Part 2 - The Middle (Two)
Same day...
Hours later...late at night
Now, I can't complain too much about my day. Like I said, no matter how terrible my day is, I can still smile once I get to see Justin. And you know we made some progress today. He asked me about myself and we...talked, flirted or whatever it was that we did. It was fun.
Yeah, who am I kidding? I'm super bummed right now.
I mean, I wanted so badly to at least ask him out you know? But then I chickened out. I think Trace suspects something too. I just hope that he doesn't go blabbing his big mouth for Justin about me wanting to know his class schedule else I'm toast for sure.
I don't want Justin thinking I'm obsessed or some type of stalker even though I maybe fit that category. But anyway enough of that and my self pity.
Right, so I'm home now unfortunately.
After Mr. Vaughn walked in earlier, Justin and I went about our business silently for the rest of the time we had in the lab. Then he clocked out ten minutes early like he usually does to head across the street to his next job at McD's as Trace calls it.
Sure, I was a little sad and I mean, I would have been looking forward to heading over to that drive-thru tonight but I wasn't. All I kept thinking about was the fact that Justin was maybe longing for his shift to finish so he could head over to Loraine's. That irked the hell out of me and even hurt a little. Am I moving too fast here? I mean, the guy doesn't even know I like him and here I am moping around like my heart is breaking.
Well you know what I did? I drove up to the front of McDonalds just close enough to get a glimpse of my eye candy. But I was feeling too down tonight so instead of doing my routine late night pickup drive by, I turned around and left. Yeah you heard right. I broke my streak after three months and didn't head over to McDonalds tonight to order my lucky number seven from the menu.
I saved nine ninety-nine and I headed home fifteen minutes earlier than usual. I figured I might as well get an early start on this assignment I have to do so this is where I am now.
I'm lying on my couch with my laptop in front of me, working on this programming assignment for that same pmsing professor I spoke of earlier. I tell you the man gets so anal when we're late with assignments and cuts a grade lower from our original mark. I can't risk that, so I'm getting an early start. It should help me to get my mind off of Justin some and maybe this is what I need. To not think about him for all of a few minutes at least.
Now, I'm lying on my stomach in my overly huge navy blue Harvard hoodie which is actually my brother's own because that's where he went to school. Yeah, he's our family's golden boy. My parents adore him, and I'm just the average child they got stuck with. Ugh it's not something I'm going to talk about though.
Right, so I'm wearing this hoodie with some really tight black shorts that can't be seen since the damn hoodie is so long. It's chilly in here. One of my roommates is from Alaska and she thinks that it has to be north pole temperature in here twenty-four-seven when we're in the middle of the damn summer.
Forgive me for my ranting. I just can't seem to concentrate or focus on this fucking thing long enough and...and Justin is going over to little miss sunshine's house soon and just...
"Ugh! I can't do this shit! Why do I even have to make a program of an atm machine!?" I belt, tossing my thick text book unto the floor. Seating up, I kick it for good measure, happy that my roommates aren't home to witness my little meltdown. It's his fault damn it. He does this to me...
Jumping up in my seat, I head over to the freezer, yanking it open and grabbing a red Popsicle. I need some cold, sweet and melts in your mouth goodness. Since Justin isn't here, it will just have to substitute for his milk chocolate...
Then the fucking doorbell rings.
"Uh who the fuck is that?" I mumble in disdain with the Popsicle stick in my mouth. Wondering if I should ignore and pretend like no one is home, I moan when the bell goes off again. Well whoever it is, they are not going anywhere.
Dragging myself over to the front door, I don't bother looking through the peep hole. Undoing the locks, I step back and pull the door wide open uncaring of who is interrupting my moping session.
"Hey Verona." The person says softly causing my head to instantly snap up.
Nearly choking on my Popsicle and swallowing it whole, I rip it out of my mouth as I gasp to regain my breath. "Oh my god..." I cough out while hitting my chest.
"Wow are you ok?" The person asks, walking up to me and placing their hand on my shoulder.
