Intermission Or Interruption?
Next day...
Staturday Night...
"Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down." - Unknown
"Claudine Diggans, party of one." I mutter under my breath, sighing dejectedly before darting my eyes around, gulping down what I've counted to be my sixth shot of tequila.
Maybe I should cool it down but I can't. It's Saturday night and I can't just relax because I'm going crazy. My mind is working a million miles a minute and I just need to slow it down to a stop. I can't take it anymore and alcohol is my only option, my last resort really. It's his's Justin.
I can't even begin to fathom how I made him get to me yesterday. He was like a fucking skin disease spreading over my body faster than wild fire. And I let it happen; I let it happen because for some strange reason he seemed more appealing in that one moment than he ever did for all the months I've known him. Ugh! Shoot me now. Granted, my nice girl act worked, I've now come to realize that he's undoubtedly fucking with me too. But I'm not going to give in that easily, even if I'm sort of curious about him now. Shit, shit, shit!
"Hey Jake, hit me again will you?" I call over the blasting music to the bartender. I'm in one of the most popular clubs here in LA drowning my sorrows away at the bar. It's my favorite place to come and really this is like my only public social activity, me sitting at the bar, nursing my drink and speaking to my most favorite person who really is the closest friend I have and who also happens to be the bartender. That's a good thing, because you would not believe the amount of money I've ‘technically' spent on alcohol alone these past few months. Thank god my drinks are free.
It's crazy how Jake and I became friends.
I was the very first day I had to work with Justin in the studio. At the end of that day, I was so angry that on my way home, I stopped at some random club deciding that I needed a drink to relieve the stress and luckily for me, Jake was there that night. He saw how pissed off I was and actually cared about how much I drank since I was throwing the shots back like water. So, for the first time in my life, I poured out all of my frustrations on a complete stranger. He didn't seem to mind though. He even had a drink with me when he was off duty.
At the end, I was drunk and felt a whole lot better. I even trusted him enough to drive me home in my car and then call himself a cab afterwards. Luckily for me, he turned out to be a decent guy and not some crazy psycho that could have killed me. I vowed to never pull a stunt like that again when I was coherent the next day. I said I'd never go back there and do what I did. I still called Jake to thank him and apologized for the inconvenience. I thought it was over. I thought it was just this onetime thing. But, unfortunately, as time passed and I continued dealing with Justin, he drove me back to that wretched bar and back to Jake who is the only good, positive thing in all of this. And you know what? I kept going back, over and over again until this place turned into my favorite hangout spot and Jake turned into my closest friend. Yeah, fate's messed up like that.
Because of Justin, I have a serious issue with alcohol, preferably tequila. He was right though. I have no life. I mean my closest friend is a fucking bartender who's only doing this job to help him financially through university since he has plans of being a doctor in the future. Yeah kind of off right? Considering he helps people fry their livers on a daily basis. More patients for him I guess. He's a sweet guy though, pleasant and down to earth. Everything Justin is not.
And it was all because of that very first recording session we had months ago where Justin was late. That's what set it all off for me. He was five minutes late and when you book studio time, every hour, minute and second counts. Justin threw away five minutes worth of studio time which is a small 'chunk of cash' let me tell you. And he had the audacity to blame it on the fact that he got a speeding ticket. I mean shit, if his ass was on time that day, then he would not have had to speed hence, there would have been no ticket and he would have made it on time. I called him out on it too and he was so pissed, but said nothing. I found out later that he only remained quiet out of respect for Timbaland and I really didn't care. I had to show him that I wasn't another person to be stepped on and taken advantage of. I was there to do my job, not to suck up to him and kiss his snowy ass.
That day was the beginning of the end for me. Sure, we presumed recording afterwards with Tim, but there was just so much tension in the room. Tim did his best to calm us down stating that we needed to form some type of mutual relationship for this to work. Justin and I agreed to it, even though it didn't solve much. I mean, look at us today. Look at the game we're playing with each other, trying to destroy the other person. This is sick, but I don't care...I'm going to win.
Bringing my shot over, Jake's greens pierce my browns, a look of uncertainty spreading across his smooth, tanned, olive face. Giving him a sweet smile and thanking him, I grip my shot and throw it back, grimacing when the alcohol burns the back of my throat.
Swiping his large hands through his golden blonde hair, Jake sighs, wiping his hands on a towel before his six foot two inch frame leans over the bar to take a good look at me, his greens twinkling with amusement. "Let me guess, Justin?" he says knowingly and I scowl at him, demanding another shot but he protests, causing me to whine.
