Night Two, Three, Four, Five...
One Week Later...Late Friday Night...
It's a week later and I should be ecstatic about seeing Justin tonight but I'm quite the opposite. I'm not only furious, I'm depressed because not only am I going to miss going to that club tonight like I've ritually been doing for the past seven going on eight months straight, I'm not going to see Justin and get my fix. Do you know what it's like when an addict doesn't get his or her fix? They start to lose it and that's what I've been doing these past ten minutes when the clock hit midnight, letting me know that there were only three hours left before Justin's shift was over.
Unfortunately, I can't make it because at some point during the week I went from a few coughs and sneezes to being a full out flu victim with the upset stomach, achy muscles and fever.
I shouldn't even be up on my feet now. I should be resting but I'm too anxious to do that. I've been fighting with my decision of picking up my cell and calling him to let him know I can't make it, but my voice is raspy and I'm a coward.
So, here I am, with a box of tissue in my gasp and a white cotton robe over my light blue cotton pajamas pacing my spacious living room floor in my apartment. Staring at my cream colored carpet and couches I sigh before finally giving up, plopping down on the comfortable furniture. I'm tired and I guess I'll just have to deal. My nose is runny, my eyes are burning and there is no way I'm going down to that club tonight.
Grabbing the remote off the chestnut brown coffee table, I rest back and hit the power button for my plasma screen television that's mounted up on the wall. Have I mentioned that being an accountant pays well? Because it does. My apartment is spacious, comfy and nice. It suits me well and I'm pleased with my present living conditions for the most part. If I continue at the rate I'm going, in a few years I'll be able to put money down and purchase my first house that I can call home.
While I'm channel surfing, I mentally make a note to force myself out of bed and to the nearest pharmacy and grocery store first thing tomorrow to grab some groceries and flu medication. Since I'm a loner, I have no choice but to force my sick behind out the door to get my errands done since I have no one here to take care of me and help me. I've gotten use to it over the years though because I've been on my own since college. It's really no big deal for me.
Sighing, I gaze at my cell phone sitting on the coffee table.
I should call Justin. I'm sure he must be wondering where I am since I usually show up by eleven. Damn my nerves. I can't even be a good sport and let a great guy know that he won't be seeing me tonight whether he cares or not. It would be the right thing to do.
Pouting, I grab the big blanket I pulled out of my room. Making myself more comfortable, I finally get a program to watch. It's weird, but I love ‘That 70's Show' so I'm going to look at the reruns they have playing even if I've seen just about every episode. Pushing a pillow underneath my head so I can lay on the couch's armrest, I stretch across and grab my cell but before I can flip it open it begins shrilling throughout the apartment, the sounds of Tami Chynn's ‘Frozen' bouncing off the walls.
Yawning lightly, I lower the volume on the television and clear my throat the best way I can before gazing at the caller ID.
"Justin's calling?" I blurt out in an astonished gasp. He...he finally called. He actually beat me to it. Wow. My heartbeat instantly speeds up and by the third ring I find myself pressing the talk button and placing the device to my ear.
I barely even get a hello out when his voice filters through the line.
"Angel, are you there?"
"Uh, yes I'm here. Justin? Hey..." I force out before coughing. Gripping my throat, I moan when I feel it aching.
"Hey girl. You don't sound so good. Are you ok?" He asks, his voice laced with concern.
"I'll give you one guess why I'm not at the club right now and it's not because I'm shacked up with some guy unfortunately." I laugh, my voice sounding grainy like I was gargling nails.
"You sound terrible Angela. Are you sick? Do you have a cold?" He inquires, sounding confused.
"Yeah, the flu actually." I mutter and there's a pause before I hear a loud gushing noise on his end of the line. It sounds like someone just opened a door causing the loud music that's playing in the club to filter through.
