A Few Days Later
Manhattan, New York
"I am so proud of you. You finally ditched me to go on a date and it was with one of the Timberlake men. And it was with your boss no less. Naughty, naughty Tai."
"Oh my god, shut up Sean!" I squeal into my cell phone. My brother's crazy.
"So how is it going?" He asks over the line and I sigh contently.
Is it wrong that I'm gushing over the fact that I'm out with Justin even if Chris and Gem are also there? Not to mention the fact that he's my employer. I'm not looking to be another one of his ‘assistants.'
"Uh, well, we just got out of the theatre. Hairspray was amazing by the way. I was really into it, but, Justin kept teasing and distracting me on purpose because he actually saw it already, go figure." I shrug while tugging at my jacket tightly.
I'm wearing a black leather jacket which Sean got me some time back over my knee length simple red dress. My hair is down and my red heels aren't high which means I can actually walk in them comfortably.
"You see? You two were made for each other." Sean states and I roll my eyes even if he can't see me.
"I'm hanging up now Sean. I'll see you when I get home later." I voice and he chuckles.
"Sure, sure, bye babe."
"See ya!" I say enthusiastically before hanging up my cell and stuffing it back into my handbag.
Sean was actually a sweetie to call and check up on us. He's just caring and thoughtful like that. Plus, he's all for Gem and Chris's little plan on hooking Justin and me up. What did I expect? It's Sean of course.
I'm actually standing outside next to the exit of the theater under the bright Broadway headlights on the sidewalk, waiting on Justin and Chris who excused themselves after the show to use the bathroom. Gem quickly went to grab a bottle of water in a nearby store to come back and while I was outside waiting, taking in the bright lights of Manhattan at night, Sean called to check up on me, telling me to hurry back home because he missed our ritual Saturdays. This coming from the guy who was practically pushing me to hook up with my boss or Robert in the first place.
Smiling at the thought, I perk up when I see Gem walking back up the sidewalk towards me, sipping on her bottle of water.
Tonight really was amazing. We all sat and watched Hairspray, enjoying every minute of it. Justin was a gentleman through and through from escorting us to our seats to holding my stuff for me when I excused myself to use the bathroom during ‘Acts.' It was a rare but welcoming experience for all of us. This is the first time we've hung out together as a group outside of the office or any A-List event and I have to say, they're a colorful bunch to be around. Between Chris and Justin, the jokes keep rolling, keeping Gem and me entertained.
"Hey chica, are our boys out yet?" Gem asks, coming to stand next to me as she finishes her bottle of water. Damn, I guess she was really thirsty.
I haven't had a chance to scold her yet for pulling this stunt with Justin and me but it can wait for now. I'm actually having a great time.
"Nope. I'm thinking about calling security to check on them. Maybe they drowned in the sink or got flushed down the toilet." I quip, causing her to giggle in reply.
The moment that statement leaves my lips, Justin and Chris bust through the exit doors of the theatre laughing up a storm.
We both turn to eye them and when they see us, they slowly calm down to simply smiles.
"Missed us?" Chris asks while snaking his arm around Gem's shoulder.
"No. We were just making plans to ditch you all for these hotter guys we met but...damn, we were too slow." Gem fakes a disappointed sigh and I giggle.
"Cute Gem." Chris hisses playfully, tickling her sides and she shoves him away, erupting into girly giggles.
"So..." Justin voices while turning to face me. Gosh he looks so good in his dark jeans, green shirt and leather jacket. I swear, us both having leather jackets was a total coincidence. "Did you have fun?" He asks and I bite my bottom lip.
Ok, Sean kind of made me ask Justin about what he was wearing when Justin called to let me know that they were all coming to pick me up earlier. But still, total coincidence.
"Huh?" I ask, snapping out of my thoughts.
"I think we just lost you for a moment there." Justin chuckles. "I asked if you had fun. Did you enjoy the musical?"
"Sure did!" I beam. "It was amazing."
"Yeah you were really into it." He chuckles and both Gem and Chris shake their heads in agreement as well.
"I even learned some of the words to the songs because I have a great memory." I say proudly and Justin's brows curve in interest.
"Oh really..." He challenges me and I roll my eyes before taking a step back.