"He's the devil." I slur, feeling a little dizzy.
"Babe, then quit. It's easy." He chuckles, still glaring at me intently. His station is cleared now and as much as I'm welcoming the company, he's pissing me off.
"No, I need the job and I can't let Tim down." I pout, tugging at my red tube top and fixing my mini jeans skirt.
Giving me a once over, Jake's eyes narrow accusingly. "I think you don't want to let Justin down...not Tim. I mean have you ever stopped to think that your hatred for the guy might be mistaken for oh I don't know some type of unrequited love?" Jake suggests and I nearly choke on my spit.
"What!?" I scream furiously, my voice loud over the blasting music in the top scale club. There are tons of people around, sweating it out, dancing and socializing like anyone would in any typical clubbing situation to enjoy themselves...except me.
"Well think about it. You two exhaust yourselves trying to outsmart the other. You could save a lot of needed energy if you just gave in and actually tried to see what could build between you two." He says while smoothing his palms over his green shirt and then jeans.
Ok that's it. I'm going to knock him on the head with a bottle because he's drunker than I am to say something like that. "Well I never asked you Jake and you don't know shit." I spit out angrily and he simply raises his hands in defeat.
"Ok Claudine, relax. I'll drop it. I'm off in a few, need me to take you home?" He inquires and I take in his beautiful eyes, getting lost in them.
Giggling, I hiccup slightly and he just groans before his lips twitch into a smile. "That's a yes. Give me a few minutes and I'll be right back. No more alcohol babe." Jake suggests and I easily flip him off, causing him to laugh loudly before he moves away to help one of his customers.
Well shit, so he cut me off, what am I supposed to do now? Just sit here and stare off into space? I didn't come here to dance or party. I came here forget about Justin but it's not working damn it! "Fucking bastard." I growl angrily under my breath before I hear my name being called.
"Claudine? Claudine Diggans?"
Whipping around in the direction of a male voice, I notice the person is walking in my direction with a smile on his face. I connect to a pair of dark blue eyes that seem unsure yet curious. Do I know this man? He seems vaguely familiar with his chiseled face and dark hair, but I'm really out of it so I just shrug.
Plastering a fake smile on my face when he comes over and takes a sit next to me, he calls Jake over and orders a scotch on the rocks before he diverts his attention back to me.
"So Miss Diggans, this is a small world. I never thought I'd see you here in a place like this. You never struck me as the partying type." He smiles sweetly and who the fuck is this guy? Am I losing my mind now too? Oh god.
"Oh yeah uh..." But he cuts me off when he realizes that I have no idea who he is.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry. I just assumed since we met a few times you would remember me. I'm one of Justin's friends. I'm JC. You remember we met at the Grammys a few months back?" He explains and it then dawns on me. Holy shit, I think my eyes are playing tricks on me. Or maybe it's the alcohol swimming through my blood stream. Isn't he one fifth of that boy band Justin was in all those years ago too? Yeah, yeah he is.
"Oh JC, oh my god, I'm so sorry." I can't help but giggle, leaning forward to tap his hand playfully. "I...yes I remember you." I'm still giggling like an idot and I know JC thinks I'm crazy with the way he's arching his brows at me.
"Are you ok? Had too much to drink?" JC grins and I shrug, nearly sliding off the barstool but I catch myself.
"The male species need to burn in the fiery pits of hell." I blurt out. "No offence of course. In fact, make that one male of your kind." I add in and I can see the bemused expression on JC's face as he tugs on the collar of his blue shirt nervously.
"I take it a guy pissed you off?" He inquires knowingly and I nod, blinking rapidly.
"Yup!" I hiccup, not bothering to tell him that it's the asshole he calls his friend.
"Well, you don't seem to be enjoying yourself here. Are you here alone?" JC inquires when Jake comes over with his drink.
Eying me wearily, Jake's brows knit in confusion.
"I'm fine Jake." I tell him since he worries about me so much, surprising JC that I know the bartender.
"I'm off now so..." But JC interrupts Jake.
"I'm sorry, you two know each other?" He asks, his eyes darting between the two of us.
"Yes, he's my drug supplier." I tell JC, causing Jake to laugh.
"Yeah but I had to cut her off tonight." Jake adds in confusing JC further.
