Three Weeks Later
A-List Magazine
The last few weeks of my life have been crazy, hectic, stressful and exciting all rolled up into one. I had no idea what I was truly getting myself into when I started this job, but after being here for almost a month, I think it's safe to say that the life of an assistant to an editor in chief is no walk in the park. But I have people like Robert and Chris to mentor me and guide me along this chaotic path.
Justin, however, is another story. He was right when he told me that people would seek me out to get to him. I didn't really think anything of it all those weeks ago at the Club opening for his friend Lannick, but now is a different story. Since I got my own office line, it's been ringing off the hook and so far, I've had to change my personal cell number twice. Don't ask me how these people got my cell number in the first place. All I know is, Justin suggested that I changed it every time someone tried to contact me on it that he didn't approve of. I hate to say it, but his lifestyle is slowly working its way into my personal life as well.
Sean has been amazing also. He's been coaching me on how to handle certain situations at A-List so I feel like he's turned into my counselor of sort. He's always home before me at the end of the day and he always insists that I take the load off and dump all my daily stress from the office on him. He's amazing. I have no idea what I'd do without my brother. I love him so much and we both keep each other grounded.
So far, I've set up business meetings, photo shoot sessions, venues, appointments, trips and other miscellaneous tasks for Justin. His schedule is updated regularly and he actually told me that I was a lifesaver just the other day because of my categorizing of his daily tasks from most important to least important.
I'm slowly mastering the art of this assistant job. I've even been writing up memos for Justin on the upcoming issue of A-List Magazine that's actually due out next week. It's so he doesn't forget to do certain things in terms of the magazine preparation.
All in all, this past month or so has been crazy but worth it. I'm starting to like my job more and more and while I keep to myself and don't mix with the other employees, we've still made it our point of duty to tell each other ‘hi' when passing in the hallways.
I usually keep out of the cafeteria since there's nothing for me in there, but today, I've decided to have my lunch in there at Chris's request that I join him.
There's not much going on for me now anyway. My phone stopped ringing a while ago when Justin told Sharron to let anyone who called know that he wasn't taking any calls for the rest of the day.
Apparently, he's been busy all day with Robert planning this big party for A-List magazine since it's their 40th Anniversary coming up in a few months.
He told me he'd let me know when he needed me, so I've tried to stay out of his hair for most of the day.
Mr. Randall Timberlake III, Justin and Robert's dad, stops by every now and then to see how we're doing and especially how Justin and I are getting along.
Justin stopped making my life a living hell about a week ago, but other than that, things are more less the same. At least we can co-exist and get our work done without too much drama or tension. It's not like I can tell him what's always on my mind or just on the tip of my tongue when he's being a jerk. He's still my boss and even if I was questioning this job in the beginning, I don't want to get fired.
Right now, I'm shutting down my station so I can head down to the cafeteria to join Chris for lunch.
Hopefully, Justin won't need me for the rest of the day so I'll get to go home early today.
A-List Magazine Cafeteria
"I personally can't believe Nella did that."
Walking into the Cafeteria with my lunch in hand, I smile when I see Chris a few tables away, waving me over. I'm hesitant at first when I see that he's sitting with two other employees but I brush off my fears and approach them anyway.
Taking a seat next to him, I smile for the two women who are eyeing me curiously.
"Hi guys. Who's Nella and what did she do?" I giggle as I begin taking out my rice, baked potato and baked chicken to dig into.
"Oh girl, you're hitting the carbs. I wish I could have what you're having." One of the women voices and I smile.
"You can." I offer but she shakes her head ‘no' immediately. Seriously, what is up with the women here?
Shrugging, I dig into my meal as Chris chuckles.
"Tai, I don't believe you've had the pleasure of meeting my two favorite girl pals here at A-List. This is Maura and Gem. Maura works in the accounting department and Gem works in the clothes closet as A-List's top stylist. She basically sews and handles past and present season lines." Chris explains and I nod before shaking each woman's hand with a smile. So, Gem was the one who wished she could eat my lunch. She's light caramel in complexion with shoulder-length curly black hair and Maura is light brown with straight perm hair. They're both beautiful women, as expected.
"Nice to you meet you guys."
"Likewise. You're Justin's new assistant." Maura smiles and I nod. "Lucky you." She jokes.
"Yeah well, you know, I'm dealing, especially with the reputation and history I learned Justin had with his past assistants."
