The End - Part 1
Next day...
I'm just about ready to pass out.
I can't concentrate to save my life and it's all because of my sinful make out indulgence with none other than Justin that took place last night.
You see, after he left, I kept replaying what happened between us and I completely disregarded the importance of getting my school work done...again. My thoughts engulfed me much like they are doing now and I never got any sleep in last night. I tried, I really tried but I stayed awake tossing and turning all night, excited and freaking out over the fact that Justin asked me out on a date tonight!
I have to give him credit that he was decent with the whole not wanting to take advantage of the situation we were in but that didn't stop my mind from wondering, drifting to what it would have been like to have him undress me and explore every inch on my naked form. It didn't stop me from imagining what he must feel like buried deep inside of me, giving me that pleasure that only he knew how to give.
Yeah, it screwed me up royally, all those thoughts messing with my head.
And now, I can barely stay awake to get my tasks completed in the fucking computer lab. It doesn't help that I'm in here alone because Justin never came into work today.
The last I heard was his night off was canceled since one of the workers got sick with some stomach flu and Justin was called in to work at McD's tonight to fill in for whoever.
So now, now I'm upset. I'm upset that he didn't have the decency to at least call me and let me know what was up.
But then, Trace showed up ten minutes earlier, being the bearer of news for his best friend.
I found out that Justin isn't here because he took and earlier shift so he could get out early tonight to make our date. He told Trace to tell me that we were on for ten tonight since he got out at nine-thirty. I'm wondering how he's going to shower and change in such little time but he's a guy, I'm sure he can pull it off. He even offered to pick me up at school since I leave here at ten but I declined. I fucking declined because I'm angry. I shouldn't be but I am.
Why couldn't Justin call himself? Why did Trace have to pass the message? He couldn't have been that busy.
And that's the most recent thing that's been on my mind since Trace left. Granted I still think Justin is irresistible, this is the first time he's done something to upset me and I'm not liking the feeling at all.
In fact, I'm not liking the feeling so much that I'm desperate for an answer to make that feeling disintegrate. I need to know, to hear from Justin himself what's really going on to set my mind at ease.
It's to the point where I'm currently ripping my apron off my body and storming out of the computer lab into the illuminated deserted hallways. Smoothing out the simple black knee length dress I'm wearing, I scowl at the thought of Justin brushing me off. After all this, I don't want that to happen.
Gazing up and down for any sign of Mr. Vaughn, I sling my book bag over my shoulder deciding that I'll hear an earful from him tomorrow.
But tonight, tonight I'm going to march myself over to McDonalds and find out why pretty boy Timberlake hasn't said more than three words to me for the day.
He can't still be embarrassed over what happened last night can he? God I hope not.
I don't have my car tonight. It was being a bitch so I took the bus to school today. I should have probably accepted that ride from Justin but I was upset. Maybe it's not too late now.
Making my way out to the front of school, I cut across the parking lot to the busy sidewalk. It's after nine at night, so Justin gets off soon. I love that this area is always so busy because it's a tourist spot. It makes taking the bus at night a lot safer than if it was somewhere residential.
Walking up to the crossing light, I press the button on the pole watching the cars speeding up and down on the four lane intersection.
My eyes subconsciously travel across to the other side of the street at all the lit up restaurants in business tonight. It doesn't take long for me to find Mickey D's. It's hard to miss it really. There's a long line of cars in the drive-thru but I highly doubt Justin is there right now. That means I'll have to...go inside. Oh god, this should be interesting.
When the pedestrian light flashes to walk and the cars slow down at the red light, I briskly cross the street to the other side, making my way over to McDonalds as fast as my feet will take me.
I don't even know what I'm doing. I mean, Justin said we were still on tonight right? So why am I heading over there now? To ask him why he's been avoiding me today and couldn't even give me a simple call to let me know what's up? Should I even be doing this right now?