"No, not really; I looked up the songs online to see if they were any good before the show and there was this one that got stuck in my head because I really liked it."
"Uh huh." Justin gives me a knowing smile and I blush. "Which one?"
"You can't stop the beat." I state.
Taking in a deep breath, I start singing what I know from my favorite song in the musical while prancing around, stunning them all.
"You can't stop an avalanche as it races down the hill
You can try to stop the seasons, girl, but you know you never will
And you can try to stop my dancing feet, but I just cannot stand still!
'Cause the world keeps spinnin' round and round
And my heart's keepin' time to the speed of the sound
I was lost 'til I heard the drums then I found my way
'Cause you can't stop the beat...."
Drifting off momentarily, I gasp when Justin joins in with me, snapping his fingers and singing along as both Gem and Chris erupt in laughter at our antics. Grinning, I continue singing with him as he harmonizes with me almost perfectly.
Ever since the whole world began
A woman found out if she shook it, she could shake up a man
And so I'm gonna shake and shimmy it with all of my might today...
'Cause you can't stop the motion of the ocean or the sun in the sky
You can wonder, if you wanna, but I never ask why
And you can try to hold me down, but I'll spit in your eye and say
That you can't stop the beat!"
Not able to help myself anymore, I stop singing and erupt in laugher causing everyone else to do the same.
"Oh my gosh, Justin you're crazy." I say through giggling fits.
He definitely had the character Corny Collins finger snap and shimmy down from Hairspray. Oh my god, I can't believe I just witnessed that.
Brushing off his jacket, Justin takes a slight bow with a huge grin on his face.
"Nice Justin." Gem smiles and Chris gives him a high-five.
"Damn son, that was sweet." Chris says enthusiastically and I'm still just glaring in awe. "And you too Tai. You all are like naturals or something."
Well, this is something new. I had no idea Justin could sing.
"He got some tight singing pipes too." Gem points out.
"Ok, ok, enough guys. Thank you, thank you." Justin smiles bashfully.
"Don't be cocky." I snicker while playfully shoving him.
He diverts all of his attention to me and I furrow my brows when I see his smile slowly fade away.
He opens his mouth to say something but then shuts it quickly. His eyes are twinkling with mischief as he seems to be studying me intently.
"You know what? Nah, too easy..." Justin waves his hand in dismissal, laughing softly and I'm lost. What just happened?
"Uh ok." I drawl. Awkward.
"So what do you guys say to grabbing a bite to eat before we call it a night? I'm starving." Chris speaks up, grabbing our attention.
"Yeah that sounds good." I add in.
"Cool, I know this nice little restaurant not too far away from here. Follow me. Afterwards, we can call a company car to take everyone home." Justin adds in and we all agree with him.
When he stretches his hand out for me to take so we can begin on our journey down the busy sidewalk I hesitate, turning to look at Gem and Chris who make a signal for me to go.
Shrugging, I whip back around and smile for Justin before intertwining our arms together so we can start walking in the direction of the restaurant he mentioned with him leading the way...
At The Restaurant
"I don't know man; I don't think my dad would agree to that." Justin voices while taking a sip of his beer. "He's the kind who likes to keep business and pleasure separate."
"Think about it, throwing this huge party at A-List for the anniversary would be appropriate. Robert was talking about it and I think it's a good idea." Chris points out.
Casually sipping on my scotch, I sit quietly while listening to Justin and Chris talk about A-List's upcoming anniversary shindig. It's still a few months away, but from what I've gathered it's a big deal. They throw a party every year but since this is A-List's 40th birthday, they're looking at this year as a milestone and Chris has been trying to convince Justin to consider throwing the anniversary party at A-List itself, instead of booking an outside venue.
It does kind of sound like a cool idea but if Randall wouldn't like it, I don't suggest they go down that path when planning the party.
"I guess I'll have a word with Robert about it when we return to work." Justin caves and Chris nods.
"It's just an idea. You all should talk to your old man about it too." Chris adds in and Justin nods while finishing off his beer.
"Will do." Justin voices, breaking eye contact with Chris and I glare at the sullen expression on Justin's face.
