- Two -
Next Day...
"Thank you for shopping at Blockbuster. Have a good day." Handing a couple a bag with their rented DVDs, Justin gave them a light smile before they thanked him and proceeded to leave the store hand in hand.
Taking in their public display of affection, Justin sighed and took a seat when his thoughts travelled to his own situation: the fact that he was girlfriend-less among other things. Luckily for him, his slight case of depression only lasted mere seconds because the moment his eyes scanned his wrist watch for the time, a large grin adorned his face at the fact that there were only about twenty minutes left before his shift for the day was over.
Then, he could head home and take a quick shower before he headed over to Kenisha's place which she called to give the address and directions for earlier in the day like she promised she would.
Things were finally looking up for him in the relationship department. He was finally granted a chance to be with the girl he had been crazy over for the past year of his life. So, why was he terrified out of his mind by that notion? It wasn't just his fear of screwing everything up due to his lack of expertise with women that had him worried. He was also worried that he was reading too much into this small ‘movie night' with Kenisha.
What if she didn't even think of him as more than just a friend? Justin wasn't sure he could handle the rejection. In fact, he contemplated on cancelling their plans due to that fact but decided against it since his curiosity of wondering what it felt like to be closer to her got the best of him.
"You always look so cute in that uniform."
Rolling his eyes at the person who just made their presence known to him, Justin couldn't hide the smile that was forming on his face when he whipped around in his seat.
"And what brings you down here Rachel?" Justin inquired while looking over his tall, slim, tanned cousin who had shoulder-length raven hair.
Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned over the counter next to the cash register. Fixing the straps of her green dress, she shrugged dismissively, her intense gaze irking the hell out of him.
"Look Rach, if you came here to be a nuisance, then you can just leave. I'm busy working." In that moment, both Justin and Rachel diverted their gaze to the few customers browsing the DVD isles. "Well, maybe I'm not that busy, but you being here is a distraction." Justin added in, causing Rachel to arch a brow at him while giggling.
"Actually, I came here to deliver a proposition." She spoke calmly.
"Which is?" Justin asked but they were soon interrupted by a man coming over to purchase his rentals for the night.
Excusing his self, Justin quickly rang the customer up before he made his way back to Rachel who was idly looking through the magazine rack next to the counter.
"Ok Rach. Let's make this quick. Why are you here besides to annoy me?"
"Well cous' I was thinking, since the guys were really looking forward to having that pool match on our outing tonight, maybe you could bring your date along to hang out with us." She suggested, giving Justin a hopeful stare.
He thought over her request briefly before he shook his head in protest. "No, this is our first...thing together. I'll...I'll bring her another time so you guys can get to meet her, I promise. But tonight, I just want it to be the two of us." He mentioned and Rachel nodded in understanding.
"Fine. At least I tried." She sighed while straightening her posture to leave.
"That's all you wanted? Because you could have just called, you do know that right?" Justin asked incredulously, his suspicion of her being up to more than she was letting on magnifying.
"Yeah that's all. I was in the area so I decided to stop by instead. I'll see you later." Turning to leave, Rachel said her farewell to Justin but he stopped her before she made it out of the front doors.
"Hey Rach!"
Swallowing hard, Justin pulled off his spectacles to wipe the frames with the hem of his shirt. "If a girl invites a guy over to her place to ‘watch movies' that's a good thing right? That means she digs him right?"
Giggling a bit, Rachel took in Justin's uneasiness and genuinely felt for her cousin. He never did have that much luck with women. She couldn't understand for the life of her why because he was immensely handsome and the biggest goofball she knew. He would make any woman happy if they gave him the chance. She guessed the fact that he was so shy and always kept to himself was the main reason why he was still flying solo.
"Yes Justin. That means she's really into him and comfortable with him too, to want him over at her place. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Chill out and just be yourself. Everything will work out smoothly."
Rachel was the only person who knew Justin was still a virgin, but she never voiced the ‘v' word or ever brought it up. She knew he was sensitive about it and they basically treated each other like that aspect of Justin's life didn't exist.
She didn't know who this girl was that had her cousin so flustered, but she figured that if the girl could see half of what she saw in Justin, he'd have no problem effortlessly landing his next girlfriend.
"Thanks Rach." Giving his cousin a large grin, Justin waved bye to her and proceeded to return to his duties for the remaining minutes of his shift.
