Weeks Later...At Justin's Place...
It's been well over three weeks since Justin and I shared our first kiss and I'm happy to say that we've been kissing up a storm ever since. We haven't exactly talked about this budding relationship we have going but I think a lot more is said when we're just silent, gazing at each other while enjoying each other's company.
My flu is completely cured now and I feel like myself again.
It's funny, but I've realized that it took me getting sick and Justin being worried to the point of wanting to take care of me for us to cut the bull crap and open up to these feelings that we've been having for each other.
And so far, that's been working out well for us, because after weeks of spending time together and going out and just enjoying each other's company, I finally took up Justin's offer of coming over to his place so he could cook for me.
He lives in this upper class community just outside of Manhattan in a pent house apartment that looks like a lavish master suite at a five star hotel or resort. It makes you wonder what the hell he's doing bartending right? I guess it pays when you have a rich parent to help you out and invest in you. That's why he's able to have a flexible schedule with the type of work he's doing and still be financially stable. He's still a very independent person and he always states that he doesn't like relying on his dad for much except to just be his dad.
You see, Justin graduated art school and has been working on building enough revenue and clients to open up his own photography company. He's so young with such a big dream but I'm proud of him because I know that one day it will happen. Once he keeps going in the right direction, his dreams will become a reality and I hope I'm around when that time comes.
So anyway, presently, I'm seated on top of Justin's marbled island with my feet hanging over as I gaze at him seasoning some chicken he's planning on cooking. Just the seasoning smells good and I'm more than excited to taste whatever meal he's preparing. He's wearing a pair of jeans and a red t-shirt. I'm dressed in jeans and a black top with yellow print on it. Kicking my feet like a little child, I continue gazing at him but he seems lost in what he's doing.
We went grocery shopping for ingredients before we came back here in his red BMW. We've been in the kitchen ever since with him getting to work and me just sitting on his island glaring at him since he refuses to let me help.
"Come on jay, let me do something." I beg.
Twisting the upper half of his body to glare at me he smirks. "Nope." Is the only reply I'm met with.
"Ugh! Why not?! It would go much faster." I say feeling slightly frustrated. I've noticed another thing about him. He's as stubborn as a mule when he puts his foot down and insists on having his way.
"Because I'm cooking for you. If you help, it defeats the purpose. Patience Angel." Justin sniggers and I roll my eyes before hopping off the island to stand on my feet.
"Ok, in that case, do you mind if I go exploring while you cook?" I ask, giving up. I'll leave the chef to his work. I don't really mind anymore.
"Sure, have fun. If you see anything you're curious about just ask." He voices and I wave him off before leaving the large spacious kitchen and him behind.
Well this should be fun. I'm not looking for any incriminating stuff or anything. I'm just looking to get a personal feel of him in here. They say that a person's home and personal space gives you a sense of who they are, their personalities and interests by the way they've decorated and the things they possess. So, I guess I'm going to learn a bit more about Justin with this exploration.
Making my way into his living room decked out in black leather couches and a black velvet rug, I smile when my vision focuses on the many art paintings and professional photos he has mounted up on the walls. Justin's place is vibrant and colorful, because the endless paintings he has up give his walls color and life.
Plus, they're all beautiful pieces and I wouldn't be surprised if he took out some of the photos he has hanging up himself.
Walking down the hall, I pass the large bathroom with a shower, tub and his and her sinks. It's cute. Then I drift by his bedroom where the door is wide open since he headed in there earlier. It's really Justin. I don't know what it is, but it suits him. It's decked out with basketball memorabilia and musical representations. Plus, it has a blue color scheme which is his favorite color. I really like it. It's cozy in there with his large bed and loveseat that I couldn't get up from when I plopped down on it the first time. Giggling to myself at the memory, I walk further down and I notice a door at the end of the hall slightly ajar.
Curious since there's a bright white light filtering through, I look behind me feeling like I'm probably not supposed to go in there even if he told me I was free to go anywhere. Diverting my attention back to the door, I slowly push it open and walk into the room gasping at the sight in front of me.
"Wow." I say, whistling lowly in awe. This is like his personal photo shoot room. It's a big white room with bright florescent lighting. There's a backdrop of a beautiful twilight painting and a big setup of lights and cameras like any professional photography studio.
There's one large black and white painting on the wall of a nude faceless woman. Her skin looks like it's of a honey brown and the only color is the one single red rose she's holding while looking out of a window and up at the dark sky. God, it's so beautiful.