"I...I'm fine. I'm fine." I mutter, moving away from their touch.
Finally regaining my normal breathing, I straighten my posture, gazing into a pair of familiar blues. "Justin what...what are you doing here?" I ask him in bewilderment. Oh this is bad. He...he's chattering on some dangerous territory. It's one thing to deal with him at school and even at his job but here at my apartment; I'm not so sure how much self control I'll have.
"I uh, well..." Rubbing his palm over his face, his eyes flit around before he reestablishes eye contact with me. "Is it ok if I come in?" He inquires hopefully and I just frown at his request. "I brought you a late night pick me up." He smiles shyly and it's then that my eyes land on the McDonalds bag in his hand.
Fighting the urge to bust into laughter, I step to the side and allow him entrance, shutting and locking the door behind us.
When the lock clicks, I notice that his body tenses but then he relaxes as he takes in his new surroundings. You know, I'm only now realizing that this is the first time he's ever been here. I didn't even know that he knew which apartment I lived in. This is interesting.
"Wow, this is nice. And your apartment is so clean." He says surprisingly before whipping around to face me. "I...I don't even know what my floor at my apartment looks like anymore." He says with a hint of embarrassment in his tone.
"Well you know, you're college guys." I explain before chucking my popsicle back into my mouth and walking over to the couch in the living room.
Following me, Justin rests the bag of McD's down on the table and decides to take a seat next to me. "Just because we're college guys doesn't mean we have to be that messy. I'm so over cleaning up after those pigs." He snickers and I can't help but giggle.
"One of those pigs is your best friend." I point out.
"Yeah he's the worst."
"That's mean Justin."
"Yeah well..." Shrugging, he rests back in his seat and props his legs up on our center table in the living room before he grabs the remote lying next to him.
"Please, make yourself at home." I say sarcastically but he just holds a bemused expression on his face.
"I'm sorry. I can leave if you want..."
"No!" I suddenly blurt out, startling us both. "I...I...I mean..."
"Chill girl, I'll stay...damn." He laughs out while raising his hands in defeat.
"Oh god..." I moan, pulling my popsicle out to lick around the sides. "I'm not a freak I swear." I admit as Justin just eyes me interestingly.
"I wouldn't be here if I thought you were."
"Cool." I smile.
"It's quiet in here. Your girls out?" He inquires before flipping through the television channels.
"Yeah, they went to a school basketball game." I state.
"Oh right. I always wanted to play for the team but I've just been so busy with school and work and all." Justin sighs sadly. I heard he was a huge basketball fan so I can understand his disappointment. Still, something seems off here. I mean, did I miss something? Last I checked we weren't to the point of being like old friends where we could just come over and chill like he's doing now...
"Justin why are you here?" I ask him, before turning my entire body to face him, sitting Indian style.
"What?" He squeaks out uneasily, placing the television on mute and dropping the remote.
"Why are you here Justin?" I inquire again with an arched brow. Not that I'm complaining because he's wearing only a black wife beater and jeans. Plus he smells fresh and I'm getting a whiff of his body spray so that means he's been home. Hmm...
When he resorts to just staring at me without saying anything I groan. Pulling my popsicle out of my mouth, I start licking around it again, giving it my full attention since it's melting faster than I'm eating it.
Shifting his weight, I hear Justin let out a light growl and sure enough he's still staring. Wow, is this what he talks about when I do it? That's really freaky in truth. "You know Verona..." he begins lowly and I dart my eyes over to him since his voice is octaves deeper than usual. "You're really sucking the life out of that popsicle." He states is a slightly husky tone and my eyes widen in shock. "But I mean...I uh...that...didn't come out right." He cringes before shaking his head at his slip up. Aw, he's being cute.
"Why are you here Justin?" I inquire yet again this time in a playful manner.
"You know, I brought you that pick me up. When you didn't come for your late night pickup run I got worried." He explains. Is it just me or does he seem a little antsy? He just keeps shifting in his seat like he's uncomfortable. But wow, he got worried? So that means he cares right?