When Rachel left, he tried his best to take her advice and to chill out. There really wasn't much he could do except hope for the best and remember to lay on whatever charm he could muster up to get Kenisha to see him in the light of possibly being boyfriend material. Justin wasn't sure that he could accomplish all of this in one night, but, just the fact that he got to spend time with her outside of his work was a good start.
At Kenisha's
An amused brunette with chestnut brown eyes and full pouty lips sat idly on her living room couch as she watched her roommate running around their shared apartment with her head cut off. Casually flipping the television channels with the remote, she finally pressed the off button and turned around to face her roommate when she heard her knock over the vase of flowers placed on a small table in the hallway.
"Keni, you need to calm down." She spoke smoothly, trying her best to stifle her giggles. "You're acting like the president or something is coming over for dinner..."
Bending down to pick up the vase she knocked over, thankful that it didn't break, Kenisha gave her roommate and best friend Cornelia a harsh glare. "Please Connie, spare me. You shouldn't even be here right now." Kenisha blurted out harshly even if her eyes were soft and pleading with her friend to help her out.
"Hello? I live here!" Cornelia said in defense but soon lightened up when she realized how nervous Kenisha was. "God Keni." Standing on her feet, Cornelia ambled over to where her distraught friend was standing, still holding the now empty vase. Giving the mess on the floor one quick glance, Cornelia disappeared into the kitchen then returned seconds later with a mop and rag in hand to clean up Kenisha's mess. When she was done, she helped Kenisha place back the flowers in the vase then took everything into the kitchen.
Returning empty-handed, Cornelia eyed Kenisha skeptically who kept fidgeting with the sweats and tank top she wore. "Babe, you need to relax. If this Justin guy is as cool as you say he is, he won't care what you or the place looks like. And you look beautiful by the way. Besides, you've been cleaning for hours. There isn't a spot of dust left." Cornelia assured her troubled friend.
Kenisha gazed at her with uncertainty. She really didn't know why she was so anxious or nervous but there was just something different about Justin that always kept her on her toes whenever she was around him. Maybe it was his smile, or his laugh or how he always seemed to be paying close attention to her and listening to everything she said before he gave a response. He was so attentive and caring and sweet. What kind of guy like that existed these days? It was all eccentric to her.
"You...you're right I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm so jumpy." Kenisha sighed, trying to calm down some.
"Yeah, relax." Cornelia placed her hands on Kenisha's bare shoulders and gave her a reassuring smile.
"Thanks Connie, but you really need to leave." Kenisha mentioned and Cornelia frowned. "Please Connie. I'd really like to just spend some time with him and get to know him some without your speculative eye." Kenisha gave Cornelia a knowing glare and Cornelia simply laughed in response.
"Fine, fine...I know when I'm not wanted. I'll just head out. Give me a call when it's safe to return." Cornelia joked while grabbing her car keys.
"Ok girl, will do. And please don't go over to the jerk's place Connie. Let that asshole be." Kenisha referred to Cornelia's now ex-boyfriend who she had a major altercation with when she found out he cheated on her among other things.
"Don't worry. I'm going over to Jackie's." Cornelia replied referring to their other friend.
"Tell her I said hi." Kenisha smiled warmly and Cornelia nodded before she made her way to the front door.
The moment she unbolted the locks and swung it open, she gasped, slightly startled when she saw a tall, slender guy with his hand balled up in a fist getting ready to knock.
"Oh, oh I'm sorry I scared you." Justin said a bit uneasily as he bowed his head to avoid eye-contact with Cornelia who gave him a strange glare.
"It's...cool." She replied slowly, still eyeing Justin suspiciously. "Can I help you?" She inquired but was interrupted when Kenisha came over to the door.
"It's ok Connie, it's for me. Uh, Cornelia this is Justin. Justin this is my best friend and roommate Cornelia." Kenisha explained as she glared at Justin who still had his vision cast downwards to his shoes.
"Hey Cornelia." He muttered lightly and Cornelia turned to give Kenisha an odd glare. Kenisha shrugged in return before a bright smile adorned her face. She gave Cornelia a light shove towards the door before hugging her briefly.
"Hey Justin, well I uh, was just leaving but it was nice meeting you."Cornelia spoke, tilting her head to the side as she studied him closely. Oh, Kenisha was going to hear an earful when she returned later but for now, she'd let them be. When Justin finally lifted his head to stare at her, Cornelia gave him a half-smile. His eyes were wide and filled with uncertainty as he studied her. The corners of his lips twitched slightly but he kept his serious expression while he stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets and swayed on the heel of his feet. "Right...well..." Cornelia added in to end the awkward silence. "You kids have fun!" Turning to arch a brow at Kenisha, Cornelia quickly waved bye and swiftly made her exit leaving Justin still standing outside of their apartment door alone, facing Kenisha.