Gazing around, my eyes land on the large king-sized bed prop in the corner covered by deep red sheets. I also notice a huge ebony piano beneath the painting that's shining from its smoothness.
Walking over to the instrument, I take a seat at the matching wooden crafted ebony bench. Lifting the cover off the keys, I gaze at the ivory and black keys remembering some of the piano lessons I took as a little girl back home. My mom always loved the piano and because of her, I wanted to learn how to play so I could entertain her. Yeah, I was a mama's girl. This is a beautiful piano though.
Justin did say he played so that would explain why he has one. I noticed his guitar resting by the entrance of his apartment when we first got in too.
Trying to remember one of the songs I know, I place my hands on the keys and begin playing a familiar melody that my mom used to sing to me. It's a simple yet beautiful piece and I'm actually surprised that it came back to me so easily. Swaying my head, I get lost in the music as it fills the room.
It's not long before someone else comes in to join me. It's Justin. I guess he heard me playing. Scooting over so he can sit next to me, I smile at him as I continue playing.
"You never told me you played." He says in amazement.
"You never asked. I only know a little bit." I shoot back and he shrugs, turning silent again.
When I play the last few bars of my melody I turn to gaze at him, surprised to see that his blues are already boring into me. "That was sweet." He mentions with a bright smile. "Oh and the rest of the food's on the fire so we should be set soon." He points out and I nod.
"Here let me play something for you. This of my favorite songs I composed." He explains and I scoot over so his hands can rest against the keys comfortably.
After taking a few deep breaths, he begins playing the intro with only his right hand at the high notes before his left hand comes in with the melody. Getting lost in the hypnotizing sound of what he's playing, I gaze on in awe as his fingers take on some complex chords and arrangements moving as smooth as butter over the ivory and ebony keys.
Listening intently, I close my eyes and find myself humming to the tune since it's catchy and kind of has an addictive feel to it. I wouldn't be surprised if it got stuck in my head. It also has a classical feel to it too. Very Mozart like. He's really talented.
But then something happens.
He suddenly stops playing and my eyes shoot open wondering why he stopped so abruptly. "Why did you stop playing?" I ask realizing that he's breathing deeply while swiping his palms over his face.
"I...I'm sorry." Justin mutters and I frown wondering what's wrong with him.
"Justin?" Touching his shoulder, he flinches and I quickly retract my hand. "What's wrong?"
"It's nothing. I just...haven't played this in years." He explains and I scowl. "But I wanted to share it with you."
He turns to face me and I gasp when I see that his eyes are filled with unshed tears.
"Oh no what's wrong?" I'm panicking now. What the hell is his problem? How can he go from being pleasant to wanting to cry just like that?
"It's ok." He smiles, laughing softly as he wipes away at a few stray tears that escaped. "This is embarrassing. But, I'm fine."
"You're crying, how is that ok?" Has he lost his mind? "Please tell me." I beg, placing my hand on his on top of the keys and he stares at where I'm touching him before letting out a plaintive sigh.
"It's just, I wrote this for her." He begins and I get a sinking feeling in my stomach. Her? Who her? A past love?
"A past love?" I need to know.
"You could say that." He smiles again as a few more tears silently roll down his cheeks. "She was my sister. She was younger than me. My baby sis you know?" He adds in and I suddenly feel terrible, his confession weighing heavily on my heart. I don't miss his use of the past tense. "She died a few years ago from leukemia. She was so young though." He admits and I suddenly feel like crying with him. This is so sad. I had no idea he had a sister. I thought he was an only child. He never spoke of siblings and now I know why.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry Justin." I coo, skimming his back lightly. I feel terrible for him.
"No, it's ok. I miss her yes. I mean we were close. She was an angel but I've gotten over it. She was sick and I was sort of heartbroken yet glad that she didn't have to suffer anymore when she passed away. I believe that she's in a better place. My mom took it hard, but she and dad have been doing well for a while now. I guess since I'm the only one they have left, that's why they focus their time and attention on me. I just, every time I play that song I get emotional." He chuckles helplessly and I smile at him, bringing my hand up to wipe the last set of tears that stained his cheeks.
"Thank you for telling me." I state.
"You're the first person I've told in five years." He admits and that makes me feel special. He's trusting me and opening up to me more as time passes and I love that because I'm doing the same with him.
