Session Two - Lesson Two
Next day...
Pausing to look at myself in the review mirror of my black BMW, I sigh. I know I said I was going to make Justin eat his words for ever disrespecting me and belittling me like he did yesterday but I'm not so sure anymore. This, this isn't me. I look like a freaking made-up manikin with my getup. Maybe I'm overdoing it. Maybe I should just endure whatever shit he spews and when this album is done and over with, hightail it out of there. But, my pride just won't let me and that's the major problem here. When pride and egos clash, it can make for a real nasty debacle.
Still I'm going to carry this out and see it to the end. I can't remember the last time I wore heels but shit, it's for a good cause right? It's to smack ‘the boss' where it hurts the most. Oh yes, I'm going to teach that little snake a lesson for ever thinking that just because he has the balls in this artist/producer relationship he can talk back and down to me. Doesn't he know that I have the power to make him sound like trash in the most subtle way that the critics would eat his album alive? He may have the power, but I have his career in my hands. You'd think he'd be nicer considering that little fact but no. Well, all that is about to change.
Welcome Claudine version 1.0 with a new improved attitude, style and personality. It's really easy to morph into Justin's ideal chick. In this case, I'd just have to suck up to his ass and agree with everything he says as well as compliment him and I'm in. Shit, this is going to be harder than I thought but, no pain no gain. And I'm going to gain the respect I deserve by the time this is over. Tim should be in today so this should prove to be interesting.
Giving myself one last long, hard stare, I shake my head before plastering a tight smile on my light almost pale caramel face since I've been lacking sunlight recently from being trapped in a studio for hours on end. I can't believe I left the house looking like this. My dark hair is surprisingly untangled like Justin suggested, flowing down the sides of my face and stopping at my shoulder. It has a light sheen to it since I took the initiative to shampoo and condition last night. I kept the makeup light but still apparent with pink strawberry lip-gloss to give my lips that silky glow. My outfit is well, I'd like to say subtle but still gives off the sexy, sultry look without looking like some slut. I'm wearing a black mini skirt that accentuates my hips and a tight blue silk blouse that's tucked into the waistband of the skirt.
On my feet are six inch black heels which I regret wearing as I cross the parking lot to walk through the front doors of the recording studio.
Making it into the air-conditioned building, I breathe a sigh of relief. Waving a good morning to the receptionist who compliments me on my change of attire, I make my way down the long hallway but not before accepting the compliment graciously.
Standing in front of the room that I know Tim and Justin are housed in, I take in a deep breath and put on a pleasant face before I twist the knob and walk into the studio room. Closing the door quietly, I stand by the frame for a few seconds, glaring through the large window of the recording booth where Justin is located with his eyes shut tight, singing his heart out. Tim is seated in front of the large soundboard messing with dials as Justin is recording the same chorus I asked him to repeat last night. Oh sure, when Tim tells him to do it he doesn't throw a bitch fit but with me, the world is coming to an end. Ugh!
Tim spins around in his chair and I smile widely when my browns connect to his own. He gives me a once over before shock registers on his face.
"Claudine?" Timbaland chokes out in awe, sizing me up in the process while tugging on his grey t-shirt.
"Hey Tim." I smile bashfully before walking over to him when he stands to greet me.
"Oh my god. Look are you girl! What the hell were you thinking when you got out of bed this morning? You look amazing!" He coos before kissing my cheek lightly and twirling me around, causing me to giggle.
"Thanks. I don't know. I guess it was time for a change." I admit, my eyes darting over to Justin who still hasn't noticed me yet.
"Well that's one hell of a good change. Stick with it girl, you'll be turning heads." He winks at me before reclaiming his seat.
Pulling a chair up next to him, I quickly morph into producer mode, my ears perking up as Justin's voice filters through the speakers. "How is he doing?" I ask quietly to not disrupt Tim's concentration too much.
"Sounds great, but then it's Justin so he usually has things locked down. I had him redo the chorus though. He was sounding a little flat at the end, just when the beat drops an octave. But you know him, he agreed that he was and hopped right on it." Tim explains and I can feel my blood boil but I manage to keep a straight face as I nod in response. That little fucker. I told him the exact same thing last night and he ate me out for it. I think he enjoys putting me through hell just for the heck of it.
My thoughts are cut short when I hear Justin's voice through the speakers, his tone low, deep and angry as he speaks to Tim.
