would be the perfect combination...
"Someone's in a good mood."
Lifting my head from my computer screen when a deep, sultry voice filters into my ears, I fight the urge not to blush when I meet eyes with Justin who's casually leaning over my desk, staring at me intensely.
"I am. Sean was just here." I say happily.
"Really? That's cool that he came to visit you." Justin voices honestly.
"Actually, he came to see you." I point out and he stands up straight with a curious look on his face.
"He did?"
"Uh huh, he wanted to make an appointment to see you for an interview. He's writing up an article for The NY Times on your upcoming A-List Anniversary party."
"Oh yes, we're starting to get a lot of media attention for it. Well, that's fine, just let me know the date and time and we'll do it." He affirms and I nod, quickly scanning his schedule I pulled up on the screen.
"Ok, oh, which reminds me, your lunch appointment with Lannick and your partners is in thirty minutes. You're already booked at Lupa, the Italian restaurant on Thompson Street as requested." I tell him and he quickly glances at his watch to check the time.
"Alright, so I have time still. I just got out of Robert's office. I better grab my things to head out. I'm not sure how long that meeting's going to take." Justin states and I frown.
"Do you want me to call a company car or..."
"No, that's fine; I'll just take my car. It's quicker." Justin assures and I nod.
"Great. Well, have fun at your meeting." I snicker and he grins at me.
"If we can make this merger with Lannick's group and A-List, then, that would be sweet. My dad has been trying to get their account for years, long before Lannick opened his own nightclub." Justin admits.
"Well then, good luck."
"Hmmm..." he hums deeply while studying me. "I'd ask for a good luck kiss but..."
"Oh my god, shut up and go Justin, else you'll be late." I giggle softly.
"Right, but after work later, you're all mine, got it?" He asks with a childlike playful tone to his voice.
"Got it." I beam and he laughs before telling me bye and excusing himself to grab his things so he can leave.
When Justin's finally gone for the afternoon, I take the opportunity to rest back in my seat and take a breather since he's developed a habit of directing his calls to Sharron when he's not in to take them his self or have me screen them and take messages for him.
While I'm casually relaxing, taking a load off and gazing down at the busy streets of Manhattan, my peaceful bubble in the midst of this busy and hectic atmosphere unwillingly bursts when Robert's voice infiltrates my thoughts.
"Kicking back and taking a well needed break huh?" Robert asks and I look up at him from where I'm resting back against my chair.
"Yup." I say simply and he chuckles before moving around to sit at the edge of my desk.
Seating up, I stretch out my limbs, giving him my full attention.
"What's going on? Is everything ok?" I ask out of concern and I note the skepticism in his eyes by my question, but he easily plays it off with a half smile.
"Of course. Everything's good. I mean, the company is running along smoothly without any hiccups. Our clients are happy, there's no media chaos or bad publicity right now. Everyone is excited about A-List's upcoming Anniversary party. My dad is...well, he's my dad." He chuckles sadly. "And,'ve settled in nicely which is good. You and Justin seem to be getting along really well these days, so there's no tension there anymore...or maybe there's a different kind? But, that's good." Robert states nonchalantly with a shrug and I curve my brows in interest at him.
What's he getting at?
Smiling lazily I nod in agreement, not saying a word, so he continues on.
"There is one thing I've been meaning to ask you though."
Ah, so there's a catch.
"What's that?"
"You never did answer me on the whole, us hanging out thing."
"Look, Robert, about that..." I begin but he cuts me off.
"No, it's fine. I get it, I understand. That's why I came over here, to invite you out instead."
"I'm sorry?" I'm not following.
"I'm having a little get-together at my place and I'd like it if you came. It's just a small little gathering, with a few of the employees and friends. Nothing big. Justin will be there of course. And so will Gem, Chris and Maura. I know you usually hang with them. Sharron is coming too. Uh, our friend Lannick should be there, and Carla as well, once she gets some free time off from the studio. It'll be fun. You should come. We're simply going to hang out, have a few drinks, I'm cooking. You can bring Sean." He grins. "We'll maybe play a few games. There'll be music and dancing." He states, stressing on the dancing part, causing me to giggle.
"Uh huh. Well, that sounds like fun. Count me in. What's the occasion?" I ask. I don't see any problem in all of us hanging out as a group. It would be fun.
"No occasion, just a way for everyone to get away for a bit and chill I guess. I told Justin about it before he left my office earlier. He said it was a good idea, that he needed the release." Robert shrugs in thought and I eye him closely. There's something going on with him. Something about him just doesn't seem right to me for some reason, but, whatever it is, it's none of my business.