"I'm glad you did."
"Yeah..." Exhaling, he gazes at the piano again before his lips twitch into a half-grin. "I wrote something dedicated to you also. I was going to play it for you later but since we're already here..." When he switches topics his mood instantly switches back causing me to clap excitedly.
"Oh play it please?"
"Ok, but don't laugh because I wrote lyrics to it and I'm not the best singer."
"Oh whatever Mr. modest. You're talented. Even though this isn't your passion I'm pretty sure you could make some money on the side."
"Maybe, but photography and bartending has my heart." He admits and I laugh out where he stresses bartending with a hint of amusement in his tone, but it quickly dies in my throat when he begins playing a completely different tune this time.
Bobbing my head to the upbeat tempo, I giggle when he begins humming to it lightly. I'm enjoying this. When the pattern and chord arrangement changes, he turns to give me a wink before he opens his mouth and I'm graced with a melodious tone.
Damn, the boy can actually sing. He's not the best singer in the world, but he has his own sound and it's breathtaking. But with all of that, I can't help the mixture of emotions that surge through me when I listen to the words of his song.
"Every every moment that I'm away, every, every hour of every day, I love how you take my breath away...
In your arms I'm safe and secure every care around me melts away, when you hold me I forget every word that I wanted to say...I am freely lost in your love, there's no one else for me, I surrender completely....
Because my heart's racing, I'm shaking, caught up in the love we're sharing, this is no...this is no ordinary love oh baby. Hearts racing, I'm shaking, the love we have I feel like crying...this is no...this is no ordinary love
I don't ever want to say goodbye, I couldn't breathe or say goodbye, baby you're my reason why I believe there's meaning in my life. I have faith in love and faith in us and faith that this is right...I surrender forever tonight....
Because my heart's racing, I'm shaking, caught up in the love we're sharing, this is no...this is no ordinary love oh baby. Hearts racing, I'm shaking, the love we have I feel like crying...this is no...this is no ordinary love..."
When Justin stops singing and plays the last bars of the song, I feel a wave of tears engulf me that I'm desperately trying to hold back. Oh my god, that was so fucking beautiful! The lyrics, the melody, his voice...everything was amazing. I can't believe I'm gushing over this but I am. It was romantic and sweet and I honestly believe that he's trying to tell me something indirectly now with that piece of music he just shared.
When the song ends, he removes his hands from the keys and stands, moving away from the piano before he comes over to me and stretches out his hand for me to take. "Did you like it?" he asks, looking down at me and I'm having difficulty finding the right words to say.
"Yes. I loved it. You touched me." I divulge and he smiles in relief. "Thank you."
"I'm glad to hear that and you're welcome." He says simply and I take his hand allowing him to help me up in a standing position.
"Come on I want to show you something before I check on dinner." He voices and I follow him out of the room and down the hall to his living room in a daze.
Instructing me to sit on the couch, Justin moves around to grab a large folder bound with a metal spine. Taking a seat next to me, he places the heavy object in my lap.
"Open it." He grins and I eye him suspiciously as I inhale sharply, the delicious aroma of the food he's cooking filling the room.
"I'll be right back. Open it." He states before getting up and heading into the kitchen.
Eyeing the cover, I swipe my palms over the rough surface before pulling it open. Staring in wonderment, I begin flipping through the photos before me, getting lost in the detail and professionalism of each moment he was able to capture on film.
When Justin returns to take a seat next to me, I turn to stare at him.
"They are amazing Justin." I voice.
"You like? It's a collection I started. I'm saving room for one more subject before it's complete who's also going on the cover." He begins and I frown.
"I love it. But what other subject?" I inquire, flipping through the last set of photos which are images of people out and around in central park doing various things either on their own or with company.
"You." He whispers and I gasp.
"If you'll allow me to. With your permission." He voices hopefully and I swallow hard feeling a rush of nerves.
"I...I don't know."
"It's ok. Think about it. It's your choice but if you say yes, I'll try to make it as comfortable as possible for you. I just...think you're beautiful Angela and I'd love to permanently capture your beauty on film if you'd let me." He smiles sheepishly at me and how can I possibly say no to that? Plus, I think I might like this.
"Ok you convinced me. I'd love to." I decide.
"Really? That's great! Whenever you're ready let me know." He beams.