"Uh...ok. Well uh, what I was going to mention before he brought my drink Claudine was to ask you to come to a party with me, but since you two know each other, he's welcome to come too." JC explains. "You know, you seem kind of depressed and it's a big bash so I thought we could go and you could try to have a good time. I was just heading over there now. I could introduce you to a few people, maybe even score you a few celebrity clients and you could try to lighten some and forget about whatever guy who's gotten under your skin?" he suggests and I wearily glance over at Jake who raises his hands in the air.
"Don't look at me Claudine, but I'm down to go. I'll drive your car since you're too out of it to drive yourself." Jake points out. Thinking about it for a minute, I bow my head, still feeling slightly drunk, but it's not too bad.
Plus, JC said potential clients right? Because that could be good, granted I don't embarrass myself considering I'm intoxicated. Still it's a party right? So that's expected. "Sure why not!" I give in. Maybe I can actually try to have some fun and forget about Justin.
"Great! Well do we leave now? It's on the upper class side of Hollywood. If your boyfriend is driving you then you all can just follow me in my ride." JC suggests and both Jake and I exchange comical glares as he rips off his apron and leaves the bar, coming around to join us.
"We're not together." He voices to JC and I nod in agreement.
"Oh...because I thought..." But I cut JC off.
"Just friends." I add in and JC nods in understanding.
"Sorry I just assumed like that." JC apologizes.
"It's cool man. We wouldn't work out anyway; she's like my sister or something. I mean, she's a sweet girl, but she's already in love with someone else." Jake voices and really, does he not see me sitting here? And what the fuck does that mean? He's never said anything like that before and now he's telling JC I'm in love with...with...oh god, I think I'm going to throw up.
Jumping up on my feet, I trip over my heels, falling into Jake's embrace. I'm still mad at him, even if I'm thankful that he caught me.
"Ok girl, let's get going before you're out cold. Lead the way man." Jake voices to JC and JC agrees, trying to hold back his laughter at maybe how pathetic I look as we make it out of the club and towards the parking section where our rides are located.
Ugh, I feel terrible. Can I have a do over and rewrite my life? Because it's not going according to plan anymore...
I'm so fucked.
Hours later...
You know, since I've been here, JC has introduced me to so many celebrities I think I'm having a meltdown due to an information overload. It's cool that all these beautiful, filthy rich people can gather like this and pretend like they're normal citizens in society when they really aren't. A lot of them are down to earth and laid back too, can you believe it? Take Hayden Christensen for example. I just met him a few minutes ago and he's the cutest thing. Plus he has a killer sexy accent and really, I should maybe go looking for him to snag him but I can't, because alas I'm at the bar, still drowning my sorrows in tequila shots.
JC has long disappeared, leaving me to mingle and grab my next big potential client who turned out to be Alicia Keys since she's also in here somewhere. She gave me her card and everything, stating she would be in touch with Timbaland like he's my manager or agent or something. Psssh...
This is where my story get's fucked. You see, since I forgot to ask JC whose party this is, I simply shrugged it off. That is, until I noticed a short man, about 5'6 walking past me with his phone to his ear, screaming about something to do with the champagne that was delivered for ‘his party' being the wrong kind. Now, I would have maybe gone over there and introduced myself to the guy in my drunk state and say ‘hey cool party' to which I'm sure he'd look at me like I was crazy and kick my ass out. But, none of that happened because you see, not only was ‘that guy' pissy much like someone else I know, he was without a doubt, another pain in my ass.
I'm telling you, I literally almost screamed when I realized this was Trace's party and he was the one on the phone walking past me. I think he saw me too because he did a double take but he seemed too preoccupied to care.
And what do you know? Justin has successfully made him hate me too, so you can bet neither he nor Trace could possibly want me here.
Oh god...Justin. He's in here somewhere. I haven't spotted him yet, but I'm just about ready to hurl and I think I've had enough to drink for the night. I'm dizzy and my vision is blurry. I should maybe grab Jake who is somewhere out on the dancefloor and demand that we leave but I can't, because I don't want to spoil his fun.
Does that mean I can't have fun too? Ok, so this is Trace's party and I wasn't invited. But it's cool. It's a big ass mansion and I don't even have to see Justin for the night. He doesn't even have to know I was here. Tim isn't here because he had to travel out of LA for the weekend so I have no one to save me from Justin if I do bounce into him.
I could with Jake some and then suggest we leave. Yeah, that could work.
Hopping off the stool in front of the bar, I pass my fingers through my dark locks and make my way through the spacious mansion into the living room which is set up similar to that of a nightclub. Walking through the many hot celebrity bodies, I finally spot Jake in the middle of the dancefloor with some redhead, having the time of his life. Humph. I guess he doesn't care if I drink myself to death.