"Hang on a minute Angel." Justin voices then I hear talking in the background. "Yes, I know I'm on the clock." I hear him tell someone. "I'll be out in a minute." Groaning, he mutters something that's incoherent before he laughs out. "I'm on an important call, give me a few fucking minutes and I'll be back out. Yeah...sure man."
And just like that, the noise is gone and all I can hear is Justin's steady breathing over the line before he speaks up. "Sorry about that Angela. Some crazy ass customer couldn't wait and came looking for me." He chuckles and I smile even though he can't see me.
"Well, you don't want to keep your public waiting." I muse but he sighs.
"Fuck that, they can wait. I'm talking to you right now. I feel so horrible." He explains and I frown.
"Because here I am getting hit on every five or so minutes by the women in here and you're at home sick." His tone is soft, almost in the form of a hushed whisper.
"Why is that so bad?" I ask again, not needing to know all that information. He's not exactly mine for me to be jealous over but I can't help it.
"Because girl. You're not here to save me. I can't say you're my girlfriend if you're not there for them to see that. I could say you're at home though. Hmm, I should try that." He jokes.
"Ha, funny Justin." I snicker before sneezing a few times.
"Wow, you really sound horrendous." He mentions again.
"Thanks." I say bitterly.
"Aw don't be like that. I feel bad for you. Plus, I'm seriously missing your presence right now. I was really, really looking forward to seeing you tonight. But it's ok, I can wait. My night is completely off without you here to keep me company though." He coos.
"I'm sorry." I lament, missing him too.
"Girl it's ok. I just want you to get better. Is there..." Hesitating, he drifts off for a few good seconds before finishing his statement. "Is there anything I can do? Do you need any help?" Justin asks hopefully and I'm tempted to say yes, but I don't want to put him at a disadvantage.
"No, no I'm fine. I can deal on my own. I'm a soldier." I assure but he ignores me.
"I don't believe that. You sound really sick Angela. You need someone to take care of you." He points out and I inhale sharply, loving the sound of his worried voice over the line. It's sexy.
"Really, I'm fine Justin don't worry about me. You should maybe get back out there. I'm sure there are a few pissed off people waiting for you to take their orders and serve them their drinks."
"Like I said, fuck them they can wait. I'm more worried about you. Can you get around? Do you have a fever? Make sure that you keep yourself toasty so you can sweat it out." He instructs and I gaze down at the thick blanket covering me.
"Yes sir." I tease and he chortles lightly before we're interrupted again.
"I'm coming!" Justin growls angrily to whoever just hollered at him. I see that he has a slight temper when he's pissed off. I'm also guessing that it takes a lot or a certain type of situation to get him really worked up since he's usually so laid back. Waiting for his attention to divert back to me, I sneeze a bit before grabbing a tissue to blow my nose.
"Sorry, I needed to blow my nose." I say, knowing that must be disgusting for him to hear but he simply laughs.
"I think you're a lot sicker than you're letting on Angel. Don't worry about it. You'll get well soon. I'll make sure of that. But hey, I need to go now. Take your liquids and get plenty of rest ok? Now that I know you're at least alive and in one piece I can rest easy. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Justin quickly rattles out and I can feel a headache coming on now. Wait, what does he mean by he'll make sure that I get better?
"Thanks." I murmur, sniffling slightly. "For calling."
"I'm glad I did. Took me long enough huh?" I can hear the smile in his voice and it causes a chain reaction in me.
"Eh, it's no big deal."
"Says you." He retorts playfully causing me to giggle. "Well, bye Angel, take care now." Justin voices and I nod though he can't see me.
"Bye Justin. Have a good night. I think I'm just going to crash on the couch since I'm too lazy to head to my room." I explain while watching the television screen.
"Ok, but don't forget, liquids, meds and lots of rest."
"Got it." I grin and he chuckles once more. I seriously love his laugh. It's contagious.
"Bye girl."
"Later." I reply then finally hang up.
