In the still of the wintery night, Without a soul in sight
The city sleeps soundly, In its vast mystery
So abandoned are the streets, As the wind howls and the snow fleets
On an early Christmas morning day, With the moonlight paving the way – by Unknown
Part 3: In the City
They landed in front of a liquor store moments earlier and were now looking into the large window at their prey, two victims who had no idea that tonight might be their last.
Since it was so late at night, the streets of the city were deafly quiet and only a few convenience stores and liquor stores were open. There wasn’t a cop for miles and the thought elicited a half-smile from Justin as he gripped the handle to the entrance of the store getting ready to enter.
“Justin…” Sasha said hesitantly as she grabbed his hand to stop him and met eyes with him.
“No changing your mind sweetheart. Come on, it will be fun.” Justin assured before he pulled her to his side and swiftly entered the store.
Upon entering, the two sales persons at the register glared at the couple curiously.
Only one customer was in the store at the moment finishing her purchases before she quickly made her exit, stopping only a mere moment to glare at Justin and Sasha before she disappeared into the night.
“Goodnight guys…” Justin grinned cunningly, walking up to the cash register with Sasha a few feet behind.
“Would you look at this clown Murphy?” One of the sales guys said as he puffed a cigarette and rudely blew the smoke out in Justin’s face.
Justin’s now blank expression never faltered as he studied the two men thoroughly, the scent of their tainted blood filling his nostrils.
“Yow man, Halloween’s over…lose the costume.” Murphy replied cattily. “Are you wearing makeup?” he inquired, squinting as he continued to glare at Justin.
“No, I guess I need a tan.” Justin shrugged uncaringly, his blues darting over to the other man whose focus was now on Sasha.
Whistling lowly, the guy smiled for Sasha before putting out his cigarette. “This pretty little thing with you?” He questioned Justin, not really needing an answer. “Hey doll, I’m Kent, what’s your name?”
Rolling her eyes, Sasha took in both men. Kent was light skinned with brunette hair and brown eyes. Murphy was dark-skinned in complexion and looked no older than maybe twenty-one. She didn’t feel right about this. She knew they were troublemakers but she didn’t really fancy killing them just for sport of it like Justin had planned.
Unfortunately, there was no turning back now because Justin’s temper was slowly rising. He could hear what both men were thinking and their thoughts weren’t pleasant. They were just making things easier for him when they continued to think such vile, dirty, disgusting things about his wife. He couldn’t believe they were both contemplating on how to get rid of him so they could have Sasha to themselves. That was uncalled for and crossing a very dangerous line since Justin was very protective over her…not that she couldn’t take care of herself.
“I don’t like how you’re looking at my wife Kent.” Justin said emotionlessly, his eyes darkening to pure black. He was looking for trouble. He wanted a little excitement and the asshole was begging to be bitten the way he saw it.
“Oh yeah? And what are you going to do…” But Kent drifted off when his browns pierced Justin’s orbs. “Holy shit.” He said lowly, fear overpowering him almost instantly. “What the fuck are you?”
“He’s a freak man!” Murphy bellowed before he dipped behind the counter to grab his AK. “Get the fuck out of our store man. I don’t know what the fuck you are but…”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Justin stated calmly as his fangs descended, stunning both men and rendering them speechless. “Sash, deal with Murphy. I’ve got Kent.” Justin growled softly and in the blink of an eye he was on the counter, rushing to grab Kent before Sasha dived for Murphy just as the gun went off.
Sasha dodged the bullet then took the gun away from Murphy before she lifted him off the floor effortlessly. “Justin I don’t want to do this.”
Keeping her death grip on Murphy as she held him up in the air, she ignored his cries as she glanced at Justin who had Kent pinned against the wall in a chokehold, his fangs grazing the flesh of Kent’s neck.
“Now is no time to back down Sash.”
“But this isn’t right Justin! We’re not like this…we don’t…we don’t kill for fun.” She shook her head before placing Murphy down. She had disarmed him in a flash, the gun now in separate parts on the floor of the store.
“Look, you couldn’t hear what they were thinking Sash.” Justin argued. “What they wanted to do to you.” He snapped angrily as he pulled away from Kent to glare at Sasha who looked like she was about to release Murphy completely.