"Ok, so with that said and out of the way, let's get ready for dinner because it's almost done." Jumping up on his feet, Justin quickly disappears back into the kitchen and I place his folder down on the large glass center table before ambling into the kitchen to see if he needs any help getting the food out on the dining table.
This is quickly turning into a full-fledged relationship that I never thought I'd experience anytime soon. But, at the same time, I'm definitely on board and going along for the ride.
Sometime later...
Savoring a mouthful of food, I finally swallow before taking a sip from my glass of red wine. "Damn this is extremely delicious Justin." I smile at him over the table.
"Thanks." He mutters, eyeing me over the rim of his glass of wine before placing it down and biting into a piece of baked chicken.
"You cook better than me." I joke and he laughs out, his pride that this turned out great shining through those blues.
Gazing down at the table, I take in the scalloped potatoes, Spanish vegetable rice, vegetable shrimp, lasagna and baked chicken he prepared. Goddamn this food is delicious and rich.
"Next time it's your turn." Justin mentions and I shake my head, finishing off my plate of food.
He does the same and about an hour later we're done washing the dishes and putting the rest of the food away in refrigerator.
"So what do you want to do now?" Justin asks, while wiping his hands on a kitchen towel and coming over to where I'm situated behind his mini bar studying various bottles of alcohol.
"Make me a martini?" I ask in a low sensual voice and he narrows his eyes at me.
"Sorry, I'm off duty." He chuckles causing me to whine.
"Oh come on please Jay! Please?!" I beg.
"I think you're addicted."
"If I am I'm not going to rehab." I wisecrack and his chuckles increase in volume.
"How about I make you something different for a change?" He suggests and I nod feeling thrilled by the gesture.
"Ok." Passing next to me, he stops to lean down and give me a sugary sweet kiss before he pulls away. Moving around the bar, he pulls out a bottle of vodka and I watch and listen intently as he tells me what he's making. "Ever tasted a white Russian? It's a vodka cocktail." he asks and I shake my head ‘no'.
"Well, you're about to. It's made up of 2 oz's of vodka, 1 oz of cream or milk and 1 oz of Kahlua which is a sweet coffee liqueur that's imported from Mexico." He explains as he prepares it.
"Is it good?" I ask as I pay attention to what he's doing.
"Oh yeah, and if you're not careful and get carried away drinking it, before you know it, you'll be so messed up." He leers.
"Sounds like my kind of drink."
When he's finally done, he hands me the glass and rests back against the counter with his arms folded, waiting for me to take my first sip.
When I do, I sigh with content at the sweet creamy taste of it. "Mmm...this is good." I say, taking a few more large gulps.
"I told you. Wow easy there girl." Snatching the glass away from me, Justin gives me a cheeky grin before he takes a sip as well.
"Hey!" I pout, trying to reach for the glass but he puts his hand up in the air and since I'm shorter than him I can't reach it.
"Make fun of the short people." I deadpan. "It's ok."
"You are kind of short." He agrees and I laugh sarcastically before biting my bottom lip as I glare at him.
"You have a white mustache." I point out, gesturing to the thin coat the drink left behind on his upper lip.
"I do?" he says, darting his tongue out to clean himself off but I stop him by placing my thumb on his lip.
"Let me." I say in a soft voice and he pauses, his orbs searching mines before he brings his hand down and places the glass on the counter.
Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull him down towards me and without missing a beat, I press my lips firmly against his.
Sucking in air, Justin whirrs in satisfaction as his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me flush against his chest. Licking the traces of the drink off of his lips, I sigh immediately getting turned on because this is what I'm addicted to. It's him. No drink on its own will ever be the same again and top me tasting my poison. Damn, he tastes like that drink too, only better.
"Mmmm..." I moan against him as he deepens the kiss, his tongue slicking out to touch mine.
I'm completely gone now, enthralled with this man. Ugh, it should be a crime to be this into someone. My heart is racing, my breathing is irregular and my body is on fire but I'm welcoming it because I can't get enough of his contagious touches.
Squeezing my sides, Justin presses me against the counter, sandwiching me between his body and it.
"You taste so sweet." He murmurs against my lips.
Forcefully pulling away, I end our kiss and gaze into his glassy eyes. "You taste sweet too Jay." I coo and his eyes light up as he touches my cheek delicately.
Breathing deeply, I notice how his expression changes and becomes unreadable. That usually happens when he's spaced out or deep in thought.
