- Five - Pt. 1
Over A Month Later
He couldn't wait to lock up and head home. Today was a long day and he desperately wanted the day to end. He was having one of those days again where he felt like time was purposely moving slower than usual just to piss him off.
Groaning, a very tired Justin sat behind the cash register at Blockbuster, his breathing shallow as his blues focused on the second hand on the clock slowly ticking down the last minute before he could leave for the night.
The store was deserted and he was positive that no one would come in at the last minute to rent a DVD. At least, he hoped not.
"Seven, six, five, four, three, two..." Drifting when he heard the entrance doors open and close, a low irritated groan left his lips before he spun around in his seat to tell whoever it was that just came in they were closed. Only, when he locked eyes with four very familiar individuals, his voice died in his throat as his heartbeat increased.
Frowning, Justin rolled his eyes at the four men standing before him. "We're closed." He muttered rudely but that did nothing to dissuade them.
"It's been over a month Justin, how long are you going to keep avoiding us?" Mitch spoke up with a deep scowl on his face as he eyed Justin closely.
"Indefinitely." Justin responded coldly, refraining from locking eyes with any of them.
"Come on tech, this is ridiculous. At least give us a chance to apologize." Mitch vocalized.
"Why should I? I heard enough from short stuff over there to last me a lifetime." Justin chided while pointing in Trace's direction, ignoring his stare.
When they finally locked eyes, Justin saw the regret and hurt on Trace's face and in his eyes, but that was nothing compared to what Justin went through when Trace called him out in front of their friends at Rachel's party a while back. If it wasn't for Kenisha, Justin knew he would have maybe erupted into tears and that definitely wouldn't have been good for his manhood or image. It was bad enough that he was a virgin. If he had cried, they would have easily deemed him to be some soft little girl or gay or something.
"Look what do you all want? Make it quick. I'm about ready to lock up and head home." Justin stated and Mitch nodded, stuffing his hands into his pockets without saying anything else.
"Justin we're sorry." Kip piped in with a light smile on his face.
"We're really, really sorry man. We had no idea." Trevor added.
"And we came here hoping you'd forgive us, or more me." Trace concluded, bowing his head in shame.
Scoffing, Justin shook his head in disbelief before moving to touch the rim of his spectacles with his index finger only to forget that he wasn't wearing them. It was an unconscious habit but since he started wearing contacts recently, he usually left his glasses at home.
Thank goodness he had Kenisha to remind him to take out his contacts and clean or change them else he'd maybe have a few eye infections by now. He was only wearing them in the first place because of her. She always stated how much she loved his eyes so he figured he might as well appease her.
"Fine you're forgiven, now please leave." Justin snapped, moving around the register so he could start closing up for the night.
"Justin come on please!" Trace took a step forward but froze under Justin's death stare.
"Listen, I've been dealing with my ‘condition' my entire life. I was already psychologically drained by it. You, you added the trauma to that situation T. I love you guys man but you really need to know when to quit and when to back off." Justin growled, keeping his focus on Trace.
"We know Just. We're truly sorry man. But you've gotta cut us some slack. We were just as shocked as anyone else. We had no idea. If we did, we would have been a whole lot easier on you. Come on J. You're our best friend and we miss you. We're cool now. We get it. We're still bros." Kip explained, moving to stand before Justin.
Kip was right. Justin still thought of them as his brothers and best friends but all those years of teasing and taunting took a toll on him. Still, he couldn't completely blame them since they really didn't know everything that was going on with him.
In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he realized that he was only being this way because he wanted them to suffer as well for what they put him through.
Did they deserve it after a month? He wasn't so sure anymore. Kenisha tried to get him to talk to them but even she couldn't persuade him.
Still, Justin missed his friends and knew that if he forgave them, they'd never hurt him like that again. Gosh, he really was a woman sometimes.
Sighing, he began to cave, realizing that it made no sense anymore to be so bitter. Forgiveness was important and he knew two wrongs didn't make things right so...
"Fine...fine...I give up." Justin huffed with a wave of his hand.
"What does that mean exactly?" Trevor asked skeptically.
"I'm tired of fighting you guys. It's a lot more draining than if we got along so, I guess I forgive you all...for real this time." Justin spoke up with a shake of his head. "You didn't know. I should have trusted you guys enough to tell you. I can't stay mad at you all. I...I'm tired. It's whatever." Justin relented, bowing his head slightly and swiping his palms over his short curls.
"So, we're cool?" Mitch asked with raised brows.
Justin looked at Mitch for a good minute before sighing. A small smile traveled over his face as he nodded. "Yea man, we're cool." He replied.
"Thank god." Mitch sighed with relief. "Get over here you jerk." Mitch ordered with a chuckle, walking up to Justin. He pulled Justin and engulfed him in a tight hug causing Justin to huff in the process.
"Yea, you're still a bitch Mitch." Justin chuckled lightly, patting Mitch on the back before they broke apart.
"Man, I could punch you for making us grovel like this, but I get it and it's cool." Mitch concluded with a shake of his head while stuffing his hands back into his pockets.
"Welcome back J. And again, we're sorry. Can't say that enough." Kip spoke up, giving Justin one of their famous hand tags with a grin.
"Can't hear it enough." Justin wisecracked causing them to laugh.
"Shit, I think we've learned that secrets among friends are very bad." Trevor admitted. "We gotta be honest with each other and trust that we'll always have each other's backs."
Everyone nodded in agreement, the tension in the room slowly dissipating as their friendships slowly fell back into place.
