Session Three - Lesson Three
Next day...
I'm in over my fucking head here. I'm fatigued, my voice is shot and she has me singing the same fucking thing over and over...and over again. My vocal chords are so worn out now, I'm betting my last million that I sound like some starving, attention-deprived desperate hobo. I can't believe this. This is the first time in years I've actually come up with killer lyrics and had to write them down in the studio instead of memorizing them like I usually do because my mind is so damn drained.
That was the worst mistake I ever made in my life and now I'm paying for it because I have the spawn of satan belting out orders left and right at me. ‘Let's do that again Justin; you're a little sharp Justin; you missed the beat Justin; I'm in love with you Justin and because you don't love me back...Revenge!' Ok, I added the last one but you get my drift...
"One more time Justin, I heard a slight crack in your tone. You need to keep it smooth." She says through the intercom system.
Ok I've had enough. Scratching at my growing stubble, I swipe my palms over my face as I lock eyes with her through the large smooth glass window.
It's no surprise what type of relationship Claudine Diggans and I have. I'm the ‘spoilt' celebrity in her book and she's the uptight bitch of a producer I've been stuck with for the last couple of months. For anyone who's followed my career, you maybe know that I've had two very successful albums in the past, this third one on the way to being my next successful work of art. That is, if by the end I can leave these fucking recording sessions with my sanity in check. Thank god that this is the only time I have to socialize with her. If I had to deal with her outside of these walls, heaven help us. It would be complete chaos.
Now I know I can be a jackass at times, but with good reason. Besides, she makes it easy. I'm going to be honest here. The first time I laid eyes on Claudine when Tim introduced us in Johnny's office at WEG, I immediately found her attractive, but lacking that feminine flare. She was seemingly shy with me at first and I figured she'd be easy to work with. Boy was I far off from the truth. She is a terror to work with. I'm not sure how it started but I think the first thing that set off my dislike for her was the first session we ever had together. So I was five minutes late. It wasn't my fault; I got a fucking speeding ticket because I was trying to actually make it on time. Sounds contradictory I know. She ate me out for it, stating about her time wasn't mines and she wasn't going to let me step on her because of my celebrity status.
Shit, I wanted to rip her a new one so badly, but Tim was there and out of respect for him, considering the girl really is the shit at what she does, I bit my tongue and took her blow. It's been a hate-hate relationship ever since. I'd be lying if I said I didn't know why we never got along, because I do. You see, Claudine, she's a perfectionist much like myself. We're extremely alike and should mesh well but our personalities clash because she's ‘miss play it safe, miss reserved, miss dull, miss boring, miss predictable and miss introvert' whereas I'm the exact opposite. I mean shit, if she would just lighten up some then things wouldn't be so bad. But, I've grown to enjoy making her life a living hell so I'm not looking for it to change anytime soon. Not even after the stunt she pulled yesterday looking like a fucking lollipop I could just lick, suck and eat up in one bite...fuck!
She's fucking with me...she's done it again today. Her skirt is shorter and tighter than the one she wore yesterday. Her blouse is fitted and she has the top button undone, showing cleavage for days...goddamn it. I can't help that I'm a man. I know what she's doing but I still can't fucking resist the fact that she really does look fucking edible. God I swear I fucking despise the woman. I hate that she's so talented because if she wasn't I could have gotten her fired a long time ago. I hate that she's getting to me though I'd never admit it. I hate that she's like a female version of me. It makes it very hard to win any type of anything with her...this game she's playing with me being no exception...
"Justin? Justin! Are you deaf? Hello? Snap out of it please!"
Jumping up, I nearly fall over my stool, shock spreading across my face when I notice that Claudine is in the recording booth with me, standing next to the microphone with a nasty scowl on her face. What? When did she even leave the soundboard and come in here? I didn't even hear the door open and close. Damn, I'm really out of it today...I blame her. My blues gaze into her deep browns and for a split moment, I forget exactly who I'm dealing with and get lost in her defined beauty. Shit, who am I kidding, she's gorgeous but she usually has her beauty toned down so much that it's practically unnoticeable if you don't do a double take but her made-up self, she looks...she looks...
"Are you high? Look Justin, I don't have time for this. We're already behind our deadline because we can never seem to get anything done. I'm not looking to ask Jive for an extension on your album and push back the release and promotion dates. Let's do that bridge again please so we can call it a day. It's still light out...I'd like to see the sun today if that's possible..." She spits out cattily and I'm roughly yanked back to reality. The moment she opens her mouth, it's all over...