“I’m sorry but I can’t. You can’t blame them for their thoughts. They’re only human.”
“That’s no excuse!” Justin snarled at her, his stare hardening.
“Please man…spare us, listen to her. We promise we won’t say anything.” Kent choked out through gasps. “We’re sorry.”
“Yeah, yeah man. It’s not like anyone would believe us anyway.” Murphy replied, wishing that their surveillance cameras were working. They forgot to buy tapes so they really had no proof now.
Hearing Murphy’s thoughts, Justin sighed and reluctantly let go of his hold on Kent causing him to fall to the floor heaving, trying to suck in air through his lungs.
“Fuck!” Justin snapped, knowing he really couldn’t go through with it. Sasha was right. Even if they were monsters by default, he never wanted to be viewed as such. He never wanted to be a killer if he could help it. “Sash, let’s go.” Justin demanded and Sasha sighed with relief, carefully releasing her hold on Murphy who was cowering in fear.
Walking over to the cash register, Justin broke it open and grabbed the money that was in it, stuffing it in his jeans pocket.
“Aw man come on…don’t do that.” Kent begged but Justin shot him a look.
“You don’t need it.” Justin hissed and Kent remained quiet.
Jumping out from behind the counter, Justin zoomed down to the back of the isle, grabbing a bottle of liquor and some groceries before he came back to the counter where Sasha was still situated, holding an apologetic stare on her face as she tried to calm down Kent and Murphy.
“Merry Christmas boys.” Justin smiled condescendingly before he led Sasha out of the store and they took off down the street.
Laughing, Sasha stopped running when they made it to the small city park. Taking a seat on one of the benches, she glared at Justin incredulously. “I can’t believe you did that.” She giggled.
Shrugging, Justin smiled innocently then began walking down the small path further into the park. “Honestly, I only suggested this because I saw them giving some kids a hard time on the block when I was coming home earlier. I figured they needed a taste of their own medicine.” Justin spoke and Sasha nodded in understanding as she followed him, the yellow light from the small lamp posts paving their way.
“I knew you had a reason.”
“I did.” He smiled. “But they can thank you for saving their lives. Their blood was tainted with drugs anyway.” He admitted.
“I know; I got the scent too.”
“Yeah.” He sighed, slowing his pace when he neared his destination.
“So, uh, what’s with the groceries and bottle of liquor? You know we don’t eat that stuff.” Sasha said in amusement. He really was weird sometimes. “And where exactly are we going?”
“You’ll see.” He beamed with pride before a dark figure came into view.
Taking a few more steps, Justin stopped in front of a park bench, his gaze softening as he absorbed the sight in front of him. “No one deserves to spend Christmas this way.” He whispered, leaning down to place his hand on the sleeping figure’s shoulder.
Watching in awe, Sasha remained silent as Justin woke the sleeping, homeless man who was visibly trembling on the park bench.
“I saw him here on my way home too.” Justin mentioned to her as he woke the individual.
Dark brown eyes slowly fluttered open to gaze into Justin’s blues from behind their wool hat. The man was scruffy and covered in layers of sweaters to keep warm. His hands, feet and ears were covered as well. Next to him was his cart filled with everything he had to his name.
“Hey…” Justin whispered to the middle-aged man who eyed him carefully and silently prayed that he wasn’t going to be robbed or beaten up tonight. When Justin offered a kind smile, the man’s heart slowed and he carefully sat up.
“N…night.” The man said weakly and Justin signaled for Sasha to come closer.
“You shouldn’t be out here in the cold like that. You could get sick. You should be somewhere warm.” Justin explained, wishing he could take the poor guy home but knowing that he couldn’t.
“I’m ok.” The man replied honestly and Justin nodded. He was used to roughing the elements, that much was clear.
“Well, now you’re more than ok.” Walking over to the stranger’s cart, Justin placed the bottle of liquor and groceries which he took from the store into the cart. There were canned goods, bread, chips and a few extra goodies.
Dipping his hand into his pocket, Justin pulled out the stack of cash and gripped the man’s gloved hand, placing the cash in it before he released him. The man’s eyes grew wide and glossed over with unshed tears as he looked up at Justin in perplexity.
