Desires born,
growing within spirit and soul…
Unknown cravings,
nurtured daily, expression awaits…
innocence remains intact,
as stories…await to be told…
Awaiting discovery,
within a tomb of safety, fire continues to grow…
anticipation building,
as the moment arrives…
craving the surface to reach,
desires quenched…as finally ourselves…we let go! – By Joyce Bowling
Part 5: In the Party
Justin and Sasha awoke hours later to the dim light of the setting sun sipping through the windows and curtains in their bedroom.
Fluttering his eyes open, Justin gazed around, his ears perking up when he heard what sounded like a knock on the front door which echoed throughout the silent house and traveled up the staircase, filtering into their room.
Groaning, he shifted his weight beneath Sasha who laid half-asleep sprawled out on top of him. Chuckling, Justin nudged her awake, receiving a light moan from her in response.
“Baby, wake up. Someone’s at the door.” He whispered, still nudging her lightly.
“Ugh, tell them to go away.” Sasha mumbled against his chest, tying to fall back asleep.
It was times like these that they looked and felt like any normal couple. Justin loved that about them. They never let their immortal side and abilities control them. They weren’t conceited or looked down on people because they felt they were of a superior species. No…they were just Justin and Sasha in every way and that was enough for the both of them. They were happy. That was all that mattered.
Slicking his fingers through Sasha’s silk raven locks, Justin sighed.
“I can’t make whoever it is go away if you don’t let me up Sash.” He laughed before stretching out his limbs the best he could. “Come on, the sun’s almost down anyway, it’s time to wake up. Christmas isn’t over yet.”
“Ok, fine.” She muttered drowsily while rolling off of him and onto her side so she could get comfortable again.
Rolling his eyes as her refusal to wake, Justin hopped off the bed in all his naked glory before he strutted into their shared bathroom to slip on a robe. Coming back out, he gave Sasha one last glance realizing that she was already falling back asleep.
Chortling lightly to himself, Justin shook his head in amusement then made his way out of the bedroom and down the flight of stairs when he realized that the incessant knocking was getting louder and more urgent.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Justin called out, quickly making his way to the front door.
He unbolted the locks and swung the door open only to be greeted by their next door neighbor Trudy Walsh.
Arching his brows at her, Justin studied the married woman in her middle thirties. She was short in height with strawberry blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She was an attractive woman with a spunky attitude and zest for life. She was in fact, the only real friend Justin and Sasha had in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, she was sometimes too much to stomach even for them, and because of that, they usually kept their distance from her. Trudy got along with mostly everyone and never once showed any sign of fear or intimidation when it came to Justin and Sasha. Justin was sure that would easily change if she knew what they really were, but he liked keeping that part of their existence secret.
“Mrs. Walsh.” Justin greeted her with a toothy smile and she beamed at him, her eyes scanning his robe clad form.
“Good evening Justin. Merry Christmas, isn’t it just a wonderful day?” Trudy gushed cheerily while clinging to her black winter coat. Before Justin had a chance to answer, she interrupted him. “Oh heavens, aren’t you cold in that getup? Here let me come in so you can shield yourself from the cold.” Brushing past Justin, Trudy invited herself in and Justin shut the door behind them.
Turning to face her, he folded his arms across his chest, realizing that he should be more careful with his choice of attire. Things wouldn’t go over well if people knew he and Sasha were immune to the cold. “Happy holidays…” Justin drawled out in an even tone, paying close attention to Trudy’s wondering eye.
“Had a little party last night I see?” She diverted her attention to Justin with a knowing glimmer in her eyes as she pointed to the destroyed furniture in the living room.
If Justin had any heat radiating in his body, he would have blushed. “Uh, we, Sash and I kind of got carried away.” He smiled bashfully while rubbing the back of his head.
“Say no more.” Trudy giggled while stuffing one of her hands into her coat pocket. She pulled out a small square piece of paper and handed it to Justin. “I came over to give you this. I hope to see you all tonight to share in the celebrations yes? The whole neighborhood will be there. Hopefully you and your lovely wife will come this year. I never give up.” Trudy stated firmly, her rosy cheeks lifting into a bright smile.
