Four Days Later [Friday]
Bronx, New York
"Morning sunshine!" Sean beams as I stroll into the kitchen half-asleep, half-awake.
"Hey Sean." I mutter, moving to give him a tight hug before I pull away and accept the cup of coffee in his outstretched hand.
"So, how are you feeling? Aren't you excited? You all actually pulled off the issue's deadline." He says while handing me a plate of eggs and toast which I gladly accept.
"We barely made it." I correct him before gulping down a large portion of my coffee.
"Well you did, and while I think Justin and Robert had you all running around the place, overworking you, it paid off."
"I suppose." I shrug, sitting with Sean at our small dining table.
"So, do you have any plans for this weekend?" He inquires and I lift my head to glare at him.
"Plans? Why would I have plans? The weekend is our thing. We're supposed to chill at our favorite bar tomorrow."
"I don't know, now that you and Robert are an item and all..."
"Sean we are not!" I giggle. "We haven't even talked about anything like that. It was one stupid date for an album launching."
"Uh huh, whatever you say chica. Give it time. You all were swamped this week. Now that the crisis is over, it's only a matter of time before he addresses the situation."
"There is no situation ok Sean? Robert is a great guy..."
"But Justin rocks your boat?" He interrupts me and my eyes widen in shock.
"This conversation is over." I cut him off and he chuckles lightly.
"I'm only teasing sis."
"No, it's over." I laugh while standing after taking a few forkfuls of my scrambled eggs. "I'm going to be late for work." I voice while grabbing my handbag and tugging at my jacket. "I'll see you later, love you."
"Ok kiss, kiss!" Sean replies as I rush for the front door to leave so I can catch the train.
As I make my way out of our apartment complex I laugh to myself at the ridiculousness of my brother.
Justin rocking my boat? Yeah right. Whatever...
Hours Later
Manhattan, New York
A-List Magazine
"I just want to congratulate everybody on a job well done. We managed to hit our deadline even with the snag we had and I'm proud to say that this month's issue made it on the stands in the nick of time. So, I think you all deserve to give yourselves a round of applause." Justin announces.
Smiling brightly, we all begin clapping, hooting and hollering as we sit around the large table in the boardroom with Justin and Robert at the forefront directing the meeting.
As I gaze down at my copy of this month's issue, I beam with pride that I actually had a hand in making this possible. And I'm proud of Justin and Robert too. They really pulled through. They're dad isn't due back for a few days so I'm sure he'll be none the wiser.
"Well, I think this is it everyone. We'll begin brainstorming on next month's issue on Monday since it will be the first issue for summer. In the mean time, you're all dismissed." Robert adds in and everyone begins gathering their belongings to exit the large, white boardroom.
Standing from my seat, I grip my copy of A-list magazine in my hand and move to exit the boardroom as well, giving both Justin and Robert a smile on my way out.
"Can you believe we did it?" Chris says while catching up to walk with me down the hallway back to my desk.
"I know right?" I gush and he chuckles. "But I'd really like to know who leaked the information about the cover spread."
"Yeah, I was sure we were screwed, but I think your positive outlook actually motivated everyone."
"Well you know it doesn't hurt to be optimistic."
"It doesn't Tai, you're right." He agrees with me and I smile at him as we make it to my desk.
"So anyway, what are you doing this weekend? Gem, Maura and I were going to hang out, maybe go to the movies tomorrow. Do you want to join us?" Chris asks and I cringe when I think of my brother.
"Actually, I'd love too, but I kind of already have plans with my bro for tomorrow. But, I'll definitely come next time." I assure and he shakes his head in understanding.
"Oh that's cool. I'll tell the girls. I'm sure they wouldn't mind either. We usually do it every two or so weeks, time..."
"Definitely." I reply and Chris grins brightly in response before excusing his self to return to his own workstation.
When he's gone, I take a sit at my desk and let out a sigh of relief that the craziness is over.
This past week was like a passing tornado but we made it and got everything back under control.
"Hey Tai?"
Turning, I meet eyes with Justin and smile.
"What's up?"
"I just wanted to say thanks for everything. I know this past week was hard on you guys but it worked out."
"It did, and I don't think your dad will be angry."