When Cornelia was out of sight, Kenisha cleared her throat nervously and moved aside so Justin could enter. "Hey Justin, come in...please." Kenisha voiced and his bright blues latched onto her browns for a split second before a shy smile graced his face. "I'm glad you made it." She added in hoping that would ease his uncomfortable nature.
"O...ok." He replied lightly before taking a step in while nudging his spectacles higher up his nose with his index finger. It was a nervous habit of his. Sometimes when it got bad, he would root off his glasses all together and go into cleaning mode where he'd spend an excessive amount of time continually cleaning the lenses.
Shutting and locking the door behind them, Kenisha led Justin further into her apartment before she offered him a seat in the living room on one of the sofas. Justin sat down quietly, taking in his surroundings when Kenisha voiced she'd be right back.
Her place was cozy and impeccably clean. He had to smile at that. He wasn't the only neat freak. Granted Rachel gave him shit for it, he knew that if he had a girlfriend she'd appreciate that quality in him. Allowing his eyes to roam freely, Justin took in the simple furniture and color scheme. It wasn't anything extravagant since he knew that Kenisha was still paying for school.
She was doing her Masters in Business and working to pay the bills and she mentioned to him that Cornelia was doing the same, so he didn't expect them to go all out in decorating. They were away from their families making lives for themselves and he admired that. He was doing the same. Plus, their apartment suited them and he liked it. It was...nice.
He would have been lying if he said he wasn't nervous out of his mind. After he got home and showered, he spent forever in his wardrobe looking for the right outfit. Why? He had no clue but when his search proved futile, he called up Rachel to ask for her advice. After she and their friends teased him mercilessly since they were at the pool hall and he wasn't there with them, she offered her advice stating that looking casual but still seeming like he put effort into his attire was important.
She told him a nice plain colored shirt would be sweet with some jeans and shoes to match. She also demanded that he gelled and groomed his short brown curls and suggested he wore his contacts instead of his spectacles but Justin decided against that one. They always irritated his eyes and he had too many accidents with them to take that risk. Still, in the end when he gazed at himself in the mirror, he figured his mild effort paid off.
He was wearing a fitted black shirt and loose jeans, held up with his favorite black leather belt. On his feet, he wore a pair of black sneakers to match that were literally fresh out of the box since it was his first time wearing them. And, his hair was perfectly groomed at Rachel's request. But, he was still nervous.
He was also confused when he noticed that Kenisha was dressed as simple as always in her tank and sweats. Justin wasn't sure what to make of that and felt out of place. He also didn't appreciate the scrutiny coming from Cornelia's stares. He knew she was judging him and she didn't even know him. He barely said ten words to her. Well, whatever. He didn't care. All he cared about was getting through tonight in one piece.
After finding Kenisha's place with the directions she gave him and sitting in his car for the past ten minutes prepping his self, there was no turning back now.
"So, do you like butter on your popcorn?"
"What?" Turning around to glare at Kenisha who stood at the entrance of her kitchen, Justin bit his lip when he took in how cute she looked even now.
"Some people like butter, some don't. Some like extra salt and so on. How do you like yours?" She inquired as she glared at him expectantly.
"Oh uh..." Shifting in his seat to get a better look at her, Justin shrugged. "The more calories the better." He joked and she giggled.
"Plenty butter it is then." Kenisha grinned. "Anything to drink?"
"Yeah I'll take a sprite." Justin added in.
"Oh that's my favorite soda...nice pick."
But before Justin could respond, she disappeared back into the kitchen again.
Turning around to face the blank television screen, Justin heaved a sigh as he glared at the two DVD's she rented the other night. One was a romantic comedy and the other was your classic horror with endless bloodshed. He wondered which one they'd watch first. He figured maybe the romance one since she was a girl and all. Laughing at his own thoughts, he mindlessly pulled off his spectacles and began cleaning the lenses with the hem of his shirt.
At that moment, Kenisha returned with a tray in her hands filled with sodas, a big bowl of popcorn and other junk foods like chips and dip.
"Here we go." She smiled as she took a seat next to Justin while placing down the tray on the coffee table in front of them. "I feel so underdressed; I feel like I should have put more effort into my attire or something even if I'm home. You look nice." She voiced to Justin and he gave her a sweet smile in return.