“I’ll uh…we’ll…we’ll be there.” Justin replied hesitantly as he looked over her party invitation. She had one every year at Christmas time and every year, Justin and Sasha would decline her invite. That, however, never discouraged Trudy. She was positive they’d eventually decide to come and she was right.
Clapping enthusiastically, she moved around Justin to head for the door again. “Great! Bring a drink along and I’ll see you all later. I’m going to head back home to finish the preparations. Adios!” Trudy waved to Justin before she briskly exited his home, slamming the door shut behind her. Well, she was definitely a busybody.
Reading over the invitation which held his and Sasha’s name in big bold black print, Justin sighed tiredly before he ambled back up the stairs to his bedroom.
He knew Sasha maybe didn’t want to go, but Trudy was relentless and he had to give the woman credit for her persistence. Besides, they were celebrating Christmas this year so he figured the highlight of the day should be included into their celebrations. And on their side of town, the main event happened to be the Walsh’s annual Christmas shindig.
“Baby? We’re going to Trudy and Simon Walsh’s party!” Justin vocalized as he entered the bedroom only to find Sasha standing by the window wrapped in a robe gazing out at the sunset.
“We never go to that thing. Those people can be so obnoxious and nosey and…” But she drifted when Justin walked up to her and encircled his arms around her waist from behind. Leaning his head forward, he placed a light kiss on her ear and then neck, his fangs lightly grazing the surface of her skin.
“This year is different remember? We’re going. It’ll be fun. Besides, it’s a good opportunity for our neighbors to see that we’re normal just like them.” Justin whispered as he looked out into the fading sunset.
Relaxing in his embrace, Sasha kept her eyes out of the window as a small smile played across her lips. “Ok, we’ll go. We’ll simply come home whenever we’re ready.” She agreed, her bright yellow orbs taking in the snow on the windowsill.
“Exactly. Oh and we have to bring a bottle.” Justin added in and Sasha nodded against him.
“Any suggestions?” She inquired.
“Uh huh…our finest bottle of red wine should be perfect. I mean, it’s not like we’re going to drink it. It’s just there on display.” He chortled, loving the double meaning behind his words.
Sometime Later
So far, everything was going smoothly. The Walsh’s party was a success as always and it was a full house. The party was swinging with people dressed in their finest Christmas outfits which all had some form of black, red, white or beige color schemes. There was a buffet table laid out and a fully stocked mini bar housing the drinks that were brought by the guests with a hired bartender to serve them. People were around mingling and enjoying themselves while eating and sipping on their poisons.
After the awkwardness wore off when Justin and Sasha made their grand entrance causing the entire room to fall into hushed silence, things moved along quite well. They made their rounds, hand in hand, engaging in mindless chatter with their estranged neighbors, even scoring a few invites to visit or simply drop in whenever they had the chance. Justin figured it was in the spirit of the season since everyone seemed happy and generous for the most part. After Justin and Sasha mixed with the ‘normals’ as Justin always put it, they retreated to the bar to have some one on one time, Trudy and her husband making sure that they were comfortable before they disappeared into the crowd to continue entertaining their guests.
“This is really nice. Maybe we should have come to these parties sooner.” Sasha spoke as she sat on a stool at the bar with Justin nursing a drink.
Bringing the glass up to her lips, she locked eyes with Justin who held a comical stare on his face before she took a large gulp, cringing when the toxic substance hit the back of her throat.
Forcefully swallowing, Sasha shuddered before placing down her rum and coke. “God, how can these people drink this poison?” She groaned.
Laughing, Justin glared at his still full glass, hesitant to even make the vile substance touch his lips. “They like it. Plus it gets them intoxicated which in turn gives them an excuse to do just about anything they want, morals aside.” He snickered, his nose crinkling as he glared at the drink in his glass called a screwdriver.