"Yeah." Justin sighs in relief. "Oh which reminds me...I'm going to be planning our upcoming fashion show that's taking place in the next two weeks where we'll be showcasing our summer line as well as placing it in next month's issue, so I'm going to need your help in planning it." Justin points out and I grab a notepad and pen to make a small note.
"Wow, I've never helped plan a fashion show before." I say excitedly.
"It'll be fun. It's actually one of the few things I enjoy doing even if it's still work."
"This is going to be great!" I shriek, causing Justin to laugh.
"It'll definitely be a new experience for you." He admits and I grin at him.
"You know, you're turning out to be a pretty cool boss." I tell him and he smiles coyly.
"Yeah, you're just saying that."
"No, Justin I'm serious. It's a big change from your negative ways. Keep it up. Believe it or not, people actually like nice." I joke and he erupts in laughter, causing me to giggle as well.
"I'll remember that." He utters before we're interrupted by Robert.
"Tai Bennett. Just the woman I wanted to see." Robert voices and I smile at him as my giggles die out.
I don't miss how Justin's serious expression comes back almost instantly before he clears his throat awkwardly.
"I'll uh, just be in my office if anyone needs me." Justin states and Robert and I nod in unison before he leaves us alone to chat.
"I've noticed that when you want something you drop that line on me." I voice and Robert frowns while coming to stand next to me at my desk.
"How so?"
"The whole, ‘just the woman or person I wanted to see' line. You've done it a lot this week." I point out and he chortles.
"Have I?"
"Uh huh."
"I hadn't noticed, but in that case, there's no need to beat around the bush."
"Ok, so what can I do for you?"
"I overheard Justin talking to you about the fashion show. Truth is, we're short one model. We usually have our models booked months in advance but uh, something happened and one of the models had to pull out. So we need someone else to model one of Christian's designs and I instantly thought of you. Will you do it for us?" Robert asks and wow, what?
"Come on Tai. I'm holding my breath here." He muses but I'm not laughing. In fact, I think I'm slightly panicking just by the thought of his request. Is he out of his mind? I don't model! I can't model. I don't know the first thing about modeling. And, the clothes won't fit me! I'm not that skinny. What's he trying to pull?
"As in, as in walking down a runway while tons of flashes go off in my face?"
"Yes." Robert replies smoothly and I hesitate, my eyes drifting to Justin as I gaze at him through the glass window of his office.
"Uh, does Justin know?" I flinch and Robert smirks at me.
"He will once you give me an answer. I've been trying to find a replacement but I haven't been successful and then I thought of you. I promised Justin I would handle it so..."
"I don't know. What about the other employees? I mean, who was the model to drop out and how could she give up this opportunity?"
"Well, all I can tell you is that her name is Nella. But the rest is kind of personal, though I'm sure you'll find out about it eventually. But, I don't think I'm the one who should go into detail about the situation." He smiles at me and I frown. He has no idea that just by telling me the woman's name is Nella makes me know exactly why she dropped out. She's the one who dated Justin and now is supposedly pregnant with his child. Thanks to Chris, Maura and Gem, I know...and now I definitely don't think I should do this.
"I uh, I just don't know Robert. Are you sure there is no one else?" I ask again.
"No one that I'm willing to put on that runway if that's what you're asking. This show is crucial and important to this company but I have faith in you."
And he wants to depend on me to do this thing? He's really lost his mind. What if I trip and fall flat on my face?
"I thought it would be a good experience for you Tai. But I'll understand if you don't want to."
It's not that I don't want to. I just don't think that I can.
"Can you give me some time to think about it?"
"I can. But, I hope that you make a decision over the weekend so by Monday I'll know, especially if your answer is no. That space has to be filled. You don't have to be scared Tai. It's just one little show. Christian will alter the dresses to fit you, and I'll be sure to get some of our top runway trainers to give you a few pointers. I'm sure Justin wouldn't mind either, but I want you to say yes or no before I mention it to him. Which means..."
"Don't worry, I won't tell him until I make up my mind." Because I'm very much aware that Justin's input on the matter would be dire.
"Great. Well, think about it, and get back to me. You know where to find me." Robert smiles brightly and I return the favor before he excuses himself to leave.
When he's gone I heave a sigh, trying to calm my nerves.
