A Week Later
A-List Magazine
Manhattan, New York
Gazing at the shrilling office line on my desk I groan, deliberately ignoring it. It's been ringing non-stop for the past week with people trying to get in contact with Justin to ask him questions about his Nella baby situation. The only downside in all of this? He hasn't been here to physically reject or accept any of those calls.
Yes, that's right.
After how worked up he was at Robert's, I was sure that he was going to be out for blood and I was nervous for him, but by the time Saturday came and went, he was a completely different person.
He's famous for his abrupt switch in personality and moods, but I never expected this switch to happen so quickly.
Instead of facing his dad like he was supposed to and calling him out on his shit, Justin opted for the easy way out, the cowardly way at that.
How do I know this? He sent me a text.
Yes, he sent me one measly text which read...'I couldn't do it.'
And I'm so angry at him, it's not even funny. Not to mention I'm a little confused as to why I still have a job. I was sure Randall would have fired me by now considering how horrible everything is turning out.
But I don't care about that right now. What I care about, is the fact that Justin called in sick on Monday, saying he wasn't going to be in the office and never showed after that or said anything for the entire week.
Yes, that's right again.
I haven't seen him since that night he dropped Sean and me home from Robert's. I have no idea if he's even still breathing now.
I've tried.
I've tried for the past week to talk to him, to at least know that he's ok but to no avail. I even found myself at his apartment but the guards wouldn't let me up via his request.
Can you believe it? He's avoiding me. He's avoiding every goddamn person, wallowing in his own self pity because his dad is a scumbag. Ugh!
The nerve of Justin. I expected him to have a little more fight in him. I mean come on! It's your dad! Your own father tries to destroy you and you're going to lie on your back and take it and let him continue to fuck you over? Seriously? What happened to the angry Justin at Robert's party who vowed to make his dad pay? I want that Justin back as terrifying as he was.
You know, I don't even know why I'm here, why I'm bothering pretending anymore. I don't want this job anymore. Randall clearly doesn't approve of me, yet, he hasn't said a word to me. And I don't know why. But I don't want this. Not if I have to endure the chaos that comes with it. I can't do it. I thought I could but I can't. I should maybe quit. Only, I can't yet since Justin is the only thing keeping me here. I need to know where he stands, where we stand before I can resign or something.
Thank god the media has no idea about Justin and me yet else they'd spin that shit around so quickly. Especially now with his supposed baby drama.
Not to mention Robert tendered his resignation just yesterday voicing that after the 40th anniversary party he was leaving A-List. To do what and go where? I have no idea. I still can't even believe it.
Randall is singlehandedly destroying his own empire because of what he's done to his sons. Does he care? I have no clue. I haven't laid an eye on him the entire week. The most I know is that he doesn't want to be bothered by anyone. He's maybe feeling the pressure now, as he should be.
I mean, today alone is utter chaos. People are going crazy in here, trying to get a hold of Justin, trying to find him because they can't send out this month's issue without the letter from the editor which he never wrote since he never came in to work this week. And I'm stuck right in the middle because I'm the assistant, so now I'm getting part of the blame. Fan-fuckin'-tastic.
"Where is he? Is he here? I'm going to kill him!"
My head snaps away from my computer screen, my eyes narrowing in detest when Nella comes into view, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Justin's not here." I deadpan, catching her attention.
She gazes at his closed office door before turning around to face me with a hand on her hip, her protruding belly much more noticeable now.
"So where the fuck is he? You're his assistant. You should know." She spits in a condescending manner and I smirk, standing to face her on the brink of explosion. She better watch herself with me.
"Even if I knew where he was I wouldn't tell you." I say saucily and her eyes widen in offense before she hisses lowly at me. "But, I have no clue where Justin is. He hasn't been to work all week." I admit, a satisfied smile gracing my face when she begins eyeing me suspiciously.
"Are you fucking him? I heard about what happened at Robert's over the weekend. You're another one of them aren't you? Another assistant? He never could separate business from pleasure or keep his dick in his pants." She huffs and I groan with aggravation, wondering how Sharron even allowed her past the receptionist desk.