They all have knowing smiles on their faces.
"Well good for you." Gem beams and I return the favor. "He needed that change. You're keeping him in check that's good."
"Thanks." I grin widely before taking another forkful of my food.
"I love your little red and white skirt suit ensemble by the way." Maura adds in.
"Oh thanks, my brother picked it out for me."
"Your brother?" Chris asks stunned.
"Yeah he's...he's a total diva." I admit and Chris mouths an ‘oh.'
"That's cool." He shrugs and I nod in agreement.
"Right, so welcome to the crew Tai. You've officially been inducted." Gem giggles and I bite my lip feeling slightly nervous about that statement. "Now back to business. So like I was saying, I can't believe Nella did that..." Gem continues on her rant and I turn to glare at Chris who gives me a reassuring smile.
"Uh...Nella..." He interrupts Gem when he sees the confusion on my face. "Is actually Justin's last girlfriend. She's a supermodel and they broke up some time back but it's been rumored that she's possibly pregnant with his kid." Chris explains to me and my eyes grow wide with shock.
"" I don't think I wanted to know that.
"Right." Gem continues. "And the biggest gist is I heard that she's been threatening him to take responsibility and that if he didn't agree to it, she was going to go public with the news. I don't see how she could do that. Well all know Justin wasn't her only partner when they were together. Part of that is why they broke up. It was all in the media. Not like Justin was being faithful either, but really, to try and tie him down with a child is just devious and vindictive." Gem sighs sadly and I continue eating my food in silence, too stunned to really say anything.
That and I don't really like gossiping. Plus, they're gossiping about my boss. But, there is one thing I am curious about.
"How's Justin handling this news?" I ask.
I would have never guessed he had this going on. I haven't heard anything about it. I'm wondering how they know anything. He's always so busy with work but I need to remember that he does have a life outside of the office. A crazy one at that.
"Well, not so well. Do you remember that day we saw him shatter his cell phone against the wall?" Chris asks and I shake my head, gasping in shock. "That was Nella on the phone."
"But how do you know..."
"Sharron took her call and transferred it over to Justin's office line since you didn't have a line yet. When he hung up on Nella, she called him back on his cell phone which is about the time we saw him smash it. I told you...he had his hands full."
I'm amazed by this. I'm even more baffled that Chris, Maura, Gem and even Sharron are so involved in Justin's personal affairs. Is this what it's like being an A-Lister? No privacy whatsoever? Gosh this is terrible. I actually feel for Justin in a way.
"And that was a Vertu Diamond cell phone worth at least eighty-eight grand." Maura quips.
Say what?
"Holy shit, that's the price of a house and maybe a car and who knows what else." I mutter mindlessly causing them to erupt in laughter but I'm serious.
Wow, to spend over three quarters of one hundred grand for a freaking phone is ridiculous. But that's not the issue right now is it?
"The point is, if this gets out and Justin's dad gets wind of this, he might cut Justin's profits from his will. He doesn't want an irresponsible son running his company when he's gone. Justin and Robert are the only ones responsible for keeping this business alive. I mean, Randall is cool and all but the guy's old. He knows his years are running out and he needs to know that he can depend on his sons to not send his empire crashing into the ground." Chris explains and things are starting to become clearer to me now on how Justin and Robert operate.
"So basically, Justin and Robert have to prove themselves to their dad so they don't get cut out of his will and lose everything. They have to show him that they can run this business?" I ask to make sure I'm getting this right.
"Basically yeah, because if they don't then Randall will sell this company to the highest bidder and even if they'll leave with a good chunk of cash, things wouldn't be the same. A-List is what makes Robert and Justin who they are. It's their life; it's all they know. You can understand that they would be horrified to lose it." Chris voices and I shake my head, getting a clearer picture of Justin and Robert now.
"Wow, I totally understand." I admit.
"Good. Because Justin is basically the screw up who takes shit for granted and Robert is the one who always covers his ass because he loves his brother and vice versa. At least, they're not really competing for their father's love and trust. If they were, it would be utter chaos. They're both comfortable with who they are. Justin seems to be trying harder now as he's getting older, so I can understand if he's stressed out and feeling pressured and passing it out on everybody else. It's tough, he's trying and now he's faced with this Nella fiasco which isn't going to go over well or stay private for much longer." Gem concludes and I get it now.