Stumbling over my heels, I groan because I feel so fucked up right now. I'm desperately trying to hold off all my impulses. I swear, I'm this close to stripping and assaulting the next hot guy that shows any interest in me. I mean shit, I'm a woman but you know, I've got needs too and it's been a fucking eternity since I got some. Goddamn it, Justin was right again, but I'll never let him know that.
Giving Jake a once over, I smile to myself. Leave it to me to have a gorgeous friend that I can't have because he's so damn young and in school. I mean, he's only nineteen for crying out loud and I'm well...older. Still, he's fine.
Tapping the woman he's dancing with on the shoulder, she whips around to stare at me and I just roll my eyes. "May I cut in?" I slur and she simply nods, moving away from us and disappearing into the crowd.
"Well hello there stranger." Jake coos and I roll my eyes again, but playfully this time before wrapping my arms around his neck as his arms snake around my waist.
"Hey yourself." I giggle and he eyes me, leaning forward to sniff me before crinkling his nose.
"You've been drinking again." He points out as we begin moving and grooving to whatever R&B track that's playing.
"What's your point?" I laugh, but he doesn't find it funny.
"Damn it Claudine, why do you let him do this to you? What's your problem? Just say fuck it like a normal person." Jake scolds me, much like he always does, but I don't care. I don't care because maybe it's my drunken haze, or the fact that I'm horney, but my younger friend is looking really appealing to me right now. I mean, his lips are so full and glossy since he just licked them and just...I mean they're nothing compared to Justin's but still, I wonder what they taste like. "Are you even listening to me girl?"
"Uh huh..." I mutter and against my better judgment, I lean in, pressing my lips fully against his. I can feel his body go rigid by my gesture and he just remains frozen in place, not moving, not kissing me back. I quickly change that though when I deepen the kiss, my tongue brushing against his own, hearing him sigh before he hesitantly pulls me in even if I know mentally, he's fighting against this. I mean, what the hell am I...we doing?
Before I can even form coherent thoughts, I hear a slew of gasps and chattering around us. But fuck it, I'm so gone right now I really don't give a fuck. Pushing into Jake I can feel his hands grip my waist tightly, and before I know it, he stops kissing me, gently pushing me away, but I hold on to him, not wanting this to end, not wanting to face reality and realize that I just made a major mistake.
Soon, I notice that the volume of the music is lowered to the point where it's like a faint whisper, drowned out by all the talking going on around us. What the hell is going on? My eyes shoot open, and I'm still kissing Jake who's still trying to push me away in the most subtle way as flashes keep going off around us. But, none of that really fazes me until I hear the loudest gasp ever, followed by a voice that I've grown to dislike for the most eyes widening in shock.
"What the fuck is going on now?" He bellows; then it's followed by "Would you stop taking their fucking picture Trace? Goddamn it! You're acting like you've never seen people making out before..."
Oh god...oh no.
Finally pulling away from Jake, I give him a sympathetic stare. His greens have darkened and he's just glaring at me blankly with no emotion present. I have no idea what he's thinking. He maybe hates me. Oh god, what was I thinking?
"I...I'm sorry." I whisper to him in a drunken slur, hearing people sniggering around us.
Then I hear his voice again and I'm terrified out of my mind to turn around.
It's Justin.
I don't even think he knows that it's me though he's about to find out.
"Trace quit it! I can't believe you killed the fucking music for this! You seriously blew my good time man."
"Chill out man! It's all fun, besides this is the best action this party has seen all night! You need to store that shit in memory."
"You're an asshole T." Justin chuckles.
"Fine I'll go tell the DJ to turn it up." Trace speaks and it's only then that I look around and realize that people are staring at us or more me. Oh god...
Jake looks like a deer caught in headlights too. Ugh I can't believe Trace did that; I fucking hate him for this. He obviously didn't recognize me either as I hear his voice fading away into the crowd when he walks away, I'd assume.
"Just get a room guys; there are tons upstairs so just pick one out." I hear Justin wisecrack at us, still laughing heartily. Oh that little...
"Oh god..." I heave, not wanting to turn around, not wanting Justin to see me. Maybe if I could just sneak away...but then...then Jake finally speaks.
"Shit...we need to move." He mumbles, wiping at his face before gripping my arms, forcing me to turn around and walk with him...right in the direction that Justin is located.
