Part 1 - The Beginning
I feel so dirty right now. I know I shouldn't be doing this because not only is this wrong, but it's unhealthy for me. No, seriously I mean it. I've been eating fast food for the last three months on a stretch...well not really that's a flat out lie. But I've been buying it and you can bet that it's killing my funds.
Shit, I'm freaking out right now...
You're maybe wondering what the hell am I even talking about right? Ok, let's take this slow. You see, I'm a college student majoring in computers because well that's where the money is at - in technology. And, I've had some crazy hours for classes this past semester but only because I took them so I could be in school the same time as him. Is this making sense so far?
Right so like I was saying, the only reason I'm freaking out right now is because I've realized that I'm five bucks short of my routine late night pickup.
You see, there's this guy. Ok yeah that was obvious. But he's not just any guy...he's the guy. God that sounded lame. Still, it's the truth. His name is Justin, he's nineteen years old like me and he's this six foot one inch tall, melt-in-your-mouth, white milk chocolate goodness. Now I sound like a starving pig. Damn...
To make a long story short, he's gorgeous and I've had a major crush on him for the last year of my pathetic life. I think it's borderline obsession. There I said it. I'm crushing on a white boy since I'm a caramel brown sister. It's really unlike me since every guy I've been with has honestly been of the creamiest, darkest chocolate. Yeah, it's strange for me too, but there's just something about the boy that drives me crazy.
So this is where my little story begins. You see, Justin isn't like the other boys in our college. He's studious; gets good grades and still manages to look down right fly and scrumptious.
He's no nerd, oh no. In fact, he's managed to turn grown ass college girls into fighting pre teen adolescent idiots over him. I'm no better, I'm just good at hiding it and playing my ‘I don't care' role. Still, every time he struts into class or says a simple hello, I melt on the inside. I'm sure if given a chance he could make me melt in so many other ways but I'm not going there. Not yet at least.
Luckily for me, he majors in computers too but it wasn't easy finding out his schedule let me tell you. I had to literally bribe his best friend and lie on top of it that it was for my girl that was feeling Justin and not me. Well you know, my best friend, she really does like him too. I mean who doesn't? But I pulled it off thankfully.
Knowing his schedule allowed me to work mine out where I ended up in a few of his classes but not all of course. That would be too obvious.
Now, everything was going well you know. I got to see him on a regular basis and we even had a few study dates when we ended up being stuck late hours in school since we both have jobs in school as well.
This brings us to this very present moment. You see, it's after twelve at night and I'm standing outside of the college compound staring across the street at none other than McDonalds. Our school is located in a busy tourist area so there are malls, stores, restaurants and fast food joints swimming around the place.
Justin works at McDonalds.
It's his second job outside of the work we both do at the computer lab in school. You see, he may be smart and fine, but that's not going to pay his way through college. Since his mom is a single parent working two jobs to support him and his younger brother, Justin has taken up some responsibility of his own and works two jobs himself so that his rent and at least food and books are covered, relieving his mom from some of the stress.
I think that's just too fucking adorable and when I found that out about him, it made me like him as a person even more.
That still doesn't help my little situation.
I got unusually hungry tonight while I was finishing my shift in school and bought an extra pack of biscuits and a bottle of sunny delight in the vending machine in our school's cafeteria. Because of that, I'm short five bucks of ordering my usual meal across the street from McDonalds.
I'm sure you've figured out that the only reason why I even stay at school this late, is to be able to go over there just to see Justin when I know he's on his shift.
Only, tonight I'm fucked because I've been standing here by my car, trying to figure out what to do for the last hour. He gets off soon and if I want even a small glimpse of him, even if I just drive through the drive-thru then I need to leave now. Yeah, I have it bad so what?
The guy is gorgeous. He has what I view to be an athlete's body. He's lean with broad shoulders, strong arms and a slender waist. I've never seen him naked or shirtless since I only see him in school but shit, just the way he looks, I'm sure he's packing and his body must be chiseled to perfection from his tight rock hard abs, to his muscular arms and sexy toned legs. Plus, he has a head of golden brown curls that I've been dying to slick my fingers through.
Ugh, I'm drooling just thinking about him naked. It's a habit I tell you. You know I can't help but picture what it would be like with him making sweet, passionate love to me or if he was fucking the shit out of me and making me scream his name that would work too.