I'm confused but as I make it to the fast food restaurant, now standing at the entrance, I know there is no turning back. Let's hope I don't throw him off with this because oddly enough it needs to be done. If I give him the idea that he can get away with just brushing my concern off then he'll make it a habit. I just don't think I should but well, it's too late now because I just pushed the door open and stepped inside of the air conditioned joint that reeks of fried chicken and french fries.
Glancing around at the slightly busy establishment, my eyes travel to the front where all the cashiers are situated until I land on him...Justin.
God, I should just leave. My heartbeat instantly picks up and I can feel my breathing deepen. Why am I here again?
I've totally spaced out as I stare at him doing what he does best, taking those customers' orders. There's a rather surprising genuine, smooth smile on his face. It doesn't seem forced or anything, but he can't like working here can he? It's just because he needs the funds. I know for a fact that Justin would not be here if he could help it. Still, it seems like he's ok with his chosen temporary profession.
Swallowing the lump forming in my throat, I lick my dry lips as I take in his stature. He's slightly leaning over the cash register listening intently to what the middle aged woman with two small active little girls is saying to him. He's smiling and nodding his head as he punches in her order. He's wearing his signature red uniform with the top buttons on his shirt open, revealing the white wife beater he's wearing underneath. He has on a plain white fitted hat on his head turned back to front with his curls spilling out at the sides and the back. I'm wondering how he got away with that. I know the hat is not part of their uniform. He's the only person wearing one. They actually have to wear long black pants with their required ensemble but judging by the blue peaking out just above the counter since he's tall, I know he's wearing jeans instead.
Shaking my head in amusement, I can't help but still think that he looks cuter than usual. Maybe it's the bright lighting. He just seems, content for some reason. Deciding to put an end to the torture I'm putting myself through from sizing him up here, I walk up to the front, briefly glancing at my lucky number seven from the menu which is really a chicken sandwich with fries and a drink. You know, I actually ate the order Justin brought over for me last night for the first time?
I know right? I was shocked when I realized it didn't taste half bad, but I'm still not a fan of fast food, so that was the first and last time. Still, what he did bringing my order over was adorable.
There aren't much people in line so I easily walk up behind the gentleman whose order Justin is taking now. Next it's my turn and again, this should be interesting.
I watch intently as the man hands Justin a twenty dollar bill and Justin promptly hands him his change and receipt with his pickup number on it. Then he moves to the side and I walk up to the front, nothing but the counter separating me from my crush.
I look on as it happens in slow motion - Justin clearing the cash register to take his next order and him lifting his head to look directly at me.
Giving him a small smile, I watch as his eyes grow wide with astonishment then narrow almost immediately before he arches a brow at me in question.
"Verona?" His tone is soft, slightly shocked but still firm. "What..." But he doesn't finish his statement. Instead, he shakes his head as a large smile graces his features. Bowing his head, he punches in my number seven and I keep my smile on my face knowing that he's surprised to see me.
"I'll have a sprite and put it to go." I add in though I'm sure he already knew that.
Snapping his head up at me in question, he just smirks before he punches in my choice of drink. Before he can even mutter my total, I hand him a ten dollar bill and he hesitantly takes it. It's not long before I'm gripping unto my pickup receipt and my change which is a penny.
Before I can move to the side, I feel a soft grip on my wrist, the chill of his cold palm soaking into my skin. "Don't leave Vern. I'll be off soon. Wait for me?" He inquires with hopeful eyes and I have to fight the urge to not jump over that counter and kiss the life out of him with how gorgeous he looks as he pushes his bottom lip out slightly awaiting my answer.
"I guess I'm eating here then." I reply in return before he lets me go.
"Enjoy." He chuckles before diverting his attention to his next customer in line.
Sighing, I grab my order when it's handed to me and head over to one of the tables in the back close to the exit.
I guess this is going to make it my second time eating this. Well, this is definitely the last.
Pulling out the contents in my bag, I stare at my sandwich and decide to skip it and just consume my fries and sprite instead.
It's not long before a second figure slides into my booth with a tray in their hand minutes later. Looking up, my browns connect to a pair of glassy blues as they study me intently.