Narrowing my eyes at her in a habitual manner, I groan while mumbling under my breath before I rip the headphones off my ears. Dropping them, I stand to face her, my height not doing much to intimidate her since she's in heels again. "Claudine, I'm not in the mood today. My voice is fucked. You've mentally, physically and now vocally exhausted me. You'll get your sun, I'm done. We can head out." I state calmly, tugging at my black t-shirt before smoothing my palms over my jeans.
Arching a brow at her when she just glowers at me, I roll my eyes in defeat. Since when does being nice not work? Are you shitting me? Is there no pleasing this woman? Tugging harshly and maybe a little angrily at my fitted black hat, I push her out of my way and head out of the recording booth, the exit my main goal, but she follows me, quick on my trail, calling out to me...stopping me.
"You are high aren't you? Did you smoke something or take drugs before you came here?" She asks and seriously, what the fuck is her problem?
Stopping my outstretched hand that's barely touching the door knob, I take in a deep breath and whip around to face her.
Her arms are folded across her chest, her intake of air deep and loud. Her browns are piercing my blues, awaiting my response. I wonder...what would happen if I didn't give her the normal response she's probably expecting from me...
"Claudine..." I begin in a slightly strained whisper, her eyes widening by the softness of my voice. It's a rare occurrence so she better appreciate it. "I'm tired and I need my rest, and you don't look any better yourself, no matter how done up you are, you still look like shit. There is a thing called it." Ok, maybe that wasn't so nice, but my tone was fairly calm.
"You are something else Justin. You'll never change. I just don't understand why you insist on making my work so difficult. I mean, don't you want your album to..." And I cut her off with a wave of my hand, not needing us to go down this recurring path. It's my album damn it, but I feel like I have no freedom, no control or say in the matter.
Opening my mouth to curse her out, I suddenly shut it, swallowing my words when it dawns on me. She's glaring at me like I'm crazy but I don't care. I now know why I'm like this. It's strange how things can just come to you. It's her...she's the reason. Since she stepped into my life I feel like I'm on a twenty four hour watch. She's worse than my mother with her constructive criticism. I feel like I have no freedom with her, like I'm some fucking teenager who is constantly messing up and never good enough in her eyes and my only way of gaining freedom is to rebel. She's the reason...I mean it's my fucking album, mine...yet, I barely get a say in anything when she's on the job. It ends now...
"Claudine, your life, look at me and tell me anything in regards to my album unless you're doing your fucking job behind the soundboard..." But I drift because I'm just too tired to do this with her. Sighing, I rub at my droopy eyes, ignoring her obvious pent up anger due to my sudden outburst. "Look..." I'll tone it down some. "I appreciate that you're great at what you do. I really do and I'd be lying if I said you weren't the best after Tim. That's why I put up with your ass. But it honestly wouldn't kill you to tone down the bitchiness and uptightness for once and just relax. The world isn't going to end if you can't perfect everything in one sitting. You and I know that it's impossible but you always keep trying. Maybe if you lighten up some, I wouldn't be such an asshole to you ok? Now I'm tired and frankly..." Closing the gap between us, I gaze at her, noting the confusion in her bright orbs. "I'm tired of all this bickering. I'll give you your space if you give me mine. That's all I ask. When this is over, we don't have to deal with each other anymore." I suggest, noting how her breath hitches in her throat. Well that's something new. She looks almost flushed.
My thoughts are instantly invaded when I inhale the strong feminine sent of her perfume. Dear god...blinking rapidly, I move to create some space between us, but she grips my arm to stop me, an unidentifiable glimmer in her eyes.
Taking in a deep breath, she breaks out into a smile and I'm wondering if she's finally lost all her sanity screws. "Now was that so hard Justin? All you had to do was be honest. I honestly had no idea you felt that way. I have been told I can be overbearing but I didn't know I was being that way with you. I'll be glad to back off if it will lessen you being an asshole." She suggests, still smiling, still gripping onto my arm, the warmth of her touch burning my skin.
Pulling out of her hold I give her a tight lipped smile, still unsure of her motives. The Claudine I know would never believe anything I say whether I'm telling the truth or not. She's never let her guard down. According to her, I spit shit twenty four seven, so her dismissive, understanding behavior is suspicious and I'm wondering if she's still playing a game with me. Maybe she's trying the good guy act? I wouldn't put it past her.