I'm starting to wonder if Justin ever had that talk with his dad like he said he was going to. It's been weeks since he asked my advice on the matter but he never did come back to tell me how it went. I honestly don't think he's mustered up the balls to confront his dad yet. That's not good. I really think Justin and his father need to have a heart to heart. They both have perceptions about the other that neither is willing to elucidate.
"So dinner was great Justin, thanks for sponsoring." Gem utters, obviously picking up on the tension in the air.
Justin gives her a light nod and smile before signaling the waiter over to order another beer.
When the waiter leaves to get Justin's order, I finish off my drink before releasing a sigh.
I dislike seeing Justin all tense. We were having such a good time. Just the mention of his dad switched his mood which isn't right.
We've been at the restaurant he suggested for a while now, sitting and enjoying each other's company. We ordered our meals and ate earlier which Justin gladly offered to pay for as a treat. When we were done, we got into casual conversation, learning a bit more about each other along the way until the topic switched to A-List's anniversary party.
I guess, since we all work at the same place, there's no escaping work related topics completely.
But it was fine until Justin's mood visibly changed. Now I think that we need to end this little outing so things don't turn sour. It was fun while it lasted.
Gazing at my watch, I gasp softly when I see how late it's getting. I should maybe get home if I want a good night's rest.
"Guys it's getting late." I begin, grabbing everyone's attention.
"You're right Tai, we should probably call it a night." Chris agrees just as the waiter returns with Justin's drink.
Justin quickly thanks the waiter and asks him for the check as well, stating that we're ready to leave before the young man excuses his self from our table again.
"I should probably call the company car now before..."
"Actually." Chris cuts Justin off immediately. "Gem and I are ok. We're just going to grab a cab. But, you and Tai can go on without us..."
"Are you sure?" Justin scowls at him. "Because you'd be saving your money if you came with us."
"No, we're good. We promise. You've already paid for dinner Justin. It's fine we insist." Gem smiles brightly and I glower at her and Chris.
Oh, they're sneaky. They're both smiling too, those little conspirators. Justin seems completely clueless to their plan, or maybe he simply doesn't mind.
"Ok suit yourselves. I'm going to make the call. Excuse me." Justin voices before grabbing his cell to stand.
When he's out of earshot, I narrow my eyes at both Chris and Gem who are snuggled up, both giving me sly smiles.
"You guys are evil!" I say in a hushed whisper.
"We're only trying to help. Besides, you guys haven't had any alone time yet and neither have we. Just enjoy it Tai." Gem says.
"Ugh, you guys are awful." I huff. "Don't think this is over missy. I still need to have a word with you." I tell her.
"You know where to find me." Gem sniggers.
"Be nice Gem." Chris chuckles and I cut my eyes at him.
"Cute guys. But this ends now ok? You can't force this and I don't want to be another one of Justin's assistants." I mention.
"You won't. This is different. You're different." Gem counters.
"It's true Tai." Chris agrees. "Just relax. Everything will be fine." He assures.
But he's wrong, he's so wrong. Everything will not be fine because I'm not even sure I want this. Sure Justin's a great guy and all, but he wasn't always that way which makes me wonder what's really going on with him. Robert's a mystery to me too. Well, that's one other thing Justin and Robert have in common; they're almost impossible to figure out.
When Justin returns to our table, he voices that the company car is on its way to pick us up.
Chris and Gem use that as their cue to leave, telling us that they had a great time and wishing us a good night and that they would see us at work on Monday.
When they're gone, Justin looks at me with a smile on his face.
"So I guess it's just you and me huh?" He grins.
"I guess so." I respond as slight nervousness takes over me from the thought of being alone with him.
"I think I'm going to pass this drink up. I've had enough." He explains while gazing at his discarded beer on the table.
"Ok." I utter.
"We should probably head out to wait for our ride then. It should be here any minute. I'll just pay the bill first and then..."
"Ok that's fine." I cut him off, my mind going a million miles per minute.
I know that this is innocent, that Justin is simply going to drop me home before he heads home his self.
So why am I so nervous and why is my heart rate speeding up while my stomach does flip flops?
In The Company Car
Destination: Tai and Sean's Apartment in Bronx
We've been driving for a few minutes now, heading in the direction of my home and Justin and I have been comfortably talking and joking around in the backseat of A-List's company car.