"Oh?" I reply while slurping up some juice that trickles down my fingers.
Swallowing hard, he nods then shrugs lightly before groaning. "Yeah and...I wanted to see you." He blurts out as his eyes seem to be glued to my mouth and...holy shit! What did he just say?
"What?" I ask incredulously.
"What?" Justin asks snapping out of his trance.
"You said you wanted to see me." I point out wondering if he heard his own damn self.
"What? When..."
"Just now."
"Oh, I wasn't aware." He just shrugs it off, still glaring. Ok, he's creeping me out now.
"Justin what the hell is wrong with you?" I laugh nervously.
Bringing his blues up to meet my browns, he gives me a bashful smile. "It's kind of hard to concentrate on anything with you sucking down that popsicle like you're doing Verona." He states matter of fact and I nearly topple over in shock.
Gripping his leg to steady myself, I quickly finish off my popsicle before dropping the stick on the table. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I mumble as my nerves finally fully kick in and I actually feel sick to my stomach. Oh god.
"It's cool. But I meant what I said. I came over to see you. I kind of missed seeing you all flustered and nervous when you'd drive up to pick up your order." He states with one of his famous challenging glares.
Oh my god, what's happening?
"Wh...what?" I cry out as I shift away from him. What the fuck is happening? Why is he so bold and forward all of a sudden like this? I can't deal with this. It's too much.
"Oh come on Verona. I know you like me. Even a blind and death person would know that with how obvious you're making it." He rambles out but stops when he sees the displeased look on my face. He better not be getting cocky with me. "Shit I'm sorry that came out all wrong. I...uh...shit look Vern..." His features soften and he grabs my hand in his, studying my eyes before he takes in a deep breath. "I guess, I came over here to tell you something." He starts and I nod, urging him to continue. "When you didn't show up tonight after I got used to seeing you for three months on a stretch I got worried you know. I thought you gave up on me or there was maybe a much cuter, more interesting guy working in the next McDonalds or Wendys over." He states before giving me a coy smile.
Are you kidding me? He's being for real right now? Knitting my brows in confusion I'm mentally trying to tell myself to breath without screaming out like some crazy woman at what Justin just said. Is he saying what I think he is? Oh my fucking...
"Verona...I like you. There I said it. I like you ok? And I've been trying to ask you out for the last couple of months but...the timing is never right and I just..." Letting my hands go, Justin stands and begins pacing as he continues to ramble on and on and I'm just sitting there too in shocked to say or do anything. "Don't think I'm weird or anything, but every fucking time I'm around you I get so fucking nervous to the point where I just want to rip my hair out because I keep telling myself that you're just another girl...but you're really not." And he stops right in front of me looking down. The stare he's giving me if of pure disarray, like he's having some internal battle with himself.
Gripping my arms, he pulls me to stand and I'm still just glaring at him wide-eyed. What do I do? What do I say? Oh god, I'm having an internal breakdown...I'm turning to!
"Verona..." Justin sighs painfully before dropping my arms. "You're not just another girl...that's what's been killing me. You're smart, witty, fun to be around and a little intimidating because you display this independent ‘I don't need anybody and I don't take your shit' persona." He chuckles lightly before sobering up.
When he sees that I'm still speechless and unresponsive he slumps his shoulders while scowling. "God Verona, I know I sound really mental right now but shit...will you...will you go out with me? Maybe to the movies tomorrow night if you're not too freaked out?" He inquires hopefully as his eyes light up but his pained expression remains.
This is hard for him isn't it?
But oh my fucking goodness, Justin just asked me out. How is this...possible?
"Ahhh...uh...ehhhh...." Is all that comes out of my mouth. Oh god! English woman! Speak our native tongue...English! "" goddamn it! What is this gibberish?
"Ok, that's a no right? Oh god this is...embarrassing." Justin laughs uneasily before slicking his hands through his hair. "I...I'm sorry if I came on strong. I should...maybe go." He murmurs before he makes a move to walk away and that's when I panic.