What happens next seems to move in slow motion for me since I feel like I'm on the verge of passing out. I'm pretty sure, though I'm drunk, that Justin just spat out his drink in shock, nearly choking on it when he locks eyes with me for the first time tonight, utter shock registering on his face. That asshole.
"What the...Claudine?" Justin belts, shaking his head in disbelief and blinking rapidly. What he thinks he's seeing things? No, I'm actually here you fuck, unfortunately.
Shit, what a fucking nightmare this night is turning out to be...
"Yeah hi..." I mutter, deciding to pull Jake along this time, determined to get out of Justin's radar.
I'm not so lucky though...
Trace has long told the DJ to pump up the volume again and the crowd has successfully dispersed to continue doing their own thing like nothing happened just a few minutes ago, my embarrassment still evident even if I won't show it.
"Come on Jake." I say when Justin moves to block our path, placing his drink down on a nearby table and discarding it all together.
He's just glaring at me with wide eyes, still in shock, too dumbfounded to even speak. Ugh, he needs to get out of my way.
"Get out of my way Justin." I growl angrily causing him to arch a brow at me in question.
"Claudine, maybe I should...leave you two alone. I'll be by the bar if you need me." Jake says softly and Justin instantly cuts his eyes at Jake, giving him a death stare, curiosity filtering through his intense gaze. What's his problem really?
"But..." I begin to protest but I'm cut short when Justin grabs my arm roughly, giving Jake one last glance with narrowed eyes before he pulls me away from my friend. Is he insane? What if Jake was my boyfriend or something? I swear Justin really is crazy sometimes. He needs to stop acting on impulse.
"You do that man. She'll meet you by the bar in a bit." Is the only thing Justin says to Jake before I feel myself being pulled away to another part of the house where the party is less intense.
Jake didn't even get a chance to say anything else. I still feel kind of fucked up for what I did.
"Ouch..." I mutter pathetically, stumbling over my heels as Justin continues to drag me along with him. Maybe he's going to kill me? This would be the perfect opportunity to get rid of me. I'm not even supposed to be here. I blame JC! Shit, where is he anyway? Whatever...I don't care. "You're lucky he wasn't my boyfriend to beat your ass." I snap and Justin mutters some incoherant phrase, practically ignoring me.
Gazing around, I notice that we've successfully managed to get away from any other sign of human life as we head down what seems to be a hallway. See! I knew he was going to kill me. I guess this part of the house is off limits to the partygoers?
"You're hurting me Justin!" I find my voice again when he mindlessly swings a door open, pulling me into a room before he slams the door shut behind us.
"That's the least of your fucking worries right now." He growls angrily and it's then I start struggling against his hold.
"You're so fucking abusive. Let me go!" I belt as he walks over to a couch, finally releasing his hold on me before he jacks me roughly, causing me to plop down on the couch with a thud. "Asshole." I mutter, looking up at him but not making any attempt to stand since I'm sure if I do I'll maybe topple over due to my lack of sobriety.
He's just standing there, hovering and glaring at me with heated eyes. "Get over your fucking self Justin." I spit out, deciding that I rather take my chances to walk and get out of here than stay and listen to whatever he's about to say...
"You are such a bitch." He laughs out bitterly before he begins pacing. "And what the fuck was that? Huh?" His tone increases in volume and I'm just glaring at him, wondering what the fuck is his problem. "What...what, messing with me in the studio wasn't enough? Huh? Is this part of your plan too?" He hisses as his nostrils begin to flare. Wow, he needs to calm down before he pops a vein. "Jesus Claudine, how do you think you looked making out with that guy in front of everyone like that? I mean you're so lucky it was Trace who took out those pictures and not some fucking pap. You'd be everywhere. Are you forgetting you're part of Hollywood now? What you think being linked to Tim is a joke? You're the next big thing after him, you need to watch your reputation else you're fucked." He pauses his ranting to stare at me profusely before he growls harshly causing me to jump in shock by the deepness of his voice. His blues are icy cold but that's nothing new.
God, he's like a jealous boyfriend with his outburst. Still, he looks really good tonight. "What are you even doing here?" he spits out, breathing deeply, his chest rising and falling harshly as his rage boils over...
"Wha? I...I uh...JC brought me." I stutter seeing the doubt on Justin's face. "What you don't believe me? Go find him and ask him." I add in and he rolls his eyes.
"I'm trying to figure out where the fuck he found you to bring you here..."