"Uh, thanks...thanks. And don't worry about it. You look fine just the way you are. It's cute, I like it." He drawled and Kenisha blushed before turning away from him.
"Thank you." She uttered before setting out the eats. When she was done, she grabbed the remote for the television and DVD turning on both devices. "I hope you don't mind but I had everything set up already...one of the movies is already in there." She pointed out as she hit the play button.
"Oh? Which one?" Justin inquired but he soon got his answer when he heard a blood curdling scream with the opening credits.
She picked the horror flick first? Well wow, he wasn't expecting that...although...it could work out well for him because he could always ‘protect' her if she got too scared.
"Nice." Justin added in causing Kenisha to divert her attention to him.
"I hope you don't mind. I love horror movies." She pointed out and Justin chuckled in return.
"That's cool with me. I love them too." He admitted and she beamed happily.
"Great! Well, don't be shy, help yourself." She motioned to the food on the table before she grabbed a soda and made herself more comfortable next to Justin.
When Justin placed his glasses down on the table and stretched over to grab a handful of popcorn, Kenisha tore her eyes away from the television screen to look at him.
"You know you should really consider contacts." Kenisha voiced and Justin smirked before stuffing some popcorn in his mouth and chewing.
When he finally swallowed, he grabbed a can of sprite and flipped the lid open so he could take a sip. "That's what Rachel always says but her opinion doesn't always count." Justin rambled out as he glared at the television, already getting sucked into the movie.
"Oh...oh well you know, if she likes to see you in them you should wear them, you have amazing blue eyes. They're always hidden behind your spectacles." Kenisha pointed out.
Noting the slightly depressed tone of her voice, Justin turned to glare at her with a frown on his face. "What Rachel likes doesn't really concern me that much. She can be a handful and really, sometimes, her suggestions are to get a kick out of making fun of me." He chortled lightly.
"Come on Justin. You should care what your girlfriend thinks of you..." Kenisha scolded him and he nearly choked mid-gulp when the word ‘girlfriend' left her lips.
Coughing and hitting his chest roughly, Justin hunched his body forward to suppress his laughter as he tried to clear his airways.
"Oh my god are you ok?" Kenisha quickly sat up and patted his back lightly to aid him.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Justin waved her off finally regaining his composure. "You just surprised me." He admitted and Kenisha scowled at him.
"How did I do that?" She asked perturbed.
"I uh...you have it wrong. Rach she's...well...she's a lot of things." Justin began, getting lost in his thoughts with a large smile in his face. "But, she's definitely not my girlfriend."
"Oh...it's just the way you spoke of her...it seemed like you two were really close."
"No, no we are...in an annoying brother and sister kind of way. She's my cousin. I mean, I know people do it, but, I'm not the kind that's into the whole incest, inbreeding thing if you know what I mean." Justin explained, shuddering in the process.
That elicited a giggle from Kenisha as she shook her head in amusement.
"Wow, sorry I mentioned it then." She giggled and Justin grinned widely at her.
"It's cool, it's my fault for just assuming you knew who I was talking about. Obviously you're not a mind reader." He joked and Kenisha smiled in return before she patted his leg and diverted her attention to the television screen again.
"Yeah...well, I'm really glad you came. It's nice having someone to chill with other than Cornelia. She can be a handful as well."
"I can imagine." Justin snickered, receiving a light playful shove in return from Kenisha.
Still staring at her, Justin sighed when he took in how her lips moved with each bite of popcorn she took. He paid close attention so how she sat Indian style on the sofa with her shoulder resting against his in the most subtle way. Her dark hair was down and flowing over her shoulders and every time she sipped on her drink, Justin secretly wished that he was that can of sprite so he could get a taste of how sweet her lips were. He was sure she tasted sweet. In fact, there was no doubt in his mind.
Feeling Justin's eyes on her, Kenisha slowly turned to look at him with arched brows. Justin quickly caught himself when he realized that he was staring and gave her a sheepish smile before he broke eye-contact. Wincing at the screen, he grabbed his spectacles and casually slipped them on. The strain on his eyes was immediately relieved with his enhanced sight and Justin was finally able to relax some as he got more into the movie.
Smiling giddily, Kenisha didn't say anything else to him. She simply relished in his company as the both of them relaxed next to each other and proceeded to watch the rest of the movie in silence...well...except for the shouting and screaming and gruesome sounds coming from the television speakers. Still, the only thing that was heard between the pair was their munching down on food, their sipping of their chosen beverage and their breathing patterns.