"If it helps, I missed you guys." Justin divulged.
"We missed you too J, no doubt." Kip voiced.
"How's Rachel?" Justin enquired and the three of them shrugged.
Justin diverted his attention to Trace who was still hesitant to participate in this little reunion. "T?" Justin questioned.
"She's good. She's mad at all of us, but, she'll get over it. She said to give her a call when we got our shit together. She also said something about us being a bunch of girls on their period." Trace shuddered and Justin smiled in return while pinching the bridge of his nose.
"She's not wrong." Justin agreed.
"I guess not." Trace chuckled nervously. "But uh...for what it's worth..."
"I get it T. It's cool. It's over...in the past. Can we please move on from that now?" Justin pleaded and Trace nodded slowly, heaving a sigh much like Mitch did.
"Dude, I'm sorry."
"I know." Justin voiced before gripping Trace and pulling him into a brotherly hug.
When they broke apart, they heard the other guys gushing and Justin's ears immediately started to redden in embarrassment.
"Shut the fuck up you assholes. Damn, you guys haven't changed." Justin laughed loudly.
"Right? Why be something we're not?" Mitch joked and everyone agreed. "But if we're all done with the ‘bromance' and shit, we should all go hang out, maybe hit the bar, play a little pool." Mitch suggested.
Justin was about to object when Trevor interrupted them.
"So uh, Justin...I know maybe now is not the best time to ask but we were wondering about the whole being a virgin thing. The fact that you and Kenisha are together now...have you...I mean, are you..." Trevor drifted, unsure of how to phrase his question but Justin knew exactly what he was trying to ask.
"I'm still a virgin." Justin voiced, bowing his head slightly in shame. "I mean she, she's ready but I'm...I well...she doesn't mind. She understands. I just wish I wasn't so scared...of fucking up and ruining everything." Justin trailed, shrugging his shoulders helplessly.
"It's ok J. Listen, this is a long shot, but all you need is a little confidence, maybe a little advice from your four best friends who are also experienced?" Mitch stated.
Justin's head snapped up and he eyed the four men looking back at him reluctantly. "What, you guys want to give me a sex ed. lesson?" Justin voiced incredulously. "No thanks, I think that's awkward as hell not to mention it's death by embarrassment."
Justin knew all there was to know about sex, safe sex...well except what it actually felt like for himself but that was ok. What could his friends possibly tell him that he didn't learn from his mom and dad while growing up? Not to mention the endless sex education books he read over the years.
"Think about it dude. We talk about this shit all the time. The only difference now is we'll be helping you with your...you know, your situation." Mitch continued.
"But I don't think...I mean, I've heard your stories about women. I'm not going to...with Kenisha, she's...she's special and I don't want to..."
"Justin relax." Trevor piped in. "Lock up the store and come with us. We'll hang out, have a few beers and talk about it. It's really not hard. All you have to do is be confident and let go of the fear you have. Like you said, Kenisha's special right? So, you don't have to be afraid of her or anything. She'll love you despite. Besides, she's not just some chick." Trevor explained.
Love? Right. Justin swallowed hard at the notion. If only.
He and Kenisha were together for over a month now and no mention of the word love ever came up between them. It wasn't that Justin didn't like their little setup. They were both going to school, both had part-time jobs and both made sure they spent time with each other in between doing whatever, whenever. They were happy, enjoying their time together.
But, the love aspect...the idea that things between them could possibly get that serious scared Justin and excited him at the same time. Kenisha was everything he could ask for. And he'd be lying if he said he hadn't thought about her, about what it would be like to be in love with her and really build a life and future with her.
But, he wasn't sure. They never discussed anything of that nature and honestly, Justin figured they were too new into their relationship to even consider something like love or having a future together. Then again...
"Justin?" Trace called out, interrupting his thoughts. Trace knew Justin well enough to read his expressions. He had an idea of what was passing through Justin's mind. So did the other guys.
"What?" Justin asked, snapping out of his daze.
"There's no set timeframe on when someone falls in love." Trace said carefully, studying Justin's reaction.
"I know I...I only want things to be right." Justin swallowed harshly, looking at his friends. "Give me a few minutes to lock up. Then we can go." Justin voiced and everyone else nodded, remaining silent as they watched him walk away from them...
It was going to be a long night, and all the guys knew that they had work to do if they were going to get through to Justin.
At Justin's Place
He was tired, mildly confused and a tad tipsy but alas he was home.
Tonight proved to be some type of milestone in Justin's life. He knew that much.
After making up with his friends, they indeed went out to the bar to have a few drinks and catch up.
It was mostly an eventful night until they switched topics back to Justin's issue.
Ugh, he hated even thinking about it. It made him feel like he was different, like he was a freak. He still felt that way.
Even now with Kenisha in the picture he didn't feel any better. If anything, he felt worse.
He felt like a coward, like he couldn't even satisfy his girlfriend the way he wanted to, the way she needed to be satisfied, because he lacked the confidence he needed.
It all made Justin sick to his stomach. That and maybe he drank one too many beers tonight. It wasn't his fault; he needed to rid himself of the pressure in some way.
Sighing, he walked into his place and locked the door behind him before heading straight to his room.
He was beat and figured a shower was just what he needed to calm himself down so he could sleep.
After talking to Trace, Mitch, Kip and Trevor, Justin had a new found respect for his friends that he never had before. He realized that he had nothing to be afraid of with them. He knew they would always have his back no matter what and tonight proved that.
They were attentive, concerned and genuinely cared about him. If he had known this about them before, he would have never kept his secret from them for so long.