Slurping down the last of my sprite, I shove the plastic cup to the side before rubbing at my tummy.
"I'm starting to think that you don't like this food very much." Justin voices before biting into what I'm assuming is a Big Mac.
"Why would you say that?" I laugh.
"Your sandwich is still wrapped and you left half of your fries." He points out before taking a sip of his drink. I'm guessing it's a coke.
"Oh well I wasn't really hungry." I lie.
"Ok, so why did you come here if you weren't hungry?" He asks before swallowing his mouth full of food. There's a knowing glare on his face and I'm sure he knows the answer to his question but he just wants me to say it.
"I came to see you." I reply flatly.
"I figured that much. But why? I was going to pick you up for ten at school..."
"Wait, I told Trace no." I cut him off.
Shrugging, he takes another bite out of his burger before responding. "You don't have your car. I wasn't going to leave you stranded." He admits and I really have no response to that. He's thoughtful but...
"So why didn't you call to tell me they asked you to work tonight?" I ask and he cringes slightly, ripping his eyes away from me, scanning the partially empty restaurant. I knew it! I knew he was avoiding me.
"I figured you might be upset." He mumbles uneasily and really, did he think not calling would make it better?
"So you decided to not call." I say a little harsher than intended with a bitchy tone too.
He glowers at me, a light frown now forming on his smooth face. "I guess that made things worse huh? I thought sending Trace would be ok but clearly it wasn't because you're here now still upset." He points out, gulping down a large portion of his soda. "I'm sorry Vern." He breathes out. "Are you mad at me?"
Pausing for a minute to just study him I sigh. I'm not mad at him. I never really was. I was just a little confused because I felt like he was giving me the cold treatment today but well...
"No." I relent but his emotionless stare doesn't let up.
"You sure?" He asks skeptically before finishing off his meal.
"I'm sure. I guess I just felt like you were avoiding me today." I admit, resting back in my seat and folding my arms across my chest.
Finishing off his drink, he gathers up his wrappers to throw before he stands on his feet. "I was." Justin simply voices then moves over to toss the items in the trash can.
Stunned, I slide out of the booth to follow him in the direction he went. "What?" I belt when I reach him.
Turning around to eye me, Justin pulls off his hat to pass his hand through his curls. "Come on let's go." He utters before tugging on my arm gently and if he thinks I don't want an explanation he's wrong because I do.
Following him out to the parking lot, I look around until my eyes land on his red Dodge Neon. How is it that he works at McDonalds and can still afford a neon? I guess he saved up for that car, because it's his baby and it's really nice too.
Unlocking his doors, he ushers me in and shuts the door before he heads over to the driver's side. When he gets in, he brings the car to life and pulls out of the parking lot and unto the street in the direction of student housing.
When I remain silent, Justin steals a few glances at me before he sighs loudly. "I'm sorry Verona but I couldn't help it." He begins and I turn to watch him, wondering what he's even talking about. "I didn't mean to make you upset ok? I'm sorry about that but, after what happened last night I just...couldn't be around you today for some strange reason. I tried but I just...couldn't."
"I told you it wasn't your fault J..." I voice interrupting him.
"I know but I still feel guilty about it."
"Don't." I respond, placing my hand on his arm.
Briefly looking in my direction he nods his head slightly. "Ok, so do you still want to go to the movies?" He inquires. "We can catch whatever they're playing at eleven since it's the last showing time." He offers but really, I'm not even in the mood for any of that anymore. Knowing he's uncomfortable and doesn't want to be around me because of what happened last night is bugging me to no end.
"Would it still count as a date if we stopped at the video rental store and got us some popcorn to microwave and some sodas?" I inquire hopefully.
Chuckling, Justin continues driving silently for a while before he responds. "I...I guess if you wanted to do the movies that way it could work too, but where would we..."
"My roommates are out. They went to a house party. We could watch the movie by me." I suggest.
I don't miss the way his body tenses and the muscles in his arms flex. He must be replaying what happened last night in his mind since he's so rigid.