They were only forcing the drinks to seem somewhat normal. They didn’t want to be questioned on why they weren’t filling their stomachs on Christmas day like everyone else. What would they really say? Plus, they didn’t want to offend the Walshs. Justin figured drinking had to be a lot easier than eating the food but after seeing Sasha’s reaction he wasn’t so sure.
Scanning the many faces in the room, Sasha grinned widely when one of their neighbors named George made his way over to them.
“Well, well, well, look who decided to show their faces finally.” George smiled while ordering a whiskey on the rocks before situating himself between Justin and Sasha.
Smiling in acknowledgement, Justin braced himself and downed half of his drink before he placed the glass down on the table with a thud. Swallowing harshly, he licked at his lips, hating the aftertaste he experienced. Damn, this was torture. Nothing compared to the sweet, red, sticky substance running through the veins of every living, breathing person in this room.
“What’s going on George?” Justin asked the middle-aged man with chestnut brown hair.
“Oh you know the usual. Work and taking time off to spend with the family. What about you folks? You younglings planning on starting a family anytime soon?” George questioned while looking between Justin and Sasha.
“Uh…” Justin exchanged glances with Sasha then shrugged. “We haven’t talked about it.” He admitted.
“Maybe someday soon.” Sasha smiled brightly even if she knew that there was only a specific time in the year when the moon was the highest in the sky could vampires conceive. Any other time was impossible for them. George didn’t need to know that of course.
“That’s good to know.” Thanking the bartender when he received his drink, George politely excused himself. “Well, you two take care now and enjoy the rest of the party. Don’t be strangers you hear?” He waved before he turned to make his exit.
“We won’t, you take care man.” Justin replied but suddenly froze solid when George lightly brushed past him to return to his wife on the other side of the living room.
Taking in a sharp breath, Justin gripped his nose, his throat suddenly closing as his chest constricted.
Glaring at him oddly, Sasha frowned. “J? Baby what’s wrong, are you ok?” She asked out of concern at his sudden change in demeanor.
Justin opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out as his eyes widened. Gripping his stool tightly with his other hand, his eyes widened as they scanned the full room of people who were unconscious of the terrible danger their lives were in from being so close to two vampires. The house was cozy and warm with Christmas decorations everywhere and a large tree in the living room. The couches were of a beige color and the furniture was of fine maple and oak wood.
But what drew Justin’s attention were the vents. The vents circulated hot air into the room to make the atmosphere bearable. He couldn’t believe it, but when George turned to walk away, a gush of that hot air filled Justin’s nostrils, the strong sent of fresh blood awakening the predator in him.
“I can’t breathe this air.” Justin whispered to Sasha in strangled breaths.
“What?” She whispered back not understanding.
“The warmth, the heat and the amount of people in here is driving me crazy. Can’t you smell them?”
“Yes, but we’ve never had a problem controlling our urges before.”
“I was fine with it until…until George…he was so close.” Justin’s eyes pleaded with Sasha to help him. The last thing he wanted was to lose control. He didn’t know those people personally but he valued their lives like his own.
Standing on her feet, Sasha situated herself between Justin’s legs, her cold hands caressing the side of his face. “Calm down J please. You don’t want to do whatever it is you’re planning.” She explained, her hands smoothing over various parts of his body to sooth him.
He was dressed in a long-sleeved buttoned down white shirt and black pants. Sasha wore a simple red dress with heels.
Trudy took their coats when they arrived earlier, telling them that they wouldn’t need it indoors since she kept the temperature high. Now, Sasha was worried. She knew the only explanation for Justin’s change was the fact that he needed to feed. It wasn’t like they could eat the human food.
“It hurts Sash.” Justin whined in pain as his throat ceased up and his fangs slowly descended involuntarily. Snapping his mouth shut, he squeezed his eyes shut as well, trying to calm himself down but every breath he took threatened to send him over the edge.
“Shit…Justin we have to go.” Sasha stated, fearing that he would react in a way that would blow their little secret. He had a lot of self-control, but now was not the time to be brave.
“No I…” fluttering his eyes open, Justin looked up at Sasha causing her to gasp in shock.