Staring at the phone briefly, I smile to myself before resting it down next to me. Well, even if physically I'm still as sick as ever, I feel much better after hearing from Justin. Plus, it was sweet that he was so concerned about me. It makes me feel like I'm more important in his life than he lets on. Well, whatever it is, I like it and I hope that it doesn't change.
"Ugh. I hate this." I groan while grabbing a tissue to wipe my nose.
Taking a few deep breaths to clear my lungs, I snuggle up on my makeshift bed, already feeling the drowsy effects of having the flu taking over.
At least, tomorrow I'll be able to grab the medication I need so I can get well and be back on my feet. I hate being sick, but what I hate even more than that is the fact that my sickness is preventing me from seeing Justin.
Turning up the volume, I stretch my limbs out while getting lost in the comedy show I'm watching.
Hopefully, with my luck I'll be well enough in no time because I'm sure that if I don't get my fixture soon, I'll have another type of sickness to worry about.
Next Day...
Saturday Morning...
I love Saturdays. I think it's my favorite day of the week because that's when I get errands done and can focus on me and my homely duties like picking out what I'm going to cook for the day and just lazing around. Sometimes, I use the time to go out shopping to treat myself. I love it because I can make that entire day about me where I don't have to go into work or anything. Only today is different.
Today, I'm haphazardly sitting on my couch, still in my bathrobe after taking a cold shower, dreading having to get dressed to head down to the nearest pharmacy. My joints ache and it's a task just walking around my apartment but it needs to be done. Sucking up my tiredness, I slowly stand, yawning and stretching out my arms.
Letting out a pleasurable sigh, I turn to head into my room but stop abruptly when I hear my doorbell.
Scowling, I turn to gaze at the front door. I'm standing there in bewilderment wondering who it could possibly be. No one comes over on a Saturday. I don't have that many friends since I like keeping to myself, but the few that I have know Saturdays are my day. I'm tempted to ask who it is, but I decide to amble over to see instead when I hear the person knocking harshly now.
"I'm coming!" I call out and the knocks cease immediately. Shaking my head, I reach the front door and unbolt the locks then swing it open.
You can imagine my surprise when I see who's standing on the other side with a bright smile on his face.
"Justin." I voice, gazing at him in shock. "What...what are you doing here?" I smile while taking in his presence. He has on long black cotton slacks or some people call them jogging pants and a plain grey t-shirt. He's wearing matching sneakers and he looks fresh and rejuvenated like he just stepped out of the shower. His short brown hair is groomed perfectly and my eyes widen when they land on the endless grocery bags in his grasp. "Wow." I breathe out and he chortles.
"Morning sunshine." He beams, leaning down to place a kiss on my cheek and I step aside, gesturing for him to enter and he obliges, strutting into my apartment. Taking a brief look around at his new surroundings, he nods in approval at me, indicating that he likes what he sees. "Guess who got his cars back. Point me in the direction of the kitchen?" He asks and I do just that, speechless. "Don't worry you can thank me later." He says with a wink as he makes his way to my kitchen, disappearing around the corner.
"Huh." I smirk, shutting and locking the door before following in the direction he went.
Standing at the entrance of my white tiled kitchen, I smile while folding my arms across my chest. His back is to me as he places the bags down on the kitchen counter.
"Justin what on earth are you doing?" I inquire and he whips around to face me briefly before his attention is swayed back to the grocery bags. Digging through them, he pulls out a few of the items, placing them down on the countertop as he responds.
"Isn't it obvious?" He says nonchalantly. "You're sick, so I'm taking care of you." He states in a matter-of-fact manner.
"But I told you..."
"I know what you told me and I also know that you lied through your teeth Angela. Just look at you." He begins, facing me again, giving me a once over before a look of disapproval washes over his face. His blues are deep and filled with distress no doubt due to my condition. I must look a mess.
"Uh ok but..." And he interrupts me yet again with a wave of his hand. Ok that's annoying.