"Well, I'm game. When is it?" I ask.
"I was thinking about having it one of these Fridays to make it a weekend thing. Maybe next week Friday is good. Justin's usually the one to throw the parties, but, I don't mind relieving my big bro of that duty for a change." He jokes and I smile in return, shaking my head in understanding.
"Should I bring anything?"
"No, we're good. I'll handle the catering and the drinks will be taken care of. All you need to bring is yourself, your brother and be ready to have fun. I'll inform you guys on the time and you could maybe come with Justin since he knows where I live...obviously. Or we could have a company car pick you up. Your choice. I'd come myself but since I'm the host, it would be best if I stayed put."
"That sounds really nice Robert. Thank you for inviting us."
It really sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun. I could use a change from my regular atmosphere. A small private party seems like a great idea.
"No problem." He waves his hand in dismissal before standing, getting ready to leave. "Well, I'll be leaving now. I'll see you later Tai. Enjoy the rest of your day."
"Ok Robert. You too and thanks again." I bid him farewell, watching his retreating form until he's out of sight.
When he's gone, I scowl in thought, trying to make sense of his slight standoffish behavior. It's probably nothing, but, I hope he's really ok.
Anyway, I should maybe get back to doing my work now before I meet up with Chris and Gem for lunch. I have some documents that Justin wanted me to type up and print out which have to go into next month's issue, so I should get on that.
But, I can't wait for the day to end because that means I'll get to see Justin again and we'll finally be able to get some time to ourselves.
Just the thought of spending time alone with him makes me all hot and excited like some teenager with a massive crush.
Yes I have it bad.
Ugh, god, and I don't care anymore about if it's wrong or right. Because, seriously, how can anything be wrong when it comes to that fine, tall, delicious glass of milk? They say milk does the body good and helps build strong bones right? Well, Justin's definitely the milk in my coffee, so there's no going wrong there.
And you know what? To hell with what their dad thinks. I personally think he's really the asshole here. I mean, his head must really be stuck far up his ass because he's practically blind and can't see the two very wonderful sons that he had a hand in raising who'd bend over backwards for him, just to please him, because they love him unconditionally...
Hours Later
At A Restaurant
Manhattan, New York
"I think...we should run away to an island together and never come happily ever after."
Nearly choking on the glass of scotch I'm drinking, I place the glass down, wiping at my mouth as I giggle uncontrollably.
"Oh my gosh, Justin no. We can't do that. Try again." I laugh out and he grins widely before taking a sip of his drink as well.
"Ok." He begins, pretending to be in thought. "How about we kidnap my dad and hold him for ransom? That could work." He shrugs, finishing off his drink before signaling to the waiter for another.
"You're terrible Justin." I state and he laughs, dipping his head back in the process. "We're trying to build on ways for you to actually talk to your father. Not run away into the sunset and live happily ever after or become a criminal." I snicker.
He has this huge cute smile on his face as he eyes me from where we're sitting across from each other at a private table in the back of the restaurant.
"You have to admit Tai; the running away idea sounds pretty sweet and appealing. Just think about it; me, you, a cottage by the beach...a one bedroom cottage by the beach." He suggests, wriggling his eyebrows at me and I smack him playfully, trying to hide my blush.
Ugh, he has no idea how good that sounds. I could definitely get away.
"Whatever." I stick my tongue out at him and he shrugs with a grin.
"Suit yourself." He rests back in his chair, loosening his tie around his neck and I sigh.
Gosh I love this. It's so sweet that Justin asked me out to have dinner with him after we left work today. Plus, he's in such a good mood, because he landed the merger with Lannick and their associates at their lunch meeting earlier today. I'm so proud of him and I love his pleasant side. It makes me feel all bubbly inside because he smiles a lot and I adore his smile.
We've been having a grand ole time at this quaint little southern restaurant that he picked out.
We talked, laughed, ate and had a few drinks as we ‘kicked it', letting the load off from the workday.
This shows me that Justin cares, and that he really wants us to work and he doesn't care about what his dad or anyone else thinks. We've been trying to think up ways for him to actually talk to his dad and get his feelings out, but, so far, we've come up with nothing. Justin knows his dad better than anyone. So, if he says something won't work, then I believe him.
"So, all jokes aside, what are you going to do about your dad?" I inquire, turning serious again and Justin exhales heavily, leaning across the table to grasp my hands in his.
Keeping his vision cast south, he concentrates on massaging the back of my hands with his thumbs, letting out a soft sigh as he avoids eye-contact with me.