Well, at least it's not a limo although it is pretty sweet with the leather interior.
Justin did mention something about only using their limos for big events.
Gosh, it must be so amazing to have that life of luxury. He could have anything he wanted materially, he could travel the world and I'm pretty sure he has V.I.P status for all the top class joints here in New York.
I don't want to seem shallow, but I'd definitely love a day in the life of an A-List heir.
"I've been meaning to ask you some things Justin." I express and he shifts in his seat to face me completely, fully intrigued with my statement.
"That depends." He titters.
"You don't have to answer but I really wish you would, truthfully."
"Oh oh, this is getting serious. What's on your mind Tai? I'll do what I can to ease any doubts you may have about me."
Taking in a deep breath I let it all out on the table because, he's much more than just my boss. He's someone that I can't figure out for the life of me. His outer persona gets a little confusing at times too...
"What's your deal?" I blurt out and he scowls at me in perplexity. "I mean, I know you're my boss and I don't want to seem rude, but you're confusing sometimes. First you're this colossal asshole to me and then, just like that, you switch around and start being tolerable up to the point where you're so nice it's weird. You apologized for being a jerk to me which I'm glad you did. But what is up with all the mood swings? I just, I can't figure you out Justin. You didn't want me as your assistant in the first place, and now, you've admitted that you'd be lost without me. I'm simply trying to make sense of what's going on." I explain, looking into his blues.
He seems to be absorbing what I said, maybe trying to figure out how to answer me.
"I uh..." But he drifts, a low chuckle escaping his lips. "Wow, talk about putting me on the spot." He quips.
"I didn't mean to..."
"No, Tai, it's ok. I think I do owe you some type of explanation for my odd behavior. So, here it goes...try to keep up." He jokes and I smile, releasing a sigh when he starts voicing his thoughts.
"From as far back as I can remember, I've always been stubborn and a jerk. In fact, between Robert and me, he's really the nice one." That's not surprising. "But, I think my bad ways got worse as time passed. My dad was married to my mom first and they had me. Eventually, things didn't work out, so a few years down the line, they divorced and that's when my dad married Robert's mom and had him. That marriage didn't work either, but it's safe to say that both of our moms happily remarried. Even if Robert and I are half brothers, we don't see ourselves that way. We see ourselves are full blood brothers because his mom is like my mom and my mom is like his mom you get it?" Justin asks and I nod, fully engrossed in his little tale.
"Right, so even if Robert and I had different moms, we still grew up together because of our dad. He wanted his boys around, especially with his fashion empire and all. He showed us the ropes from a young age so we'd grow up knowing that this was going to be ours one day and he wanted us to know exactly how to run it. I think, somewhere along the lines of boarding school and always having our dad around compared to our moms who were free spirited women in their own right, I eventually started growing an attitude. I always had one, but the pressure of what it meant to run this company was finally beginning to weigh down on me. I felt trapped, unable to live out my youth how I wanted because there was always someone waiting for me to slip up and report to my dad. He's a no nonsense, work first, play later kind of guy."
This is so sad. I feel so bad for them, being raised under all this pressure.
"Eventually, I stopped trying all together and fully rebelled. My dad, he always came down harder on me than he did on Robert because he always felt I should know better and set the example since I was the oldest and Robert was the baby. He wanted me to be someone I wasn't. He wanted me to be like him, hard and ruthless but with a smiling face. I couldn't do that. I'm not that guy. I eventually stopped caring about my responsibilities and just allowed the asshole in me to fully flourish. I didn't care about anyone but myself. My friends weren't really my friends. My girlfriends were just flings and ways to pass my time as well as satisfy my needs. I was your regular spoilt, rich boy. I partied like crazy, ignored my father's threats and let Robert take all the blame for me when I slipped up."
"Rob never complained about it though. He offered to cover for me because he always cared. I guess I owe him some thanks for always saving my behind. If it wasn't for him, I'm sure my dad would have stripped me of my status a long time ago. But, I guess what I'm trying to get at with this little story I just told you is...around the time you walked in, or I should say bumped into my life, I was trying to get back in my dad's good graces because I sort of had a wakeup call after my relationship with Nella. She was one of the first girls I was actually starting to genuinely care about, but that didn't last long or get very far before the drama broke out. I guess it helped me to develop a new perspective on my life. I was getting older. I had responsibilities I couldn't deny anymore and for once in my life, I wanted my dad to view me differently instead of as the screw up son."