"Nope, I don't want to hear it. And why aren't you in bed missy?" he begins and I can't help but laugh. He's crazy.
"Excuse me? I just answered the door to let you in." I counter and he arches a brow at me, ignoring my logic.
"Fair enough, but you're still standing here now. Angel, you need as much rest as you can to build up your immune system. If you want, I'll escort you to your room so you can put on some clothes and go lie down. Don't worry I'll take care of everything."
Damn, I forgot I was only in my bathrobe. How embarrassing though it doesn't seem to faze him.
"I see. Listen, I think what you're doing is sweet Justin but I was just on my way out to the pharmacy..."
Grabbing some more items out from another bag he walks over to me. "No need, I figured you might need these." Handing me pain killers and an assortment of flu medication I glare at him in disbelief.
"You thought of everything huh?" I muse though I'm eternally grateful.
"I wouldn't say that." He shrugs, smiling at me bashfully. "If there is anything else you need, I'll be glad to go out and get it for you."
"Wow you're amazing. Thanks Jay." I say honestly and he nods in response.
"It's nothing. I told you I'm going to take care of you and make sure that you get well."
"But aren't you bummed that your Saturday is going to be spent taking care of me?" I ask curiously but he protests.
"No, I can't think of a better way to spend it." He replies honestly, closing the gap between us. Gazing down at me, he brushes the back of his hand over my forehead before caressing my cheek softly with his palm, his thumb rubbing over my sensitive skin. "You're burning up. We need to break that fever." He utters.
"I don't know...what to say." I choke out, suddenly feeling emotional as I gaze into his cobalt orbs. I've never had anyone do for me what he's doing. Well besides my parents, but this is so very different.
"You don't have to say anything Angel. You know I'm here for you." He drawls, his intense gaze absorbing my browns. "Everyone needs a little tender loving and care sometimes." He lets out in a breathy whisper. "Now..." Taking a step back, Justin moves over to the kitchen counter where all the items are spread out. "I'll find my way around, just get into bed and I'll bring you some of my famous chicken soup." He says enthusiastically.
"Wow, you cook too? Impressive." I tease him and he laughs out as he begins rummaging through the bags again.
"I'm a great chef girl. I'm not only good at mixing drinks you know. Don't worry you're welcome over anytime and I'll really cook for you when you get better. Just take the medication I gave you and I'll bring you something to eat and a glass of juice as soon as it's done. Is that ok?" He inquires, whipping around with a container of vegetables in his grasp.
"That's fine." I beam, biting the corners of my lips as I stare at him intently. He's really into this. I'm not about to complain either. He just saved me the task of heading to the pharmacy so I'm simply going to follow his instructions. I'm not sure what any of this means for us now. We've clearly crossed some invisible boundaries of bringing whatever relationship we have building outside of the club, but I'm really enjoying it.
I could get used to him pampering and taking care of me. He's such a sweetheart for doing this. It tells me his heart is in the right place and that he actually cares and wasn't just talking me up and entertaining me with some ultimate goal in mind.
"Are you ok girl?" Justin's voice interrupts my thoughts and I scowl at him. "You seem spaced."
"Huh? What?" I inquire, gasping when I feel a sneeze coming on. Bringing my hand up to my face I let it out and give him an apologetic look. "Oh I'm sorry." I mention but he shakes it off. "I don't want you to get sick too Justin."
"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. Now don't let me hoist you over my shoulder and carry you to your room. Get in bed missy and stay there. When you eat, I'll head out to rent a few movies so we can watch since we'll be in for the day. Is that good with you?" He inquires and I shake my head actually excited about this.
"Sure, but you pick them out and I'll watch whatever." I voice really wanting to know what types of movies he likes.
"And my room is the last door down the hall on the right. I'm going to lay down now." I state, desperately needing the rest since I feel so drained. But before I make my way out of the kitchen I suddenly remember something to ask him. "Oh hey, how did the photo shoot go?" I enquire and he lifts his head to look at me briefly, a large grin spreading across his face.