Without a second thought, and clearly with no common sense, I grip his arm tightly and yank him towards me causing his body to crash against mine. "No! N...No!" I blurt out frantically before I grab a chunk of his wife beater to pull him down to my level.
Justin's eyes widen by my aggressiveness as his nose bumps against mine, but, I'm a woman on a mission and I'm not letting him go that easily.
I pause for a split second to contemplate my next move and figuring this is my only shot, I kick my doubts to the back of my mind and crash my lips unto his own before he can protest.
Oh my god, Justin just told me he likes me and asked me out on a date and I respond by smacking our mouths together. Way to go Verona.
But then I freeze in place as my eyes roll the back of my head, not from how utterly soft and juicy his lips feel against mine, but from having the air knocked out of my lungs and feeling winded since I just assaulted my crush.
I'm still not moving, too terrified of what Justin's reaction might be.
So, this is weird, us just standing there in a lip lock with no one doing anything.
But then he groans and snakes his hands around my waist, pulling me flush against his chest and I shudder.
And just like that, he starts kissing me...his velvet lips working overtime against mine as he nibbles and licks my bottom lip for permission to probe at my insides. And I give in to him, feeling my knees weaken the moment he slicks his tongue out to touch mine.
Oh heaven help me, I'm fucking dying from a single kiss. But what a way to go. But it's not just a kiss. It' much more. It's mind numbing it's...
"Oh god..." I moan, when Justin's hands easily slide down to grip my ass through my hoddie. Closing the tiny gap between us, he presses his body firmly against mine, allowing me to feel every inch, groove and bump on his form. Dear god, either he has a happy meal hiding in his jeans or that's his...his...growing erection poking at my inner thigh.
Swallowing hard, I inhale through my nose, trying to control my urges as my entire body heats up. I can feel myself dripping already, soaking my underwear and if I'm not careful my shorts. Oh god, oh god, oh god...
You know what? I've completely lost it now. My hands easily find their way up to his head gripping a chunk of his soft curls in my fingers, pulling him into me as we continue to practically ravish each other. His grip on me is tightening and he keeps humming out this growl that's stuck in his throat since he has no space to breathe right now. But it's so fucking sexy.
Smoothing my hands down to his face and then neck, I match his tongue movements as we keep kissing and kissing and groping each other.
" that a yes to" Justin groans out as he slides his hands up to the flat of my back under my hoodie.
Shivering since his hands are cold to the touch on my bare skin, I nod, too engrossed with kissing the life out of him to verbally respond.
"Sweet..." He mutters before pushing us back until my leg hits the edge of the couch. Wow, what's happening? I'm way too dazed to stop this, though I know we shouldn't. "God, you're so fucking sexy Vern." He mumbles again against my lips as he breaks our kissing session to get some needed air. Dipping his head to the side, he moves to kiss on my neck and I shut my eyes at how amazing his lips feel on my skin. Shit, what else can he do with that mouth of his, I so need to find out else I'd maybe die of curiosity. "I've been trying so hard play it off but...just...shit." Justin hisses when my leg rubs against his growing erection. Inhaling sharply, he clears his throat before sucking on my neck lightly and all I can do is hold unto him for dear life.
I love his aggressiveness, yes...he just needs to strip us and get to work already, ugh!
"I can't lie and say that I haven't been thinking about this...about you...but..." He drifts when I move my head next to his to nibble on his earlobe.
"Yes..." I whisper, urging him to continue. "God, I've wanted this for so long Justin." I moan and just like that...everything switches.
His entire body goes rigid and he basically just stops kissing me all together. Frowning, I open my eyes wondering what I said and what he's doing before he detaches his hands from around my body and literally pushes me off so roughly that I fall back unto the couch.
Now he's hovering with wide eyes as he backs away from me, wiping at his face and licking his swollen lips. Oh god, please no don't do that!
"Justin what..."
"Oh my god...oh...oh my god." He gasps, still backing up. "I...I'm so sorry Verona. I...shit I'm sorry." He mumbles as he keeps reversing all the way to the front door.