Wincing, I fight the urge not to jump him right here in this restaurant for everyone to see. It's bad enough that a few people recognized him when we walked in earlier. He didn't seem to care though and if he doesn't care, then, neither should I, but still...he needs to stop touching me like that.
"Justin." I call out to him when he doesn't answer me.
Lifting his head to look at me, he pouts and aw, he is too, too cute...damn him! How could I ever say no to him? This is dangerous.
"I don't know what I'm going to do yet Tai. Just, give me some time. I'll figure it out. I can't exactly quit, it's not that simple despite what you may think." He divulges and I nod.
"I understand."
"I'm not a selfish bastard. I'm not going to leave Robert to take all of dad's fire."
Speaking of Robert...
"Is everything ok between you and Robert?" I ask out of curiosity and Justin scowls at me. "He invited Sean and me to this party thing he's having next week, but he seemed a bit off to me."
"Oh, yeah, the party should be fun. You guys could come with me. But uh...I mean, why wouldn't things be ok with us? Rob hasn't told me that anything's wrong. Well, despite the fact that I know he likes you but he hasn't said anything about it yet so..."
"Justinnnn..." I whine, squeezing his hands and he chuckles softly.
"I'm not angry or mad at him Tai. I get that you guys are friends and that's good. I just need him to know and understand that's all you guys are. But, I mean, look at you, what's there not to like?" Justin points out, staring at me intently.
He's so open about his feelings with me now. It's amazing. I never thought I'd see the day, but I love it. I love that we can be here like this.
"You're just saying that." I blush generously.
"No, Tai, you're gorgeous, and intelligent...and amazing." He sighs contently. "You've helped me through so much already and, and any guy would be crazy to not fall in love with you...with your smile, your laugh...just...everything." He coos, staring at me closely.
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Ok, so he didn't exactly say that he loves me, but that was pretty damn close and judging by the amorous look he's giving me, I'd say he's trying to tell me something.
Ok, don't panic Tai, just breathe and roll with it. This is a good thing.
"So, uh..." Clearing my throat, I shift in my seat nervously not missing the amused look on Justin's face as he patiently waits for me to continue. "So, what exactly are you getting at?" I ask.
"Well, I'm not sure how people do this since it's the 21st century and all, but, I guess what I'm getting at is, I don't want to lose you. I want to know that you're a permanent fixture in my life, no matter what my old man or anyone else dishes out at us, and, to do that, I need to know that you'll be there, that you'll be mine...and only mine." He explains and I think I just blanked out.
I'm literally screaming on the inside. A mountain of emotions overpowers me almost instantly. I'm excited, happy, scared, anxious and I could go on and on but screw all that.
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I inquire calmly, just to make sure I'm getting this right before I visibly freak out.
"God, I hate that word." Justin chuckles. "Titles are ne sais quoi." He says, releasing his hold on me to wave his hand in effect. And I giggle.
"You speak French?" I ask in awe.
"Oui. And German and Spanish." He admits proudly before gripping my hands in his again, briefly gazing at our intertwined fingers. "Curse of going to boarding school." He shrugs, looking up at me and I smile. "But yes, I'm asking you to be my ‘girlfriend' but not by title Tai. I mean I want you to be my partner, my other better half at that." He chuckles softly. "I want you to allow me to take care of you, do things for you, and eventually even love you. I want you to be my everything" He says lowly with a coy grin on his face.
And I just died.
My heart stops beating for a split second and I can feel my body temperature rising. This is so not happening, oh my god, he's so fucking fine...I want him so much right now. He's unbelievable.
Wow, this is so not like me.
Yeah, to hell with him being my boss. His dad can kiss my ass. That man must be crazy to not see the Justin I see.
"Yes." I blurt out when I note the worry on Justin's face since I zoned out and didn't answer him.
"Yes?" He reiterates for affirmation.
"Yes Justin...duh! Yes, you idiot. You really think I'd say no after that sexy speech you just gave?" I laugh and he chortles as well. "I don't care anymore that we work together or what you used to be like, or your history or any of those things. All I care about is who you are in this moment, right here, right now, because I want to be with you just as much as you want to be with me, maybe more..." I state and he interrupts me.
"Doubt it."
"Shut up!" I giggle. "The point is, I need you...and we'll make this work. We'll find a way to make this work. We'll find a way to make your dad listen and understand that you are your own person and he needs to accept that you're not a little kid anymore." I confess and Justin shakes his head in agreement.