"I don't...I don't think that's the best idea Verona." He chokes out before shifting in his seat.
"It's cool really."
"I just..."
"What are you afraid of Justin?" I challenge him.
"Nothing!" He quickly says.
"Then what's the big deal?"
"You really want to know?" He asks just as he turns into the parking lot of Blockbuster.
I just smile when I see where we are because I know he's cool with our change of plans for our movie night. This could be better right? It's more personal, and more comfortable for us to get to know each other like he wants.
Putting the car in park, he shuts off the engine and unbuckles his seat belt before turning to face me and taking in a deep breath.
"Ok...I guess...I guess I'm skeptic to be alone with you because I really don't think I have that much self control and..." His voice fades out and he drifts before shaking his head in annoyance since he can't get what he wants to say out, but he's said enough and I know what he means.
It can be a real pain when you're so attracted to someone that it blinds your judgment and common sense. It drives you crazy because you just want to touch that person and be with them but still you can't the way you want to. I should be ecstatic that he feels like this towards me but I'm not because it's creating unwanted tension and awkwardness between us and I don't want that. Plus, I don't want him giving me the cold shoulder because of it either. God this is getting complicated.
"Look Verona don't think I'm doing this on purpose I just...really can't help it. I like you...a lot. And it's sort of fucking with my head, not that I should be telling you this, but I think you should know. I don't want to say I'm weak around you, but..."
And I do the only thing I can think of. Maybe it's not the best choice right now but I lean over, closing the gap between us until my lips are firmly pressed against his, cutting his statement short.
He takes in a sharp breath when I pull away, keeping it a light kiss on the surface to see his reaction.
"What...what was that for?" He inquires with half shut eyes.
"Just, to let you know that it's cool Justin and I liked what happened last night. I'm down for whatever is happening between us. Don't feel bad about it."
"You liked what happened huh?" Justin asks and I nod with a giggle. God he's so sweet and decent. Really, who is this guy? He amazes me. "So you don't think I'm some asshole who's only looking to get in your pants?" He inquires incredulously.
"Why would I even think that?" I laugh out.
"I don't know. We go from hardly speaking to each other to making out and almost fucking at your apartment. That's kind of moving a little fast don't you think?" He states with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Well, I like that we can skip the in between stuff." I giggle before leaning in to kiss him lightly on the lips again.
He lets out a throaty growl this time and when I move to pull away, he grips the sides of my face to hold me in place. Gasping slightly, I allow him to deepen the kiss, feeling electric shocks in the pit of my stomach at how soft and delicious his lips feel against mine.
We stay like this for a few minutes, just kissing and feeling on each other, our tongues swirling together as Justin caresses the side of my face with his palms. When he finally pulls away to look at me, he grins smugly before licking at his swollen lips.
"I like that we can skip the in between stuff too." He finally voices and I smile giddily. "It's not my style but with you...exceptions go a long way." He shrugs and I just furrow my brows at him though I'm bubbling with excitement on the inside.
"So no more weird awkwardness?" I enquire hopefully.
"Promise." He chuckles. "But at the rate we're going, I might have to take you off the market soon because I hate to share and..." But he cuts his statement short, laughing instead and I just glare at him wondering what he's even talking about now.
"Off the market?" I ask kind of getting what he means but damn near ready to pass out if he's talking about what I think he is. Oh my god...he couldn't be.
"For a computer major, you're kind of slow. Too many fried brain cells huh?" He chortles lightly before swinging the door to his car open.
"What? But you said..."
"Come on Vern let's get in and pick out a movie. And I know what I said. We'll talk about it later." He voices in a serious tone, hopping out of the car and shutting the door behind him, not waiting for my response.
Watching him through the window as he walks up to the entrance of Blockbuster, I can't help but smile at the events unfolding around me.
Getting out to follow in the direction Justin went, I just smile to myself, relishing in how good it felt to kiss him again. I could get used to this.
I can't even believe we're here right now like this, but I know one thing is for certain.
I'm definitely loving this a little more than I should...
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