Cutting the instrumental, Tim looks over at him and I turn my head in his direction nearly falling over when I see the devious glare he's giving me. His blues are immensely cold and taunting as he keeps his vision locked on me, boring a hole into me even though he's speaking to Tim.
"Tim I thought I said no fucking friends over when we're recording." Justin growls angrily.
What? He thinks I'm...oh boy. Slapping my palms over my mouth, I try to stifle my laugh but a small giggle escapes me, enraging Justin even more.
"This is so unprofessional...I mean..."
"Relax Justin!" Tim laughs out, causing Justin to frown in confusion. "It's Claudine. She's safe." Tim assures but Justin smirks.
"Please man, quit pulling my legs man. You can do better than that." Justin snickers but I can see his eyes searching mine curiously.
"I know man, I almost didn't recognize her too." Tim jokes, causing me to blush.
"No fucking way..." But Justin easily drifts when I narrow my eyes at him. Recognition instantly plays across his face before his expression switches to utter shock. "Claudine?" Justin asks completely surprised.
Nodding my head in response, he nearly drops the headphones he's holding up next to his ear when I confirm his suspicion. "Is this a joke?" He asks, diverting his attention to Tim, giving him a disbelieving glare. "What, she has a twin sister I never knew about?" Ok, he's pushing it. That was just stupid but I have to admit though, bemused Justin is kind of cute. Oh my god, I did not just think that...
"No way man, but let's get this done J. You still have the last verse to get out. I need to head out soon and then Claudine will take over from there." Tim states and Justin nods dumbly, still eyeing me.
Resting back in my chair, I can't help but smile triumphantly that my little switch worked even better than I anticipated.
And just like that, Tim switches on the instrumental that I co-produced with him so Justin can run through his chorus again...
Justin proceeds to sing his heart out and Tim and I proceed to do what we do best on the soundboard, making Justin sound practically flawless. I can admit that he does have an amazing voice, but not even that can substitute for his nasty attitude. Still, I have to say that the look on his face when he realized that it was me sitting next to Tim was priceless...
Hours later...
All he's done is shoot unnerving glares in my direction for the entire time we've been here. This isn't going like I planned. He's supposed to be treating me better by theory but he's still bitchy and moody with me. Granted he's not spilling out obscenities, his standoffish behavior is really getting on my last nerve.
"Ok Justin. That's good. I think we have everything we need vocal wise for this song. Tim and I will be back on Monday to spruce everything up." I speak through the microphone, pressing the button on the intercom system since he's situated in the recording booth. "Then it's on to the next track. Only two more to go." I state feeling a sense of excitement by that fact as my heart leaps in my chest for joy. Two more tracks and it's all over. We just might be able to make the deadline yet. Damn, that day can't come fast enough for me.
Placing his headphone over the microphone, Justin stands from his stool, stretching out his limbs, allowing me a sneak peak of his hair trail just above the waistband of his light denim jeans and below the hem of his white buttoned down shirt. I know he's fine, I do...I'm not blind. But, I've been so preoccupied with his disgusting nature that I haven't had the time to appreciate his physical beauty. Still, I really can't stomach the man. He needs an attitude adjustment. At least with me anyway.
Making it out of the booth, he makes his way over to me, stopping to give me a weird glance before he walks to the other side of the room and plops down on the couch. You see what I mean?
Keeping my back to him, I begin playing around with his vocals, saving the change in effect and levels I place on his voice. I can feel him burning a hole into the back of my head by his stare, but he's silent, that is until he hears something he likes...
"This sounds good, the voice over with the after echo effects. You should tweak it and put it in so Tim can hear it." He says confidently and I nod in response.
There's shuffling behind me and a few seconds later, he standing at my side, hovering with a cryptic glimmer in his eyes. "Ok Claudine, I went on all day observing you and trying to figure you out and I've come up with nothing. What's your fucking deal?" He sneers...took him long enough.
Saving his vocals and shutting off the system, I push back in my seat, getting ready to depart since it's getting so late. I've long discarded my shoes, walking around the studio barefoot. Do you know what it's like being in heels for hours on end? Well for me, since I haven't done it in a long time, it's very painful.
"Hello did you not hear me ask you a question? Why do you insist on being a bitch all the time?" Justin groans before sighing exasperatingly. He's so damn rude.
Standing and turning around to face him, I silently put on my heels, allowing myself to be almost same level in height with him since I'm already tall without them. "How does me not answering you constitute as being a bitch?" I giggle while smoothing out my blouse and skirt, moving past him to head for the door.
