Session One - Lesson One
He's done it again...
He's successfully managed to piss me off and you'd never guess what set me off this time. I swear to you it's getting worse, or maybe I have a fucking problem. Whatever it is, I want it to end.
Look at him...moving around like he's the shit and he owns the place. Ok well maybe he kind of does, but he doesn't have to rub it in everyone's faces. God, his cocky attitude is revolting and really, who calls themself "The boss"? Yeah that's right. He calls himself ‘the boss' as in the big shot, top dog and human god. Ugh he makes me sick.
So like I was saying, you would never believe what set me off this round. It's his smile. Yeah that's right. He just winked at me, flashing me one of his famous bright smiles that could light up an entire arena. And he did it so effortlessly, knowing he gets under my skin if he simply looks at me the wrong way.
But that smile. That fucking smile that he shot in my direction a few minutes ago was filled with so much endearment. It was sly, sinister and downright condescending and rude. I didn't know you could display that much through a simple smile but again, he's done it.
Shit, I hate him. He's an asshole. He's the biggest one I know to date and really, it wouldn't be so bad if he was nice to me, but ever since I stepped foot into his life, he's made mine a living hell. I have some authority in my field and I'd like to think that I've arrived since there aren't many women in my line of work but jesus! Does he have to make my job that much more difficult with his whining, spoilt, celebrity self?
I'm so in over my head here, I'm fucking drowning without a lifesaver.
Bowing my head and taking in deep breaths, I hit the audio button on the far left of the soundboard, my body hunched over in a tired position. "Justin, I'm going to need you to run through that chorus again. You sounded a little flat at the end." I sigh, because I know he's going to give me shit about it.
In case you haven't figured it out, I'm Justin's engineer/producer. I was hired by Timbaland himself as his right hand man, or in this case, right hand woman to help him on Justin's new and upcoming album. I graduated with a music degree and have been working my way up in the entertainment industry ever since. I've worked with many artists before so I have experience in the field, plus I've been labeled as the female version of Tim. So, you can bet, Tim jumped at the opportunity for us to collaborate because according to him, two musical geniuses are better than one. Besides, we've been unstoppable ever since, and it's been great. That is, until Tim pulled me along with him on his latest project which involved producing the entire album for none other than his ‘best friend' Justin Timberlake himself.
Usually, when Tim's around, Justin doesn't have time to give me shit because he's engrossed with Tim and whatnot, but, on the off days, when I'm stuck in here with him alone because Tim has some other engagement, he gives me shit. In fact, I think there is shit spilling out of his mouth twenty-four seven. Today would be one of those days. It's one of those days where I want to strangle the shit out of him, but instead I have to endure his crap because I'm not looking to go to jail for murder.
Pressing the audio microphone button again, I glare at Justin through the glass windows of the recording booth. He's just standing there with a disbelieving stare on his face as his eyes narrow into tiny slits at me. "Justin..." But he cuts me off by ripping the headphones off his ears and dropping them unceremoniously onto his stool. Fixing his blue cap over his head which matches the blue t-shirt he's wearing, he walks over to the window, still glaring at me.
"I'm not going through that again. Are you fucking crazy? That was perfect. What, your ears don't work?" He snaps, moving to exit the booth to join me on the other side. You see what I have to deal with on a regular basis?
Shutting my eyes tightly, I take in a few deep breaths before he crosses the room, stalking over to me and closing the gap between us.
He's standing in front of me now. I can literally feel him breathing down my neck, but, I'm not opening my eyes. If I do, I might just smack him for being so factious all the time.
"Hello, earth to miss pissy. Even if your eyes are closed I'm still here. You can't just wish me away." He snaps and my orbs shoot open, my browns connecting to his icy blues.
"Sometimes I wish I could." I spit back.
"Look, you're really rude missy. Remember who signs your pay check." He replies boldly and I smirk at him.
"Tim does Justin not you." I retort.
"You're lucky he likes you so much, though I don't see how he could."
"Are we done here? Can you please get back in the recording booth and run over that chorus again? It's really late and I'm hungry and tired. I have a life outside the studio too you know." I snap and he simply laughs at me. Ugh!
"Please, you don't have a life. Music and the studio is your life, which is sad really. You don't know anything outside these walls." There's a confident glimmer in his eyes, like he's successfully figured me out or something, but I'm not going to feed into any of it.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeap. In fact, I bet you're so lonely you probably don't get any action huh? I mean when was the last time you even had sex? I bet that's why you're so bitchy all the time, because you need a release of some sort. I don't blame you though. I can't see any guy wanting...that." Making a hand gesture towards me, his eyes travel up and down my t-shirt and jeans clad form. "I mean, shit, would it kill you to untangle your hair and wear some makeup and maybe stop dressing like a guy?"