"Damn you're hot." He mutters mindlessly and I roll my eyes before leaning over the table to grip a fistful of his jacket, pulling him across until our noses are practically touching.
"And you're hotter." I muse, crashing my lips against his in a heated kiss.
I swear he brings out a side of me that I never knew existed. But, I like it. I feel bolder, freer, and more assertive.
And damn, I've been dying to kiss him again.
Not wanting to get carried away since we're still in a public restaurant, I slowly pull away from him, noticing the shock on his face before his mouth slowly curves into a devious smile as he licks at his lips, tasting my candy lip gloss.
"Hmm..." He hums and I snigger softly. "Sweet."
"Excuse me sir?"
We both turn to look at the waiter who so rudely interrupted our little bonding time.
"Yes?" Justin responds tersely.
"Here's the other drink you ordered. If there's anything else..."
"Oh thank you and no, we'll simply take the check now. Thanks." Justin takes his drink from the waiter and the waiter nods before excusing himself to prepare the bill for us.
"Haven't you had enough?" I laugh out. "This is like your fourth drink already since dinner." I point out.
"Yeah, do you want it?" Justin suggests and I quickly shake my head ‘no.' "Come on, you like scotch on the rocks...I know you want it." He teases in a low husky voice while lifting the glass up to my line of sight.
Oh Justin, you have no idea. That's not all I want...
"Quit it!" I snort with laughter. "I'm not addicted; I'm not going to give in."
"Too bad, you're kind of sexy when you drink...and I'd love to see you tipsy-borderline-drunk. I bet you'd be a sexy drunk." He laughs evilly.
"Oh my god Justin!" I cackle. He's giving me ideas..."Ugh, you're such a perv. Who knew?" I say sarcastically and he fakes a hurt expression.
"That hurts Tai." He mimics before downing his glass in one huge gulp, leaving me stunned. "But, that was refreshing."
"So are you ready to get out of here?" Justin laughs and I shake my head ‘yes.'
"It's getting late and we do have work tomorrow. But, I had fun." I admit.
"Me too..." Justin smiles with a dreamy type look on his face. "We should do this more often. Who knows, maybe I'll cook for you sometime."
"You...cook?" I enquire in disbelief.
"Hey, I'm not completely spoilt." He defends.
"Wow, well, this I need to see. I'd like that." I smile and he beams with pride.
I can't believe it. I can't believe that...that we're like official. That he's my man? Wow, that sounds so weird to me, but I like it and oh my god, Sean is going to flip. I have to tell him now. I can't keep this from my brother anymore. I'm going to need his coaching expertise to guide me so I don't screw this up.
"Good. Well, come on, let's get going. I'll bring you home." Justin states before we both stand to leave.
When the waiter comes over to us with the bill, Justin quickly scans it before handing the young man his debit card.
When the guy returns with the card and the receipt, Justin signs it, and then tips the waiter before excusing himself to help me grab our things so we can leave.
As we exit the restaurant hand in hand, walking down the sidewalk to where Justin's car is parked, he decides to speak up, clearing the silence between us.
"So how do you feel about Hawaii?" Justin inquires and I turn to glare at him in question.
"Uh, it's a beautiful island?" I shrug in confusion and he titters.
"No Tai, I mean, how would you feel about going there?" He asks, slowing his pace to turn and face me.
"You mean..."
"With me." He cuts me off and my eyes widen in shock.
"This isn't another joke again right?"
I need to make sure.
"No Tai. I'm serious this time. I have some vacation time coming up in a few months and thought it would be a good getaway. Besides, have you ever been outside of New York?"
"I've been to...Connecticut and Virginia. Oh and I visited Florida once." I point out.
"No...ok, that doesn't count." Justin drawls with a chuckle. "Have you ever been outside of the U.S? Even if Hawaii is still sort of part of the's across the ocean, so, it still counts as outside..." He drifts with a smile.
"No." I sigh sadly. I've always wanted to travel but, well, I'm not exactly living Justin's life for that to be possible.
"Well, there's a fist time for everything." He perks up and I squeal excitedly.
"Really? You mean it?"
"Uh huh."
"Wow, oh my gosh. That's so great, you're amazing Justin! I'd love to come with you!"
"Sweet. See, I told you...that running away idea is starting to sound pretty appealing now huh?" He jokes, nudging me playfully and I shove him back, giggling.
"Yea, yea, yea..." I mutter, the both of us laughing as we pick up our pace, making it to his car so we can hop in for us to head home.
And, It's official...I'm totally and one hundred percent enthralled with this man; which means, I guess it's not so bad being A-Listed after all...
- FIN - |
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