But, all of that was in the past now. They were best friends again and Justin was finally with the girl he longed to be with. Things were good. They weren't great, but he could live with his present lifestyle for a bit longer.
The moment Justin stepped into his room, a small yawn escaped him before he inhaled deeply, taking in the faint scent of lavender.
That was one of Kenisha's many smells since Justin quickly learned that she had quite a few. Still, her lavender and vanilla scents were his favorite.
Sighing, he moved around his room, slowly removing various articles of clothing.
As he slowly shed his clothes, his blues landed on Kenisha's duffle bag sitting in the corner of the room.
Justin smiled, knowing that she had been here today. This was something they did. It was innocent and very casual, but sometimes, they slept over at each other's places. Usually, it would be for just one night and usually, it was Kenisha who stayed at his place because sometimes, she needed his help to study.
Justin liked Kenisha's place, but her roommate always made things awkward for him. It was the way she'd look at him, like she was openly dissecting him. It made Justin shudder just thinking about it. Cornelia was cool and all, but the less Justin saw her, the better.
Still, his smile remained because he knew Kenisha would be back for the night. Her things were here, so Justin figured she maybe needed his help with her studies.
Now was the perfect time to take his shower so he'd be out before she came back. Plus, he needed the rejuvenation and to rid himself of the slight tipsiness he felt.
Lazily, he ambled into his bathroom shedding his last article of clothing before he headed straight for the shower. He paused to remove his contacts then he proceeded to turn on the faucet and twist the knob to his preferred temperature before getting in and allowing the lukewarm water to cascade down his back.
Justin released a deep groan of pleasure as he shut his eyes tightly, slowly feeling the muscles in his body relax.
Now if only he could get his head to stop spinning...
A set of keys were carefully slipped into a lock and turned until the lock clicked.
Seconds later, a feminine hand gripped the doorknob and twisted it open.
A smile graced the person's face as they strolled inside and shut the door behind them while trying to juggle the Chinese takeout in their other hand.
Heaving a sigh, Kenisha lifted her head and looked around the familiar apartment before heading straight for the kitchen to deposit her bags.
When she was done, she stretched out her limbs a little, still gazing around.
She couldn't help but relish in the fact that she was actually here, with a key to Justin's apartment, letting herself in like it was nothing.
Kenisha always felt that there were different levels to a relationship: the first kiss, the first fight, the first time you made love and so on.
She also believed that with each level, you and that person became closer.
That's why she couldn't rid herself of the smile that was on her face. Having access to Justin's place like this meant he already had a deep level of trust with her. It also meant he was comfortable with her and had nothing to hide. He also had a key to her apartment but he never used it because of Kenisha's roommate. Cornelia was great and all, but she had her moments and Kenisha was certain that she and Justin hadn't quite gotten onto comfortable familiar grounds yet. She hoped they would soon, but for now, she spent more time over at Justin's than at her place.
Releasing a heavy sigh, Kenisha's sandal clad feet padded over the carpet towards Justin's room.
When she got there and pushed his door open, her face creased into a frown when she heard what sounded like water flowing.
Walking inside, she looked around, her vision cast to the bed and floor where various articles of clothing were discarded.
"Justin's home." She hummed softly, her eyes darting to the slightly ajar bathroom door.
Kenisha couldn't believe it but, even if Justin was a bit different from other guys, she felt like she was the luckiest woman on earth. He was kind, caring and considerate with her. He was like a paradox to her. He was shy yet bold and outspoken, scared yet confident, soft yet rough around the edges, weak yet strong. Justin was in one word, special. He had many qualities that Kenisha thought were rare in a man or more so, in just one man. And, the most endearing thing to her was that Justin seemed oblivious to it.
Still, she was happy, more now that she ever remembered being and it was all because of Justin. She had a good life forming with him and she loved it and hoped that it would last.
Walking over to her duffle bag, Kenisha pulled out some sweats and a t-shirt to change into for the night. She was tired and wanted to kick back for the night with Justin as they pigged out and maybe watched a movie. She'd worry about her school work later.
Gazing at the bathroom again where she knew Justin was situated, she bit her bottom lip and slowly approached it so she could grab a robe. She'd take a shower after Justin and then change.
He wouldn't mind right? He probably wouldn't even know she popped in and out.
As she made her way towards the door, Kenisha noticed the light steam clouding the bathroom and her heartbeat instantly increased at the mental vision of Justin nude underneath the shower.
Shit, she knew he was a virgin and it was up to him to decide when he was ready to handle that issue, but damn if it wasn't becoming increasingly difficult for her to keep her hands to herself and not jump him. The guy had to know how sexy he was for crying out loud. He had no idea the torture she constantly put herself through respecting his situation but wishing she could still have her way with him.
No, no...she respected him and cared about him and would wait for as long as necessary until he was ready. She was sure the wait would be worth it so she wasn't about to traumatize him by throwing herself on him before he was ready.
Quietly, Kenisha entered the bathroom, refraining from looking at Justin through the foggy shower glass.
She quickly headed over to the towel cabinet and pulled out one of the clean, neatly folded white robes.
As she moved and shut the cabinet she froze when the water suddenly stopped falling.
She could hear the squeaky faucet being twisted as Justin closed it and her eyes widened. She bowed her head and chewed on her bottom lip as she gazed at the bathroom door and calculated how many steps it would take her to exit.
Just get out now, and he won't even know you were in here. She thought to herself.
Unfortunately for Kenisha, luck wasn't on her side because the moment she lifted her head and spun around, the glass shower door slid open, expelling the remaining steam before Justin came into sight.