Kenisha even took a bold step and eventually rested her head on Justin's shoulder who gladly accepted the offer by hesitantly wrapping his arm around her and pulling her into his embrace.
When he inhaled her sent, he felt an electric current shoot through his body and he knew, if he was granted the opportunity, he could get used to this. Kenisha felt the same way as she wondered about him and hoped that this would be the start of something new and exciting for the both of them. She didn't want to admit it, but Justin was slowly growing on her, shyness and all.
He was different and she liked that about him. She couldn't wait to get closer to him and maybe finally explore what he had to offer. She just hoped that he felt the same way about her. After over a year of building a friendship, she was more than ready to take things to the next level with him.
Now, if he would only give her a sign that he felt the same then they could get the ball rolling.
She guessed that him showing up and not backing out was a start and she simply hoped for the best.
But, seating snuggled up next to him right now just kicking it and watching a movie together to her...was perfect.
And, she indulged in that small taste of comfort for all it was worth.
Sometime later
After two movies filled with gasps, screams and endless laughter, both Kenisha and Justin were still on a high as they sat on the floor facing each other in fits of laughter. When the movies were done, Kenisha took it upon herself to spark up a conversation with Justin just so they could know each other a little better. After talks of families, friends, school and relationships, they were now reliving a moment in the romantic flick which they saw moments earlier where the leading guy in the movie was trying to serenade the leading lady by singing to her from a tree top only to lose his balance and fall off the tree, hitting the ground with a thud.
"Oh my god...that was priceless. I knew he was going to fall. It's classic comic humor. He had to fall." Justin chuckled as he wiped at his eyes from behind his frames.
"Yeah, but that shit was still funny. I mean mid ‘I love you' he goes crashing down." Kenisha giggled and Justin nodded in return. "I mean if a guy did that for me, I maybe wouldn't laugh though. Sure it would be cool and all but I'd be too concerned with him still being alive to finish that sentence after he fell off the tree." She snickered and Justin's laughs instantly died out as he paid close attention to her.
"Well, yeah I guess...if you like that sort of thing." He brushed off with a large smile on his face.
"Whatever Justin, you're one to talk. You maybe have the ladies professing their love for you and not the other way around." Kenisha nudged him playfully but Justin didn't find the humor in her statement. In fact, his face fell as he rubbed softly on his arm.
"I...I don't think so." He muttered, his eyes flitting around the apartment looking anywhere except at the person sitting right in front of him.
"I'm sorry did I say something wrong? Are you ok?" Kenisha asked in confusion.
"No, no it's not that. It's just...there're no girls banging down my door or anything." Justin voiced before he moved to stand up. Brushing off his jeans, he inhaled deeply feeling his nerves suddenly coming back up to the surface. Ok, the night was fun while it lasted but now it was time to leave.
Jumping up on her feet, Kenisha continued to eye Justin trying to make sense of his sudden mood swap. "Justin, you don't have to be all modest. I'm cool if there are other girls in the picture. I mean, we're friends right?"
Narrowing his eyes at her, Justin sighed not wanting to respond but knowing he had to. "What makes you think there are other girls?" he asked curiously.
"Well...uh...I...I...m-m-mean y-you're not exactly bad looking and..." Kenisha stuttered terribly, feeling her face heating up from embarrassment. He didn't have to put her on the spot like that.
"Looks aren't everything Kenisha and believe me, I'm nothing special." Justin retorted.
"Justin, you can't be serious. You're like the kind of guy every girl out there is looking for." She replied boldly, wondering why he was so down on himself.
"Says you. I highly doubt it though."
He didn't want to have this conversation with her. How did they even end up on this topic? Him telling her he had two girlfriends in the past was as deep as he was willing to go. She didn't need to know anything else. Not now anyway. Plus, she was wrong. What girl wanted a guy with practically zero experience? What the fuck was he really doing? He knew if Kenisha knew everything there was to know about him she'd maybe think he was some type of freak. No, he'd never be able to deal if she thought of him like that. It was time to end this little ‘non-date' or whatever this was.
"Justin are you trying to trick me into telling you just how much I like you? Because you can't be serious right now and you clearly don't see what I see when I look at you..."
"Looks aren't everything Kenisha." Justin reiterated before he took a step back getting ready to leave.
"No they're not and I wasn't only talking about looks either. Are you sure you're ok?" She stretched her hand out to tap his chest gently and he froze under her touch.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Listen, I should maybe get going. It's getting late and I have work and all that tomorrow." Justin voiced and Kenisha nodded in understanding.