Justin shrugs while staring at me and I'm at a loss for words right now. Swallowing hard, I nod, my browns connecting to his glassy blues.
"I love my dad Tai. I don't want to wake up one day when he's gone and realize that he never thought much of me. Sure, I don't want to lose rights to this empire, but, family comes first and Robert, my dad and I haven't been a real family in a long time. We're all off doing our own thing, engrossed with work and this company. I will admit, the reason behind my mood swings is just that. It's the pressure of this lifestyle, of trying to live up to something I'm not and probably will never be."
"I'm not a terrible person at heart. But, I've just been so conflicted lately with trying to impress my old man while letting go of this partying bad boy persona which the media painted of me. Not to mention I have Nella to worry about. Then you come along by way of my dad and at first, I really thought you and him were secretly conspiring to make my life a living hell because he wanted to teach me a lesson or something. Robert was the one who told me to go easy on you. You were tough. You took what I dished out. But it was never personal. I was simply testing you. I wanted to see where your loyalty lied. But eventually, I realized you weren't a threat. You were just the new girl, the new assistant who got sucked into our crazy lives. You were still tough. Quiet, but tough and you were actually helping me you know? So I switched."
"Being nice to you didn't seem so bad. It was good practice for me since I was trying to change made it easy. You're a genuinely sweet person so, smiling came naturally for me with you Tai. I hope you understand what I'm saying here. I don't want to confuse you or..."
"No, no I understand everything Justin." I finally speak up, my voice slightly hoarse since I'm choking back tears.
Gosh what's wrong with me? This isn't like me at all. He's only telling me his life history in a nutshell and I'm getting all emotional like he just confessed some undying love for me or something.
Why is this happening? It's been so long since I allowed my heart to do the talking, since I welcomed any type of deep emotions.
But now, I feel like Justin is literally digging up and pulling out the emotional side of me and I don't like it, but I can't even fight it.
"I'm relieved you understand because damn that was a weight being lifted, just from talking about it." He divulges.
He's smiling softly now but his eyes show worry, maybe even fear. He's worried. I can tell. He doesn't want me to judge him because he told me this. He's hoping I truly get him. It doesn't seem like he's met many people in his life who get him, who understand him. But I do. I get him completely now.
"It's ok, I'm glad you shared this with me. I think...I understand you much better now Justin. Whether you're my boss or not, I want you to know I'll be there for you ok? I know you have Robert when you really need him, but, now you have me too." I smile warmly before leaning forward to grip his large hand in mine. Casting my vision south, I take in how our skin tones blend together like chocolate and vanilla.
Lifting my head to lock eyes with him, I notice that his blues have darkened to a deeper shade as his breathing picks up. But he doesn't say anything, he only stares, his eyes wide and protruding.
Then he lets out a heavyhearted sigh, lightly squeezing my hand in the process. "Thank you Tai, for not judging me. Thank you."
"You're welcome but Justin, you really do need to talk to your dad. You can't keep this to yourself. He deserves to know how you feel."
"No buts. I know I'm the assistant and you're the boss, but that's an order mister. Talk to him. Get your family back. Get your dad outside of work back."
"It's not that easy Tai." His voice is weak and defeated as he keeps eye contact with me, searching my eyes as if to find the answers he seeks.
"No, but you have to try."
"What would I do without you?" Justin asks while his lips curve into a large grin.
"You'd survive." I giggle, patting his leg with my free hand.
After I say that, we're interrupted by the small intercom system in the ride. Turning my head towards the separating window, I glare at the tinted glass that separates us from the driver.
It's just like a limo in here. We can see the driver, but he can't see us. I'm astonished that they have this little radio thing to communicate with each other when we're only seating like a foot away.
"We're pulling up into miss Bennett's neighborhood now. We'll be at her apartment shortly." The driver announces before he signs off and I giggle, amazed that he couldn't just press the button to bring down the separating window instead. I guess this way was easier for him.