I should have known, an exit with this man is virtually impossible when he demands to be the center of attention with his little hissy fits.
Gripping my arm, he spins me around roughly, nearly causing me to smack right into his solid frame. "What is this Claudine? What are you up to?"
"What am I up to Justin?" I gaze directly into his eyes, noting the smirk on his face.
Dropping my arm he takes a step back, rubbing the back of his neck as he bows his head in thought. "Is this a sick joke? You're trying to prove a point because of what I told you last night...but it's not working." He shakes his head in emphasis but oh I beg to differ.
"I think it is."
Snapping his head up in offence, Justin stalks over to me, narrowing his eyes at me like he usually does. "Claudine no makeover in the world is going to make me think of you differently. You're still a bitch and the same person on the inside. I hate to break it to you sugar, but whoever said that personality doesn't count was lacking in that department themselves." He hisses, his hot minty breath fanning my face. He was chewing on trident earlier.
"Who are you telling Justin? You're a spitting example of that fact." I retort, taking a step away from him. For some strange reason, him being close to me heightens my senses and that's not a feeling I like. It's rather conflicting and sways my thoughts...
"So that's it huh?" He chuckles pathetically. "You're just going to walk around here now like sex on legs in an attempt to fuck with me is that it? Make me see what I'm missing out on? What I can't have? Because you're delusional if you think that's going to work. You're just going to look like a joke in my book." He explains, holding back his laughter. This is not going well. I need to tone down the bitch and bring in the nice but with him that's virtually impossible.
"Naïve Justin, you'll see in due time that no man can resist a female if she's physically pleasing to his eye, no matter how much of a bitch she is." I point out.
There's amusement plastered across his face as I say this. "You're no ordinary female Claudine." He mocks, brushing me off and I scoff. It's time to end this little tirade. I'll save this for another date. Right now, today, I only wanted his reaction and I got it. It's only a matter of time. It's evident now that he's simply putting up resistance but I can see the truth etched into his features and seeping out of his eyes. He's getting turned on. It's easy to distinguish because of how his eyes have darkened to those of a lust-filled, flesh hungry, sex addict.
Still, I'm tired, hungry and I need to soak my feet in warm water so I'll have to deal with Mr. hot shot another time. Smiling evilly for Justin, I walk up to him, eyeing his movements and body language before I break out into a bright smile. "Lesson number two Justin: Never underestimate the power of the female anatomy." I warn.
"Uh huh...Wait, hold on." He chuckles, not able to contain himself any longer. "What the hell was lesson one in the first place?"
Smirking, I smile slyly. "Oh that's easy: Never issue a challenge you're not one hundred percent sure of winning."
His brows arch in interest by my statement. "Oh really now? And what challenge might that be?"
"You thinking that I can't make you eat your words, which seems to have taken effect as we speak. You haven't even called me out for the day yet and now it's over and I'm leaving...impressive." I fold my arms across my chest and he rolls his eyes at me. "It's amazing how shallow you prove yourself to be. I've simply changed my outer appearance and already you're treating me differently though I'm the same person."
"That's funny. You'd love to think that wouldn't you?" He spits out patronizingly.
He's not going to win this round. I am. Stepping up to him, I place my hand tentatively on his shoulder, loving how he tenses under my touch but doesn't make any attempt to move. He's piercing me with his intense stare, his eyes searching mine, radiating an emotion I can't quite place. His breathing instantly deepens by our close proximity but he makes sure to keep his stance, which again was expected. Bringing my lips up to his ear, I wet them slightly with my tongue before I opt to speak in a low whisper. "Justin, I know that even now, me standing here like this with you, it's taking everything in you to not break your resistance and act on your hormones and instincts..." Pulling away from him, I note the fire blazing in his eyes, but it's quickly replaced with uncertainty. "We'll see. We'll see who walks out of this with their pride intact. I never lose Justin."
Backing away from him, I move to exit when he remains silent just glaring at me dubiously.
Before I can make it out of the room however, he finally decides to voice his thoughts, his tone coming out sharp and menacing. "You're going to regret fucking with me like this. I don't lose either Claudine."
Keeping my back towards him, I smile to myself before I swing the door open, never once turning around to face him as I make my exit. "Then this should prove to be quite interesting right?" And with that said, I walk out of the studio room and into the hallway, slamming the door shut and leaving Justin alone with his thoughts...
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