There standing tall was a dripping wet, completely naked Justin who was busy wiping water from his eyes. Kenisha glared in awe as she noted how his body glistened under the low lighting, every muscle and definition on his body magnified by the thin coat of water covering his smooth milky skin. Her eyes slowly traveled south, following the hairline from his navel downwards until they landed on his...
"Oh dear god." Kenisha gasped, her movements stunted as her eyes grew wider by the second at the sight before her.
Justin's head immediately shot up, his eyes popping open in the process before his blues crashed into her browns.
"K?" Justin questioned, staring at the woman before him who looked like she was having a hard time breathing. "You're here. I didn't hear you come in. What's wrong? Are you ok?" He asked, stepping out of the shower and towards her.
Kenisha immediately reversed until her back slammed against the bathroom door, shutting it completely.
Justin paused, a frown gracing his features. "What's wrong with you?" He asked, curving a brow.
He tilted his head to the side as he studied her before he followed her line of sight which was cast downwards towards his...
"Oh shit...babe I'm sorry, hang on." Justin muttered, stifling back his chuckles as he quickly reached for a towel and wrapped it low around his slender waist. "I...I didn't know you were in here." He spoke again, blushing massively.
Kenisha slowly lifted her head to look at him as she licked her lips. "No, I should have knocked. I'm sorry. I'll...get out of your way." She voiced weakly before turning to leave but Justin gripped her arm and stopped her.
"Hey! Hey hold on a minute." Justin demanded, forcing her to look at him. "It's ok you know. I uh...I don't mind if you see me naked or whatever." He gestured with a wave of his hand.
"Easy for you to say Justin." Kenisha giggled with a shake of her head. For a virgin, Justin was very comfortable in his skin and she admired that about him. Maybe he did know how fine he was and was only being modest about it.
"What do you mean?" Justin asked while passing his fingers through his wet curls.
"You have no idea how hard it is for me to only look and not touch Justin. Let's put it like that." Kenisha voiced and recognition immediately floated over Justin's face before he released his grip on her.
"Oh...right." He said softly, bowing his head.
Kenisha nodded in return before whipping around and quickly exiting the bathroom.
When she was out and back in Justin's room, she took in a deep breath to calm her heart and nerves. Dead god, that man would be the death of her with his irresistible self. Yet, in a twisted way, she was enjoying the torture.
"So, I saw the guys today." Justin's voice filtered through Kenisha's thoughts as he exited the bathroom soon after. She looked at him, smiling as he dried his hair with another towel while he spoke. "We're cool now. We hung out and everything." Justin beamed proudly.
"It's about time." Kenisha stated. "Good to know. I guess I'll be seeing them more often from now on then?" She asked and Justin nodded. "And Rachel?" She added in.
"Rach will be fine, don't worry about it." Justin assured her.
"Ok. Well, I'm glad everything is back to normal. Hey! I got us Chinese takeout. It's in the kitchen so when you're ready we'll eat and hang out. Maybe we could watch a movie or play some video games. You still have to teach me how to play that one shooting game." Kenisha giggled.
"Sweet. But, don't you need help with your studies though?" Justin asked.
"Not right now. I'm good. I'd prefer if we hung out for a bit." Kenisha replied, looking away.
"Ok." Justin grinned from ear to ear as he examined the woman before him.
He could tell she was deliberately trying not to stare at him considering he was only in his towel. He thought it was cute and he felt proud that he could even have that effect on her and they weren't sleeping together.
Hmm, that made Justin think. He removed the towel in his hair and tossed it to the side as he studied how Kenisha kept playing with the strings of the robe in her grasp.
As he took her in, all he could think about was what he and his boys talked about when they went out to the bar earlier tonight. They helped him find the confidence he needed but Justin still wasn't sure about the timing. Even now, he wondered what to do. He knew Kenisha was attracted to him and he was super attracted to her too. In fact, it didn't take much on her end to turn him on. Sometimes, a simple kiss from her did it for him.
There was one thing Kip said though that kept replaying in Justin's mind over and over again.
"Sometimes Justin, all you need is to let go of your fears, your doubts and anything that's holding you back and just...go for it. Take a chance, make that leap and go for it." Kip said and all the guys nodded in agreement while sipping their beers...
Kip was right. What was he waiting for? Justin knew Kenisha was the one for him. He knew it deep down in his soul. He wasn't going to find another woman like her ever. And damn it, he was ready. He was. Now was as good a time as any right? He wasn't a girl. He didn't envision his first time to be all love songs, dinner and rose petals. No, he only envisioned that his first time would be with someone he really cared about, someone he loved.
And suddenly it dawned on him. Suddenly, he knew why he was so scared, why he felt like he needed the moment to be so perfect.
It was because...because he was falling in love. He was falling in love with...with Kenisha!
"What the hell?" Justin whispered softly while gazing at Kenisha who apparently had been talking to him all this time.
"Justin, did you hear what I said?" Kenisha asked, scowling as he looked at her strangely.
"What?" Justin asked dazed. "K...I um..."
"You're hopeless." She giggled. "You daydream too much. I said I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right back." She voiced before walking towards Justin.
When she tried to get by him he blocked her path, his breaths coming out in almost pants as he gazed at her. "K...I..."
"What?" Kenisha asked, staring at him.
"I...uh...ok, ok go take your shower. I'll be out here waiting when you're done." Justin quickly rattled out before stepping to the side so she could pass.
"Alight then. Weird." Kenisha muttered, shrugging as she walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.