"And you clearly didn't know how to keep your legs closed either." I retort, pointing at her stomach and she gasps, her mouth hanging open in shock.
"Listen, Tay..." She begins.
"It's Tai actually." I cut her off, giving her a haughty grin which only infuriates her more, but we're interrupted by Robert.
"Nella?" He appears into view, his face contorted in confusion by her presence.
Great. Just the person I wanted to see; note sarcasm.
I haven't seen Robert all week and just the sight of him now breaks my heart again, bringing me back to that night when I witnessed his little breakdown...not to mention that drunk kiss he planted on me. You'd never say he's a deeply troubled man looking at him now though, dressed in his suit and tie, seemingly professional.
Nella scoffs at me before turning around to meet Robert's gaze which floats past her and lands on me, his blue-grays studying me intently.
I ignore him, shrugging before reclaiming my seat to continue adjusting Justin's schedule since Justin missed a shitload of appointments this week. Now I'm stuck with the dirty work of calling up those clients and kissing ass, apologizing and covering for his selfish behind so A-List won't lose their partnerships and accounts.
"Where's Justin Robert?" Nella demands. "I need to have a word with him. I can't get him at his apartment and he won't answer his phone. He showed up at my place on Monday and dragged me down to the hospital with him and now..." But she drifts, her voice cracking and my interest peaks.
So, that's what the little shit was doing on Monday why he lied and called in sick? I asked him if everything was ok, if he needed me and he was so quick to say no, to lie and say he would be in on Tuesday and we would talk and now it's Friday, nearing the end of the workday, and not a word...
"Well Justin's not here." Robert shrugs. "And, things are kind of crazy around here, so...maybe you should leave. But when I do see him again, I'll let him know that you stopped by." Robert suggests but Nella's not pleased with that so she continues to rant.
"The least he can do is fucking talk to me! For fuck's sake, he acts like we were never together once. Like I'm some stranger. What's wrong with him?" She snaps, glaring at Robert who's having a hard time keeping his attention on her since I'm right there and he's constantly stealing glances at me.
"Nella, Justin has a lot going on right now. We all do, with this company and with our father. We're losing clients because of your little baby stunt you pulled with him..."
Wait, they're losing clients over this? What the hell?
"Oh please, that's not my fault!" She says in an annoyed tone and Robert actually rolls his eyes at her. That's a first.
"Nella, you told the whole world that you're pregnant with Justin's kid and that he wants nothing to do with it. We're fucking heirs Nella, blue-bloods who are constantly in the public's eye...or something along those lines because now, I have no idea what the hell is going to happen. But, how do you think that makes A-List look considering Justin is the editor in chief and the CEO's son? Dad has always tried to establish an image of A-List that it's a family business, that it's family oriented and here you are proving the exact opposite to the world when it comes to Justin. Not like my father hasn't been lying about the family concept since we're far from being an actual family, but, think about it. It's bad publicity. This is a fashion magazine! You do the math. Just leave Nella. You're not going to find Justin here and you're only making things worse." Robert hisses angrily and I bite my lip at the venom in his tone.
Nella's rendered speechless, stunned to be witnessing this side of Robert which I'm sure he hardly ever displays.
And just like that, she huffs, not saying another word. She whips around to glower at me one last time before turning on her heel and storming down the hall, disappearing out of sight. Good ridden.
Sighing, I continue switching around Justin's appointment dates, hoping to god that he'll be back at work on Monday and stop this hiding, running away shit game that he's playing.
He needs to stand up to his dad. This needs to end. I can't take much more of it.
"You know, I'm still here." Robert whispers softly and I lift my head again, noting that he's indeed standing in the exact same spot.
"So I've noticed." I mutter grimly but that doesn't dissuade him. He moves around my desk, gripping the armrest of my chair to wheel me away from the computer screen and I gasp, looking up at him when he stops with us facing the large glass windows or walls, whichever way you swing it. The most ironic thing in all of this is that it's raining outside, clearly making the day drabber than it already is. "What the hell are you doing Robert? I have work to do. I have some serious damage control to do if you all don't want to lose some of your sponsors and..."