"It was a success thankfully and Tami was so pleased, they booked me again to take the photos for her new album. Plus, I got you some autographed stuff." He states happily and my eyes light up.
"Really?" I ask eagerly and he laughs at me.
"Sure. I didn't bring them with me sorry. But you know, when you come over sometime when you're feeling better you'll get them."
First he shows up here unannounced and now he invites me over to his place. He's really letting his guard down huh? I'm wondering just how long he's wanted to do that. Again, this is surreal but I have no objections in the matter. I'm more than ecstatic to visit his place for the first time. I know the address of where he lives but I've never been there so I can't wait.
"I can't wait...chef Jay." I mock him and he rolls his eyes playfully, mischief glimmering in his orbs.
"You'll see. I'm a pro. Now get into bed." He demands sternly and I raise my hands in the air.
"I'm going, I'm going." I giggle, sticking my tongue out at him childishly before leaving him to do whatever it is that he's going to do as I head for my bedroom in hopes of taking a light nap.
I really could get used to this. I hope that it only gets better from here on. I guess today isn't going to be so bad after all.
And I have Justin to thank for that.
Days Later...
Late Night...
The days that have gone by have been the best of my life. It's strange how I'm sick but still feel the best I've ever felt in a long time. I guess it's a psychological thing. No, scratch that. It's a Justin thing. Yeah.
Can you believe he held true to his word too? Ever since Justin showed up at my apartment that Saturday, he's made it his point of duty to visit me every day after that. In fact, we've both comfortably fell into our change of routine in seeing each other once a week to everyday for the past ten or so days.
I'm loving every minute of it too. He even took Friday off from the club to spend with me. How great is that? Even if we've been indoors for most of the time, just yesterday he took me out to a movie and then we went out to eat afterwards. It was amazing.
Plus, he makes a killer chicken soup. I've been begging him for the recipe but he refuses, stating that since he has me hooked on the stuff, he'll have a reason to show up randomly when I need my fill. He has no idea what else I'm hooked on.
He's just been a doll these past few days. He's become my day and night nurse, bringing me back to almost perfect health with his care techniques. He was right. A little tender loving and care goes a long way and right now, sitting here with him on the couch in my living room as he lies on my lap staring at the television screen, I don't ever want it to end.
"Ha! I swear Kelso is the biggest dummy." Justin laughs out in amusement at the character Ashton Kutcher plays on ‘That 70's Show.' He's a fan of the show too...who knew? But no one is perfect including him. I'm well aware of that.
Whenever he's upset over something he ends up being crankier than me with my period. Let me tell you, it's annoying as hell and sometimes I want to just smack him and say ‘get over it!' He still looks cute when he's upset though, but that doesn't change the irritation I experience when he gets too ‘over the top' with his rants. Plus, I've realized that he's a perfectionist and while that's a good quality, it can turn into a problem depending on the situation. He has his flaws, he does, and so do I, but even with them I still see such a warmhearted and kind person that it's hard to not get trapped and wrapped up in him. His aura is magnetic and sucks you in. I'm willing to put up with him and adjust at any rate. While I'm enjoying his company, I can't help but wonder if he's enjoying mine as well or just being here with me out of some dutiful act.
"Are you thirsty, do you want me to grab something for you to drink?" I suddenly voice and Justin turns his attention away from the television to lay on his back so he can look up at me.
"No I'm good. You're comfy I don't want you to move." He says softly before a yawn escapes him. Glaring at his wrist watch he groans. "Damn it, but it's getting late so I should maybe be heading out." He adds in and I pout. "Aw, don't be sad, I'll be back tomorrow right after I get done with this photo shoot I have to do for some modeling agency. Then we'll have the rest of the day together to do whatever we want." He beams.