Justin couldn't help but glare at the closed door, his heartbeat picking up when he thought about the fact that somehow, he had to tell Kenisha what he realized, what he was feeling...
"I really do hate being me sometimes." Justin groaned with a roll of his eyes before he turned and headed towards his closet to grab a pair of cotton slacks.
- Five - Pt. 2
Kenisha hummed happily, gripping her towel around her body as she exited Justin's bathroom, feeling fully refreshed.
Unfortunately, her happy singing was cut short when she slammed hard into something since her eyes were momentarily closed.
"What the..." Her orbs popped open and she noticed that she was face to face with a very bare, very warm chest.
"I need to tell you something." Justin spoke up, ignoring her confused glare as he gripped her hand and pulled her towards the bed with him.
"Ok sure." Kenisha voiced, taking a seat at the edge of the bed.
Justin quickly sat next to her, facing her, his attention slightly swayed by the fact that she was only in a towel. His blues searched her browns and he sucked in a deep breath as he took note of her expressions.
"I'm ready." Justin blurted out boldly, his eyes filled with hope.
"I'm sorry, ready for what? And where are the rest of your clothes Justin?" Kenisha ask in bewilderment as she noticed that he was barefoot, and shirtless. All he had on were gray cotton slacks that hung low on his waist.
"I don't need them." Justin shrugged causing Kenisha to frown.
"What are you talking abo..." But then she drifted, quickly catching on. "Oh..." Kenisha whispered. "Oh! Wait, now!?" She blurted out stunned and Justin gave a shy nod.
"If you don't want to..." But Kenisha cut him off immediately.
"What are you nuts Justin? Of course I want to." She spoke up and he smiled. "I'm sorry. It's just, you didn't have to announce it. We could have like fallen into it or...gosh this is so awkward." She giggled.
"I know." He chuckled along with her before gripping one of her hands in his. "But I don't mind."
"Ok...um...ok yeah." Kenisha swallowed hard, not really knowing how to go about this. She knew this moment would come, or she hoped it would. Now that it was here, she wished there was some way Justin could have forewarned her. He totally took her by surprise.
"So, do I like...kiss you now?" Justin inquired, his voice barely above a whisper as his face started heating up. He could feel his stomach twisting into knots as the adrenaline pumping through his system made his chest burn.
"If you'd like to. Sure." Kenisha gave Justin a reassuring smile as her grip on her towel tightened.
She couldn't believe that Justin had her feeling all nervous like this was her first time too.
Slowly, Justin scooted closer until they were touching and cautiously, he leaned forward, giving Kenisha enough time to protest before he cupped her cheeks in his palms and gently pressed his lips against hers.
Both expelled heavy sighs when their lips molded together with Justin taking the lead. Kissing was one thing Justin knew how to do very well, and he wasted no time putting those skills to work, his mouth moving in perfect sync with Kenisha's.
Kenisha felt her heart leap in her chest and without missing a beat her hands instantly flew around Justin's neck so she could pull him closer. Were they really going through with this? She couldn't believe it.
Justin responded by deepening their kiss. He snaked his arms around her waist forcing her even closer, needing her closer. Kenisha released an unexpected yet muffled moan as Justin nibbled on her bottom lip, begging for access to her insides. She parted her lips allowing him to plunge his tongue into her depths, both getting lost in each other's embrace. Their breathing became labored as they continued to tongue battle, neither having any intentions of slowing down.
"Mm..." Kenisha groaned feeling Justin push into her, laying them flat on the bed as he hovered over her.
His hands began roaming down her shoulder and over her towel clad body to her waist when he stopped abruptly, breaking the kiss and pulling away. He looked down at Kenisha who still had her eyes closed savoring the moment.
"I'm sorry, are we...are we moving too fast?" Justin asked nervously. He didn't know what speed she preferred but the fact that she was now lying on her back on his bed with him hovering closely in such a short space of time...it sent off warning signals to his brain for some reason.
Kenisha's eyes fluttered open and she smiled up at Justin, extending her hand to pass through his damp curls and then caress his cheek. "It's fine. I'm not complaining. You're doing good...keep going." She instructed and Justin nodded slowly, gulping hard.
Even if she told him to continue, he remained frozen in place, staring at her without responding. Kenisha slowly lifted her head off the mattress, their faces inches apart as she focused in on Justin's misty blues. Even in the dim lighting of his room she could see an airy glow to them.
"Justin, relax, it's ok." She cooed, still stroking his face to help sooth his nerves.
Justin's heartbeat instantly increased when he realized how close their lips were to each other again. He kept looking at her, wondering what she was going to do next. He desperately wanted to kiss her again, to just get lost in this moment, but his fears were once again breaking through the surface. What if he didn't do it right? What if he didn't hit the right spots or he climaxed prematurely. Dear god, how embarrassing would that be?
Kenisha sensed his uneasiness and possible withdrawal so she did the one thing she knew would distract him and make him stop over thinking everything. She leaned up, softy meeting lips with his. Justin tensed at first but then sighed when he felt her deepen the kiss. He instantly responded to her, his lower half melting against her center as her legs instinctively wrapped loosely around waist. Lifting one of his hands, Justin passed his fingers through Kenisha's soft dark hair as they continued their slow, torturous tongue battle. For some reason, that action soothed him and before he knew it, he was expelling soft groans as every hair on his body stood on edge. Kenisha moaned as well, the sensual, passionate nature of their kisses sending her hormones on overdrive.