"Club..." But I drift off, my eyes shamelessly scanning his tall, lean frame. He's wearing a black fedora hat, a matching long sleeve black shirt, some jeans and black shoes. Even though his getup is simple, he still looks amazing. Oh god, the alcohol is frying my brain. Shit, I blame Jake...damn it.
"You? Clubbing? Is the world coming to an end?" Justin says in mock astonishment and I giggle. I'm giggling lazily until it turns out into a full blown laugh. "What the hell is so funny? And I'm not done with you yet Claudine. How the fuck...who the fuck is that guy anyway?" He asks, but shit, he...he's angry. He's angry because I was kissing a guy? That's the funniest shit in the world. What is this?
Not able to contain myself when my laughing fit takes over, I hunch forward, gripping my stomach and hearing Justin sigh tiredly. He may be fine, but he's one dumb shit when he wants to even think that I care about what he has to say...
"You're drunk aren't you?" He inquires knowingly and I shake my head in agreement, still laughing, my head spinning and my vision blurring every once in a while. "Goddamn it Claudine." Justin sighs, his anger suddenly dissipating from his tense form as he takes a sit next to me, eyeing me intently.
Trying to avoid his concentrated gaze, I look around the room, noting the pool table in the far left. This looks like a game room of some sort with the large stereo system and gaming consoles hooked up to various monitors.
"How much did you even drink?" Justin asks, his hand moving to touch under my chin so he can look into my browns, but I smack his hand away roughly.
"Don't touch me." I snap.
"Jesus, you're even a stubborn bitchy drunk too? What am I going to do with you?" He sighs, a smile finally forming across his lips making him look ten times more gorgeous than he did before.
"Why are you smiling?" I inquire inquisitively.
"This isn't part of your plan is it? I'm betting..." he begins, closing the gap between us as he eyes me closely. "When you're sober again, you're going to regret that you were like this in front of me, so" He arches a brow at me as my mouth gapes open in shock. "So...drunk." He stresses with a light chuckle.
"You're such an asshole Justin. Even with me drunk and vulnerable, you still couldn't make me want your ass or give into you like I know you're wishing I would." I say confidently, causing him to give me a perplexed look.
"What the fuck is with you and these challenges woman? Are you serious right now? I'm not going to even go there. Because sober Claudine would slap a sexual harassment or rape charge on me so quickly my head would spin. Nice try though, but me going to jail is where I draw the line to whatever shit you have up your sleeve, or in this case down your tube top and up your skirt." He winks, eyeing me, undressing me with his eyes and the frightening thing is I'm welcoming it.
"Justin why must you continue to make me school you?" I giggle, slapping his arm playfully. I can't stay mad at him. I feel way too light, almost like I'm flying to care or let anything he says get to me.
"Oh no...this isn't school babe. We're not in the studio right now so, call it more like an interruption since you showed up out of nowhere and completely fucked my night over." He snaps, his anger slowly resurfacing.
"I'd like to call it more of an intermission actually, since these lessons aren't over."
"Oh they're going I'm not making you take up anymore of my time. I can't even believe you're here and what happened. Like it's not bad enough having to deal with your ass in the studio." Justin hisses before grabbing my arm and yanking me to stand.
Just glaring at him, I stumbled forward, falling into his embrace. He groans under his breath as he moves to help me get steady but I'm just looking at him interestingly, his head looking bigger than usual. I blame the alcohol for my distorted vision.
"Your head is big." I snigger, slapping my palm over my mouth when his head snaps up in my direction. " have a huge nose. And some thin ass lips even if they're full and all...haha. You're like, deformed or something." I laugh out. "But you're still cute though." I smile.
"Ok that's it, I can't even stay mad at you here. Let's go find your make-out partner so you can get home and get some rest." He suggests, pulling me towards the door, but I stop him, my mind riling with endless jumbled thoughts.
"You want me don't you Justin? Even now, with me drunk like this, you want me and you still can't have me and it's killing you. It's killing you because you don't want to feel that way but you're jealous...that's why you was so angry when you saw me kissing Jake." I rattle on and on, mumbling, my voice dropping and increasing in octaves as Justin stops abruptly in front of the door. Moving us to the side, I watch the back of his head as he drops my hand before turning around to face me.
"I'm not doing this with you now Claudine, not with you in this state."
"What state...psshhh..." I cut him off, closing the gap between us. "You just can't take it can you? I'm going to win this game hands down and it's just eating you up. You'd think you'd be nice to me but..." But I swallow my words when I'm suddenly rammed against the wall, Justin's fierce gaze burning a hole through me.