Leaning down, he presses our foreheads together before closing his eyes as he skims my back sensually. "Angela." Justin whispers huskily and I shut my eyes as well, absorbing his energy and body heat, letting rapture engulf me.
"Yes?" I whisper.
"I'm falling in love with you." He blurts out with a heavy sigh and my heart skips a beat. My eyes are still closed tightly but I feel a jolt of emotions overpower me like they usually do whenever he says or does certain things. I wasn't expecting him to say that though. What the hell do I do? When I freeze under his touch, his hold around me tightens. "I'm sorry I just...I can't help it." He says sadly and I feel my heart ache. He thinks this is a bad thing? Oh my god.
"Don't say that." I force out, afraid to open my eyes for fear of what I might see in his blues.
"Tell me you want me...that I'm not scaring you away from being too forward. Tell me...I need to hear it." He pleads in a low grainy whisper and I slump my shoulders, my eyes finally fluttering open to glare at him. Pushing back, I take in his sorrowful blues, filled with fear and uncertainty.
"Justin..." I begin but he cuts me off.
"I want you Angela. I can't...take it anymore. It's driving me crazy, being around you and not being able to voice how I really feel. I need you...mind, body and soul..."
Shit, I think my insides just dissolved into a puddle of mush from what he said. That has to be the sweetest, most erotic thing a man has ever said to me.
"I want you too Justin. Always have." I admit, not caring anymore to keep anything inside. If I he can be open with me finally, I can do the same for him. We owe each other that. "I...I'm falling for you too. Already have actually." I blush, bowing my head in shame but he grips my chin forcing me to look up at him.
"Then say you'll be mine and only mine Angel." He voices, his azures glimmering with passion as they search my browns.
Smiling at him, I suddenly feel like my thoughts are screaming out at me, deafening me with all the possibilities and consequences of saying yes or no to him. But I ignore them because I know what I want, what my heart wants and it's always been him. Ever since I walked into that club over eight months ago and he stole my attention he had me. I already know my answer and I simply give it without hesitation..."Yes."
"Yes?" he questions, still unsure.
"Yes." I reiterate before a large grin adorns his face.
And the next thing I know, I'm being dragged away from the bar to another part of the apartment with Justin leading the way...
I'm not sure how I got here. In fact, it's sort of this huge blur. I think the haze kicked in after Justin said he was in love with me. Yeah, that's it. Because after he whisked us away to his bedroom, I've been on some type of pleasure high ever since and can't quite come down. This is ten times worse, yet ten times better than any alcohol induced high. This is a type of intoxication I want on a regular. It's dangerous but I like it.
It's like I'm standing on the edge of a cliff getting ready to jump over only to look down and see pure blackness, not sure if I'll be met with the sweet ocean or jagged pointy rocks. Still, I'm leaping over because I can't get enough of that adrenaline rush. It's crazy because just when I think it's over, I hear the crashing of the waves below and I dive into the dark waters before surfacing up and swimming to shore. If that wasn't a metaphor describing how unimaginably inebriated I am over Justin's touch and kisses then I give up.
He didn't waste time either, wanting to show me just how much he cares. He was a gentleman and everything, asking my permission with shyness in his tone.
Well you can bet I didn't hesitate to respond. In fact, I literally jumped him, drowning him in feverish kisses, sending us both crashing down on his dark blue comforter covered bed. When we finally broke apart for air, he was laughing and I was smiling coyly but that didn't stop the flow. We were back in each other's arms in a matter of seconds when our eyes met, groping, touching, massaging and exploring each other's bodies for the first time.
I shuddered under his touch when his bare palms connected to my stomach.
And the next thing I knew we were cautiously undressing each other, relishing in the newly exposed flesh on our bodies waiting to be touched and kissed.
"You're even more beautiful like this..." Justin coos and I grin, gripping his face in my palms so I can lean up and kiss him as he's hovering over me on the bed, holding up his weight with his hands. His boxers and my panties our only remaining barriers preventing us from being connected completely skin-to-skin.
But I can wait a little longer because I really want to savor every bit of this moment with him and judging by the lascivious state he's giving me, I'd say he feels about the same.
Pulling away from our kiss, Justin moves his head to my neck, kissing me softly there before sucking lightly on my flesh, causing my hands to fall on his bare shoulders to grip him tightly.