Justin lightly grunted when one of Kenisha's hands slid down his firm back and gripped one of his butt cheeks though his slacks. He remained comfortably nestled between her legs, breaking their kiss momentarily to take in some much needed air. For a brief moment their eyes met, both emitting pure lustful stares before Justin dipped his head and attached his lips to Kenisha's neck as he began to grope her. Damn she tasted good to him. He kissed and sucked on the flesh of her neck, loving her tiny whimpers and moans. His hands traveled over her shoulders, and down to her chest where her towel was tied. In one swift motion, he pulled her towel apart and stopped what he was doing to get a good look at her.
He opened up her towel and helped her remove it from her body before he tossed it to the side. When his vision traveled back to her frame he sighed when his eyes came into contact with her bare, smooth caramel brown skin. There lying naked beneath him was the woman he was falling in love with...the same woman he was going to give his virginity to. She was fucking gorgeous, curves and all. Fuck he felt like he wanted to explode.
"You're so beautiful K..." Justin hummed, his fingers shyly moving to trace patterns over her face, her shoulders, down to her succulent breasts, nipples and down to her navel.
Kenisha shuddered with pleasure under his touch, her nipples hardening instantly. Justin noticed this and smiled, his eyes still trained on her smooth stomach as they continued their decent down to her nether regions. Justin licked his lips when he noticed that she was freshly shaven and he felt his dick twitch from the thought of him being buried deep inside of her.
"Justin." Kenisha whispered, snapping him out from his daze.
"Hmm?" He responded, locking eyes with her.
She snaked her hands between them and pulled at the elastic of his slacks, signaling to him that she was ready and Justin quickly caught on.
"Let me just..." He paused, stretching over her to grip the handle of the nightstand draw. He pulled it open and gripped a new box of unused condoms before shutting the draw.
Kenisha immediately took the box from Justin and he simply looked on as she opened it and pulled out one of the condoms before resting the box down on the nightstand. She flicked the sealed condom between her fingers while eyeing Justin slyly.
"Take those off." She demanded, referring to his slacks.
"O...ok." Justin stuttered before his slightly shaky hands went to the waistband of his pants. Inhaling deeply, he yanked his slacks down and off in one swift motion before he tossed them to the side, his hard, pulsing erection springing out in the process.
Kenisha gazed at his length...long, thick, firm and pinkish at the tip, already dripping with pre-cum. She smirked and sat up slightly while bringing the condom wrapper to her lips and ripping it open with her teeth.
"I'll help you." She uttered, ignoring Justin's harsh gaze as he seemed mesmerized by what she was doing.
Slowly, she lifted her hand and wrapped her fingers around his length, her actions eliciting a soft hiss from Justin at the feel of her warm hands around his cock. Gently, torturously, Kenisha stroked him, her hand traveling up and down his length until he fully hardened under her touch.
Justin was breathing hard, his eyes wide as he watched Kenisha give him a hand-job.
It was over as quickly as it started. She removed her hand from him and pulled out the condom from its wrapper. Carefully, she pinched the tip and after giving Justin a quick glance, she slowly slid the protective layer over him and down his length until he was fully covered.
"There you go." Kenisha smiled up at Justin who looked at her in a hazy manner before they both resituated themselves into lying positions.
Justin managed to force a smile out as he gradually crawled back between her legs.
He looked down at her, trying to ignore the fact that he was snuggly resting between her thighs with the tip of his erection slightly probing at her folds.
The next question he asked her was so innocent and so cute, Kenisha couldn't help the soft giggle that escaped her.
"What now?" Justin inquired softly though he already knew the answer to his question.
"Now, you slowly slide in at your own pace. It's ok..." Kenisha instructed while she wrapped her legs around Justin and pulled him closer to her, their naked bodies meshing together as their body heat mixed.
"Ok...right...uh..." He hesitated, slight panic taking over him. Here goes nothing. He thought.
Cautiously, Justin guided himself to Kenisha's warm entrance with the head of his cock. When he was properly situated, his hands moved to rest on either side of her body, and his head dipped until their foreheads and noses were touching. Kenisha's hands found Justin's back and her hold on him tightened slightly when he expelled the pent up breath he was holding in and finally started easing into her. Slowly, Justin pierced her insides, his mouth gaping open as he slid into her, sinking into her depths that swallowed him up. He pulled his head back slightly and kissed her lips sweetly before their eyes met.
They were both breathing harshly, their bare chests rising and falling against each other.
In that moment, Justin felt like he was seeing stars due to the violent wave of bliss that washed over him.
"Oh.my.god." He gasped, his hips pushing forward as he sank deeper and deeper until he couldn't go any further, Kenisha's warm, slick walls gripping him tightly.
And then he paused, remaining buried inside of her as his head spun.
They looked at each other, the both of them thinking the same thing.
This is it. Justin thought.
He officially wasn't a virgin anymore.
"Whenever you're ready J." Kenisha cooed. "Just, move your hips, back and forth..." She explained.
Justin looked down at her, biting the corner of his lips as he felt his heart swell with admiration for her. She was patient with him, completely fine with his slow pace because this was all so new to him.
He nodded in response, remaining mute as he slowly slid out and then pushed back in forcefully.
Kenisha moaned loudly this time, her abdomen tightening as she tried to play off Justin's size and the fact that he was stretching her walls apart, driving her crazy. Gradually, he found his rhythm and set a steady pace as he thrust in and out of her, their hips bouncing together from how deep he was going.
Justin kept his focus on Kenisha, studying her expressions. He wanted to know that he was doing it right. He wanted to know that he was pleasing her in the right way.