"Tai, forget about all of that. This is my dad's doing. He's to blame, so if this company fails, it's all on him." Robert replies coolly with a daunting smile and I furrow my brows at him, anxiously waiting for what he's going to say next. "I need to talk to you for a minute and then I'll leave you alone." He adds in and I know he won't leave me alone until I listen to whatever he has to say so I cave, nodding in understanding. "Just listen to me please, before you say anything ok?" He asks and I nod again, soundless.
Sighing heavily, he loosens his tie before taking a seat on the window ledge, resting his back against the glass. I cross my legs and lean back in my chair patiently, ignoring the weird glares that we receive from passing employees when they see us sitting together far off to the side. At this point, I could care less what anyone around here thinks of me.
"Ok Tai, it took me the entire week to muster up the courage to face you and do this, so bear with me. Firstly, I want to start off by saying, no one knows what really happened between the three of us in my kitchen last weekend. When you all left, everyone was still asking questions, so I lied plain and simple, because you and Justin didn't need the attention until you all could sort things out and I needed to sort my shit out too. So, if you want to tell Chris and Gem what really happened since you're close to them, you can, but that's your decision to make."
"Secondly, I need you to know that I am so, so sorry from the bottom of my heart and I hope that you can eventually forgive me for my poor decisions in handling this situation. I should have never allowed my dad to have such control over me, but, at least now, I'm getting some of that control back. I haven't spoken to him yet, but I was told that Justin supposedly called him only to warn him that if I ever left A-List it had to be on my terms and not on dad's, else Justin voiced that he would walk out if dad ever fired me I guess. But, that's all I know about that."
Hmm, so Justin talked to his dad? I wonder what else he said. I'm sure it wasn't much else he'd be here right now and people wouldn't be wondering if he's dead or alive.
"Thirdly, Tai, did Justin ever tell you why things didn't work out with our dad and moms?" Robert questions and I shrug still mute. "Well..." Robert begins, clearing his throat as he shifts uncomfortably...
"I guess you could say, dad did to our moms what he's doing to Justin and me now. He always wanted the control, always wanted to have the last word and as a result he pushed them away. Our moms are both free spirited women who really don't conform to the regular norm."
Justin told me more or less the same thing some time back.
"They were the type of women our dad fell for, but, it worked against him, because they were also the type he couldn't control. I guess Justin got that ‘needing to be free and his own person' trait from his mom more than I did from mine which is why dad had a tuff time with him over the years. But, dad really loved Justin's mom you know? I don't think he ever loved my mom the way he loved Justin's, but my mom was ok with that because she loved dad you know? So, the only rational reasoning I can muster up from their history is that, dad was crushed when Justin's mom left him and hence his bitterness from that divorce is why he made things just a little bit more difficult for Justin. I also think that's why he wants Justin to take over because that's dad's dream."
"So, you can understand if dad would be upset and want to punish Justin since Justin is killing his dream, the one thing he wants to go right in his life. I don't know..." Robert shrugs. "It's a guess on my part. But, I think dad's heart has hardened over the years to the point where he has no other way of expressing his feelings except..."
"Being a monster?" I question, interrupting Robert and he hunches forward, passing his hands through his dark straight locks.
"He's not all bad. He's still human."
"After everything your dad has put you through, how can you sit and defend him..."
"He's my dad Tai. He and Justin are the only people I have. In return, we're all he has. My mom, she was never around. Justin's mom was never around either. Our dad practically raised us. He can't let go of the fact that we're not little kids anymore that he can boss around. Maybe he's scared, maybe he's afraid that he's losing his sons since we're growing up and becoming men. I mean, besides this company, what does he really have? He's alone Tai. He's been alone for a long time. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I can understand where his coldhearted behavior is coming from."
"Don't Rob. Don't try to justify what that man has done to you!" Is he serious? Please tell me he's not defending his dad after all this!