"I...I could fucking have you without breaking a sweat. So, don't get it fucking twisted Claudine. This playing hard to get bullshit you think you're pulling is just a façade babe. You're the one who's fooling yourself." He spits out and I blink, one, two, three times before I break eye contact with him.
"Whatever you dick." I say cattily.
"I mean it. I could have you. Don't doubt that sugar. Just because you're a bitch and you're my producer doesn't mean you're off limits...not if I really wanted you. see that's where you fail to accept reality. And in reality, I don't want you Claudine. Never have, never will...even if you stood naked in front of me right this very second and was sober wouldn't happen. But you want to play? So let's play." His breath is hot against my face as he cuts his statement short and I can take the whiff of alcohol and I think...weed on his breath? He doesn't seem high though. Maybe his high left or he never was to begin with.
Smirking at me, Justin presses his body flush against mine, allowing me to feel every inch, curve and definition of what physically makes him masculine and holy fucking shit...this wrong. I need...I need to...
"Know this Claudine..." dipping his head forward to the point where his lips are almost touching mine, he moves his head to the side, his lips grazing my earlobe as he speaks sharply, his voice deep and penetrating. "By the time this is will be mine." His voice fades into a whisper and by the husky yet certain nature of his tone, I have to swallow hard and ask myself...what did I get into? But...shit, this is me right? Even in my drunken stupor, I can overcome this. He's not winning, not again. Not after what he pulled with me last night.
"You know you say all of this Justin, but it's just talk."
Pulling away from me he shakes his head pathetically before swinging the door open so we can leave.
"Tell me the truth. Tell me the truth looking directly into my eyes and I'll believe you. The eyes don't lie Justin. I've seen you...I've seen the way you look at me even before all of this started. So tell me...tell me you're not even remotely attracted to me and that you don't want me in any way sexually and I'll drop all of this right now." I voice, knowing that he won't, knowing that it will be damn near impossible to do what I just asked. I'm not being conceited or shallow but I'm not blind either. I have an idea of his level of attraction towards me and even if he hides it well, he's still a guy. Girls, however, can go unnoticeable because really, guys don't pay that much attention sometimes.
"I'm not doing that." He snaps.
"Why not...It's easy right? Just say it. Just tell me to my face, looking through my eyes."
Shaking his head in protest, he makes a move to leave but I grip his arm, pulling him back into the room and slamming the door shut.
"Say it Justin. You think you can resist me? Prove me wrong..." Jacking him to rest against the wall, I sandwich him in place before snaking my hands up and down his lean torso over his black shirt. I smile when he smirks as he just eyes me silently; I continue to feel him up, my hands moving south, stopping just above his belt buckle before I snake them under his shirt to lay flat on his bare torso.
Dear god, the man really is fine and...shit he feels so solid.
Groaning, he moves his hand to stop me but I give him a warning glare. "How far are you going to let me go Justin to prove your point? Just say it already...admit you can resist me and I'll drop this. But, if you don't then we'll just have to see how much resistance you have huh?" I coax, using my other free hand to move up his neck, tracing patterns over his jaw line with my fingertips before I lean forward to replace them with my lips.
His breath hitches in his throat when my lips connect his flesh but he remains calm, relaxed.
"You're so evil..." He growls as his breathing picks up. "Claudine stop." He says firmly.
"Make me stop Justin...prove me wrong. You don't want me right yet you claim you could have me if you wanted to. I think you're contradicting yourself babe." I coo, my lips now moving to kiss on his neck lightly, my high slowly beginning to fade away. Maybe I could have blamed the alcohol earlier but I'm not so sure. I think I'm enjoying this too much.
"I...I'm not con...contradicting myself Claudine. I know what you're going to do. I know your plan. You plan on making me so crazy over you that I practically beg you for sex or some shit. Or, if you do give in, just when I think I have you while we're maybe oh I don't know in the act, you'd pull away and play a joke's on you roll with which I'd strangle you to death if you did. No man likes to be shot down with a bruised ego when it comes to sex, believe me." He explains and I just roll my eyes. Ok, so he thinks he's mister know it all. Well he's not...and I have the proof due to his thumping heart beneath my palms, his shallow breathing oh and...
"But, I'll have you...and then you'll pass like the fool sugar, because you'd be nothing but another conquest to me, your plan of trying to make me fall for you or fall in love with you shattering into a million pieces..."