Sighing, I flip back my long dark hair, fix my black top and jeans, then hop into my ride, bringing it to life and pulling out of the school's parking lot. I'm not sure what exactly I'm going to do just yet, but I'll think of something.
Finally making it to the drive-thru there is just one more car before it's my turn.
Shit my heart is beating fast...I'm so dumb. Still, I'm about to hear his voice over the little radio thing and just...
The car in front of me easily moves up to the next window...
This is it.
Holding my breath, I drive up to the ordering voice box and sure enough his voice filters through a few seconds later.
"Welcome to McDonalds can I take your order?"
Gasping slightly, I'm trying to figure out why even through the damn speaker box does he have to sound so sexy.
" yeah...yeah Justin." I stutter stupidly while shifting in my seat and gripping my steering wheel tightly.
"Verona is that you?" He inquires and I don't miss the hint of amusement in his voice.
"Yeah it's me." I blush.
"Girl, you know you're killing your heart with all those Mickey D's you've been eating lately but what'll it be? Your usual?" He asks and I can't help but whimper at how good he sounds. Ugh shit, I just want to jump him and ride his brains out. I can't help it. He does this to me. He makes me so damn weak.
"Yeah sure, that'll be fine Justin." I force out in a shaky voice. I can feel my panties moisten just by the thought of what his lips and even his tongue would feel like in my southern area. Shit...
"Ok girl, head up to the next window."
And I do just that, hearing the halleluiah chorus now as he comes into view. Thank goodness there's only one window to pay and collect your order because I know I'm still five bucks short so this should be interesting. There are no vehicles behind me right now thank goodness and he's the only one in the window tonight so maybe I can buy myself a little extra time to stick around.
Aw, he looks so cute in his red uniform with that microphone attached to his ears. He's just flat out beautiful.
Finally coming over to the window, he lifts his head to stare at me after he's punched in my order into the cash register.
My eyes widen when his blues connect to my browns and he smiles sweetly. "Nine ninety-nine Vern." He beams and I'm just staring at him, licking my lips and breathing hard. I wonder how big he is, I mean I have noticed the slight bulge in his pants especially when he wears jeans.
His cute smile instantly morphs into a frown when I don't respond or even budge. Goddamn, what did he say? I'm supposed to pay now right? I totally spaced out.
"Verona? You ok?" Justin asks with worry laced in his features as his upper half leans over the open window to glare at me.
"What? Huh? Oh yeah...yeah I'm good...great!" I play off my nervousness with a wave of my hand and a tight smile on my face.
"Ok, so are you going to pay me or not?" He chuckles and I'm snapped back to reality completely.
"Uh...not?" I shrug shyly causing him to scowl.
Pursing his lips, his folds his arms across his firm chest and leans against the wall on the side just eyeing me closely. "Oh?"
"I'm sorry Justin but I'm sort of...five bucks short?" I say completely embarrassed since it sounded really bad saying it out loud.
As if things couldn't get any weirder, he chortles. He's freaking...laughing at me as he shakes his head in disbelief.
Oh god, kill me now. Getting ready to just hit the accelerator and dig out of here he opts to speak and his next statement basically makes my head spin.
"I'll tell you what, your order's on me if you can give me ten minutes to finish up here and maybe you could give me a ride back to student housing?" He asks hopefully.
My mouth just gapes open, not able to digest what he just said. When he sees my hesitancy he quickly goes on to explain his self.
"You know, my roommate has my ride and I could really use the lift since busses stopped running an hour ago. The person for the next shift is already here at the back getting ready so all I need to do is to clear up my station. Please Vern?"
I love when he calls me that. I'd love even more if he called me that in a breathy pant while we were under the sack working each other out...
Aw hell he's so fucking cute. How can I even think of telling him no? "Sure Justin, no problem." I grin widely.
"Sweet, just wait for me in the parking lot I'll be right out." He smiles. "I'll bring your order out too so no worries." He adds in and I nod silently before I press on the accelerator and head over to the parking lot area.
Finding a parking spot, I shut off the engine of my ride and rest back in my seat, a sudden rush of nerves taking over as I gather my bearings.