Oh god what is he doing? I watch in horror as his back slams against the wooden barrier indicating there's no where else for him to go. "Oh god, you must think I'm the biggest perv or asshole or...I swear I didn't come here for this. I didn't...I didn't mean to take advantage of you." He chokes out as horror flashes in his orbs. Oh god is that what he thinks?
"What? Justin no! No you didn't..."
But he cuts me off, too worked up to even listen to what I have to say.
"I promise it won't happen again. I'm just...shit I should go. I'm sorry Verona, I am. I let my emotions get the best for me I...I'm sorry." He forces out before swinging around and unlocking the door, yanking it open.
"No! Justin but I kissed you first!" I frantically yell, hopping off the couch to make my way over to him.
"Yeah but I...I shouldn't have...I took things to a whole other level and I'm sorry if I crossed some boundary. I'm not that kind of guy Vern, you have to believe me. God...this is...I'm just going to go." He rants before giving me an apologetic stare.
"But...but..." Is it wrong if I want to cry right now? How could something so amazing and so right be ripped away from me so quickly? This is so not going how I hoped it would. "Don't go." I plead and he eyes me briefly before dropping his head and sighing.
"I can't stay. Didn't you see what almost happened? I, I'm just not that kind of guy Vern. I'd like to at least get to know the girl first and go out on a few dates before I sleep with her." He states firmly this time and ouch that hurt. A little harsh are we?
I open my mouth to say something but all I let out is a depressed sigh instead. I guess I should value that he respects this whole scene but that doesn't mask my disappointment and he knows it.
"Look, I still want that date if you'll agree? We can uh, put this behind us and start over, the right way?" He's hopeful and if that's what it's going to take for him to fuck my brains out with no guilt then who the fuck am I to decline?
I'm getting desperate here but it's not my fault. I got a sample of the meal and now, oh now I want the main course. Is it wierd that I keep comparing Justin to food? I guess it's because he's just too delish and I could just eat him up huh?
"Sure Justin, if that's what you want." I breathe out.
"Ok, I have the night off tomorrow so what say we catch a late night flick after work in the lab?"
He's enthusiastic too, oh just kill me now and put me out of my misery.
"Yeah fine."
"Ok, I really should go. I canceled Loraine's party thing but I have to get working on that killer assignment we have." He voices and shit I almost forgot about that. I am glad he's not going over to ‘Lane's' though.
"Oh right, well uh goodnight Justin." I simply walk up to the door gripping the handle tightly as he walks out into the hallway to leave.
"I really am sorry Vern but..." Leaning forward, he smiles slyly before pecking the edge of my nose and pulling away. "If it's any consolation, I thought you tasted as sweet as candy and definitely worthy of an addiction." He says smoothly, turning on his heel to head down the stairs of the second floor. "Night Vern! Sweet dreams!" He adds in before jogging down the flight of stairs, not even waiting for my answer or taking in my shocked expression.
Smiling giddily, I just shake my head at Justin's antics before stepping into my apartment and shutting and locking the door.
"Oh, I think you taste as sweet as candy, worthy of an addiction too Justin." I say to myself before I let out a light giggle. The boy is just too much. But shit, that make out session was hot though. We certainly have to do that again, maybe after our movie date tomorrow I hope. Oh god please...let tomorrow be in my favor like today was.
Feeling like I'm walking on cloud nine right now, my eyes dart over to the McDonalds bag on the table that Justin brought over. Aw, he was too sweet to actually deliver my usual pickup. You know, maybe I can make an exception and actually see what the damn thing tastes like. I have been buying it for the last three months. But first, I need another popsicle to cool me down because hell knows I'm on fire right now after what just happened.
What can I say? The boy has me burning up right now.
He's just too fucking tempting like that.
And if I'm lucky and tomorrow looks up, maybe I can get Justin to kill his decent, good guy ways for once and just let loose and be a little spontaneous yes?
Well, I have all the time in the world right?
After all, tomorrow is a new day that holds endless possibilities...
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