"Tai..." I hear Justin whisper, calling out to me and I divert my attention back to him with a goofy grin on my face.
"Hmm?" I respond, turning to face him but I suddenly freeze, my voice dying in my throat as my eyes bug out of their sockets in pure and utter shock. Gasping, my mind blanks out when I feel Justin's lips against mine.
Wait, what the hell is going on? Is he kissing me? Oh my god! He's kissing me. Justin's kissing me? But, but he' this is wrong. He's my boss. Oh my god I can't breathe...
Without missing a beat, Justin places his hand on my waist, pulling me against him, never breaking contact. He gently snakes his other hand around my neck, pulling me closer, fusing our bodies together. And I cave, completely losing focus and any common sense I have left. Instead, I react to the rampant beating of my heart and the initial urge to literally jump him.
His smells so good; his lips are so soft and welcoming and he feels so warm, his ripped chest rising and falling harshly against me. Oh god, this can't be happening. But, against my will I release an unexpected yet muffled moan as Justin nibbles on my bottom lip, begging for access to my insides. And I oblige, parting my lips, allowing him to plunge his tongue into my depths as we both get lost in each other's embrace. I feel like my head and chest are about to explode from the intensity of this kiss but I don't care. Our breathing is labored and neither of us have any intentions of slowing down yet. Justin lets out a deep throaty growl and I grip fistfuls of his shirt, pulling him, needing to feel more of him.
Oh god, I've totally lost my mind...
"Mmmm..." I moan, feeling Justin push into me, his hands snaking around my back to angle us until I'm resting against the door of the car and he's half lying on top of me, hovering, still kissing me so passionately it makes my head spin.
His hand leaves my waist, inching its way north when suddenly his entire body goes rigid and he stops abruptly, a small gasp leaving his lips as he slowly pulls away from me, breaking our lip-lock. He looks down at me with wide glazed orbs, biting the corner of his lips. I think something clicked in his mind on how wrong this is to make him stop.
I look up at him, too shocked to say or do anything as I try to register what just happened. But damn it, why did he stop?
No, no stopping was the right thing to do.
Justin lets out an exasperated sigh and moves off of me, passing his hands over his face in frustration. "Shit." He whispers, his hands now in his hair as he rests back against the leather seats. "I'm so, so sorry Tai..." he chokes out, avoiding eye contact with me. "I don't know what came over me. God, I'm so stupid." He scolds himself and I sigh.
Taking in a deep breath, I seat up, straightening my clothes and posture before cautiously touching his shoulder to grab his attention. "No, it's, it's ok." I tell him.
We got carried away, I get that. It's not his fault, it's both our faults. I know I'm totally screwed when the reality of this situation finally sinks in but for now, I'm all up for being in denial.
"It's not ok Tai. I...god I don't want you to be like the rest." He's referring to his past flings with his assistants I'm sure. "That's not my intension. I'm not going to make that happen. I think so much more of you and so does everyone else at the company. And my dad..."
"Justin." I interrupt him. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to feel the dread and regret yet. I'm not ready...
"We're here at Miss Bennett's Apartment complex." The driver's voice filters through the intercom system again, interrupting us.
Quickly, Justin stretches across to hit the button next to the intercom speaker to reply.
"Ok, thanks Carlos." Justin responds before seating back and giving me his full attention. "Tai, do you want me to walk you in?" He asks tenderly, but I quickly shake my head ‘no.'
"No, that's fine I've got it from here. I uh, I had fun tonight Justin, thanks. You guys were great and I'll, I'll see you in work on Monday."
"I had fun too Tai, but please don't do this. We're going to have to talk about this eventually." He says with hurt plastered all over his adorable face since I'm brushing him off.
"Yeah, sure, we will...we will. Well, goodnight!" I blurt out before grabbing my things and swinging the door open, quickly making my exit.
"Goodnight Tai." Justin says softly, dejectedly and I stop, turning around to stare at his seating form as I hold the door open.
Inhaling sharply, I step back so I can close the door and head into my apartment.
"Bye Justin." I voice faintly before shutting the car door gently.