God, I'm so thankful that I'm on sick-leave. I've never had this much free time in a while and I'm happy it's being spent with someone I consider dear to me.
"That sounds good." I sigh, still bummed that he has to leave. "But I don't want you to go just yet." I say making puppy dog eyes and he smiles brightly finally getting up to seat next to me. Ruffling his back t-shirt he lets out a heavy sigh, his face contorting into a frown as he glares at me in thought.
"I...don't exactly want to go either. I hate when I have to leave every time but I can't stay." He laments and I nod, standing when he stands to stretch out his limbs. "I had fun today though." He points out.
"Me too." I respond, remembering how we watched all these comedy movies today and ordered take out, only to end up in this huge food fight. Popcorn, pizza and soda were flying everywhere. I'm going to have to get my carpets cleaned but I don't mind. It was fun. I laughed so much that my stomach muscles are still sore.
"Well I should really go. Get some rest ok Angel? And don't' forget to take your meds so you can get rid of the remaining traces of your cold." He explains and I nod, walking him over to the door.
Undoing the locks, I pull the front door to my apartment open and move aside so he can step out.
When he's out in the hallway he turns around to face me, giving me a pensive look. "See you tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow." I assure with my hand on the doorknob and my other hand tugging on my light brown home-dress.
"Bye Angel." Justin coos.
"Bye Jay, have a safe drive home."
Bringing his hand up to brush some of my raven hair out of my face, Justin smiles warmly before he takes a step towards me. Closing the small gap between us, his eyes search mine for a brief moment before he leans his head down, since I'm a few inches shorter than him, until our noses are practically touching. Gasping since I'm well aware of what's on his mind, my hold on the doorknob tightens and my heartbeat picks up before I break our eye contact, looking away from him nervously, but that doesn't discourage him. Instead, it motivates him more and before I'm aware of what's going on, he has a solid grip around my waist, pulling me towards him until our bodies are fused together.
Noting my apprehension, he smiles and I sigh when he practically reads my mind. "Don't worry, I won't get sick." He whispers huskily, his hot breath setting my skin on fire. And just like that, my air supply is cut short when Justin bends down and gently captures my lips with his own in a delicate kiss that sends shivers through my body, all the way down to the tip of my toes.
Losing my trend of thought, I get lost in our kiss, a state of shock and relief washing over me when I realize that this is really actually happening. He's kissing me.
Dear god, Justin is freaking kissing me! Damn he tastes amazing and his lips feel just as velvety soft as they look. Inhaling sharply through my nostrils, my hand drops from the doorknob and my knees go weak as electric jolts surge through my body from his touch.
He's softly sucking on my bottom lip before he does the same to my upper one and I'm gladly kissing him back, my entire body heating up from being close and intimate with him like this.
When I can't help myself and I moan quietly, Justin lets out a deep growl before finally ending our lip-lock and pulling away from me. Giving me a lazy satisfied smile, he licks his slightly swollen lips and I bit mine while gazing into his darkened blues.
"I've wanted to do that for some time now." He admits shamelessly and I grin up at him.
"Me too." I mutter, not missing the realization that spreads across his face as he brushes my cheek and lips one last time with his thumb.
"That's good to know. I'll remember that. Sleep well Angel." He says his last goodbyes to me before turning around to leave and when he's finally gone, I shut my front door and lock it before leaning against it with a dreamy look on my face I'm sure.
That was a short and sweet moment between us but I loved it.
I think it's clear that after the kiss Justin and I just shared, it's safe to say that we're no longer just friends but something more. Ask to what that something is, I don't know. I'm hoping he can tell me when I see him again.
And guess what? My addiction just got a million times worse but I'm welcoming it with open arms because I don't ever want to be cured of that sickness.
I never thought I'd say this, but after getting a taste of Justin's poison, I'm damn near ready to drink the entire bottle down to the very last drop.
I don't care if it's lethal because to gain something meaningful with him will always be worth the risk.
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