"Oh my god, oh my goodness..." I belt, wiping at my face frantically. Shit, Justin is going to be here any second, sitting right next to me in my ride. "" I giggle as all the possibilities of what could happen since I'm dropping him home passes through my mind. "Oh please be in my favor." I mutter out loud before I look through the rear view mirror only to find him walking towards the car... already!
Fuck that was fast. He's dressed in one of his college t-shirts and sure enough, he has my meal in his hand.
Unlocking the passenger door, I grab my book bag and toss it in the backseat so he can have space to sit down.
When he hops in, he quickly fastens his seatbelt then gives me a toothy grin before handing me my order. "Thanks a lot again Verona. You're a lifesaver." He says and I just smile like a moron not able to respond since my heart is pounding out of my chest.
Taking the McDonalds bag from his grasp, I toss it in the backseat, knowing that I'm not going to eat what I bought. I'll maybe see if one of my roommates wants it. Justin doesn't need to know that though.
When an awkward silence engulfs us, I simply bring my silver Honda to life and pull out of the parking spot I was in, easily getting unto the street and heading in the direction of student housing where we both live.
We've been driving in silence for the entire way home. The only thing that can be heard is the faint sounds of the radio, the ocassional sigh and Justin's fingertips tapping on the window seal as he looks out at the passing vehicles.
Swallowing hard, I feel a sense of disappointment wash over as I pull into the student housing apartment complex that we live in. Sighing, I slowly drive over the speed bumps until I come up to his apartment that he shares with his best friend and one other roommate. My apartment is on the other side, so I'll have to make the round but I don't care about that right now.
Bringing the car to a stop in front of the steps that lead up to the second floor where he lives, I shut off the engine and push back in my seat, waiting for him to make his exit.
Exhaling loudly, Justin unbuckles his seat belt and opens the door, but stops suddenly to turn and look at me. "Hey, thanks again for the ride home Verona." He states and I shake my head in response, too fearful of saying anything that will make me sound stupid around him. Though, I'm pretty sure that ship has sailed.
"Right, so I'll see you at school tomorrow for our programming classes?" He asks hopefully and I nod again.
"Ok..." He whispers, then moves to get out, but stops again, whipping around to face me, prolonging the inevitable. Ugh, torture!
When he just pauses to stare at me, my brows furrow in confusion and my breath hitches in my throat. Leaning forward, Justin narrows his eyes at me and he seems to be deep in thought, contemplating something or other.
Gripping my steering wheel tightly, my orbs widen when he closes the gap between us, smiling before he dips his head in and places a delicate kiss on my cheek lingering there longer than necessary. When he finally pulls away, my jaw drops slightly as I glare at him stunned.
Darting his tongue out to lick his lips, he breaks into a half-smile as he straightens his posture, creating space between us. "Night Verona...sleep well." He coos, then moves to get out, slamming the door shut behind him.
Yeah, I'm holding my breath right now. Holy shit!
Leaning over the window to look at me, he smirks lightly before saying something else. "And Verona?"
"Huh?" I finally utter weakly.
"Make sure you have enough change tomorrow night ok? Else I'll just have to get another ride home with you as payment for giving you another free meal. See you tomorrow girl." He muses, tapping the door of my ride before he stands up straight, waving goodbye to me as he turns and sprints up the stairs to his apartment.
And I'm still just sitting there frozen in place.
"Oh my god..." I breathe out before a large smile takes over my face. "He just kissed me." I giggle giddily. Even though it wasn't on my lips it was still amazing.
Shit, his lips are so fucking soft. Ugh, now I'm going to be wondering, dreaming of what it feels like to actually kiss him. I wonder what he tastes like. I bet he's just too sweet for words. Shit, I wish I could find out. I hope I do and soon.
Shaking my head sadly, I bring my car to life heading to my apartment, ready to call it a night.
Screw studying and getting any homework done. My heading is spinning with thoughts of Justin right now. There is no way I'll be able to concentrate.
Tomorrow is another day and if I'm lucky, I'll get to see Justin again and maybe build enough courage to ask him out or at least hint to him that I like him or something...anything to get me to that next step with him.
"Why is it so hard to be me?" I whine.
Still, I'm dependant on the notion that tomorrow is a new day that holds endless possibilities.
And If I'm lucky, tomorrow will be in my favor so I can get me some more Justin affection or better...
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