I can't handle looking into those blue orbs of his any longer tonight. I don't want to end up completely giving into him like some love-struck fool even if I loved the way he tasted and his touches felt like a combination of fire and ice against my skin.
No, none of that should matter because he's my boss.
Flipping around, I quickly begin making my way towards the large entrance doors of my complex that will take me to the elevators, never slowing my pace or turning around when I hear the company car slowly pulling out of its parking spot.
Hopefully, if I'm lucky, Sean will be asleep because all I want to do is knock out for the rest of the night so I can stop thinking about what Justin said when he voiced that he didn't want me to be like his other assistants.
Honestly, I don't want that either. And if it means ignoring my feelings so I don't disappoint his dad as well as gain a bad reputation, then so be it.
Justin's Penthouse Apartment
Manhattan, New York
Stepping foot inside of his home, Justin sighed before tossing his wallet and keys on a nearby table.
He felt drained from all the thinking he did while coming home, he felt sad, hurt, lost and most of all confused. He wasn't confused over the fact that he had kissed his assistant as ironic as the entire situation seemed. No, because he wanted to kiss her. What confused him was what he felt in the kiss they shared. It was like nothing he ever experienced before and now it was driving him crazy because he didn't understand it, and he stood the chance of losing her before he could figure everything out.
Why was his life so difficult?
"I see you finally made it home."
Snapping his head up in shock, Justin fumbled for the light switch to rid himself of the darkness and put a face to the voice he just heard, even if he already knew who it was.
"Dad?" Justin asked in perplexity when the entire living room was illuminated. "What are you doing here? How did you get in?"
"Robert gave me his spare key, Justin." Randall got up from where he was sitting on the couch to come over to his son.
Smirking, Justin locked eyes with his father while folding his arms across his chest. "Ok, well, you clearly want something else you wouldn't be here so what is it?" Justin snapped.
Now wasn't the time for this. He just wanted to be left alone for the rest of the night. It was bad enough the way Tai bolted from the car when she got home. It almost seemed like she didn't want to be near him and that hurt.
"I don't want anything from you Justin except for you to man up to your responsibilities every once in a while." Randall hissed.
‘Typical dad.' Justin thought to his self. It was almost like his efforts were invisible to his father. He didn't know how else to please him really.
"Ok dad, but that's not why you came all the way here."
"No. I came to give you a warning Justin. If I hear that you're involved in anything that could put the good name of this company at risk, any scandal whatsoever, believe me when I say it will be the last. I'll strip you of your status and title so fast your head will spin. Don't test me Justin. I've been too lenient on you and I've given you too many chances. It ends now. You need to grow up. This company will be yours one day, but that won't happen unless you really prove to me that you can handle that type of responsibility."
Shit, Justin wasn't expecting his dad to say anything like that! Not that he wasn't surprised, he just never got the ‘I'm drawing the line' speech before. Nella quickly came to mind and Justin knew that there was no way he could stay out of trouble. Trouble always found him no matter what he did.
"And that includes personal assistants as well. No more hooking up with personal assistants Justin. I'm warning you. The media has painted quite the picture of you and that's not the image we need you to have with our clients and the company."
Work, work, work! Was that all his dad cared about!?
"Come on dad, it's not like I picked my new assistant." Justin snapped, refraining from actually calling Tai's name.
"No, I did. And I'm seeing now that I should have gone with a guy instead. I've seen the way you look at her and I'm sure that you have some type of feelings for her. But I mean it Justin. No more slip ups. This is your last chance. Think about it."
And with that said, Randall excused himself, wishing Justin a good night before he left.
Still standing in the exact same spot, Justin shook his head in disappointment.
‘Talk to your dad,' Tai said. ‘He deserves to know how you feel,' she said.
But that was just it. There was no talking to that man. There was no way.
He might as well call it quits because either way he looked at it he was screwed.
If ignoring his developing feelings for Tai, someone who Justin thought was actually good for him, meant his dad would be disappointed in him again and cut him off for good this time, then so be it.
Because for once in his existence, he was going to live his life for his self and no one else. Not his dad, or Robert, or anyone else. He wasn't going to rebel, or throw a fit or be an asshole this time. He was simply going to listen to his heart for once instead of always listening to his head and the wild thoughts passing through his mind...
- FIN - |
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