"Hey, are you ok?" He whispered, leaning down to place a delicate kiss on her lips as he continued to move in and out of her, working her body into a frenzy.
"Yes." Kenisha panted as her legs moved a little higher around his waist to give him better access.
He felt so good. Dear god the man felt amazing. For his first time, he was doing a damn good job and Kenisha was surprised at that. Justin always spoke about all the books he read on sex and the karma sutra and all that but Kenisha never truly paid any mind to any of it until now. She could tell he was putting everything he read and learned into practice and the fact that he was driving her body crazy, she had to be thankful for his curious nature and this insatiable thirst he had to please her.
"I'm not hurting you am I? Your face it all creased up." Justin voiced with worry lacing his features.
Kenisha smiled up at him, shaking her head in protest. "No you're not. Ugh, fuck you feel good Jus...so good." She moaned as her grip on his back tightened until her fingernails started piercing his skin.
Justin winced in slight pain and instantly picked up speed, his thrusts powerful and deep as he focused on hitting the right spots. When he pulled out almost all the way and slid back in quickly, Kenisha released a soft yelp and he knew, he got her g-spot.
"Your g-spot?" Justin grinned deviously, only receiving a nod from her since her eyes looked like they were about ready to roll to the back of her head.
"Yes, fuck yes. Don't stop Justin, go faster and harder." Kenisha hissed but he hesitated.
"Are...are you sure? I don't want to hurt you."
"Damn it yes! You won't hurt me. Please Justin." She begged, pulling him down for a kiss.
Shrugging, Justin leaned down and kissed her deeply while gripping her waist to pull her further down beneath him. Without warning, he pulled all the way out and then slammed into her hard, her eyes widening in shock in the process.
"Uh, yes!" Kenisha moaned. "Keep going, you're doing great!" She encouraged him.
That was all the encouragement Justin needed. Within seconds, something inside of him snapped and the all the restraint he had built up totally shattered. His hips jerked as he picked up the pace trying the keep the angle he had to continuously hit her most sensitive spot. And it was working, Kenisha's moans getting louder by the minute as her orgasm started to build.
Limbs were tangled, bodies were coated with thin layers of sweat and heartbeats mixed in what Justin thought was one of the most intense experiences of his life.
And he wasn't wrong, the feeling of his orgasm quickly building weakening him. It was damn near impossible for him to hold out much longer. Shit, he wanted to cum the moment he entered Kenisha. He had no idea how he was able to hold out for this long. It was sheer will he figured and the drive to keep going because he wanted her to release before him. But god, she felt so good, so warm and tight and shit, sex was fucking fantastic. He couldn't believe he hadn't been doing this sooner. He could already sense an addiction of sorts growing deep within him as he moved deep within her, his thrusts hard and fast as he worked on bringing them over the edge.
"Fuck..." Justin managed to mutter, his head spinning as his release rapidly drew near.
"I'm gonna...Justin I'm gonna..." Kenisha drifted, her eyes sliding shut as her orgasm finally ripped through her core since Justin kept continuously hitting her most sensitive spot. "Ugh! Oh god!" Kenisha cried out, her body writhing beneath Justin as her legs trembled.
"Shit." Justin gasped, swallowing hard when her walls contracted around him, sending him over the edge since he couldn't hold out anymore. "Fuck." His hips jerked violently as his release drained him of the endurance he had left. "Wow...oh my god." Justin hummed, his hands fisting the sheets of the bed next to Kenisha's body as he tried to control his breathing. Every muscle in his body tensed as he buried his head in the groove of her neck.
Kenisha kept a firm grip on Justin, fusing her breasts to his hard chest, not wanting to let go as they both rode out their orgasms together.
Justin gingerly kissed along the length of her neck and made his way up to her exposed ear. Softly, he released a light moan as his hands found her frame. He gripped her thigh with one of his hands, his palm kneading and skimming over her warm flesh as his other hand gently gripped her waist.
Kenisha felt a shiver pass through her body from the tiny sounds Justin kept making next to her ear.
"Justin..." She whispered when his grip on her tightened, his hips pressing into hers as they slowly came down from the high they were riding on.
"Hmm." He hummed, his lips grazing over her earlobe.
"You ok?" She questioned, her eyes now open as she gazed at the ceiling while stroking his back soothingly.
For some reason, his grip on her wasn't letting up and it flattered her and worried her at the same time. It was almost like they were fused together with superglue.
"Uh huh." He responded and she smiled even if he couldn't see her. "I think you're freaking amazing." He whispered in her ear and Kenisha couldn't help but blush at the deep, sultry undertone of his voice.
"I think you're amazing too." She cooed as she hugged him.
"Thank you, for this and for being patient with me." Justin added in and she nodded, releasing her hold on him when he moved back so he could get a good look at her.
Slowly, he slid out of her and removed the condom he was wearing, tossing it into the small bin by the nightstand before reclaiming his position between her legs.
His blues bored into her browns, the look he was giving her speaking volumes as he smiled at the glow that was already shining off her smooth skin. "I just want you to know that..." He paused, hesitant about making his feelings known since they were so raw, but he knew he had to. "I...I love you." He spoke with a slight pout and Kenisha mimicked his gesture.
"Aw, why are you pouting?" She inquired confused.
"I don't...I don't know. Fear of rejection?" Justin shrugged and Kenisha gasped.
"Justin Randall..."
"Please don't say my full name." He begged, cutting her off and she giggled.
"Well, after everything that's happened, you don't have anything to worry about because I love you too." Kenisha voiced proudly.