"Damn Jay..." I pant as his large hand moves down my body, stopping at my left breast to fondle and massage it. He uses his fingertips to flick and play with my nipple until it hardens before giving my other breast equal attention. I'm writhing beneath him now as he begins leaving a trail of kisses over my collarbone before his lips take the place of his fingertips, sucking in one of my caramel brown nipples into his mouth.
Gasping, my back arches off the bed causing his suction on me to increase in intensity. Darting his tongue out, he slides it over my mounds, licking and nibbling lightly before switching over to the next, making sure he gives them both ample attention.
And I'm fighting to keep my breathing steady as I get lost in what he's doing to me. Ugh shit, this is so much better than I envisioned it to be. I'm way past this really happening. I'd like some speed right now actually. I can't take much more of this torture. My center is burning and I'm pretty sure my panties are soaked, but Justin is going torturously slow.
He continues his decent, moving his kisses down to my stomach and by now I'm squirming, my hands gripping his head as he kisses and licks any available flesh exposed to his lips.
"Shit, Justin..." I moan, choking on my words when his tongue dips into my navel for a split second before he moves further down to kiss me over the thin material of my panties.
His head instantly snaps up and I lift my head off the pillow, gazing down at him.
"What?" I ask but he's still staring before his eyes drift back over to my most private region. Biting the corners of his mouth, he opens it to speak but shuts it seconds later. "What Justin?!" I all but scream. Damn him, he needs to not watch me like he'd devour me whole. I'm going to burst without him even touching me.
"You're so wet." He says astonishingly and I roll my eyes, smiling at him. "And you have a tattoo!" He exclaims like that's the coolest thing in the world. I can't help but giggle now, nodding in agreement. "It's cute." He mentions, sliding my underwear further to the side so he can get a better look at the shooting star print I have just on the side, close to the groove of my thigh, falling into a sea of rose petals. "What were you thinking when you got this? It's...unusual." He states, his fingertips grazing over it as he continues studying it intently. I freeze when his hand brushes over my bud and I'm just about ready to bust if he doesn't stop teasing me like this.
Trying to gather my thoughts, I shrug. "'s an expression, that I'm like a shooting star where I aim for the sky but even when I may fall I still shine. If I fail and fall short, I'm safe and my fall won't cripple me so I can get back up again, hence the rose petals. Also something about love is in there..." I gasp, shutting my eyes tightly when he dips his head to kiss me in that exact spot. What the hell did I just say? I have no idea, my mind is jumbled.
"That's sweet. I like where you decided to put it. It's well hidden." He snickers, his fingers moving up to massage my center softly and I groan.
"Well, it's something very personal so it's only shared with someone who gets on that level with me."
"And how many people have been on that level?" He asks casually.
"Ugh Justin! You're the only one that counts and knows what it means besides me. Please don't do this to me, not now!" I scream out pleadingly. He can't be serious.
When I hear him laughing boisterously, I'm now aware that he's doing this on purpose, just to push my buttons. Just to...tease and torture me. He's getting a sick pleasure out of this.
"I'm sorry Angel. I'll behave. Good answer though." He chortles and I roll my eyes but my irritation with him soon disappears into oblivion when his mouth presses firmly against my clit through my underwear, kissing me there.
"Oh boy..." Throwing my head back, my body goes rigid under his touch when he begins kissing and nibbling on me. Then, he uses one of his fingers and slowly moves my panties out of the way.
"Hmmm..." I hear him hum softly then everything fades out and I see stars the moment his lips connect to my bare flesh. Opening my mouth, I drag air into my lungs when he doesn't waste any time sucking and licking around my clit and opening with slow, long strokes of his tongue.
Panting, my hands find the sheets and I grip them, letting out all of my pent up frustration on the bed as Justin eats me out skillfully.
But just when I feel like my orgasm is drawing near, the warmth of his mouth disappears and I whine from the loss of contact.
Making his way back up over me he stops to lick at his lips with a sly grin on his face and I'm just staring at him, mesmerized. Relishing in the view of his bare upper half when his movements cause his abs and muscles to flex, I grip him around his neck unexpectedly, pulling him down unto me.
He gasps from shock when he goes crashing down on top of me but I simply giggle while dipping my head to the side to suck lightly on his neck.
"Wow Angel." Justin breathes out, a low growl escaping his lips when I wrap my legs around his waist and begin grinding against him, my center rubbing against the hard bulge in his boxers. Hissing, Justin grips my waist tightly as his breathing deepens. I have a solid grasp on him and I'm not about to let up anytime soon. Continuing with my task at hand, I increase my suction around his neck, knowing that's going to leave a hickey later but I don't care and he doesn't seem to mind either.