“Justin…your eyes.” She said urgently. “They’re black…you need to feed.”
Jumping up on his feet, Justin gripped Sasha’s hand tightly, avoiding eye-contact with anyone in the room. Giving the guests one last glance, he pulled her with him to a different part of the large two-story house, not caring if it was off limits. They easily forgot about their drinks on the counter at the bar, Justin’s urgency to tame his thirst being his main goal. He didn’t even care that the bartender was looking at them funny. He just needed to drink before he went literally insane. He could feel himself weakening already.
Reaching to the end of the hallway at the other side of the house, Justin gripped a doorknob and swung the door open, pulling Sasha inside with him before he slammed and locked the door behind them.
Gazing around briefly, he noticed that they were in a lounge or maybe a den of some sort. There was a large plasma screen television, a rug, a large leather couch, a small bookshelf and a center table.
Grabbing Sasha by the shoulders, Justin slammed her up against the wall, his dark orbs searching her haunting yellows. “Babe, please.” He begged desperately and Sasha obliged already knowing what he needed.
Without saying a word, she brushed her hair out of the way and tilted her head to the side exposing the flesh of her neck. Without missing a beat, Justin pressed his solid frame against her, pinning her to the wall before he took in a deep breath, his mouth parting slightly to expose his razor sharp fangs and pearly whites. “We’re going hunting tomorrow up in the mountains. There’s nothing like a hibernating bear during winter.” Justin said huskily and Sasha giggled, her laughs dying in her throat when he dipped his head in and immediately sunk his fangs into her veins, draining her blood.
Gasping from the abrupt attack, Sasha grabbed fistfuls of Justin’s shirt as he pressed himself into her, his urge and desires taking over and claiming the rational side of him. He was like a pure animal, groping and squeezing her soft body as his lips remained latched onto her neck like a vice, his eyes fluttering shut when waves of pleasure washed over him as her sweet blood filled him and slid down his throat.
Pressing his lower half into her, Justin groaned softly, the euphoric surge flowing through him turning him on immensely. Sasha could feel his growing arousal and knew that him feeding off of her was always a turn on for him.
She could feel herself getting wet just by the thrill and thought of having him fuck her right here, right now in his rough, aggressive disposition.
“Uh…shit J.” She moaned softly when his tongue slid over the sensitive flesh of her neck as he slowed and lightened the suction he had on her, almost getting his fill.
All she received in response was a deep guttural groan that dragged from his throat. Biting the corners of her lips, Sasha dipped her hands between the two of them and slowly undid Justin’s belt and pants before sliding down the zipper. Pushing her way in, her cold hands gripped his solid erection eliciting a deep moan from him in return. She carefully pulled him out of his confinements and stroked him gently until he pulled away from her to stare at her with wide, lightening eyes. His blues were slowly beginning to shine through and he leaned in to kiss her lips sweetly, the taste of her blood on him touching her tongue.
“Lift your leg.” Justin whispered against her lips and she obeyed, his hand dropping to hold her leg in place around his waist. Using his other free hand, Justin massaged Sasha’s breasts until her nipples were hard to his liking. Dipping his hand further south, he lifted up her short dress and slid his fingers through her panty, pulling it to the side and out of the way. His fingertips grazed over her wet folds as he eyed her, a light smile tugging at his lips. “We really shouldn’t be doing this here.” He pointed out.
“Please…I need you now…don’t stop.” Sasha begged and Justin nodded before he planted his feet firmly on the floor and bent his knees slightly. Gripping his erection in his palm, he placed himself at Sasha’s entrance then leaned in to capture her lips with his…slow pushing into her as he kissed her.
Sasha’s walls clamped down around him as he filled her, her stomach twisting into knots from the pleasure overpowering her.
She moaned when Justin instantly set his pace, thrusting into her roughly.
“Fuck.” Justin heaved, breaking their lip-lock and dipping his head to rest on her shoulder. His grip around her thigh tightened and his fingers dug into her skin as he picked up speed, working on bringing them to their peaks as he continued fucking her harshly, their pants and moans bouncing off the walls of the room.