What the hell am I doing? I can't do this. Something about this feels wrong and I don't know why because I'd be helping them out right? So it shouldn't be a big deal. I'm sure he only asked me because the show is in like two weeks and he couldn't get another replacement model on such short notice, but oh my Modeling? I just can't see it. Ugh, what is wrong with me?
I need to make sure that I don't make this place change me. I don't want to turn into some of the people working here. They're so cold and unfeeling. I never want to be that person. But it's nothing. I don't see how filling in for Nella will cause that. I don't even know who this woman is and already she's having an effect on my life.
Now that Robert asked me this, I can only imagine what the other employees would say once they get wind of this. I'm tempted to ask Justin about his whole Nella situation but I don't want to pry. He doesn't talk about it, he seems like he's handling it, so I should leave it alone.
But I know one thing is for sure. I'm going to need Sean's advice on this situation before I can make a decision.
Jumping in fright when my line begins ringing suddenly, I fumble to grab the receiver so I can answer.
"Hello, A-List magazine, this is Mr. Timberlake's assistant..."
"Tai, it's me, that's not necessary." Justin laughs, cutting me off.
"Oh..." I reply with a giggle, lifting my head to lock eyes with him from where he's sitting behind his desk.
"Can you come into my office for a minute please?" He asks and I shake my head automatically in response.
"Sure, I'll be right in." I reply then hang up my line so I can stand to make my way into his office.
After knocking on the door twice, I slowly twist the knob and ease it open before walking into his office and taking a seat at one of the chairs facing him.
"What's up?" I ask casually and Justin lifts his head to stare at me, his eyes wide and trance-like.
"I wanted your advice on something." Justin begins and I mouth an ‘oh.' "I hope you don't mind. You did say we could maybe be friends or..."
"Oh, that's fine. I don't mind. I'll help how I can, what's up?"
"Ok, so I've been thinking." Justin begins while resting back in his seat to get more comfortable. "And I'm wondering if I should or shouldn't tell my dad about how I feel with him always putting so much pressure and expectations on me. Not that I don't mind, but I think sometimes he does it to see how much I can take before I break and maybe to prove a point that I'm a failure or something and will always be." Justin's looking at me expectantly and I'm slightly shocked right now.
"Wow, oh uh..." I can't believe he wants my advice on how to talk to his dad. This is unbelievable. "Well, you know, I highly doubt he thinks you're that much of a disappointment or failure."
"You clearly don't know my dad." Justin laughs. "I'm the partying, don't care, don't give a shit, irresponsible son who takes everything for granted...oh and don't forget that I treat people like shit."
"Are you really?" I counter and he thinks for a moment.
"Well, I was." He sighs.
" were. All you have to do is make him see who you are now. Let him know that you're changing your old habits not just for him but for yourself. Talk to him, tell him how you feel. He won't hate you for it. He's still your dad and he loves you." I point out.
"I guess I never thought of it like that." Justin says deep in thought and I smile while taking in his facial features. He really is a good looking guy. "Thanks Tai. I needed to hear that."
"Well, you're most welcome. That was easy. So, does this mean I get to leave early today?" I ask hopefully and Justin chuckles.
"Everything comes at a price huh?"
"Nothing in life is truly free." I state and he nods in agreement.
"True. In that case, you're free to leave. I think we're ok for the rest of the day. I'll see you on Monday. Have a good weekend."
"Thanks Justin. You too." I say while standing, getting ready to leave and he does the same so he can walk me out.
"Don't forget, we're going to start planning the fashion show on Monday so come prepared for that."
"I will. Bye!"
"See you later Tai." Justin grins before I exit his office and he shuts the door behind me.
Smiling brightly, I decide to move around to gather my things so I can leave. I haven't forgotten about Robert's request, but at least the good news is, I'll be able to head home and relax first before worrying about what I'm going to do. I know this is somehow going to affect Justin when he finds out, but I hope it's at least in a good way. That he would understand I'm only trying to help the situation and not make it worse.
But, that's only if I agree to do this modeling thing.
Luckily, I'll have Sean to coach me and prepare me for this because I've never done anything like this before in my life. The fact that it's for A-List Magazine makes it all the more nerve-wrecking because Justin and Robert will be there watching and judging, and while I shouldn't care much about what they think or say, I still do and I want their approval to at least say that I did a good job in representing them.
But again, that's only if I agree to do this modeling thing for their upcoming fashion show which Robert requested of me.
- FIN - |
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