I fully get it now. I think I have a much better understanding of Justin now. It amazes me that they've studied those brothers so well but they are our bosses so it's expected.
I guess I still have a lot to learn.
"Well, let's hope things turn out well." I voice while finishing off my lunch as we all sit around the table enjoying each other's company.
"Yeah, let's hope so. I'd hate to see Justin lose everything, especially now when he's trying to actually grow up and end his promiscuous party boy ways and lifestyle." Maura sympathizes.
I hope he doesn't lose everything too. Even if we don't really get along and he's uptight, I'd hate to see him lose this. I know this life isn't easy but he's so blessed and I hope that he sees that. Not many people have what he and Robert have. Even if they come from a broken home, at least they have each other just like I have Sean so I'm rooting for them.
You know what? Now that I think about it, maybe Justin isn't so bad after all? Maybe he just needs a little smoothing around the edges but I could totally see him as a decent individual without all the judging people seem to be passing on him, including myself, guilty as charged.
Hours Later...
"Tai, do you have a minute?"
Looking up from my computer screen, I try to plaster a genuine smile on my face when I notice Justin is standing in front of my desk glaring at me.
"Sure. What do you need?" I inquire.
"Should I go with the black or blue tie? Which do you like better with a blue shirt?" He asks bashfully before pulling out both ties from behind his back.
I'm slightly taken aback and just stare at him for a bit in shock.
"I'm...I'm sorry what?" I'm trying not to laugh because he seems genuinely troubled over the fact that he can't make a decision.
"Look, I don't exactly have my mom for this. She's off in France with Georgiou her new husband." He says bitterly. "So...I was hoping you could give me your opinion since I don't have any sisters either."
"Don't you have a girlfriend who can help you with that?" I say rudely, but quickly regret my words when I remember his Nella situation.
Scowling, Justin bites the corner of his lip and strangely enough, I actually find that cute. What the hell?
"You're a real impertinent one aren't you? Just tell me which one Tai. It won't kill you. The shirt I'm wearing is sort of a darkish blue so I was wondering which tie would mesh well. Isn't this like you women's thing?"
"Isn't it yours Mr. editor in chief?" I say boldly but realize that he's still my boss. "Look, I'm sorry. I'll ask my brother for you, hang on a minute." I state while gazing at the picture of Sean and me.
"Your bother?" Justin inquires in slight perplexity before placing both ties down on my desk. "Is he the one in the picture with you on your desk?"
"Yes." I simply respond while grabbing my cell phone and hitting speed dial for Sean.
"Oh." Justin says softly, waiting patiently for my answer. "I thought that was your boyfriend or something." He adds in and I eye him, not saying a word to that comment.
"Allo, what can I do you for hot mama?" Sean answers the other end of the line and I giggle.
"Hey Sean, I need your help."
"Shoot." He responds eagerly.
"I need to know if my boss should wear a black or blue tie with a dark blue shirt." I try to explain.
"Is this part of your job description?" Sean chuckles and I roll my eyes.
"I don't think so."
"Uh huh, well what shade is the blue tie?" He inquires.
"Uh, what shade is the blue tie?" I ask Justin.
"It's sort of a Prussian blue." Justin responds while studying me intently.
"Prussian blue Sean." I repeat.
"Ok, well then tell him to go with the black tie instead and make sure he adds the black dress pants and shoes with it. He could also maybe add a jacket, his choice. The Prussian tie won't go well with his dark blue shirt because both blues wouldn't mesh well although I think he could pull it off."
"Thank you Sean." I giggle.
"You're welcome. If that's all..."
"It is." I cackle.
"Then I'll see you tonight. Love you, kiss kiss."
"Love you too Sean. Bye."
I hang up my cell and put it away before gazing up at Justin who's standing there, examining me while waiting for his answer.
"He said the black, with black pants and shoes and maybe a jacket. Something about the two blues wouldn't mesh well." I shrug. "Fashion's not really my thing, yet here I am." I jest.
"Is your brother some kind of fashion guru?" Justin chortles.
"He wishes. No, he's just your regular journalist for the New York Times." I explain.
"Oh nice...that's pretty sweet."
"Yeah. That's Sean." I beam proudly.
"Well, uh, thanks for the tip. I'll leave you to finish up whatever it is you were doing." Justin moves to leave but my next statement stops him in his tracks.