"We're all he has Tai! How would you feel if you felt like you were losing the last remaining pieces of yourself?"
"I, I don't know." I relent.
"Well I do. I would try everything in my power to hold onto it, by all means necessary. Dad simply went about it the wrong way, because instead of keeping us around, he's pushing us away. I'm not sure if he's realized it. Dad wasn't always like this Tai. He was always tough...but never like this. There has to be an explanation. What I said, that has to be it. He can't simply be so heartless. I won't accept that...I just...I can't. It doesn't make sense to me."
"There are some people like that in the world." I point out.
"Not my dad Tai. I grew up with him...that's not it." Robert insists.
"Well you better find a way to get Justin down here so you all can talk to your father once and for all, because this needs to stop." I say harshly and Robert nods in agreement.
"You're right. That's why I'm letting you leave early." He concludes and...what?
"What do you mean?" I ask hesitantly.
"You're free to leave Tai. I know where Justin is. He's at his apartment. He hasn't left it since Monday. The guards check up on him, but they haven't seen him. The most they've heard is his voice over the phone saying that he's fine but he's not. He's not fine Tai. I know my brother. And, I promise you won't get in trouble if you leave work early because you have my permission."
"But you need to go over to Justin's and make him listen to reason. He's strong, he's a fighter, but, when it comes to matters of the heart, he's weak you know? His mom, dad and I are his weaknesses and maybe now you...but if you can pull him out of this, he'll most certainly call dad out on trying to break you all apart, even if I was dad's pawn in his plan. Talk to Justin. He won't talk to me. And I get that he's still upset. But, he'll talk to you. He'll listen to you. He's done this once before you know. When his mom remarried a few years back, he disappeared for a month." Robert explains and I gasp.
"A month!?" I ask in shock and Robert nods.
"He couldn't take it, couldn't handle it. She tried to make him understand, but he couldn't. He couldn't accept that he would have to call someone else who wasn't our father ‘dad'. He's weird like that. He accepted my mom, but, he couldn't accept Georgiou who is his mom's husband. So, he stopped talking to his mom for a long time. They're talking now, but, she's living in France and well, Justin's not one to dwell on emotional stuff but I know he misses his mom, just like I miss mine, who is with her husband in the Philippines. Yeah, I know what you're thinking...we're pretty dysfunctional, but it works for us." Robert chortles helplessly and I give him a sad smile.
"But what can I really do?" I mutter, realizing that their issues go way beyond any scolding I could ever give Justin to toughen up.
"Be there for him. Talk to him. Don't judge him." Robert hesitates, giving me a firm stare before he continues. "Love him. Justin really needs that Tai."
Gosh, I know...I know that he does with the way their lives have been and their crazy parents. But can I? Can I really love Justin? I've never truly given it any thought. I've never really sat and pondered about how deep my feelings go for him. I mean, isn't it too soon to be in love with him?
Wait, is there even a set time on when it's ok and not ok to be in love with someone? Do people really have that much control over that emotion? I'm not sure.
"Just go Tai. I'll do the damage control here. Obviously, we're going to have to push back the release date on this month's issue until Justin writes the letter from the editor, but I'll deal with it and with our clients who had appointments with him. I can see the wheels in your head turning. Just go, and, I'm sure whatever questions you have, you'll find the answers when you see and talk to Justin."
"Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to push us together now after everything?" I ask Robert suspiciously and he stands, stretching out his limbs as he hovers, looking down at me with a knowing smile.
"Because I never actually wanted you all apart once I saw how good you were for him. And, me being there for him is not enough anymore. Don't worry about our dad, I assure you, he will be dealt with. But, Justin needs you Tai. Even I can see that. My question to you is...what are you going to do about it?"
And that's the last thing Robert says before he excuses himself, bidding me farewell.
It's also the last thing I need to hear before I'm out of my seat and gathering my belongings so I can leave, saying a silent prayer that this doesn't somehow blow up in my face.
- FIN - |
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