"Just shut up!" I belt in annoyance and he does, not because I told him to but because we're interrupted by a third person when the door swings open just when I was about to kiss him and shut him up. Damn...
"Hey Justin are you in here, you'd never guess who I met and brought here with me. You know the person who you couldn't shit oh man I...damn I'm sorry. I'll talk to you later then, carry on." And just like that the door slams shut seconds later.
That was JC, yammering on about something or other.
"Shit..." Justin grunts, gripping my waist to push me off of him forcefully. I don't think JC made me out though because my back was facing him. Not unless he remembered what I was wearing which I doubt he did.
"Claudine..." Justin sighs exasperatingly.
"Hmmm?" I hum, gazing into his blues.
"You've lost...get over it, come on." Gripping my arm tightly, he swings the door open again and pulls me out into the hallway so we can leave.
"I didn't lose."
"We're out here walking aren't we?" He retorts.
"We were interrupted."
"But we could have continued right? And even if we weren't?" Ok, he has me there.
"Then you're lying because you're almost solid right now." I gesture to the slight bulge in his jeans that began growing before we were distracted by JC, but he just brushes me off.
"That means my shit is working perfectly."
"That means you want me." I assure.
"I guess you'll never know for sure now will you?" he smirks and I return the favor by giving him a sly smile.
"Oh we will, this is intermission remember...we'll get back to the main events soon."
"Why do you flatter yourself like this? I call this an interruption as in a termination as in, when I get to the studio on Monday, you better be dressed down in your usual jeans and huge t-shirt with no makeup on and flats on your feet. Get back to being a bitch and bossing me around and I'll get back to being an asshole towards you. That relationship worked out well..." He points out and before I can retort with a smart comment of my own, Jake comes into view and I realize that we're at the bar now. Damn it.
"I believe this belongs to you." Justin says in an annoyed manner, pushing me towards Jake.
"Hey! You're so fucking disrespectful." I utter.
Ignoring me, Justin drops my hand and moves away from me and Jake who's glaring at us. He must be wondering where we disappeared to. I have no idea how long we've been gone either. Ugh shit, my head is beginning to pound. I need some painkillers and my bed. I've had all I can take for one night.
"Is she ok?" Jake asks Justin, pulling me into his embrace as he studies me thoroughly.
"Aside from being a bitch and a pain in my ass she's just great. You might want to make sure she takes something before she sleeps so she doesn't wake up with a nasty hang over. Water, food and some painkillers should do the trick." Justin suggests, studying Jake and wow even if he's a jerk he still cares about my well being. That's...interesting.
"Are you sure because..."
"How old are you?" Justin inquires with a frown on his face, still staring Jake down. I can tell he doesn't like him but I have no idea why. He doesn't even know Jake like that.
"Nineteen why?" Jake instantly stands his ground and really, he's a lot more mature than his age.
"You're serious? Unbelievable. Just...get her home...I'm going back to the party." And with that said, Justin whips around and storms off to another part of the house, disappearing from sight.
Sighing I gaze up at Jake with wide eyes. I can see the amusement on his face and I know he wants to laugh but I'm not having it. "Don't you even dare." I smile when he begins chuckling lightly.
"You really pissed him off." Jake points out and I moan in irritation. "But it's cool. I guess he deserved it, oh and don't worry about what happened earlier. I'm cool and we're still cool. We can just forget about it." He suggests and aw he's too sweet. A certain celebrity could take some pointers from him.
Smiling, I nod in response. "Come on supplier...I need a fix me up like Justin suggested so I don't wake up to a jack hammer pounding at my skull in the morning." Grabbing a hold of Jake's wrist, I pull him along with me as we make our way towards the exit of the mansion.
Taking one last glance around, I can't help but smile because really, I almost had Justin. I had him going for a minute earlier and it felt good. Yeah sure, he had me too. I could call it a tie for now but he'll never know that.
I'm not settling for a tie. I'll get him...I know I will and when I do, oh sweet victory will be mine. But really, right now, all I can think about is the fact that I'm in desperate need for some sleep since I've been lacking. When I'm rejuvenated, I'll be ready to play again...oh yes. But right now...I'm grateful.
I'm grateful and thankful for many things since I'm so blessed, but this is the first time in a long time that I've been so ecstatic that Sunday comes before me a full day of rest and relaxation before I step through the doors of hell again to battle the devil himself, who in this case, just so happens to come in the most irresistible package and goes by the name of Justin Timberlake.
Yeah what can I say? It's true, so sue me...damn...
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