That little, oh no he did not just go there! Ugh! That is it!
"Claudine." He mocks, the sound of my name heavily dripping off his tongue.
"You're an asshole."
"And you're a bitch." He snaps, his eyes widening when I advance towards him.
"You want to know what I think? I think the only reason you're giving me shit, is because you're jealous." I can't take it anymore. I'm going to tell him exactly what's on my mind and I really don't give a fuck if it gets me on Tim's bad side for speaking to his friend like this.
"Oh really now. And you think I give a fuck about you or what you think? You have a job to do, that's all you're good for." Justin folds his arms across his chest, giving me a challenging glare, daring me to say another smart comment to him, but I don't care right now. He's going to hear an earful. I'm just so tired of holding my tongue.
"Oh Justin, you're right I'm only doing my job. But, you're making even that impossible because you're jealous that your precious Timbaland is taking a liking towards me and oh no, we can't have that. You have to be his favorite right? You have to be at the top of his list because you're a team, a duo, and me coming into the picture hinders your tight bond yes?" I pause when his orbs widen in offence and his breathing deepens. Yeah I'm on a roll. He's seething right now, but, he's quiet, just glowering at me.
"And you know what else I think Justin? I think you're angry. You're angry and you're grudging because this is maybe the first time in your life, you've had to take orders from a female of my status where your smooth ways and charm doesn't win me over to the point of me being your next fuck conquest. And, it's eating at you isn't it? I'm right aren't I?" I snicker when his nostrils begin to flare as shock spreads across his features. When he doesn't immediately respond, I laugh out in his face. "Yeah I thought so." I snigger.
Deciding that no more work is going to get done tonight, I whip around to turn off the equipment, leaving Justin in his same spot just eyeing me.
The moment I move to save the files we recorded for tomorrow's session, I feel a tight grip on my arm before I'm being spun around and slammed harshly against a wall. My eyes widen slightly in astonishment, but I'm not afraid of him. He's a pussy if you ask me.
"Now you listen to me Claudine and you listen well." Justin growls, his face mere inches away from mine as his body presses against my own. "The next time you decide to be bold and spit some shit at me like that, you think again. Because I have the power to destroy you doll. Not only will your career be non-existent, but you'll never work in this entertainment industry again doing what you do if I can help it, so don't fuck with me because I can make it happen." He belts and I roll my eyes.
"Is that supposed to scare me Justin?"
"It better, because you love this right? How would you feel if it was taken away from you?" Slamming me against the wall for effect, he pulls away from me abruptly causing me to stumble forward. Shit, I think he's serious with this. I guess I crossed the line and pissed him off? I can't let him follow through with his threats.
Damn, maybe I went overboard this time. I need to learn to control myself better as much as I wish I could just smother him. Yeah, sadly enough, he still has the power here and he's made it clear that I never forget that.
"Whatever Justin. Just tell Tim we're picking up where we left off tomorrow." I brush him off before I move around to gather my belongings to leave. Flipping back my dark hair, I move over towards the exit, not bothering to tell him bye.
Only, my departure is cut short when Justin calls out to me. Turning around to face him with a scowl on my face, my brows knit in confusion when I notice that he's now sitting in my chair in front of the soundboard playing around with a few dials.
"And Claudine..." Facing me, he gives me a once over before a light smile plays across his lips. "As much as you'd love to think I'm attracted to you, I'm not. You'd have to undergo a serious makeover before I'd ever consider sticking my dick up your cobweb infested cunt. And even then, you'd still be a major bitch and sorry babe, but I just don't do charity cases."
Stepping back in shock, my mouth hangs open by his cold, crude words. Oh my god, what the fuck? How dear he! "How dare you!" I scream out.
"Don't knock yourself on the way out sugar."
"You're going to regret this Justin. I'm going to make you eat those fucking words." I retort as a plan begins formulating in my mind.
"Highly doubt it babe." He waves me off before he gives the soundboard his full attention. Only, I'm not through with the little shit yet. He's going to regret ever speaking to me like that. If there is one thing I don't tolerate, is over confident males with super huge egos. If it's left up to me, I'm going to see to it that I deflate his ego some.
Groaning in annoyance, I simply turn around and storm out of the recording studio room, making sure to slam the door shut behind me. Oh he's going to regret this alright. Two can play at his game. He wants to live up to his nickname ‘the boss', well I can roll with that. But by the end of these recording sessions, there'll be a new boss in charge.
As I make my way out of the complex, I can't help by smile to myself at the genius idea I've come up with. I'm most certainly going to fuck with his head and teach him a lesson. Oh yes, I will have the last laugh here. "By the time I'm through with you Justin, you'll be begging me, pleading even to be all up inside of me. And when that time comes, we'll see who's the big shot around here..."
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