"Ok, that's fine. I had fun Justin, thanks for coming over." She mentioned, dismissing their previous conversation.
"I had fun too. I'm glad I came." He admitted as well as she walked him over to the front door.
Swinging the door open, Kenisha stepped aside so Justin could make his exit. On his way out, he gave her a light hug and kiss on the cheek before he stepped foot into the hallway.
"Well bye Justin." She voiced softly and he nodded in return but suddenly stopped when he remembered something.
"Uh hey, uh I know this is a long shot but I was wondering...w-w-would you like to um, come out with me next week? I was uh going bowling with my friends. It's sort of a traditional thing for us and I'd really like it if you came. We usually go out to play pool and bowl. Rachel will also be there, so you'd get to meet her." Justin elucidated hoping she'd agree. He felt his heart pounding against his ribcage in anticipation of her answer.
A large smile stretched across Kenisha's face at his request and she nodded giddily in return. "I'd love to...I'd love to meet your friends." She beamed happily and Justin heaved a sigh of relief.
"Great, it's a date then..." Catching himself, his eyes widened in shock and he quickly tried to clear his slip up. "I mean...I mean I'll see you...I'll uh..."
"It's a date." Kenisha cut him off with an assured grin and he smiled bashfully. "I'll stop by during the week to return the DVD's and we'll make plans ok?" She inquired and Justin shook his head while stuffing his hands in his jeans pockets.
"Or I could just take them now if you'd like."
"No, it's fine. You're off duty." She mused and Justin chuckled in return. "I'll see you during the week. Well, bye Justin take care. See you soon."
"You too...bye." Justin said his final farewells and quickly turned on his heel disappearing down the hallway and around the corner, filled with excitement and reverie that he was actually going to go on an official date with Kenisha next time around. He knew Rachel was going to bug him about it but he didn't mind. He was on top of the world and nothing could kill his high, not even his overly nosey cousin.
When Justin was out of sight, Kenisha slowly shut her door and sighed contently at how well the night went. She had an amazing time with Justin and learned a lot about him in that short space of time. He was exactly what she was looking for which was the complete opposite of all the jerks she'd been with in her life. She couldn't wait to make him hers. She had a mission now and was damn determined to see it to completion.
Ambling back into her apartment, Kenisha picked up her cell to phone Cornelia to let her know that it was safe to return.
After one ring, Cornelia's voice filtered through the line.
"So, are you all done kissing up and sucking up on each other?"
"Ew Connie, shut up. You're so graphic sometimes." Kenisha giggled, remembering how supple and pink she found Justin's lips to be. Too bad she didn't get to kiss them like Cornelia enquired.
"Hey, I'm being real girl. Oh Jackie says hi."
"Say hey back. And to answer your question, no Justin's not like that. We just hung out and had a really great time."
"Hold on. You're telling me he had you alone all this time and didn't make a move on you?" Cornelia asked stupefied.
"Connie, I told you, he's not like that!" Kenisha defended with a large grin on her face as she remembered how good Justin smelt and how amazing it felt to have his body heat mixed with her own.
"Ok he must be gay then." Cornelia laughed out.
"Connie! He's not! Oh my god."
"Then how do you explain him not even making an attempt to kiss you?"
"He's a decent guy ok? He respects women and we just started hanging out. Come on, give him time."
"He seemed kind of reserved too...kind of shy and I know that's not your type. I was trying to understand what exactly you saw in him, besides his gorgeous eyes and the fact that he's hella cute." Cornelia added and Kenisha found herself blushing in the process.
"You know what? Just get your ass home and we'll talk." Kenisha scolded Cornelia with a cackle and Cornelia groaned in return.
"Seriously Keni, I really don't think he's your type, but, it's early still I guess. Plus, if he can put out and work you out then who am I to complain..."
"Oh god, Connie! Just get your ass home. I'm not having this conversation with you anymore." Kenisha shook her head at her friend's antics. She loved that girl but sometimes, she was too inquisitive for her own good.
"Fine, fine. I'm on my way." Cornelia giggled in return. She enjoyed driving Kenisha crazy. It was her thing. They were best friends after all.
"Ugh good." Before she hung up the phone, Kenisha smiled when a thought crossed her mind as she replayed what Cornelia told her. "And just so you know Connie, Justin is a great guy ok? I like him a lot and I think he'd be good for me. Besides, it's time for a change..."
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