"You're welcome, but I'm not really doing anything right now. You canceled your incoming calls today since you were busy planning A-List's anniversary party with your brother and you didn't have any appointments so I'm kind of just sitting here. If you have anything for me to do then..." But he cuts me off.
"No. Actually the workday's almost done and I only wanted your help with my wardrobe situation because I have this cocktail party to attend tonight so you're free to leave if you wish. I'll see you tomorrow bright and early?" Justin asks and I nod with a smile. "Don't be late...remember, three strikes." He points out seriously and I fight not to roll my eyes.
"Great, well have a good night Tai. Thanks again and bye." He mutters flatly before turning to disappear back into his office. I'd like to say he's genuinely trying to be nice to me, but I'm pretty sure he's only doing it out of duty because of his dad.
It's better than nothing I guess.
Wonderful. I get to leave early. Nothing can keep me here any longer.
Jumping up from my chair, I grab my bag and shut down my computer, getting ready to leave this place.
I swiftly make my way down the hallway towards the elevators with a strut in my step.
When I pass Sharron at her desk, I wave to her but she simply rolls her eyes at me before giving me a tight-lipped smile. Geez, she's got some attitude. Whatever, I don't care.
Hitting the down button for the elevators, I wait patiently for them to get to my floor.
As I'm waiting, I hear someone call out to me and when I turn around I notice Robert coming in my direction looking rather handsome in his suit and tie.
"Hey!" I smile brightly.
"Miss Tai Bennett, just the woman I wanted to see. I just passed by your station but Justin said you were on your way out, that he let you off early." Robert explains and I nod in agreement.
"Yeah he did."
"That's very...becoming of him." Robert grins.
"I guess. I'm trying to beat my brother home for once so I can start on dinner." I confess.
"You live with your brother? That's cool."
"It is. He's my best friend."
"Justin is my best friend." Robert says in thought, but then he frowns deeply. "At least, he used to be. We don't see each other that often outside of work anymore. I guess our lives are too hectic now." His voice is solemn when he says this and I feel like I need to empathize with him. I don't know what I'd do if Sean wasn't around.
"I'm sorry."
"It's cool. But that's not why I came looking for you."
"Oh?" I ask, ignoring the elevators when they ding and the doors open.
"There's this, album launching party taking place on Friday of this week which Justin and I were invited to. It's for an artist we sponsored so...I was hoping you would do me the honors of accompanying me to the event. It's supposed to be a grand affair for this breakthrough artist named Carla. It's red carpet, the works." Robert divulges and I find myself zoning out in utter astonishment.
"And you want me to go with you?"
"Yes Tai, why is that so hard to comprehend?" He chuckles. "It would be nice exposure for you. Plus, Justin would maybe tell you that he needs you to go eventually anyway. This way, if people see that you're with me there won't be any rumors this time about him and his assistant."
"Oh." I voice knowingly but still, he wants me to be his date? "You want me to be your date?"
"Sure. Unless you don't want to...I mean, you don't have to worry about work ethics. It's strictly on a platonic level. It's fine with me if it's fine with you. I'm sure my father and Justin won't mind."
"Uh, I uh..." I'm speechless. My first red carpet event? Really? "Yes, yes of course I'll come." I blurt out and Robert's lips curl up into a smile. Like I'm going to pass down this opportunity. Yeah right.
"Good. Well, I'll let you get going then. I'll see you at work tomorrow."
"My brother is going to freak out." I giggle.
"Then invite him. I'll just put plus two on my invite."
"Are you serious?" I ask wide-eyed.
"Ha, you're cute Tai. Sure."
"Oh my gosh thank you Mr. Pattin...I mean, Robert." I beam up at him and he nods casually.
"Then it's settled. It's Friday at 8pm. We'll arrange transportation for you all and you can pick out whatever you want to wear from the closet with Gem's help, free of charge of course."
This is surreal.
"Ok, well, uh, I'll see you in work tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow." Robert assures with an amiable grin on his face.
"Bye!" I wave to him then turn when I hear the elevators ding again and a few of A-List's employees exit.
"Bye Tai." Robert replies and that's the last thing I hear him say before I step into the elevators and the doors close so I can head down to the lobby to leave and start my journey home.
As I stand patiently waiting to get to the ground floor of A-List magazine, I can't help but think about how well this job is actually going for me.
Maybe I should be happy that I landed this job. After all, it only keeps getting better...
- FIN - |
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