Holding his genuine smile, Justin took a few steps back to pull Sasha into his embrace.
“Get somewhere warm to sleep for the night and some warm food. Merry Christmas.” Justin nodded, getting ready to leave.
“Tha…thank you…oh thank you so much. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!” The man waved to Justin with a large smile on his face as he got up to leave following Justin’s instructions, his missing teeth causing Sasha to giggle lightly.
“You’re welcome.” Justin called out as he and Sasha began making their way out of the park.
When they were back on the sidewalk, Sasha leaned up to place a light kiss on Justin’s cheek.
“What was that for?” he asked while looking down at her as they strolled along.
“You my dear have a big heart for a vampire.” She cooed. “What you did was amazing J.”
“Eh, I try.” Justin replied modestly and she shoved him playfully as they continued walking hand in hand.
When they rounded the corner of the street, Justin slowed his pace the moment his blues landed on a horse carriage parked out front next to one of the few restaurants that was open late. He had a feeling that the owner must have been inside getting a bite to eat and a plan immediately formulated in his mind.
“Hey Sash, what do you say to a quick ride once around the city?” Justin inquired as he looked up and down before he crossed the street with her at his side.
“Oh no, J, don’t steal the horse.” Sasha snickered.
“Come on.” Justin whispered. “We’ll bring it back. You’ll just feed off of me later.” He suggested before he hoped into the driver’s seat and Sasha sat down next to him.
“You’re crazy.” She giggled in excitement.
“Once around the park my lady?” Justin said in a proper gentleman accent causing her to gush.
“Why thank you kind sir.” Sasha bowed her head and Justin laughed out before he gripped the reins to steer the horse.
“Hya!” Justin shouted, the horse’s head snapping up before it slowly began trotting off just when the owner stepped foot out of the restaurant and onto the sidewalk.
“Hey! That’s my carriage! Get back here!” The owner called out as he ran down the street behind Justin and Sasha until he couldn’t go any further. “Damn kids!” He cursed out in frustration.
“We’ll bring him back!” Justin assured before they disappeared around the curb.
Laughing out, Justin picked up speed, leading them on a carriage ride around the quiet city under the snow.
“This is nice.” Sasha sighed, resting her head on Justin’s shoulder who gazed out at their surroundings taking in the dim lights from the lamp posts that illuminated the silent streets. “I actually feel kind of normal.” She gushed and Justin chortled.
“I bet you do. We’re only taking a stolen carriage ride in the middle of the night in the city. Yeah, we’re so normal.” He mused in a sarcastic tone and Sasha nudged him playfully before she relaxed against him.
“Whatever, this is still nice.”
“It is.” Justin agreed.
Nothing else was said between the pair after that as they enjoyed the rest of their ride in silence.
When they were done with their round, Justin pulled up the carriage next to the restaurant, coming to a complete stop in front of the owner who was indeed waiting for their return.
Hoping off the ride, Justin helped Sasha down and proceeded to apologize to the owner who had a scathing look on his face.
“Sorry about that…” Justin apologized. “Was just showing the lady around.”
“Yeah you little thief. It was too much to just pay for a ride eh?” The man hissed and Justin cringed at his harsh tone.
“Again, we’re sorry. Come on love.” Gripping Sasha’s hand, Justin bid the still fuming owner farewell before he and Sasha took off in a sprint down the sidewalk laughing.
The moment they were out of sight, they immediately took flight, shooting up into the night’s sky.
“What do you say we head home? It’s going to be daybreak in a few hours.” Justin voiced as he and Sasha flew through the chilly night’s air towards home.
“Ok. I had a good time J. Thanks.” Sasha smiled happily and Justin nodded as they switched directions, his vision focusing on the brightly illuminated park in the near distance.
“No, thank you. This is one Christmas I’ll never forget.”
“Well, it isn’t over yet.” She said in a low voice, her raven hair flying in every direction in the wind.
Turning to glare at her, Justin frowned in confusion but wasn’t granted anytime to question what she meant before she rammed into him and took off, picking up speed.
“Race you home!” Sasha giggled, now a good distance ahead of him.
“Oh you’re on sweetheart!” Justin shouted back as he took off after her, their laughter floating through the air and filling the soundless sky until it evaporated.
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