Increasing the rotation of my hips, I continue rubbing and gyrating my center against him, each move I make causing his hold on me to tighten just slightly. Sinking further down between my legs, Justin starts pushing his throbbing dick against me, the hardness of his erection rubbing against my clit, sending pleasurable pulses through my body. But I'm not stopping. I've lost control over my body and the way it responds to him. Plus, he seems to be enjoying this, because his head is buried in the crook of my neck and he's breathing raggedly.
"Fuck Angela." Justin pants out, frozen solid on top of me and I continue sliding and wining against him, loving the feel of his erection fused with my center.
"Damn..." I moan feeling my orgasm building and he's not even inside of me yet.
Practically reading my mind, Justin's head suddenly shoots up to glare at me, his blues dark and glassy with lust. "I want" He says in a husky, firm tone and my heart leaps in my chest from excitement. I'm not granted a chance to reply because he crushes his lips against mine while his other hand dips down between us to pull down his boxers. Aiding him, I angle my body, helping him to push them down his waist, while I'm still kissing him.
Pulling away from me, Justin casts his vision south and I follow his gaze, loving the sight of his hardened dick when it springs to life. He's definitely well endowed in that region and I'm seriously realizing that I'm springing a new addiction. Damn.
Lifting his head up to stare at me, he kicks his boxers all the way off his ankles before fixing his self between my legs. "Are you ok Angel?" Justin whispers with concern, probably because I'm wide-eyed, holding my breath, anticipating the moment he slides into me. Shaking my head vigorously, he smiles softly before taking his hand to shift my underwear all the way to the side. When I move to take it off he stops me. "No, I can't wait..." He murmurs, moving my hand out of the way before gripping his erection in his palms.
Noting how his dominant side takes over, I drop my hand, holding his gaze when he presses the head of his dick at my opening.
"Shit..." Justin swears his face contorting in pleasure and then, he suddenly plunges into me without warning taking me by surprise and causing my juices to flow out.
A soft scream escapes me and I hold onto him when he keeps sliding in, holding the upper half of his body up with his hands. He groans in pleasure, stopping to pull out of me before thrusting back in and I moan out, fixing my underwear to the side properly so it doesn't get in the way.
Grabbing one of my thighs, he lifts my leg higher around his waist and holds it in place while setting his pace. I can feel my walls clamping around his dick, sucking him in as he plunges into me, thrusting in and out of me vigorously.
"Uh yes...yes!" I moan out, matching his rhythm, getting lost in our connection.
"Fuck you feel so good Angela." Justin grunts. "So tight...and sweet." He mutters, his hips bouncing against mine with how deep he's going.
Keeping my hold on him, my hands slide down to grab him around his waist, loving the feel of him thrusting in and out of me. Breathing deeply, Justin picks up speed, falling forward slightly in shock when I smack his butt cheek.
"Naughty girl." He scolds and I giggle. But that doesn't throw off his rhythm. Instead, it causes his thrusts to intensify and I feel my stomach twists into knots when he starts hitting my spot, slamming into me hard.
"Oh my god." I gasp and he grins triumphantly, his body glistening from sweat.
"Found it." He smirks, his hips pivoting as he applies pressure to my g-spot and I gasp at him, a devious smile playing across his lips.
"So devious..." I choke out, my hips bucking when my orgasm begins pushing to the surface.
"You're loving me like that right now..." He growls cockily and I smack his butt again harsher this time.
"Don't Angel. You have no idea what that me." Justin warns, swallowing hard. His face is now serious and I hold my breath when he grips my other leg, bringing both of them higher up around his slender waist so he can gain better access. "Shit, you have no idea, how long I've wanted you..." Justin breathes out, still pounding into me, my insides scorching as my entire body threatens to burst into flames from the intense heat radiating between us.
"Fuck I've wanted you much...uh god I'm so close." I whimper, keeping pace with his movements.
"Me too Angel...let it out." Justin orders and I do just that, the force of his thrusts sending me spiraling over the edge faster than I expected. Hollering his name, I shut my eyes tightly when my walls constrict and my body spasms. Tingling sensations rush through my core as my release drains my energy.
Justin is still moving inside of me the best way he can with my walls sucking him dry.