Taking Sasha’s hand in his, Justin intertwined their fingers together before he lifted their hands to rest against the wall next to her head. Keeping her gaze, he continued moving inside of her, fucking her skillfully and driving her insane.
“I love you baby.” Justin cooed in a soft grunt and Sasha leaned forward to place a loving kiss on his lips.
“I love you too J…forever.” She responded, feeling her walls tighten around him until her release claimed her body causing her to quiver considerably.
With a few more thrusts, Justin climaxed soon after, the muscles in his stature tensing as he stifled his moans. Shutting his eyes tightly, he fought to regain his composure until he calmed down and his movements stopped.
Pausing to gather their bearings, Justin and Sasha held unto each other for a few moments before Justin slid out of her and slowly removed her leg from around his waist so she could stand. Taking a few steps back, he studied his wife with glazed orbs as he fixed himself in his boxer-briefs. Pulling up his pants and pinning them, Justin fixed his belt and then pulled up his zipper before fixing his shirt over the waistband. Sasha carefully fixed up herself as well before ruffling and taming her hair until it was presentable.
Dipping his head back, Justin chuckled lightly while gazing at their surroundings. “If Trudy knew what we just did, she’d never invite us to her home again.” Justin laughed heartily and Sasha smiled.
“Then let’s make sure she never finds out.”
“If she asks, we got lost looking for the bathroom.” Justin mused and Sasha giggled in return, heading over to the door to open it.
“I’m kind of not feeling this party anymore.” Sasha admitted as she gripped Justin’s hand who led them out of the room and down the hallway, back to the party.
“Me neither. Let’s tell Trudy we’re heading home. I think it would be nice to spend the remaining hours of the day together…just the two of us.” He voiced and Sasha nodded in return.
When they made it back to where the guests were situated, Justin held a smug smile on his face as the same sweet aroma of fresh blood filled the air and floated into his nostrils. He inhaled deeply, sighing with satisfaction that he was now calm and able to resist the urge to sink his teeth into some poor unsuspecting victim.
“Oh there you guys are! I was looking everywhere for you two.” Trudy’s voice filled Justin and Sasha’s ears as she came into sight drinking a glass of eggnog. “We’re going to play charades; do you all want to make teams?” Trudy asked excitedly but Justin and Sasha declined.
“That sounds like fun and I promise next time we will, but we’re going to head home now. Sash’s tired and so am I. We had a long day.” Justin admitted while grinning largely, remembering their snow adventures and trip to the city.
“Oh well that’s fine. Another time then. Don’t let me keep you. Thank you for coming. Simon sends season’s greetings as well. He’s off with his brother preparing the games for the night.” Trudy uttered.
“Ok, well Merry Christmas Trudy, you take care now.” Justin said while leaning down to give her a light hug.
“Oh my.” Trudy gushed, hugging him back. “You take care as well…and you’re so cold!” She pointed out, causing Justin to pull away from her abruptly.
“Yeah well uh…” Justin was at a loss for words but Trudy simply brushed it off.
“You better cover up! Don’t want to get sick now.” Trudy spoke, patting Justin’s shoulder who smiled coyly before she said farewell to Sasha.
“Bye Trudy. Thank you for having us again.” Sasha stated, waving goodbye as she and Justin turned to make their exit.
On their way out, they stopped to grab their coats, slipping them on and giving each other comical stares as they proceeded to leave the Walsh’s residence.
When they were finally outside, both Justin and Sasha glanced up the street at their home only a few houses away.
“I don’t know about you…” Justin began as he and Sasha strolled up the quiet sidewalk of their neighborhood in the blistering cold, arm in arm. “But, this had to be one of the craziest Christmases I’ve ever had in all of my existence.” He chuckled and Sasha laughed along with him, her eyes taking in the endless snow which covered the streets, rooftops, trees and driveways.
“I couldn’t agree with you more…but it was a good type of crazy filled with enjoyment.”
Hugging her tighter against his body as they neared home, Justin smiled lightly in return.
“Oh it definitely was…”
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