Frowning I nod, knowing that two can play at her game since no matter what...I never lose. "Compromise is better than confrontation I guess but, you make communicating with you difficult." I joke, chuckling lightly and she
"And you don't? But I'm glad we can actually talk know, arguing." She makes a hand gesture and I eye her intently figuring I could mess with her all the same. I'm not buying her sweetness as much as I wish it was genuwine.
Giving her a crafty smile, I bend down, tilting my head to the side to get a better view of her glossy lips. "Well, since we seem to be in school here with all these lessons you've been dishing out, allow me to give one of my own?" I inquire, her mouth gaping open slightly, shock and terror etched into her features and mixed emotions oozing out of her orbs since I'm face to face with her now, my nose almost touching hers as my breath warms her full lips. Not waiting for her reply, I continue with my little statement. "Lesson three Claudine: Don't lie down with dogs unless you're ready to get up with flees." I state smoothly, loving the effect my closeness is having on her. So, I'm not the only one who this is affecting...that's good. "Because if you're still fucking with me, I'll make you regret it sugar." I warn.
Breaking into a large grin when she remains quiet, I pull away from her, hearing her gasp. See, I can be somewhat nice when I want. I wasn't even harsh this time. And, my charm still works...right?
Deciding to put the icing on the cake, I grab her hand, her body shuddering under my hold. Breaking through her resistance, I lay her hand flat on my chest over my t-shirt, allowing her to feel the harsh thumping of my heartbeat. "You feel how fucking rigorous my heart is beating? Let me ask you you think I'm this worked up because I'm angry with you, or because there's another emotion present that not even I am willing to identify because that would mean I'd have to give into it? You think whatever plan you've concocted is working? Because this is fucking ridiculous and I've just about had it." I state in a low, provoking tone.
"I...I...I don't know." She stutters, trying to rip her palm away but I keep a firm grip on it.
"Ok then...and I have no intention to find out. So, with that said, I think we need to call it a day. I'll see you back on Monday since today is Friday. Besides, I have shit to do to prepare for Trace's party that he's throwing tomorrow night for his birthday." Dropping her hand finally, I give her one last glance, her guard now back up as her stare hardens by my words.
"Fine Justin, but make sure you're here first thing on Monday. We have a lot of ground to cover." She points out and I shake my head in agreement.
"Yes master." I salute her, causing her to scowl unappreciatively.
"Whatever, just leave." She says in a cut tone.
"Lighten up Claudine. Quit with the damp mood for once?" I suggest but she just rolls her eyes.
Sighing, I decide to give it up for now because we're not going to get anywhere. Besides, I think I fed into her enough to have her mind riling with endless thoughts over the weekend. What can I say? She's not the only one who has skills in manipulating a person and situations.
"Well, for what it's worth, I think you looked beautiful today. And that coming from me is rare so believe me when I say I mean it." I voice.
She scoffs at me, not believing me but then she catches the sincerity in my stare and stumbles over her words.
"Right...we-well, bye Justin..." Ouch. Cold. A thank you would have been nice. No worries though.
Smirking, I lean forward, placing a light kiss on her cheek, startling her by my gesture. "Bye Claudine." I smile, moving to make my exit, her stare still cold and unfeeling towards me though I can see a small smile playing across her lips.
"You're something else Justin. Nice try though, but you're going to need to work a little harder at accomplishing your set motive here." She snickers but I think I'm the one who's having the last laugh today.
"Who said I was trying to accomplish anything?" I say innocently, swinging the door open, laughing when she stares at me in bewilderment. She really isn't used to me being so calm and even pleasant where I'm not cursing her out constantly. Even I am not used to any of that when it comes to her. I know it's going to be extremely difficult breaking her down but I'm not counting myself out yet. Persuasion can go a long way.
Not waiting for her to say anything else, I wave her off, walking out and slamming the door shut behind me. I'm not one for dramatic exits like her, but I figured just this once...
I think we both know what we're doing here, at least I do. If she's not sure, she needs to back out now, because once she's convinced me to participate, there is no fucking stopping me until I accomplish my set goal and I guarantee that by the time this is over...I will have her, she will be mine...not because I want her, but because she issued the challenge. I'm all up for proving her wrong and making her realize that if I lay on the charm thick enough, she, like the millions of females out there who love me, will never be able to resist me or the Timberlake charm. Plus, like I stated before: I. Never. Lose. And I'll be damned if Claudine Diggans will be the female that changes it all...
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