"Goddamn..." he lets out, and my eyes flutter open to meet his, his thrusts slowing down significantly until his hips jerk. His dick twitches inside of me and he drops his head when he reaches his peak, letting out his release and coating my walls.
Absorbing as much air as he can in one breath, Justin's hips slowly stop moving and his hands give way causing him to drop my legs and collapse on top of me.
Wrapping my arms around his back, I hold him closely, feeling my breasts rubbing against his chest as his heart pounds rigorously against his ribcage. I can feel the vibrations of his pulse against me, mixing with my own harsh heartbeat.
Grabbing my hips gently, he gradually slides out of me, then helps me to pull off my underwear and toss it with the rest of our discarded clothes before he rolls us over to lie on our side, facing each other with our limbs tangled.
Pushing back to look at me he smiles brightly while brushing some of my raven hair that cascades down my shoulders out of my face. "My beautiful Angel." He whispers lovingly before pecking me softly on the lips.
Smiling back at him, I take in a deep breath, my palm skimming over his shoulder with his arm snuggly draped over my waist. We're both propped up on our elbows with our other hand behind our heads as we gaze at each other silently.
"So..." I begin and Justin chuckles.
"So..." he mocks me like he usually does.
"I...I love you jay." I blurt out, gasping and covering my mouth due to what just slipped out. Oh god, am I still high?
Clutching my hand, he pulls it away from my mouth, kissing the back of it before he places it down. "I love you too Angel. No need to be shy with me now...we're past that." He points out obviously and I sigh, relaxing against the pillow when he grabs the comforter and pulls it over our bodies.
"So, I guess you'll really have a real reason to say I'm your girlfriend now when you get hit on at the club huh?" I giggle and he laughs out, his vision fixated on my hair as he slicks his fingers through it.
"I guess so. You can bet I'm going to be introducing you to every female that tries to spit her game so be prepared." He jokes but he has no idea how wonderful him saying that makes me feel.
"Hmmm...ok...I'm tired." I say, yawning lightly, our activities running me dry.
"Then sleep. I'll bring you home tomorrow morning so you can get ready for work." He explains and I groan when I realize that I indeed have work in the morning. Another boring day at the accounting office. It will be worth it once I get to see Justin at the end of the day.
"Ok." I say, shutting my eyes. I can feel him moving against me, putting us in more comfortable positions and I sigh contently as drowsiness begins kicking in.
"Angela." Justin calls out and I open my eyes again to stare at him, realizing that he's holding a CD and photo in his hand. "This is yours. I almost forgot. Oh and Tami said I could bring you to the next photo shoot session since I uh, couldn't stop talking about you." He blushes lightly, his blues filled with mixed emotions. Aw, he's blushing, how cute. And wow, I get to meet her? This is great!
"Really?" I ask excitedly, before yawning again.
"Uh huh, she wants to meet you." Justin says proudly and I gush. "Next photo shoot. I promise."
"Wow. I can't wait!" I say enthusiastically.
"I know." He grins and I giggle.
Beaming, I grab the items from him and survey them, realizing it's a signed Tami Chynn CD of her single ‘Frozen', followed by an autographed photo of her which Justin took out. Damn, what have I been doing without him in my life all these years?
"Thank you Jay." I coo, placing a soft kiss on his lips and he nods taking the items away from me to rest on the nightstand.
"You're welcome." He replies, pulling me against his warm chest.
Relaxing in his hold, I shut my eyes when he begins tracing patterns over my chin and lips with his fingertips.
Sleep is slowly consuming me as I listen to his now steady breathing. This is the life. I know things won't always be like this and we'll have our arguments and fall outs like any real relationship, but I'm looking forward to all the good times we'll share together. Even if it's just lying in each other's arms like this now after some amazing sex, he's my poison and I'm not going anywhere. Yeah, I'm getting used to this no doubt. I really hope he's the last for me. I'm willing to stick it out and endure for as long as he'll be here with me.
"You know..." Justin whispers as he continues playing around with me, his hands brushing my earlobe then diving back in my hair. His voice sounds faint as I fall deeper into sleep, but, I catch the last thing he says to me, feeling my heart warm with adoration and love for him as I allow sleep to completely take over.
"Sometimes Angel...honestly, I really believe that you have wings that are tucked away...perfectly hidden...and you're just waiting for the right moment to spread them and set yourself free..."
*The End*
Song Justin Sang: Ordinary Love by Alaine.
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