"You do?" Justin asked surprised and her giggles increased.
"Don't look so surprised. You're not the only one who gets to fall in love." She snickered and Justin finally chuckled.
"The whole being a virgin thing and then experiencing my first time, I'm allowed to be emotional even if I'm not a girl. What's your excuse?" He chuckled.
"Nice Romeo. Slick." She laughed with a shake of her head. "And my excuse is I have a boyfriend who's so wonderful, he makes it damn near hard to not love him." She gushed.
"Wow, good excuse." Justin voiced with raised brows before chuckling deeply.
The truth was, nothing could compare to how good he felt in that moment, knowing that she felt the same way.
"You're cute." Kenisha divulged while pulling Justin down into a kiss before he suddenly flipped them to lie on their sides, facing each other.
"You're cuter." He countered, pulling away from her and she rolled her eyes playfully at him.
"So how does it feel?" Kenisha asked.
"How does what feel?"
"Finally committing the sin of fornication." She quipped and Justin cringed.
"Well when you put it like that..." he drifted with a frown. "No I'm kidding. Actually, I feel about the same." Justin admitted truthfully.
"Yeah, except you're officially a man now." Kenisha teased.
"Not funny." Justin pouted as he moved around to pull one of the covers over their naked frames.
Kenisha suddenly gasped as she made herself more comfortable in Justin's embrace. "Oh my gosh Justin. Our food is probably cold now." She voiced, remembering the Chinese food she brought in earlier.
"Don't worry about it. We'll warm it up before we eat it. There's still time for us to hang out in front of the television later." He explained.
"Yeah...ok." Kenisha sighed. "And, there's also time for round two." She stated, catching Justin's attention.
"Hmm, I like the sound of that." He groaned, the mere thought of being inside her again turning him on.
"But for real though J. You really don't feel any different?" Kenisha spoke up. For some reason she found that hard to believe.
Justin eyed her, his jovial mood dying down as he became more serious. "Well, actually...I don't feel like a freak anymore." He spoke softly. "I feel like, a weight has been lifted, like this internal battle I've been having with myself all these years just slowly slipped away."
"That's good." Kenisha hummed, her eyes fluttering shut when Justin leaned forward to place a soft kiss on her nose and then forehead.
"Yeah it is. Now I feel normal." He joked before he heard his phone buzzing from where it was on the nightstand.
Justin lazily stretched over and grabbed it, flipping it open to read the text message he just received which came in three parts.
Here's how it's going down dork. The guys and I are here at my place right now and based on what they told me about you all making up and all that tonight, I'm hoping that you went along with their advice and finally did the deed. And by that, I'd like you to respond to this question with a simple yes or no. Justin, are you still a virgin? Take your time if you're busy right now, but get back to me because if you're not the big V anymore, I get $50 bucks from each of these suckers who think they didn't get through to you with the way you left the bar all doubtful and shit. I told them their word was law but they think you might wait a little longer. Don't let me down mkay? I'm not about to dish out $200 bucks if I lose. K! Message me back! Rach.
Justin couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up in his throat and spilled out of his lips. Well, at least Rachel wasn't angry anymore. And judging by her text, she was going to be a very happy woman when he finally messaged her back...if he messaged her back.
"They are so ridiculous sometimes." He laughed, not surprised that his friends would make a bet on when he finally lost his virginity. Ah yes, he could always count on his family huh?
"What's so funny?" Kenisha asked, looking at Justin with a smile on his face.
"Nothing." He quickly sobered up.
He hit the reply button and messaged a simple ‘goodnight Rach,' to his cousin before he switched his phone off and tossed it back unto the nightstand knowing she'd maybe call him to harass him about it.
"Nothing huh?" Kenisha eyed Justin who ginned at her.
"Let's just say, my cousin is going to be two hundred dollars richer which in turn will make her happy. Serves those other four jerks right for betting against me." Justin snickered.
Kenisha looked at Justin, amused and relieved that he could be like this with his friends again. Ever since what happened at Rachel's party she was worried about them but now, she had nothing to worry about anymore. She didn't care that she didn't know what Justin just said to her. All that mattered was that he was happy and everything was back to the way it was.
"I don't know Justin. Mixing with your crew and all, I'm not sure I'll be able to handle those guys. They're a handful. Rachel is ok." Kenisha giggled.
Justin laughed as he leaned down to place light kisses on her lips and neck, his thoughts quickly drifting to the fact that he was fully recharged and ready for round two. Kenisha released a soft moan in response and he smiled.
"They'll grow on you." He replied. "Trust me."
"Ok if you say so..." Kenisha drifted, biting her lips harshly when Justin's fingers found her center, parting her folds. She could get used to this. She could only imagine what Justin was going to be like when he was a pro at pleasing her. Ugh, the thought alone excited her.
"Hmm, less talking, more teaching me stuff. I'm ready and willing to learn and explore all the places on your body that drive you crazy." Justin drawled as he continued his kissing assault.
"On one condition." Kenisha spoke up causing him to stop and look at her.
"What?" Justin asked.
"I get to be on top for this next round." She voiced mischievously.
Nothing could stop the grin that stretched across Justin's face and the glint in his eyes by Kenisha's statement. Why was he getting this sneaky feeling in the pit of his stomach that he was in a relationship with a closet freak? Shit, he hoped so. In fact, he was fully ready and prepared to find out because if his assumptions were right, he knew he'd be willingly spending a lot of his time learning and exploring new things...
So, without hesitation, Kenisha received his reply...
*The End*
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